What is the ideal Liberal world?

Progressive taxes are regressive. They don't achieve the goal intended.

Most liberals want to punish the wealthy by taxing them more. The wealthy just pass on the cost to the consumer and the work force making everything more expensive.

If Liberals understood the genius of capitalism, they'd embrace the free market and tax activity.

Income taxes are punitive. Activity is constant, ever growing and never going away.

You'd rather pull down those at the top.

We on the right would rather grow the pie and everyone competes for a piece.

[liberals are always against what is natural]

Total sales have increased about 1% per year for the past 50 years.

Income fluctuates greatly due to market forces.

The sales income is stable.

Wouldn't you rather tax the stable part of taxable revenue?

It makes perfect sense and is predictable.

But if it's easy the left will surely be against it.

By the way capitalism is a failed and heavily flawed system! This is a democracy! :eusa_whistle:
Drug Companies: First, research and development (R&D) is a relatively small part of the budgets of the big drug companies—dwarfed by their vast expenditures on marketing and administration, and smaller even than profits. In fact, year after year, for over two decades, this industry has been far and away the most profitable in the United States. (In 2003, for the first time, the industry lost its first-place position, coming in third, behind "mining, crude oil production," and "commercial banks.") The prices drug companies charge have little relationship to the costs of making the drugs and could be cut dramatically without coming anywhere close to threatening R&D.

Second, the pharmaceutical industry is not especially innovative. As hard as it is to believe, only a handful of truly important drugs have been brought to market in recent years, and they were mostly based on taxpayer-funded research at academic institutions, small biotechnology companies, or the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The great majority of "new" drugs are not new at all but merely variations of older drugs already on the market. These are called "me-too" drugs. The idea is to grab a share of an established, lucrative market by producing something very similar to a top-selling drug. For instance, we now have six statins (Mevacor, Lipitor, Zocor, Pravachol, Lescol, and the newest, Crestor) on the market to lower cholesterol, all variants of the first. As Dr. Sharon Levine, associate executive director of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, put it,

Third, the industry is hardly a model of American free enterprise. To be sure, it is free to decide which drugs to develop (me-too drugs instead of innovative ones, for instance), and it is free to price them as high as the traffic will bear, but it is utterly dependent on government-granted monopolies—in the form of patents and Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved exclusive marketing rights. If it is not particularly innovative in discovering new drugs, it is highly innovative—and aggressive—in dreaming up ways to extend its monopoly rights.

Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself. (Most of its marketing efforts are focused on influencing doctors, since they must write the prescriptions.) :eusa_whistle:
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Drug Companies: First, research and development (R&D) is a relatively small part of the budgets of the big drug companies—dwarfed by their vast expenditures on marketing and administration, and smaller even than profits. In fact, year after year, for over two decades, this industry has been far and away the most profitable in the United States. (In 2003, for the first time, the industry lost its first-place position, coming in third, behind "mining, crude oil production," and "commercial banks.") The prices drug companies charge have little relationship to the costs of making the drugs and could be cut dramatically without coming anywhere close to threatening R&D.

Second, the pharmaceutical industry is not especially innovative. As hard as it is to believe, only a handful of truly important drugs have been brought to market in recent years, and they were mostly based on taxpayer-funded research at academic institutions, small biotechnology companies, or the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The great majority of "new" drugs are not new at all but merely variations of older drugs already on the market. These are called "me-too" drugs. The idea is to grab a share of an established, lucrative market by producing something very similar to a top-selling drug. For instance, we now have six statins (Mevacor, Lipitor, Zocor, Pravachol, Lescol, and the newest, Crestor) on the market to lower cholesterol, all variants of the first. As Dr. Sharon Levine, associate executive director of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, put it,

Third, the industry is hardly a model of American free enterprise. To be sure, it is free to decide which drugs to develop (me-too drugs instead of innovative ones, for instance), and it is free to price them as high as the traffic will bear, but it is utterly dependent on government-granted monopolies—in the form of patents and Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved exclusive marketing rights. If it is not particularly innovative in discovering new drugs, it is highly innovative—and aggressive—in dreaming up ways to extend its monopoly rights.

Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself. (Most of its marketing efforts are focused on influencing doctors, since they must write the prescriptions.) :eusa_whistle:

Nice post. Doctors only push drugs and surgery because there is profit in them. There are many other ways of healing.
The Ideal Liberal world can not exist. As we have seen time and time again. Deep Socialism leads to totalitarian rule. Why because to enforce the Socialist Ideal you must take from those who have to give to those who do not, You must FORCE equality, this always has ended up happening at the tip of a sword or point of a gun.

We have countless examples in our history of it.
The Ideal Liberal world can not exist. As we have seen time and time again. Deep Socialism leads to totalitarian rule. Why because to enforce the Socialist Ideal you must take from those who have to give to those who do not, You must FORCE equality, this always has ended up happening at the tip of a sword or point of a gun.

We have countless examples in our history of it.

Liberals aren't socialists.

The ideal liberal world is the USA.
"What are you? Like 15. Tax and Spend my ass. The Democrats have NEVER made a balanced budget EVER. When they increase taxes it is always followed by MORE spending.The only surplus we ever have had was because of a Republican Controlled Congress."

Actually Bill Clinton Balanced the budget for fiscal year 1999, and 2000, he ran a surplus. President Clinton announces another record budget surplus - September 27, 2000


  • $clinton.budget.jpg
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By the way capitalism is a failed and heavily flawed system! This is a democracy! :eusa_whistle:


This is a representative republic. Democracy is voting on everything under the sun. Do we want Strawberry Ice Cream or Chocolate Mint?

Now vote.

We live in a capitalist society. Like one of the posters after yours says,

Socialism leads to totalitarianism.

This is easy. You just have to throw everything they taught you in College out the window and look at the real world.

What is natural?

Keeping your money and making your own way?

or sitting back and being miserable complaining about why the oppressed peoples of the world should rise up and be mowed down by machine gun fire.:D

We're here to make money and contribute to society.

When you put roadblocks in the way of progress, everything becomes more expensive and you complain about capitalism's flaws.

When ever it is allowed to flourish, free markets work and deliver a high standard of living.
"What are you? Like 15. Tax and Spend my ass. The Democrats have NEVER made a balanced budget EVER. When they increase taxes it is always followed by MORE spending.The only surplus we ever have had was because of a Republican Controlled Congress."

Actually Bill Clinton Balanced the budget for fiscal year 1999, and 2000, he ran a surplus. President Clinton announces another record budget surplus - September 27, 2000

Wrong retard, Congress did that. I suggest you learn how our Government works.
Bill Clinton was a God!!! And most of America realizes that and will vote the freaking Rethugs out of office in droves in 2008.

"What are you? Like 15. Tax and Spend my ass. The Democrats have NEVER made a balanced budget EVER. When they increase taxes it is always followed by MORE spending.The only surplus we ever have had was because of a Republican Controlled Congress."

Actually Bill Clinton Balanced the budget for fiscal year 1999, and 2000, he ran a surplus. President Clinton announces another record budget surplus - September 27, 2000

actually Newt and the Republican congress balanced the budget, but keep trying to rewrite history. I am sure you will succeed eventually.
Liberals in the context of US politics are indeed socialist. No matter how many times they deny it.
There are almost no liberals in politics at the moment. No matter how often you claim liberals are socialists, you aren't fooling anyone and you're actually damaging the country with your silly lies and hysteria.
There are almost no liberals in politics at the moment. No matter how often you claim liberals are socialists, you aren't fooling anyone and you're actually damaging the country with your silly lies and hysteria.

lol your lost my friend. Almost no liberals in Politics. That has to be one of the funniest damn things I ever heard anywhere.
lol your lost my friend. Almost no liberals in Politics. That has to be one of the funniest damn things I ever heard anywhere.

Which politicians do you consider liberal? I personally only consider my own Representative liberal and Hillary actually has surprised me by being much more liberal than I gave her credit for...Obama isn't a liberal, btw. I'm guessing you don't actually know what a liberal is, just like most people don't know what a conservative is...hint, most self-proclaimed conservatives are anything but.

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