What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

because it would have been shot down faster than billy rockheads retorts.

So, do the Democrats have a politically viable alternative to Obamacare?

See, I'm not really interested in a Republican alternative. I don't really think they'd do any better and I'm not about to waste a vote on a Republican to find out. But there's no denying the Democrats fucked us with ACA.

President Obama suffered from the same "delusion" that President Clinton suffered from.

He thought conservatives were bargaining from good faith.

Hopefully the lesson is learned by the next Democratic President.

i just can't swallow that. Obama and the Democrats could have pushed through anything the wanted. Sadly, what they wanted was to indulge their corporatist instincts and hand out favors to their backers. If you're blaming 'conservatives' for ACA, you must be talking about blue-dog Democrats. Republicans had nothing to do with it.
I did hear boehner say that obamacare needs to be scrapped, totally..............i go along with that 100% obamacare was a disaster when they first made the law and its turning out to be just that..........scrap it.

Yea Obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

But people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

So since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't Republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?

ONE plan stay the FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE.
I did hear boehner say that obamacare needs to be scrapped, totally..............i go along with that 100% obamacare was a disaster when they first made the law and its turning out to be just that..........scrap it.

Yea Obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

But people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

So since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't Republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?

ONE plan stay the FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE.

Yea...I heard of that plan

Let em die
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Does anyone really think Obama acted yesterday because he felt bad that people's policies were cancelled... :lol:

Or was it more to help Democrats that were going to get killed in the elections...


Insurance companies tried to pull a fast one..and got bit.

Hopefully they get the message.
Shallow you do know you are the town duntz with this act right? Even Obama and Bill disagree with you.

OCA banned Insurance companies from offering low premium high deductible insurance plans. The result is Insurance companies were forced to cancel low premium high deductible insurance plans. Obama lied, and now he admits he lied. You can't grandfather a low premium high deductible hsa plan to a high premium low deductible non hsa plan. duh...

OCA's plan / promise was to redistribute more money from healthy people to sick people. There was never an intention to let "those" people remain on less expensive insurance. Just as SS/Medicare is a plan to bilk the young and healthy to fund the retirement of the elderly, OCA is a plan to bilk the healthy to fund the health care of the un-healthy.
obamacare would be great with exception to the mandate and government control

moron the government doesn't control the policy ...the government makes laws that the that the insurance companies have to follow ...the government is only the way to sign up for a policy... nothing more ...what the government did was make laws so that the insures are required to have to make the health care work ... everybody has to be in it, not like free loaders like you who file bankruptcy every time at the blink of a eye when they rack up ah huge debt ...
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Yea Obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

But people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

So since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't Republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?

ONE plan stay the FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE.

Yea...I heard of that plan

Let em die

Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.
I did hear boehner say that obamacare needs to be scrapped, totally..............i go along with that 100% obamacare was a disaster when they first made the law and its turning out to be just that..........scrap it.

Do you know what that would entail?

Companies would have to go back and get insurance companies to reopen their insurance group policies (man hours with no profit)

Insurance companies would have to issue all of those policies they cancelled (Man hours no profit)

Companies would have to restructure the employee work schedules and fire workers due to the cancelling of the 30 hour week

people would have to rearrange their work schedules, day care services due to quitting part time work, going back to full time work

haven't even covered all of the trickling down effects.
obamacare would be great with exception to the mandate and government control

moron the government doesn't control the policy ...the government makes laws that the that the insurance companies have to follow ...the government is only the way to sign up for a policy... nothing more ...what the government did was make laws so that the insures are required to have to make the health car work ... everybody has to be in it, not like free loaders like you who file bankruptcy every time at the blink of a ey ewhen they rack up ah huge debt ...

This post has to be one of them most uninformed replies ever in this forum.
obamacare is law of the land
obamacare is mandated by that law
ONE plan stay the FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE.

Yea...I heard of that plan

Let em die

Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.

I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?
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democrats saw a problem because they needed more money to buy more votes from free loaders, the new batch coming caused by their own failed policy.
talk about babbling you are the champion babbler... when you got nuttin you say nuttin' just like you did here babble on babbler !!!


cause they needed votes... that's funny ... here a idea ...go and read the god damn bill, moron ... then try to keep up with us .. casue pal you have no idea what you're talking about ...
Who pushed for the mandate? without the mandate obamacare could not be funded.
So do us a favor dumb ass shut the fuck up.

FYI: The mandate is only one of a dozen taxes that are funding OCA. The biggest tax is the refusal to allow insurance companies to offer high deductible insurance, thus forcing the healthy to buy health insurance plans designed for sick people who have to spend a ton of money each year on health care anyway, thus are willing to pay high premiums to have lower deductibles.
yea obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

but people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

so since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?

one plan stay the fuck out of my life.

yea...i heard of that plan

let em die

elitist think they know what is best for people
So, do the Democrats have a politically viable alternative to Obamacare?

