What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

Wait till the Dictator's IRS Henchmen start hunting those evil-doers down who don't sign up. By now, even his most loyal Bots should be rethinking their support for this. And i hate to say i told ya so, but...I said it was an Un-American disgrace right from the start. It's time for the Democrats to do what's best for the Country, not the Party. Repeal this nightmare as soon as possible.
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Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.

I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?

As a nurse, I have supported coverage for the working poor for years. Rewriting Medicaid, charging a small premium, and offering it to the working poor would have left company policies in effect, and covered everyone. A lot of people take high deductible plans for the low premiums and open an HSA for routine matters. These could also have stayed in effect. With all the waste in the VA, and the fraud in Medicare and Medicaid, there should have been ample funds to cover the working poor without kicking the rest of the nation in the financial gut. But then you are nothing but a welfare queen and you don't have the brains to support yourself, let alone think anything like that through.

As much as I hate to, I have to agree with Sunshine on this one.
The Republican plan is as follows:

1. Take the subsidized affordable insurance - acquired now and in the future through the exchanges - away from the millions of Americans who will eventually take advantage of it.

2. Kick tens of thousands of young people off their parents' insurance coverage.

3. kick hundreds of thousands of Americans off the coverage in the expanded Medicaid.

4. further remove or reduce the benefits of hundreds of thousands of Americans on Medicaid before the expansion - based on the GOP's proposed budget plans that include massive cuts in Medicaid.

5. Cancel the Medicare insurance for tens of millions of Americans in the near future - based on the GOP's proposed plans to end Medicare.

that is partial list, but I think that's enough.

What part of no Republican plan is in the works don't you get? It would also be treated just like obamacare is being done.

We got that

That is why the Republicans screams to kill Obamacare ring so shallow

Why don't you support staying out of peoples lives? you can't because you are an elitist.
What part of no Republican plan is in the works don't you get? It would also be treated just like obamacare is being done.

The above is based on two real plans.

1. The plan to repeal Obamacare. That, in fact, is more than just a plan - the GOP House has tried to make it law several dozen times.

2. The GOP budget plans, generally called the 'Ryan budget' all of the campaign last year, that the GOP ran on in the presidential race.

Those are real, concrete, definitive 'plans' that the GOP has put forth, and thus presumably are accurate representations of the GOP healthcare agenda.

ONE more time for the peanut gallery
There is non nor should their be any REPUBLICAN plan to mandate healthcare coverage.
If their was such a plan it would be treated just as obamacare is being treated.

That is true.

But unfortunately at one time some conservative groups were talking about mandating health care coverage.


Employer-sponsored health insurance should go away. Completely. It is a huge cause of rising healthcare costs.

When you buy insurance, you should be able to pick up the phone and call any company in the country and select the options you want or do not want to pay for. The ability of an American to choose between a universe of auto insurance companies is what gives the consumer bargaining leverage. We need that same leverage with our health insurance. When you are getting insurance through your employer, your leverage is limited to the number of employees in the company, which means small companies have no leverage at all, especially since they are prevented from buying from any company in the country.

In turn, insurance companies cannot cross regional lines, and thus their leverage is limited by their pool of customers, which gives them limited leverage with a healthcare provider network.

This is stupid in the extreme. But that is the way the government wrote the rules. The government is in the healthcare business and has tied the hands of its competitors in the private sector. Is it really a mystery why things are so fucked up?

Apparently this is all one big mystery to some people.

Untie these idiotic knots.

There should be a high risk pool for people with catastrophic illness, subsidized by the federal government.

The Medicare eligibility age should be raised to at least 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.
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Not only that, but true. The total bill for my spouse's 3.5 year cancer battle was $1,300,000.00. That included all billing from one internist, one oncologist, the hospital here in town and Sloan Kettering in NYC.

Three major surgeries, and two years of chemotherapy. Endless doctor's visits, MRIs, PET scans, CAT scans, lab, lab, lab.

Oncologists/cancer centers take a $31.00/dose 40-year-old chemo drug like Taxol (Paclitaxel) and charge $3000 to stick it in your arm. That's just ONE drug used.

But fuck Obamacare or anybody else who tries to correct that little problem.

Can you make the font bigger?

Sure. Does your insurance policy cover eye exams?

It covers what he wants it to cover, if it didn't he would get something else.
I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?
We already had Medicare for the Elderly, Chips for the kids, and Medicaid for the poor you dumb ass. We did not need another health care solution for the poor.

HSA plans are the best answer for the rest of Americans, but we should not force anyone to buy insurance or create an HSA. We should have liberty.

No one is going to force you to buy health insurance. You can give up the tax break and go without any insurance if you want to.
ROFL is that what the 2.5% new tax is for people that don't buy insurance, a tax break for people who do? ROFL what an idiot you are.
Wait till the Dictator's IRS Henchmen start hunting those evil-doers down who don't sign up. By now, even his most loyal Bots should be rethinking their support for this. And i hate to say i told ya so, but...I said it was an Un-American disgrace right from the start. It's time for the Democrats to do what's best for the Country, not the Party. Repeal this nightmare as soon as possible.

Ron Paul's position in the last Republican debate was that an uninsured sick person who can't afford his own care should try to get a church to help him. That's not a fucking health care policy, that's evil. Congratulations.
You've obviously never experienced a catastrophic health problem. In today's world you can rack up a $100,000 medical bill for cancer in weeks, literally weeks.

And then if you continue with chemo and future surgeries, lab tests, PET scans, MRIs, doctor's visits and OTC meds, physical therapy, physician consultations, your bill in 6 months could be north of $400,000.

