What is the real reason that our Government is making gun laws stricter and stricter?

The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.

What was the last gun law to come out of Washington?
It seems like there is always a different city considered the murder capital of America. Some cities are so violent its insane. Chicago has over 600 murders this year so far.
It seems like there is always a different city considered the murder capital of America. Some cities are so violent its insane. Chicago has over 600 murders this year so far.

And most of it is with...guns. Other countries have gangs and violence too, but less guns and less death.
The only way to prevent any tragedy at those scales would be to take every single gun off every single citizen and ban guns. Anyone at anytime can snap and go to a public place and kill 10, 20, 30 or 100+ plus people. Or another way to prevent them is to have the ability to foresee the future and stop them one by one before they happen
Just some one passes a background check and legally purchases a gun doesn't mean they are not capable of committing such a tragic crime
The only way to prevent any tragedy at those scales would be to take every single gun off every single citizen and ban guns. Anyone at anytime can snap and go to a public place and kill 10, 20, 30 or 100+ plus people. Or another way to prevent them is to have the ability to foresee the future and stop them one by one before they happen

Other countries still have gun ownership, yet not those problems. Guns capable of killing so many should be heavily regulated like machine guns. Never hear of those being used in a crime anymore.
Just some one passes a background check and legally purchases a gun doesn't mean they are not capable of committing such a tragic crime

They won't be eliminated, but they can be reduced dramatically.
How to Reduce Shootings
They won't be eliminated, but they can be reduced dramatically.
How to Reduce Shootings

Ironically, I'll bet it could be proven that the VAST MAJORITY of shootings are committed by triggered Leftists/Democrats/Regressives (which is nearly all of them).

If LIBERALS and LEFTISTS would all give up their guns the nations's gun death rate would become insignificant. Make America safe again. We need laws banning LEFTIST from having guns. And let's make sure every leftist in America has a full background check and mental evaluation. If they need help, make it mandatory.

So liberals....what are you waiting for?
Oh....wait....it's not really about making anyone safer or saving any lives.....it's about making Americans easier to control and subjugate.
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They won't be eliminated, but they can be reduced dramatically.
How to Reduce Shootings

Ironically, I'll bet it could be proven that the VAST MAJORITY of shootings are committed by triggered Leftists/Democrats/Regressives (which is nearly all of them).

If LIBERALS and LEFTISTS would all give up their guns the nations's gun death rate would become insignificant. Make America safe again. We need laws banning LEFTIST from having guns. And let's make sure every leftist in America has a full background check and mental evaluation. If they need help, make it mandatory.

So liberals....what are you waiting for?
Oh....wait....it's not really about making anyone safer or saving any lives.....it's about making Americans easier to control and subjugate.
Denmark is full of leftists and very few shootings.

I'd guess most our shooters don't vote. Your suggestion really is funny though.
Then look at countries. We have the most guns in the world by far and the fullest jails. Yet we still have high homicide rates when compared to countries that are similarly economic and politically stable. Please explain why we have toddlers shooting people if it isn't because we have too many guns.

I showed you a country. and a few pages back had dozens more.

I even showed you two countries that were nearly in identical socioeconomic situations with an 800% disparity on guns vs. murder rates.

I showed you Australia vs. New Zealand, when Australia enacted sweeping new gun restrictions and New Zealand did nothing and both countries saw murder rates change at the same exact rate despite that difference.

Look, you do know the basics of logical fallacies and how to confirm a correlation into cause and effect right? Because if not this argument is pretty much worthless. It seems like you are doing your best to pretend you don't know how that works to be honest.

I don't have a political view on guns. If I had found enough correlation to prove causation in gun laws, I'd be 10000% for some more bans on weapon types. But when the assault weapon ban in effect nationwide vs. repealed had no effect (actually rifle murders dropped AFTER the ban ended) and all these basic proofs that go against the very easy to see correlations we should be seeing if banning was the solution out there. I'm sorry, but the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And we can't keep seeing gun laws not have a correlation to murder rates and expect this time maybe it will work.

Like you've said earlier. socioeconomic issues are SO MUCH more relevant. That's where the focus should be. But that's not good politics. Ban the scary assault weapon gets votes. Investigate how to reduce drug use in inner cities, or work to reduce the impact of gangs or mental health screenings for low income families aren't nearly as sexy and won't get anyone votes.
Illinois is in the top 10 states with the strictest gun laws. In Chicago its like a gang bangers playground
Then look at countries. We have the most guns in the world by far and the fullest jails. Yet we still have high homicide rates when compared to countries that are similarly economic and politically stable. Please explain why we have toddlers shooting people if it isn't because we have too many guns.

