What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Yes, and they have said it for years--but you and all your liberal friends never listened.

1. Insurance companies being able to cross state lines--bringing in more competition, thereby lowering premiums.
2 . Small business being able to group together to get the same lower rates as large corporations get, thereby making it affordable to cover employees that work for small business.
3. Tort reform

Sure sounds a hell of a lot better than what's going on today--doesn't it--:lol:
Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit C:

Another Republican response trotting out the same old tired, nonsensical rhetoric they've been spewing for years that have nothing to do with addressing the issue.

1. How does an insurance company in Kentucky help a person in Idaho?

2. How will those small businesses group together? What LAW is stopping them from doing that NOW? Why haven't they done it as yet?

3. Tort Reform is equivalent to a drop in the bucket. It does absolutely NOTHING to help Americans who CANNOT afford insurance get health coverage.

As you can see Your Honor, the third (3rd) Republican response is to NOT offer a solution to insuring The American People.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

The alternative to Obama Hellcare is Free Market healthcare.

You are right no one is pushing it because it requires NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT hence not politically correct.


Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -


I didn't know there were more than one........explain please.

The alternative to Obama Hellcare is Free Market healthcare.

You are right no one is pushing it because it requires NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT hence not politically correct.


No, no, no!

Every solution to our problems as a society must involve an ambitious government PLAN!!! Don't you get that?

The states have been regulating healthcare since the 1840's in order to maximize the profits of the American Medical Association.

The federal government instituted medicaid/medicare in the mid 1960's . So the state regulation and medicaid/medicare have made healthcare unaffordable . So government involvement would be necessary to REMOVE those impediments.


Remove??? That does not compute.

And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

The alternative to Obama Hellcare is Free Market healthcare.

You are right no one is pushing it because it requires NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT hence not politically correct.


Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -

each person or family would buy what they could afford, at market prices, and those who couldn't afford the market prices

would mostly go without.

That all depends on what you mean by not afford health insurance. If the family income is too low, Medicaid is the answer.
If the house payment, car payment, cell phone, Dish network, credit card payments etc., etc. are the reasons they can't afford it that comes down to a matter of priorities.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

The alternative to Obama Hellcare is Free Market healthcare.

You are right no one is pushing it because it requires NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT hence not politically correct.


Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -

each person or family would buy what they could afford, at market prices, and those who couldn't afford the market prices

would mostly go without.

Exactly. They think it's like shopping for a car or a house. They are just that stupid.
If you ask the average person what the GOP alternative to ObamaCare is, you will get nothing but shrugs.

The only GOP plan that is universally known is "Repeal ObamaCare". But if you ask, "And then what?" you will get shrugs.

No one wants to go back to the pre-ObamaCare days. Everyone but the perpetually mentally handicapped knows the "status quo" was failing miserably, getting worse every year.

There is never any going back once a radical change has been enacted. For instance, the GOP once opposed Medicare but did not hesistate to use the changes to Medicare that ObamaCare was going to do as a scare tactic to get senior votes. We actually saw Republicans acting as defenders of Medicare Advantage in their blind opposition to ObamaCare.

What the Republican Party is failing to understand is that even though a majority of people might believe ObamaCare is a mess, they do not want to go backward. The Republican Party is dancing in the echo chamber over the first half of that equation. They chortle and point and pee their pants laughing over the unpopularity of ObamaCare, completely failing to see their own serious shortcomings.

The American people want to move forward. This is what the GOP never seems to get through their thick skulls.

If the GOP does not step up and very publicly put a plan on the table, then the only universally known fix proposed for ObamaCare that will be on the table is single payer healthcare.

The GOP is being dragged under by cowards who are afraid to put up a plan. Cowards who know that when you put something on the table, it gets attacked.

Any jackass can attack the other guy's plan. The GOP is very good at attacking and whining and moaning and bitching. That is the strategy of cowards.

It takes guts and brains and leadership to very publicly put a superior idea on the table and defend it. Too bad the GOP has none of these traits any more.
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The alternative to Obama Hellcare is Free Market healthcare.

You are right no one is pushing it because it requires NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT hence not politically correct.


Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -

each person or family would buy what they could afford, at market prices, and those who couldn't afford the market prices

would mostly go without.

