What is the proper method of dealing with crowd control ...

OWS is blatantly breaking laws.

The Tea Party spread their message legally ... and safely. OWS jumped straight to health hazard status.

Getting a reaction from police seems to be an integral part of their plan.

I suggest you vary your news sources, because you aren't getting the full picture.

You grossly exaggerate health issues.

You take breaking city ordinances as if they were felonies.

You are unaware that many protestors have told anyone baiting the police to back off.

You pretend that no Tea Party protestor was ever out of control, when we all know that isn't true.
The basis of what they seem to want is not an end to government because that would mean the end of the wealth redistribution that they desire so emphatically. What they seem to want is to end our economic basis in its entirety. They want to destroy the economy that literally feeds them. What they fail to realize is that if they got what they want they would actually lose everything they have. They don't seem to realize the consequences of what they demand.


Well, that's the Fox News editorial for the day.

You misstate the current state of our financial system as well as what the protestors desire.

The primary focus has been 1. Wall Street corruption, 2. the need for jobs, and 3. the extreme wealth disparity in the US.

They want the rule of law for all, and they want an economy that works for everyone, not just for those at the top.
OWS is blatantly breaking laws.

The Tea Party spread their message legally ... and safely. OWS jumped straight to health hazard status.

Getting a reaction from police seems to be an integral part of their plan.

I suggest you vary your news sources, because you aren't getting the full picture.

You grossly exaggerate health issues.

You take breaking city ordinances as if they were felonies.

You are unaware that many protestors have told anyone baiting the police to back off.

You pretend that no Tea Party protestor was ever out of control, when we all know that isn't true.
I've talked to many who have been at the OWS protests and they say that the mainstream media is distorting the protests.

One of the most interesting developments is the open mic. Ordinary citizens offering ideas.
Yet one thing is clear, while Occupy Wall Street protesters are calling for government reform, they still believe in government.

The right believes in government, for things like enforcing laws so that people have the security they need to pursue the American Dream.

OWS is blatantly breaking laws.

The Tea Party spread their message legally ... and safely. OWS jumped straight to health hazard status.

Getting a reaction from police seems to be an integral part of their plan.

I suppose you're ignoring what happened at UCDavis. The police used excessive force there.

Just because the Tea Party makes a more "acceptable" presentation does not mean the Tea Party are more valid a protest than OWS. The right wing wants to get rid of OWS. They threaten the status quo.
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Yet one thing is clear, while Occupy Wall Street protesters are calling for government reform, they still believe in government.

The right believes in government, for things like enforcing laws so that people have the security they need to pursue the American Dream.

OWS is blatantly breaking laws.

The Tea Party spread their message legally ... and safely. OWS jumped straight to health hazard status.

Getting a reaction from police seems to be an integral part of their plan.

I suppose you're ignoring what happened at UCDavis. The police used excessive force there.

Just because the Tea Party makes a more "acceptable" presentation does not mean the Tea Party are more valid a protest than OWS. The right wing wants to get rid of OWS. They threaten the status quo.

Oh, no!! Not at all. They are FINE with what happened at UC Davis. Those of us who aren't fine are suffering from a fit of histrionics. Just ask Ringel.
If indeed it is proven that this is the case then yes, he should be disciplined. Thank you for acknowledging it was your opinion, not factual evidence presented in a court of law..........
:lol: Almost everything typed here is an opinion....

Too bad some people seem to have difficulty making that clear........ Go figure. :dunno:

It's easy with my posts. If I post a fact, then I state that is a fact.

Everything else is merely an opinion. Of course, and informed opinion.

The proper method is to order the Gestapo to stay home and play their Call of Duty video game instead of showing up at peaceful protests. Let them get their roided-up aggression out at home on their video game. They're only causing problems at thes peaceful protests. Just tell em to stay home. Use a sick day.

The reason Ron Paul could never get close to the Oval Office.
the historical progession of wanton law breaking at protests drives the police response

i know you dont like it but in a orderly and lawful society we all have to obey the laws

the police just cant turn their back to law breaking and arrest resistance

Good point and I am not asking them to "turn their back to law breaking and arrest resistance". What I am saying is that from what I have seen and read, it seems that they used more force than was necessary.


This is by design.

You are going to see & read exactly what the MSM wants you to.

They certainly are not going to show you the times when law enforcement using extreme patience in dealing with these losers.

That does'nt make for interesting news.