I showed you a country. and a few pages back had dozens more.

I even showed you two countries that were nearly in identical socioeconomic situations with an 800% disparity on guns vs. murder rates.

I showed you Australia vs. New Zealand, when Australia enacted sweeping new gun restrictions and New Zealand did nothing and both countries saw murder rates change at the same exact rate despite that difference.

Look, you do know the basics of logical fallacies and how to confirm a correlation into cause and effect right? Because if not this argument is pretty much worthless. It seems like you are doing your best to pretend you don't know how that works to be honest.

I don't have a political view on guns. If I had found enough correlation to prove causation in gun laws, I'd be 10000% for some more bans on weapon types. But when the assault weapon ban in effect nationwide vs. repealed had no effect (actually rifle murders dropped AFTER the ban ended) and all these basic proofs that go against the very easy to see correlations we should be seeing if banning was the solution out there. I'm sorry, but the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And we can't keep seeing gun laws not have a correlation to murder rates and expect this time maybe it will work.

Like you've said earlier. socioeconomic issues are SO MUCH more relevant. That's where the focus should be. But that's not good politics. Ban the scary assault weapon gets votes. Investigate how to reduce drug use in inner cities, or work to reduce the impact of gangs or mental health screenings for low income families aren't nearly as sexy and won't get anyone votes.

I don't disagree there are other things that reduce crime. But tell me what other country has a problem with toddlers shooting people? We have a lot of unique problems thanks to all the guns.
Its like the drug problem in America. The government will never be able to keep drugs out of the country. One person gets caught, the next gang banger takes his place. Its a cycle. You take something away by banning it or making it illegal doesn't mean the issue is gone. So how is making something perfectly legal, that is the citizens right, harder to get, stricter approval processes, and more strict regulations going to stop anything. Criminals will find another way. Guns will be imported and available to criminals while the government unarms innocent law abiding citizens. Less guns? yea maybe for law abiding citizen, but not for criminals.

Filling out the 4473 and completing a NICS background check does not manifest as an undue burden on the Second Amendment right – this has been the only Federal requirement for purchasing a firearm for more than the last 20 years.

No new process has been implemented during that time making it ‘more difficult’ to purchase a gun.

You’re being ignorant and ridiculous.
Illinois is in the top 10 states with the strictest gun laws. In Chicago its like a gang bangers playground
So the guns used in most of chicagos gun related crime came from Indiana state. There you go. To even attempt decreasing gun violence by making gun laws more strict, every state would have to have the same exact strict gun law. Guns are transported all over the country. Guns are smuggled into the country by other countries. Unfortunately this is how the world is, man has been killing man since the beginning of time. Its never going to stop. Maybe if the government issued our country under marshal law, and the military patrolled all major cities and territories. The only way to decrease or eliminate the high rates of gun violence is to remove every single gun in the country of America.
I don't disagree there are other things that reduce crime. But tell me what other country has a problem with toddlers shooting people? We have a lot of unique problems thanks to all the guns.

You're not the LEAST bit concerned about toddlers.
Stop bullshitting already...it's annoying

Where's your concern about the MUCH bigger problem and killer of toddlers....texting while driving? Or how about drinking and driving? Not concerned with either eh?
In fact, more liberal PARENTS killed their toddlers last year than guns.
WHAT UP WIT DAT Mr. Bullshitter?

You don't give a shit about that because it doesn't fit your bullshit agenda.

Fucking phony.
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January 1st 2017 the first day of the new year 2017, there were 210 people who were shot in America. Within the first 24 hours of 2017, 210 people were shot. Talking about coming into the new year with a bang!
Illinois is in the top 10 states with the strictest gun laws. In Chicago its like a gang bangers playground
So the guns used in most of chicagos gun related crime came from Indiana state. There you go. To even attempt decreasing gun violence by making gun laws more strict, every state would have to have the same exact strict gun law. Guns are transported all over the country. Guns are smuggled into the country by other countries. Unfortunately this is how the world is, man has been killing man since the beginning of time. Its never going to stop. Maybe if the government issued our country under marshal law, and the military patrolled all major cities and territories. The only way to decrease or eliminate the high rates of gun violence is to remove every single gun in the country of America.

You are ignoring that countries have greatly reduced gun violence without removing every gun. Look at machine guns. They were not removed, but they have been eliminated from crime.

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