That all depends on what you mean by not afford health insurance. If the family income is too low, Medicaid is the answer.
If the house payment, car payment, cell phone, Dish network, credit card payments etc., etc. are the reasons they can't afford it that comes down to a matter of priorities.

You've obviously never experienced a catastrophic health problem. In today's world you can rack up a $100,000 medical bill for cancer in weeks, literally weeks.

And then if you continue with chemo and future surgeries, lab tests, PET scans, MRIs, doctor's visits and OTC meds, physical therapy, physician consultations, your bill in 6 months could be north of $400,000.
A three-year battle with cancer costs around $1,000,000 easily.

It doesn't matter then if your household expenses are $1000 a month or $10,000 a month.
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Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -

each person or family would buy what they could afford, at market prices, and those who couldn't afford the market prices

would mostly go without.

That all depends on what you mean by not afford health insurance. If the family income is too low, Medicaid is the answer.
If the house payment, car payment, cell phone, Dish network, credit card payments etc., etc. are the reasons they can't afford it that comes down to a matter of priorities.

You've obviously never experienced a catastrophic health problem. In today's world you can rack up a $100,000 medical bill for cancer in weeks, literally weeks.

And then if you continue with chemo and future surgeries, lab tests, PET scans, MRIs, doctor's visits and OTC meds, physical therapy, physician consultations, your bill in 6 months could be north of $400,000.

It doesn't matter then if your household expenses are $1000 a month or $10,000 a month.

Those are bold words.
If you ask the average person what the GOP alternative to ObamaCare is, you will get nothing but shrugs.

The only GOP plan that is universally known is "Repeal ObamaCare". But if you ask, "And then what?" you will get shrugs. .....

Then if you lean in real close and look into their eyes there's a lot of empty space behind them and some light shining through from their ears.
The alternative to Obama Hellcare is Free Market healthcare.

You are right no one is pushing it because it requires NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT hence not politically correct.


Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -

each person or family would buy what they could afford, at market prices, and those who couldn't afford the market prices

would mostly go without.

That all depends on what you mean by not afford health insurance. If the family income is too low, Medicaid is the answer.
If the house payment, car payment, cell phone, Dish network, credit card payments etc., etc. are the reasons they can't afford it that comes down to a matter of priorities.

Medicaid is NOT the answer. It increases health care costs for those who are not within its umbrella.

The alternative to Obama Hellcare is Free Market healthcare.

You are right no one is pushing it because it requires NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT hence not politically correct.


Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -

each person or family would buy what they could afford, at market prices, and those who couldn't afford the market prices

would mostly go without.

Exactly. They think it's like shopping for a car or a house. They are just that stupid.

Because it is like any other good or service.. cars, FOOD, housing, dental care, toys, or whatever...

YOU and your fucking ilk just think it is a right...
Anything but this awful Obamacare Obomination. Anything.

Due to gross negligence by way of ignoring the building American healthcare debacle for decades, we have now arrived at the point where there are only two viable options. Either get government completely out of the healthcare business, or else go all in with single payer healthcare.

Either would be preferable to this insufferable abomination that is ObamaCare.
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The alternative to Obama Hellcare is Free Market healthcare.

You are right no one is pushing it because it requires NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT hence not politically correct.


Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -

each person or family would buy what they could afford, at market prices, and those who couldn't afford the market prices

would mostly go without.

Exactly. They think it's like shopping for a car or a house. They are just that stupid.

It is exactly like shopping for home, auto, or life insurance.

Perhaps a model like Singapore's would work here.
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That all depends on what you mean by not afford health insurance. If the family income is too low, Medicaid is the answer.
If the house payment, car payment, cell phone, Dish network, credit card payments etc., etc. are the reasons they can't afford it that comes down to a matter of priorities.

You've obviously never experienced a catastrophic health problem. In today's world you can rack up a $100,000 medical bill for cancer in weeks, literally weeks.

And then if you continue with chemo and future surgeries, lab tests, PET scans, MRIs, doctor's visits and OTC meds, physical therapy, physician consultations, your bill in 6 months could be north of $400,000.

It doesn't matter then if your household expenses are $1000 a month or $10,000 a month.

Those are bold words.

Not only that, but true. The total bill for my spouse's 3.5 year cancer battle was $1,300,000.00. That included all billing from one internist, one oncologist, the hospital here in town and Sloan Kettering in NYC.

