What is the point of a “DEBT CEILING” if we just keep raising it?

That's why people VOTE for a candidate?
NOT, why congress opens their wallet?
Congress opens their wallet to keep federal and state projects running without interruption.
Pay bills.
Nonsense. Yes, congress opens its wallet to keep federal and state projects running without interruption. Delivering free money and bennies to their constituents.
That's why people VOTE for a candidate?
NOT, why congress opens their wallet?
Congress opens their wallet to keep federal and state projects running without interruption.
Pay bills.
That poster was correct. A fiat currency is more like a nuclear reactor. It must be kept under control, and it will be beneficial. Deficit spending only in downturns. We have not done that since the early 1970's except for some tricks for a few years in the 1990's. The horrible truth is the currency weakens over time. Lesser nations self-destruct quicker and have. Slow motion is still decline.
Federal & State Projects are stuffed with Nepotism and Pork.
Some are, some aren't.
One of the largest was Trump's COVID relief bill.

June 11 2020
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress Wednesday that the Trump administration intends to keep secret the names of the businesses that have received more than $500 billion in COVID-19 bailout funds through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), claiming the information is “confidential.”
That poster was correct. A fiat currency is more like a nuclear reactor. It must be kept under control, and it will be beneficial. Deficit spending only in downturns. We have not done that since the early 1970's except for some tricks for a few years in the 1990's. The horrible truth is the currency weakens over time. Lesser nations self-destruct quicker and have. Slow motion is still decline.
Currency weakens a whole lot when you don't pay your bills.
Republicans sure come out of the woodwork, about the debt, deficit and $$$, when a democrat takes the presidency.
NOT a peep, when the last republican, added $7.5 trillion, in 4 years.
Let me get this straight... the Republicans spend $8T more than we took in during the 4 years of Trump and now they dont want to pay the debt that we incurred during their own leadership? What an asshat group of leeches.
Let me get this straight... the Republicans spend $8T more than we took in during the 4 years of Trump and now they dont want to pay the debt that we incurred during their own leadership? What an asshat group of leeches.
Like clockwork, since Clinton.
Some are, some aren't.
One of the largest was Trump's COVID relief bill.

June 11 2020
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress Wednesday that the Trump administration intends to keep secret the names of the businesses that have received more than $500 billion in COVID-19 bailout funds through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), claiming the information is “confidential.”
Trump kept most of Nassau County business in business.
The economy would have been a disaster if small businesses went under.
Trump kept most of Nassau County business in business.
The economy would have been a disaster if small businesses went under.
Not the point.
The government provided the $$$ for businesses to fund expenses for COVID related costs.
The $500 million Mnuchin withheld was pork.
I like politicians who don’t spend my money foolishly.
You're a liar.
If that were true, you would be ranting about Trump.
$7.5 billion debt in 4 years.
Twice as much than any one term president in history.
When the DOJ prosecutes Nancy Pelosi, give me a heads up.
I won't have to, Tucker will cut into the Super Bowl with Breaking "news".
You're a liar.
If that were true, you would be ranting about Trump.
$7.5 billion debt in 4 years.
Twice as much than any one term president in history.

I won't have to, Tucker will cut into the Super Bowl with Breaking "news".
The retard you are keeps forgetting about COVID which caused every nation on earth to go way over their budgets.
You really are mentally ill.
A debt ceiling means nothing if you just keep raising it. The point of a debt ceiling is to cut spending if you are approaching the ceiling.

Just continuing to spend like crazy so you have to keep raising the debt ceiling is stupid.

Its just an arbitrary number that keeps raising.

The Congress should get rid of the debt ceiling because it doesnt matter anyways.
/---/ With the debt ceiling, at least Congress has to be public about their reckless spending. They always get what they want, but everyone is aware of it. Without the debt celing, we would be even more in debt.
Currency weakens a whole lot when you don't pay your bills.
Republicans sure come out of the woodwork, about the debt, deficit and $$$, when a democrat takes the presidency.
NOT a peep, when the last republican, added $7.5 trillion, in 4 years.
There are two prevailing views on that. One side expands social programs while the other pushes tax cuts and until recently defense. It is not as simple as that. However, it is in that direction.
Currency weakens a whole lot when you don't pay your bills.
Republicans sure come out of the woodwork, about the debt, deficit and $$$, when a democrat takes the presidency.
NOT a peep, when the last republican, added $7.5 trillion, in 4 years.
7.5 trillion due to COVID went to Americans.
Biden sends billions to other nations.
The only beast is the military industrial complex. Military spending must be cut and frozen. It is the single biggest scam perpetrated among the American people.

As far as the debt goes, when you cut tax revenue to pay for the debts of the country, by giving tax cuts to the filthy rich, and corporations. You now have to borrow the money that has to be paid back with interest, to pay those debts.

The tax rates that were in lace before 1980 must be reinstated along with cuts in military spending.

You don’t cut spending for the civilian population of America, which includes veterans benefits, for the benefit of the filthy rich, or giant monopoly corporations.
We spend more on entitlement programs than we do on the military.

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