Im sorry if I am pointing out the obvious... just had to add my .02 :lol:

You have now been nominated for the "Captain Obvious" post of the year. ;)

The basis of what they seem to want is not an end to government because that would mean the end of the wealth redistribution that they desire so emphatically. What they seem to want is to end our economic basis in its entirety. They want to destroy the economy that literally feeds them. What they fail to realize is that if they got what they want they would actually lose everything they have. They don't seem to realize the consequences of what they demand.


Well, that's the Fox News editorial for the day.

You misstate the current state of our financial system as well as what the protestors desire.

The primary focus has been 1. Wall Street corruption, 2. the need for jobs, and 3. the extreme wealth disparity in the US.

They want the rule of law for all, and they want an economy that works for everyone, not just for those at the top.

You are wrong. I didn't state anything at all about our current economic condition.

You focus points 1 and 3 are exactly what I was speaking about. They want to destroy Corporate America and redistribute the wealth of America.

So where do we disagree?

:lol: Almost everything typed here is an opinion....

Too bad some people seem to have difficulty making that clear........ Go figure. :dunno:

It's easy with my posts. If I post a fact, then I state that is a fact.

Everything else is merely an opinion. Of course, and informed opinion.


Rav, I think I know your posting style somewhat by now. My "thank you" was actually a sleight aimed at others. :D
Good point and I am not asking them to "turn their back to law breaking and arrest resistance". What I am saying is that from what I have seen and read, it seems that they used more force than was necessary.


This is by design.

You are going to see & read exactly what the MSM wants you to.

They certainly are not going to show you the times when law enforcement using extreme patience in dealing with these losers.

That does'nt make for interesting news.

Im sorry if I am pointing out the obvious... just had to add my .02 :lol:

You have now been nominated for the "Captain Obvious" post of the year. ;)


The basis of what they seem to want is not an end to government because that would mean the end of the wealth redistribution that they desire so emphatically. What they seem to want is to end our economic basis in its entirety. They want to destroy the economy that literally feeds them. What they fail to realize is that if they got what they want they would actually lose everything they have. They don't seem to realize the consequences of what they demand.


Well, that's the Fox News editorial for the day.

You misstate the current state of our financial system as well as what the protestors desire.

The primary focus has been 1. Wall Street corruption, 2. the need for jobs, and 3. the extreme wealth disparity in the US.

They want the rule of law for all, and they want an economy that works for everyone, not just for those at the top.

You are wrong. I didn't state anything at all about our current economic condition.

You focus points 1 and 3 are exactly what I was speaking about. They want to destroy Corporate America and redistribute the wealth of America.

So where do we disagree?


So when I say "Wall Street corruption" you hear "destroy corporate America"?

Seriously. That's actually kind of awesome. You think that corruption and corporation are synonyms.

When I say "wealth disparity", you don't realize that the problem is at least in part that the game is rigged?

Your take on the current state of the economy is misguided, IMO. Your insistence that they OWS protestors want so many freebies, and that if they got these imaginary freebies, that would be a bigger threat than, say, corruption is...misguided. I can't think of a better word than that. Misguided.
The proper method is to order the Gestapo to stay home and play their Call of Duty video game instead of showing up at peaceful protests. Let them get their roided-up aggression out at home on their video game. They're only causing problems at thes peaceful protests. Just tell em to stay home. Use a sick day.

Will you say the same when the 'peaceful protest' goes viral and it is your lawn they are crapping on or your property they are defacing, damaging, or destroying or your home or business they are blocking and forbidding people to lawfully enter or leave? Or will you appreciate the police being handy to handle the matter?

No, I suppose you think the police force should just go to their own homes and let an unlawfully assembled crowd do whatever it wishes and you'll just hope for the best that they will remain peaceful and not cause you any grief. And if your customers or visitors to your home are not equally convinced and decide to stay away, that's just fine and dandy with you.

I suppose there is no arguing with a committed anarchist any more than there is any benefit in arguing with a committed socialist/communist.
No, I suppose you think the police force should just go to their own homes and let an unlawfully assembled crowd do whatever it wishes and you'll just hope for the best that they will remain peaceful and not cause you any grief. And if your customers or visitors to your home are not equally convinced and decide to stay away, that's just fine and dandy with you.

I suppose there is no arguing with a committed anarchist any more than there is any benefit in arguing with a committed socialist/communist.