Three major surgeries, and two years of chemotherapy. Endless doctor's visits, MRIs, PET scans, CAT scans, lab, lab, lab.

Oncologists/cancer centers take a $31.00/dose 40-year-old chemo drug like Taxol (Paclitaxel) and charge $3000 to stick it in your arm. That's just ONE drug used.

But fuck Obamacare or anybody else who tries to correct that little problem.

You've obviously never experienced a catastrophic health problem. In today's world you can rack up a $100,000 medical bill for cancer in weeks, literally weeks.

And then if you continue with chemo and future surgeries, lab tests, PET scans, MRIs, doctor's visits and OTC meds, physical therapy, physician consultations, your bill in 6 months could be north of $400,000.

It doesn't matter then if your household expenses are $1000 a month or $10,000 a month.

Those are bold words.

Not only that, but true. The total bill for my spouse's 3.5 year cancer battle was $1,300,000.00. That included all billing from one internist, one oncologist, the hospital here in town and Sloan Kettering in NYC.

Three major surgeries, and two years of chemotherapy. Endless doctor's visits, MRIs, PET scans, CAT scans, lab, lab, lab.

Oncologists/cancer centers take a $31.00/dose 40-year-old chemo drug like Taxol (Paclitaxel) and charge $3000 to stick it in your arm. That's just ONE drug used.

But fuck Obamacare or anybody else who tries to correct that little problem.

Can you make the font bigger?
The Republican plan is as follows:

1. Take the subsidized affordable insurance - acquired now and in the future through the exchanges - away from the millions of Americans who will eventually take advantage of it.

2. Kick tens of thousands of young people off their parents' insurance coverage.

3. kick hundreds of thousands of Americans off the coverage in the expanded Medicaid.

4. further remove or reduce the benefits of hundreds of thousands of Americans on Medicaid before the expansion - based on the GOP's proposed budget plans that include massive cuts in Medicaid.

5. Cancel the Medicare insurance for tens of millions of Americans in the near future - based on the GOP's proposed plans to end Medicare.

that is partial list, but I think that's enough.

What part of no Republican plan is in the works don't you get? It would also be treated just like obamacare is being done.

We got that

That is why the Republicans screams to kill Obamacare ring so shallow
Free market healthcare would be like any other free market -

each person or family would buy what they could afford, at market prices, and those who couldn't afford the market prices

would mostly go without.

Exactly. They think it's like shopping for a car or a house. They are just that stupid.

It is exactly like shopping for home, auto, or life insurance.

It's working in Singapore just fine.

"""Singapore has a non-modified universal healthcare system where the government ensures affordability of healthcare within the public health system, largely through a system of compulsory savings, subsidies and price controls. Singapore's system uses a combination of compulsory savings from payroll deductions to provide subsidies within a nationalized health insurance plan known as Medisave. Within Medisave, each citizen accumulates funds that are individually tracked, and such funds can be pooled within and across an entire extended family. The vast majority of Singapore citizens have substantial savings in this scheme. One of three levels of subsidy is chosen by the patient at the time of the healthcare episode.""""

Healthcare in Singapore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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No, no, no!

Every solution to our problems as a society must involve an ambitious government PLAN!!! Don't you get that?

The states have been regulating healthcare since the 1840's in order to maximize the profits of the American Medical Association.

The federal government instituted medicaid/medicare in the mid 1960's . So the state regulation and medicaid/medicare have made healthcare unaffordable . So government involvement would be necessary to REMOVE those impediments.


Remove??? That does not compute.


That is exactly how it works fascism>socialism>Somalia - No one wants to fool around with the carcass.

Those are bold words.

Not only that, but true. The total bill for my spouse's 3.5 year cancer battle was $1,300,000.00. That included all billing from one internist, one oncologist, the hospital here in town and Sloan Kettering in NYC.

Three major surgeries, and two years of chemotherapy. Endless doctor's visits, MRIs, PET scans, CAT scans, lab, lab, lab.

Oncologists/cancer centers take a $31.00/dose 40-year-old chemo drug like Taxol (Paclitaxel) and charge $3000 to stick it in your arm. That's just ONE drug used.

But fuck Obamacare or anybody else who tries to correct that little problem.

Can you make the font bigger?

Sure. Does your insurance policy cover eye exams?

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