What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?
Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit C:

DiamondDave said:
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Anger by a self-proclaimed Conservative at the mere QUESTION of what exactlty is the Republican alternative to ObamaCare.

Note: More of NOT answering the question.

After three years they have come up with nothing. But when they get fucked over by an insurance company due to catastrophic illness, they will suddenly become liberals. Trust me.

I see you saw what your $40.13 a month gets you !!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Once again what in the fuck are you blabbing about?

we realize you don't comprehend what you have read ... one of the posters said his insurance went up to 168 dollars a month ... are ya with me so far ???? cause I won't explain it to you again ... he said his health care went up 76% ... if you do the math, simple math, take the reciprocal of 76%, that would be 24% you multiply It times 168 and you get the grand total of 40.13 ...are ya with me so far are ya grasping it yet ??? this ass clown implied that his insurance was $40.13 a month ... what the hell does a policy for $40.13 a month pay for ???? heres the ANSWER ASS clown ... NOTHING over 50 bucks!!!! SO try and keep up will ,ya!!!!

I see you saw what your $40.13 a month gets you !!!!:lol::lol::lol:

In New Jersey, I applied for Aetna after my spouse died and I declined the ridiculous COBRA of almost $600 a month, based on my medical history of seasonal allergies requiring Allegra (it was Rx then), Asteline and Flonase, topical sprays to reduce nasal congestion and sneezing.

Aetna denied my policy by saying their limit was only 2 allergy prescriptions to be prescribed at a time.

SO fuck insurance companies. They are out to fuck you and they will.

I settled for a $350/month policy with BCBS and after reading through 30 pages of blah-blah, it covers so little it's not worth keeping.

A $40 a month health insurance policy? What a joke.

I agree you get nothing
no !!! what the hell does the day of my birth have to do with anything ... oh that's right ... :lol::lol::lol: you couldn't refute my post so you show a shiny object ... got ya :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Well if you were born in 1991 I could contribute your stupidity to lack of experience, but if you were not born in 1991 must be something else.

like I say when you can't debate ... you insult cause you haven't a leg to stand on ... got it!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Really? kids don't know as much as they think they do. It takes experience which I don't think you have. I've said from the beginning obamacare is a failure and guess what I was right.
Does telling you the truth make you feel as if you have been insulted? GOOD
no !!! what the hell does the day of my birth have to do with anything ... oh that's right ... :lol::lol::lol: you couldn't refute my post so you show a shiny object ... got ya :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Well if you were born in 1991 I could contribute your stupidity to lack of experience, but if you were not born in 1991 must be something else.

Why don't you either:
A. Provide an alternative plan
B. Answer the questions in my post
C. Or just STFU since you have nothing to offer except pixelated methane.

because everything that ass clown has posted has be shot down in a big way.... so he does what he always does... tires to look bright by insulting you ... so I say insult back ... then they start whining about you being mean to them ...
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

1. Sell insurance across State lines to increase Competition and lower cost.

The ACA allows the sale of insurance across state lines. Next.

Link to these studies? Are you aware that a number of states have strict tort laws? What has it done to the healthcare costs in those states? Nothing you say? No kidding...

Study debunks medical malpractice myth

Ohio's tort reform law hasn't lowered health-care costs

New study: Tort reform has not reduced health care costs in Texas

3. Expand health savings accounts

Expand them by who? Health savings accounts won't work for poor people

Consumer-driven health strategy bound to fail

4. Allow people with pre-existing conditions to get insurance, make it illegal to deny them insurance, and place them in risk pools that aggressively control costs.

ACA already does that. You're welcome.

Our present system could have been greatly improved with just those few changes without revamping the whole system with Obamacare causing great expense and consternation without accomplishing it's stated goals.

Obamacare's forcing people to buy insurance is not fair.(not comparable to car ins by the way) From what I hear, Obamacare is a poor quality legislation that will not work. Period!