See, I'm not really interested in a Republican alternative. I don't really think they'd do any better and I'm not about to waste a vote on a Republican to find out. But there's no denying the Democrats fucked us with ACA.

President Obama suffered from the same "delusion" that President Clinton suffered from.

He thought conservatives were bargaining from good faith.

Hopefully the lesson is learned by the next Democratic President.

i just can't swallow that. Obama and the Democrats could have pushed through anything the wanted. Sadly, what they wanted was to indulge their corporatist instincts and hand out favors to their backers. If you're blaming 'conservatives' for ACA, you must be talking about blue-dog Democrats. Republicans had nothing to do with it.
You 'can't' but that's what happened.

Originally Obama and the democrats were going with single payer. That changed to the government option and then it went to the individual mandate, and that was mainly because Republicans were in a tizzy about the whole thing. President Obama WANTED bi-partisan support. Why? I dunno. George W. Bush didn't have this problem. Neither did Reagan until later in his Presidency when he got into trouble. The Health Care plan went to a bipartisan committee until the Republicans started larding it with poison pills that would have made it impossible to pass..and they started using it as a vehicle to outlaw abortion. THAT's when the nonsense was stopped.

So yeah..it was a Conservative thing..it was there plan..and once they failed to kill it in committee they began to do everything to stop it.
Yea...I heard of that plan

Let em die

Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.

I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?
We already had Medicare for the Elderly, Chips for the kids, and Medicaid for the poor you dumb ass. We did not need another health care solution for the poor.

HSA plans are the best answer for the rest of Americans, but we should not force anyone to buy insurance or create an HSA. We should have liberty.
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Yea...I heard of that plan

Let em die

Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.

I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?

As a nurse, I have supported coverage for the working poor for years. Rewriting Medicaid, charging a small premium, and offering it to the working poor would have left company policies in effect, and covered everyone. A lot of people take high deductible plans for the low premiums and open an HSA for routine matters. These could also have stayed in effect. With all the waste in the VA, and the fraud in Medicare and Medicaid, there should have been ample funds to cover the working poor without kicking the rest of the nation in the financial gut. But then you are nothing but a welfare queen and you don't have the brains to support yourself, let alone think anything like that through.
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

Eat Shit And Die

No, I'm not being sarcastic. Just read anything Rs have said or written and that describes it. For example, the incredible pile of dog doo that was just posted.

I've also noticed that LyinRyan's "plan" has quietly disappeared.
Not really. See, that's the conceit of your position. Believe it or not, you can help people out without bullying them.

I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?
We already had Medicare for the Elderly, Chips for the kids, and Medicaid for the poor you dumb ass. We did not need another health care solution for the poor.

HSA plans are the best answer for the rest of Americans, but we should not force anyone to buy insurance or create an HSA. We should have liberty.
What they needed was the mandate to control.
The Republican plan is as follows:

1. Take the subsidized affordable insurance - acquired now and in the future through the exchanges - away from the millions of Americans who have taken or otherwise will have eventually taken advantage of it.

2. Kick tens of thousands of young people off their parents' insurance coverage.

3. kick hundreds of thousands of Americans off the coverage in the expanded Medicaid.

4. further remove or reduce the benefits of hundreds of thousands of Americans on pre-ACA Medicaid before the expansion - based on the GOP's proposed budget plans that include massive cuts in Medicaid.

5. Cancel the Medicare insurance for tens of millions of Americans in the near future - based on the GOP's proposed plans to end Medicare.

that is partial list, but I think that's enough.
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I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?

Republicans are against "helping people". If you're not a fetus, you're on your own and at the (non-existent) mercy of big corporations.
The Republican plan is as follows:

1. Take the subsidized affordable insurance - acquired now and in the future through the exchanges - away from the millions of Americans who will eventually take advantage of it.

2. Kick tens of thousands of young people off their parents' insurance coverage.

3. kick hundreds of thousands of Americans off the coverage in the expanded Medicaid.

4. further remove or reduce the benefits of hundreds of thousands of Americans on Medicaid before the expansion - based on the GOP's proposed budget plans that include massive cuts in Medicaid.

5. Cancel the Medicare insurance for tens of millions of Americans in the near future - based on the GOP's proposed plans to end Medicare.

that is partial list, but I think that's enough.

What part of no Republican plan is in the works don't you get? It would also be treated just like obamacare is being done.
I believe that

So tell us Republicans. Before we throw out Obamacare. How are you going to help these people and how long will it take?

OK America.......instead of Obamacare, we are going to offer this?

What is it Republicans?

Republicans are against "helping people". If you're not a fetus, you're on your own and at the (non-existent) mercy of big corporations.

elitist think they know what is best for people

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