What is the real reason that our Government is making gun laws stricter and stricter?


First they want to kill the 2nd Amendment........
So that they can then kill the 1st and all those other pesky rights mentioned in that troubling annoyance called the Constitution
You have quite an imagination.

You mean like all those Venezuelans......oh...yeah....imagination....it never happens
Illinois is in the top 10 states with the strictest gun laws. In Chicago its like a gang bangers playground

HOLY HELL!!! Weren't you just saying "cities don't have walls so we can't use them!"

Remind me of this giant wall surrounding Indiana...

You can't sit there and say something is a false defense and then USE THAT SAME FALSE DEFENSE YOURSELF.

Not following you. Chicago gets most it's guns from weak gun law indiana.

Exactly. You said since there are no walls to prevent weapons from tranisiting across city lines, city laws were not able to be used

So what walls do we have to deter weapons from crossing state lines.

You were the one that said this was a necessary thing. Yet now here you are when you find data you like, throwing it away.
I think the only true way to combat the issue is with national laws. Cities and states don't have walls. Strong state laws can certainly can have a positive effect, but a neighbor with loose laws can really counter that.

First they want to kill the 2nd Amendment........
So that they can then kill the 1st and all those other pesky rights mentioned in that troubling annoyance called the Constitution
You have quite an imagination.

You mean like all those Venezuelans......oh...yeah....imagination....it never happens

Like Germany, Denmark, Italy, France... all very free countries.
You can heal from those, dead is dead. And well most countries I know of with strong gun control also have lower violent crime. Violent crime is also more difficult to track because the definition is different by country.

Most of the so called "Gun Violence" {which is about as stupid as saying "assault rifle" about a semi-auto}
is suicide or gang related.

Take those out and it makes you look like a hysterical imbecile. Really.

Stop all your hoplophobic bullshit already.
You can heal from those, dead is dead. And well most countries I know of with strong gun control also have lower violent crime. Violent crime is also more difficult to track because the definition is different by country.

Most of the so called "Gun Violence" {which is about as stupid as saying "assault rifle" about a semi-auto}
is suicide or gang related.

Take those out and it makes you look like a hysterical imbecile. Really.

Stop all your hoplophobic bullshit already.
Why would you take them out? Other countries have gangs and much lower homicides.
Its like the drug problem in America. The government will never be able to keep drugs out of the country. One person gets caught, the next gang banger takes his place. Its a cycle. You take something away by banning it or making it illegal doesn't mean the issue is gone. So how is making something perfectly legal, that is the citizens right, harder to get, stricter approval processes, and more strict regulations going to stop anything. Criminals will find another way. Guns will be imported and available to criminals while the government unarms innocent law abiding citizens. Less guns? yea maybe for law abiding citizen, but not for criminals.

Filling out the 4473 and completing a NICS background check does not manifest as an undue burden on the Second Amendment right – this has been the only Federal requirement for purchasing a firearm for more than the last 20 years.

No new process has been implemented during that time making it ‘more difficult’ to purchase a gun.

You’re being ignorant and ridiculous.
Non sense? I don't give a damn if background checks become more difficult for one to purchase a gun. I don't care if they update any process that has been implemented or any new processes that are going to be implemented making it more difficult to purchase a gun. I still believe and what I have been saying all along is that no matter how strict the gun laws become it will not decrease the gun violence by any sufficient rate. All it will do is keep guns out of the law abiding citizen hands and keep guns in the hands of criminals. Criminals don't have a hard time getting on gun from the streets. No application, No background check, nothing. The law abiding citizen abides by the law, criminals break the law, so what does stricter laws really do but keep innocent citizens from being able to protect themselves and become a victim to gun violence, rape, assault, any other violent crime. Criminals are predators law abiding citizens are the prey. Taking guns away or restricting areas from guns or any strict gun law is like taking the horns off a gazelle. The gazelle needs those horns to protect itself from the almighty lion. Take those horns away, what does the gazelle have to protect itself from being the lions next victim for his meal?

Ok then if all that I'm saying is non sense. How would stricter laws decrease gun violence? What will make the law more strict? What will be more strict about bearing and keeping and carrying firearms? What is the reason you think that stricter gun laws will decrease gun violence?
Why don't you gun grabbers who claim to be so concerned about toddlers etc turn your efforts to things that might REALLY make a difference....

Drunk driving.....texting while driving.....horrific parents (aka demented reproducers)

Those three together result in more child fatalities than decades worth of your "gun violence"

Only a moron would continue to focus on a nearly non-factor relatively speaking.

The fact you could even continue this foolish train of argument PROVES your lies beyond a shadow of a doubt.
ANd I see why you are playing that double standard. Because Illinois for example doesn't really have that big of a murder problem. Chicago does. And Illinois has pretty lax laws. While Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.

Chicago with tough gun laws. 510 deaths, 2.7 million people. 19 murders per 100k people in the toughest gun laws in the state
Rest of state without tough gun laws. 234 murders with 10.1 million people. 2.3 murders per 100k people.

So you have to pull out the "you need walls to separate and place's murder rates"... until the numbers say what you want. Then "no walls is just fine, look at the differences!"
If you think making gun laws more strict will decrease gun violence any kind of sufficient rate, if you think that stricter gun laws will keep guns out of the hands of criminals, if you think stricter gun laws will prevent mass shootings, If you think stricter gun laws will make innocent law abiding citizens more safe and sleep easier at night, You are wrong. Making stricter gun laws is not the answer. There is a bigger picture with bigger issues that need to be addressed and fixed before you can even think that making gun laws more strict will decrease gun violence in America.

There is nothing you can say to me to make me think other wise. Unless you can actually prove how to make the gun laws more strict, why you think it will decrease gun violence, how you think it would decrease gun violence, how it will prevent mass shootings, and how the law abiding citizen can feel safer, then maybe, just maybe you can convince me otherwise
Not following you. Chicago gets most it's guns from weak gun law indiana.

Sorry I thought you said Chicago gets them from weak gun law Illinois in my response. If you meant Indiana, what you are saying is that state gun laws are pointless, since there's no interdiction points at borders to enforce them. (which is why I used Island countries in some of my breakdowns).

And that still makes no sense. Indiana has a murder rate about 25% of what Chicago's is. If Chicago has the tougher gun laws, shouldn't it be somewhat lower than Indiana's murder rate? Unless you are saying that gun laws really have a very minimal effect and the socioeconomic differences in Chicago vs. Indiana are what truly create a difference. And that 400% increase is based on that.

Which is why I say, what the hell are we looking at gun laws and bans for when it has this negligible impact and socioeconomic differences can have a 400+% difference. I mean I know all the politicians like roiling us up on gun laws because that gets votes, but wouldn't it be better to throw out what gets votes and really look at what saves lives instead?
Why don't you gun grabbers who claim to be so concerned about toddlers etc turn your efforts to things that might REALLY make a difference....

Drunk driving.....texting while driving.....horrific parents (aka demented reproducers)

Those three together result in more child fatalities than decades worth of your "gun violence"

Only a moron would continue to focus on a nearly non-factor relatively speaking.

The fact you could even continue this foolish train of argument PROVES your lies beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

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