What is the point of a “DEBT CEILING” if we just keep raising it?

A third party never takes an equal number of votes from both the original candidates.
A third party never "takes" votes from anyone. Again, that's bullshit the partisans shovel to get you to vote for their shitty candidates.
Or do you just like using childish profanity?
When I'm dealing with childish idiots, it seems appropriate.
You're the one denying it.

SO................."What CAUSES Congress to pull out their credit card"?
To make up for the fact that taxes are too low for the current budget.
The coolest thing is that this came up right off the bat from a Google search, proving you don’t even use a search engine to learn anything.
To make up for the fact that taxes are too low for the current budget.
Didn't answer your own question.
The coolest thing is that this came up right off the bat from a Google search, proving you don’t even use a search engine to learn anything.
Yeah, cool evidently, you didn't learn anything.
You still haven't answered your own question.
Yes, there IS no point for the debt ceiling. If we make financial obligations, we have to fucking pay them like grownups.

The only purpose of the debt ceiling at this point is for use as a political weapon, and we already have far more than enough of those.
NOPE, VOTERS who cast their vote based on how many freebies they get from the government and politicians who refuse to be adults.

Elaborate on where Google’s answer is wrong.
Google wrong?
Never stated they were?
I stated you could answer your own question which, you couldn't.

SO................."What CAUSES Congress to pull out their credit card"?
To make up for the fact that taxes are too low for the current budget.
The coolest thing is that this came up right off the bat from a Google search, proving you don’t even use a search engine to learn anything.

Google was right, taxes are too low for the current budget (deficit)
So, that means the budget has been set.
They have reached a budget limit, so, they will revise the NEXT budget to reflect that, (credit card).
Not refuse to pay the bill, that is already............History.
NOPE, VOTERS who cast their vote based on how many freebies they get from the government and politicians who refuse to be adults.

That's why people VOTE for a candidate?
NOT, why congress opens their wallet?
Congress opens their wallet to keep federal and state projects running without interruption.
Pay bills.
Google wrong?
Never stated they were?
I stated you could answer your own question which, you couldn't.

To make up for the fact that taxes are too low for the current budget.
The coolest thing is that this came up right off the bat from a Google search, proving you don’t even use a search engine to learn anything.

Google was right, taxes are too low for the current budget (deficit)
So, that means the budget has been set.
They have reached a budget limit, so, they will revise the NEXT budget to reflect that, (credit card).
Not refuse to pay the bill, that is already............History.
Congress knows that if they don’t tax as is needed they will be voted out so they fool the ignorant voters with a concept called the Debt Ceiling.
Budget limits are the Original Sin of Government; smoke and mirrors for a loan the public must eventually pay for.

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