What is the real reason that our Government is making gun laws stricter and stricter?

January 1st 2017 the first day of the new year 2017, there were 210 people who were shot in America. Within the first 24 hours of 2017, 210 people were shot. Talking about coming into the new year with a bang!
We have a gun problem.
The REAL reason? Mass shootings. I like guns, but not so much to delude myself into ignoring them as a problem. Mass shooting would be solved by mass shooters NOT having guns. I am good with strict laws like that.
The REAL reason? Mass shootings. I like guns, but not so much to delude myself into ignoring them as a problem. Mass shooting would be solved by mass shooters NOT having guns. I am good with strict laws like that.

You should go hang out in Gun Free Zones...you know...theaters etc

Have fun!

Did you know that the VAST majority of gun violence is committed by demented Leftists?
Perhaps all leftists need mental evaluations. That would stop 99.999% of the mass killings right there.
I don't disagree there are other things that reduce crime. But tell me what other country has a problem with toddlers shooting people? We have a lot of unique problems thanks to all the guns.

You're not the LEAST bit concerned about toddlers.
Stop bullshitting already...it's annoying

Where's your concern about the MUCH bigger problem and killer of toddlers....texting while driving? Or how about drinking and driving? Not concerned with either eh?
In fact, more liberal PARENTS killed their toddlers last year than guns.
WHAT UP WIT DAT Mr. Bullshitter?

You don't give a shit about that because it doesn't fit your bullshit agenda.

Fucking phony.
He is saying that with stricter gun laws, that it would prevent mass shootings? Does he not realize anyone has the ability to commit such a horrific crime? Does he not realize that purchasing a gun legally doesn't mean that person has a plan of killing 100 people that day? Does he not realize that anybody, anytime, anywhere could snap and go to the closet public place and unload live ammunition into a crowd of people potentially killing them all? All they need is 1 gun to commit a crime of the scale.
I don't disagree there are other things that reduce crime. But tell me what other country has a problem with toddlers shooting people? We have a lot of unique problems thanks to all the guns.

You're not the LEAST bit concerned about toddlers.
Stop bullshitting already...it's annoying

Where's your concern about the MUCH bigger problem and killer of toddlers....texting while driving? Or how about drinking and driving? Not concerned with either eh?
In fact, more liberal PARENTS killed their toddlers last year than guns.
WHAT UP WIT DAT Mr. Bullshitter?

You don't give a shit about that because it doesn't fit your bullshit agenda.

Fucking phony.
He is saying that with stricter gun laws, that it would prevent mass shootings? Does he not realize anyone has the ability to commit such a horrific crime? Does he not realize that purchasing a gun legally doesn't mean that person has a plan of killing 100 people that day? Does he not realize that anybody, anytime, anywhere could snap and go to the closet public place and unload live ammunition into a crowd of people potentially killing them all? All they need is 1 gun to commit a crime of the scale.

Do you not realize that in countries with strong gun control mass shootings are rare? We can make mass killing guns rare like we did with machine guns. Vegas would be a different story if he had a bolt action rifle.
Deaths from Motor Vehicle Accidents 33,736
Deaths By Firearm 33,594

Imagine how many more vehicle deaths there would be if they weren't regulated!
Our government is controlled by republicans. Didn't realize they were communist/scumbags...
Again, countries that are much more left than us have much lower homicide rates.

You're such a CON ARTIST. Typical for Leftist Loons.

You forgot to mention that those same countries have MUCH higher rates of assaults, rapes, robberies etc.

Its like the drug problem in America. The government will never be able to keep drugs out of the country. One person gets caught, the next gang banger takes his place. Its a cycle. You take something away by banning it or making it illegal doesn't mean the issue is gone. So how is making something perfectly legal, that is the citizens right, harder to get, stricter approval processes, and more strict regulations going to stop anything. Criminals will find another way. Guns will be imported and available to criminals while the government unarms innocent law abiding citizens. Less guns? yea maybe for law abiding citizen, but not for criminals.

Filling out the 4473 and completing a NICS background check does not manifest as an undue burden on the Second Amendment right – this has been the only Federal requirement for purchasing a firearm for more than the last 20 years.

No new process has been implemented during that time making it ‘more difficult’ to purchase a gun.

You’re being ignorant and ridiculous.
What are you talking about? Some gun shows once didn't conduct background checks on the people purchasing firearms from them, now they do. So that isn't a process that has been implemented?
Where are you getting any of that from the post you replied too?
what you just said has nothing to do with my post you replied to.
Illinois is in the top 10 states with the strictest gun laws. In Chicago its like a gang bangers playground

HOLY HELL!!! Weren't you just saying "cities don't have walls so we can't use them!"

Remind me of this giant wall surrounding Indiana...

You can't sit there and say something is a false defense and then USE THAT SAME FALSE DEFENSE YOURSELF.
Our government is controlled by republicans. Didn't realize they were communist/scumbags...
Again, countries that are much more left than us have much lower homicide rates.

You're such a CON ARTIST. Typical for Leftist Loons.

You forgot to mention that those same countries have MUCH higher rates of assaults, rapes, robberies etc.

That is quite dependent on what country you are speaking of. Think I would rather be robbed than dead btw.
Illinois is in the top 10 states with the strictest gun laws. In Chicago its like a gang bangers playground

HOLY HELL!!! Weren't you just saying "cities don't have walls so we can't use them!"

Remind me of this giant wall surrounding Indiana...

You can't sit there and say something is a false defense and then USE THAT SAME FALSE DEFENSE YOURSELF.

Not following you. Chicago gets most it's guns from weak gun law indiana.

First they want to kill the 2nd Amendment........

So that they can then kill the 1st and all those other pesky rights mentioned in that troubling annoyance called the Constitution
Illinois is in the top 10 states with the strictest gun laws. In Chicago its like a gang bangers playground

HOLY HELL!!! Weren't you just saying "cities don't have walls so we can't use them!"

Remind me of this giant wall surrounding Indiana...

You can't sit there and say something is a false defense and then USE THAT SAME FALSE DEFENSE YOURSELF.

Not following you. Chicago gets most it's guns from weak gun law indiana.

Exactly. You said since there are no walls to prevent weapons from tranisiting across city lines, city laws were not able to be used

So what walls do we have to deter weapons from crossing state lines.

You were the one that said this was a necessary thing. Yet now here you are when you find data you like, throwing it away.
That is quite dependent on what country you are speaking of. Think I would rather be robbed than dead btw.

Because you're only looking at GUN deaths....take the blinders off and let some wisdom shine in.

I would rather defend myself than be beaten half to death, lose an eye, lose a kidney etc
You think all those robberies and assualts are kind and gentle affairs?


First they want to kill the 2nd Amendment........

So that they can then kill the 1st and all those other pesky rights mentioned in that troubling annoyance called the Constitution

You have quite an imagination.
That is quite dependent on what country you are speaking of. Think I would rather be robbed than dead btw.

Because you're only looking at GUN deaths....take the blinders off and let some wisdom shine in.

I would rather defend myself than be beaten half to death, lose an eye, lose a kidney etc
You think all those robberies and assualts are kind and gentle affairs?

You can heal from those, dead is dead. And well most countries I know of with strong gun control also have lower violent crime. Violent crime is also more difficult to track because the definition is different by country.

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