I'm sure that there are anarchists in both the Tea Party and in OWS, but that appeared, in both cases, to be a minority view.

They are on public property. Not private property.
I'm sure that there are anarchists in both the Tea Party and in OWS, but that appeared, in both cases, to be a minority view.

They are on public property. Not private property.

Anarchy goes against what the Tea Party represents so stop lying..!

Oh, and Zuccotti Park is NOT public property.
No, I suppose you think the police force should just go to their own homes and let an unlawfully assembled crowd do whatever it wishes and you'll just hope for the best that they will remain peaceful and not cause you any grief. And if your customers or visitors to your home are not equally convinced and decide to stay away, that's just fine and dandy with you.

I suppose there is no arguing with a committed anarchist any more than there is any benefit in arguing with a committed socialist/communist.

I'm sure that there are anarchists in both the Tea Party and in OWS, but that appeared, in both cases, to be a minority view.

They are on public property. Not private property.

But in not a SINGLE case that I know of has the Tea Party done anything to violate the law or disrespect the rights of others. They ALWAYS get any necessary permits or permissions for their rally, they ALWAYS respect the rights and needs of others in the vicinity, and they ALWAYS clean up after themselves and don't leave a huge mess for others to deal with. I am unaware of a SINGLE case in which Tea Partiers defecated in the streets or on police cards, in which they assaulted anybody, in which they defaced or damaged any property. No anarchists that I've seen. These are law abiding good citizens.

And they don't resent the presence of police who are there in case it is necessary to intervene.

I have a separate thread going titled "What Leftism does to People" that compares the Tea Party with the OWS groups. It seems that many, if not most of the OWS are intentionally thwarting the law, thumbing their noses at authority, and disrespecting the rights of others.

Now, whether on public or private property, you can argue that the police should allow people to be disorderly, thugs, vandals, and violate the rights of others in the name of P.C. Or you can argue that none of us are above reasonable law and that good citizens obey the law and that is the best way to secure all our rights.

Your choice.
1. I have seen many disrespectful signs at Tea Party protests.

2. I've seen disrespectful speech.

3. I've seen people advocating what can only be described as anarchy at Tea Party protests.

4. The police have, in some cases, deliberately incited problems at the OWS rallies.

5. It is my understanding that Zucotti Park is a public space, donated by a private company. In other words, it's public.
No, I suppose you think the police force should just go to their own homes and let an unlawfully assembled crowd do whatever it wishes and you'll just hope for the best that they will remain peaceful and not cause you any grief. And if your customers or visitors to your home are not equally convinced and decide to stay away, that's just fine and dandy with you.

I suppose there is no arguing with a committed anarchist any more than there is any benefit in arguing with a committed socialist/communist.

I'm sure that there are anarchists in both the Tea Party and in OWS, but that appeared, in both cases, to be a minority view.

They are on public property. Not private property.

But in not a SINGLE case that I know of has the Tea Party done anything to violate the law or disrespect the rights of others. They ALWAYS get any necessary permits or permissions for their rally, they ALWAYS respect the rights and needs of others in the vicinity, and they ALWAYS clean up after themselves and don't leave a huge mess for others to deal with. I am unaware of a SINGLE case in which Tea Partiers defecated in the streets or on police cards, in which they assaulted anybody, in which they defaced or damaged any property. No anarchists that I've seen. These are law abiding good citizens.

And they don't resent the presence of police who are there in case it is necessary to intervene.

I have a separate thread going titled "What Leftism does to People" that compares the Tea Party with the OWS groups. It seems that many, if not most of the OWS are intentionally thwarting the law, thumbing their noses at authority, and disrespecting the rights of others.

Now, whether on public or private property, you can argue that the police should allow people to be disorderly, thugs, vandals, and violate the rights of others in the name of P.C. Or you can argue that none of us are above reasonable law and that good citizens obey the law and that is the best way to secure all our rights.

Your choice.

I agree. The London broadsheets often follow the activities of the Ta Party and their rallies. All very civilised, from what I can see. And even as an Englishman I support their cause and policies because they reflect much of what UKIP promotes.

Anyway, back to the topic. An effective yet unduly controversial method of crowd control hit the UK's headlines a couple of years ago just after the credit crunch hit. Several protestors claimed that the measures used infringed upon their 'human rights' - which I still disagree with.

Kettling. Though I've noticed that the NYPD have deployed a similar tactic with their orange meshing at OWS.

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