It doesn't matter then if your household expenses are $1000 a month or $10,000 a month.

Those are bold words.

Not only that, but true. The total bill for my spouse's 3.5 year cancer battle was $1,300,000.00. That included all billing from one internist, one oncologist, the hospital here in town and Sloan Kettering in NYC.

Three major surgeries, and two years of chemotherapy. Endless doctor's visits, MRIs, PET scans, CAT scans, lab, lab, lab.

Oncologists/cancer centers take a $31.00/dose 40-year-old chemo drug like Taxol (Paclitaxel) and charge $3000 to stick it in your arm. That's just ONE drug used.

But fuck Obamacare or anybody else who tries to correct that little problem.

Know what, bitch? FUCK YOU

Is your 'spouse' alive? I assume so.

What do you think would happen under obamacare? You ARE aware of the so-called "death panels' aren't you?

Know how those work? They attach a price, a cost-based derivative to a person's usefulness in an algorithm with an age component that only they know how it works and they apply it to a person's health care costs.

If it don't fit.... You die.

While you're thinking about that........

Did your 'spouse' die?

1.3 Million Dollars? Those E-VUL Insurance Companies spent $1,300,000 dollars to save your 'spouse' and you're bitching?


What a fucking douche.

And Bristol Myers didn't bring Taxol to market until 1993.

What a fucking douchebag you are. Honest to God
The above is based on two real plans.

1. The plan to repeal Obamacare. That, in fact, is more than just a plan - the GOP House has tried to make it law several dozen times.

2. The GOP budget plans, generally called the 'Ryan budget' all of the campaign last year, that the GOP ran on in the presidential race.

Those are real, concrete, definitive 'plans' that the GOP has put forth, and thus presumably are accurate representations of the GOP healthcare agenda.

ONE more time for the peanut gallery
There is non nor should their be any REPUBLICAN plan to mandate healthcare coverage.
If their was such a plan it would be treated just as obamacare is being treated.

That is true.

But unfortunately at one time some conservative groups were talking about mandating health care coverage.


Newt's just as much an elitist as you are. try again.
This thread is based on a false premise----------that there was a healthcare crisis in the USA that mandated revising the entire medical system.

before ACA, no one in the USA was being denied medical care---NO ONE!

Not having insurance did not keep anyone from being treated. Yes, free treatment was more of a hassle than if you paid for it----BFD, you were getting it FREE.

the two good provisions in ACA could have been passed in two paragraph bill
1. insurance companies must take people with pre-existing conditions
2. no lifetime maximum payments

The ACA law was not about fixing healthcare, it was a socialist move to nationalize medicine and allow the govt to take over 1/6 of the economy. Do you dem/libs really want a marginally intelligent GS9 making your medical decisions for you?

Do you really want your doctors office to look like the DMV?

Wake up america, this is a terrible piece of legislation.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

The alternative to Obama Hellcare is Free Market healthcare.

You are right no one is pushing it because it requires NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT hence not politically correct.


Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -

each person or family would buy what they could afford, at market prices, and those who couldn't afford the market prices

would mostly go without.
Yeah cause we have never had "free" clinics. And we have never had charity in this country. And we don't have medicaid or chips for the poor. And we don't have medicare for the elderly.

Where do you libtits get this clap trap from?
This thread is based on a false premise----------that there was a healthcare crisis in the USA that mandated revising the entire medical system.

before ACA, no one in the USA was being denied medical care---NO ONE!

Not having insurance did not keep anyone from being treated. Yes, free treatment was more of a hassle than if you paid for it----BFD, you were getting it FREE.

the two good provisions in ACA could have been passed in two paragraph bill
1. insurance companies must take people with pre-existing conditions
2. no lifetime maximum payments

The ACA law was not about fixing healthcare, it was a socialist move to nationalize medicine and allow the govt to take over 1/6 of the economy. Do you dem/libs really want a marginally intelligent GS9 making your medical decisions for you?

Do you really want your doctors office to look like the DMV?

Wake up america, this is a terrible piece of legislation.

I don't think it's a good idea to FORCE an insurance company to add people with pre-existing conditions to the same health plan as people without pre-existing conditions. It's a matter of risk pools and unfair pricing. That's like letting people with totaled cars buy car insurance and forcing the insurance company to buy the guy a new car. It's nutz.

But hey if an insurance company wants to create a plan for people with already huge medical costs, so those people can share their costs, whatever, it's a free country isn't it?
Their alternative? Gut it and then go back to big insurance junk policies.
And speaking of Taxol, you whiny little bitch... Didja know that the UK's great and wonderful, single-payer NHS REFUSED to pay the price for Taxol to treat women with ovarian cancer?

Did you know that? Of course you didn't.

It took a full court press from the media and Months of pressure to get the UK's National Health Service to pay for a drug (Taxol) that would save lives -- In 2000.

Then, the NHS refused to pay for it because it was too expensive and that set them back a few more years. While women died. Horribly. Now, you can get the treatment but you have to jump through a lot of hoops in the UK.

Here? They just use it. No questions asked.

You're a fucking douche.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

I hope not, but they'll probably push the same crap the Democrats did.
Your Honor...

Exhibit D: Avoidance. NOT addressing the question, aka NO solution.

Exhibit A: OP ignoring hundreds of solutions provided to his question, and instead focusing in on the non solutions.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

I hope not, but they'll probably push the same crap the Democrats did.
Your Honor...

Exhibit D: Avoidance. NOT addressing the question, aka NO solution.

Exhibit, schmibit.

The primary failing of ACA is the assumption that the key to dealing with health care costs is more insurance. Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

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