Obama delaying it previously so he could be reelected sucks also! He's trying the same thing now o correct his lies! If Obama had any honesty or class, he would instruct all of the Congress to repeal ACA, and start over!
I see you saw what your $40.13 a month gets you !!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Once again what in the fuck are you blabbing about?

we realize you don't comprehend what you have read ... one of the posters said his insurance went up to 168 dollars a month ... are ya with me so far ???? cause I won't explain it to you again ... he said his health care went up 76% ... if you do the math, simple math, take the reciprocal of 76%, that would be 24% you multiply It times 168 and you get the grand total of 40.13 ...are ya with me so far are ya grasping it yet ??? this ass clown implied that his insurance was $40.13 a month ... what the hell does a policy for $40.13 a month pay for ???? heres the ANSWER ASS clown ... NOTHING over 50 bucks!!!! SO try and keep up will ,ya!!!!

You keep saying YOU (ME) I ask once more what in the fuck are you talking about?
no !!! what the hell does the day of my birth have to do with anything ... oh that's right ... :lol::lol::lol: you couldn't refute my post so you show a shiny object ... got ya :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Well if you were born in 1991 I could contribute your stupidity to lack of experience, but if you were not born in 1991 must be something else.

Why don't you either:
A. Provide an alternative plan
B. Answer the questions in my post
C. Or just STFU since you have nothing to offer except pixelated methane.

stay the fuck out of my life and what I do. Hows that for a plan?

oh and why don't you go fucking pound sand you son of a bitch
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And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Where in the constitution does it state that government must take care of the personal upkeep of individual citizens???

Its probably in the same section of the constitution that says that corporations are citizens.
I haven't heard any republicans on board here criticize that silly notion turned into law by the supreme court.

Corporations are not citizens.. citizens can vote... but I understand why you deem a corporation LIKE a person... because you can't sue an inanimate object
You have to pass our bill to see whats in it.

again out of context Pelosie was referring to the public ...not the congress cause you see it was in the congress for almost 2 years ... so your ass clowns republicans knew what was in it ... to help people get good health care ... a obama Idea so we have to be against it at all cost...
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?
Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit C:

DiamondDave said:
Hi, you have received -1060 reputation points from DiamondDave.
Reputation was given for this post.



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Anger by a self-proclaimed Conservative at the mere QUESTION of what exactlty is the Republican alternative to ObamaCare.

Note: More of NOT answering the question.

seriously? they intentionally shot blanks....

BS…..but let's assume for one moment that what you say is true…wouldn't talking it over and over and over and over until they could have reached a workable consensus been preferable to "passing the bill to find out what is in it"!?!?

I would guess that if the idiot Pelosi and the thug Reid had it to do over again - consensus would have been reached…..
For 2 decades Randall....don't you think that was long enough to talk it over and work somethin' out?

To answer your question Merc I have to ask a clarification of yours; What was the Republicans alternative to what? That we're trying to reform or fix something implies there was a problem. What was/is the problem?

A serious question(s): What was there to fix? Did we at some point determine that medical services are costing more than what the market should bare out? As I see it there are a couple of things that contribute to services in health care costing more than what the market would bare out; 1) government regulations and red tape and the cost of simply complying with them, and 2) lack of education on the part of consumers.

But when the left says we need to 'fix' health care I think what they're really asking is what should society do about the people that need it, but can't pay for it? Is that government's problem to fix or your own? As one poster previously implied, the Republican plan; can't pay = die. Which sounds harsh, but is that any more harsh the you, who can't pay forcing me via government, to pay for you?
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You have to pass our bill to see whats in it.

again out of context Pelosie was referring to the public ...not the congress cause you see it was in the congress for almost 2 years ... so your ass clowns republicans knew what was in it ... to help people get good health care ... a obama Idea so we have to be against it at all cost...

NO idiot it was not taken out of context.
Well if you were born in 1991 I could contribute your stupidity to lack of experience, but if you were not born in 1991 must be something else.

Why don't you either:
A. Provide an alternative plan
B. Answer the questions in my post
C. Or just STFU since you have nothing to offer except pixelated methane.

because everything that ass clown has posted has be shot down in a big way.... so he does what he always does... tires to look bright by insulting you ... so I say insult back ... then they start whining about you being mean to them ...

Talking out of your ass as usual shit stain.
Well if you were born in 1991 I could contribute your stupidity to lack of experience, but if you were not born in 1991 must be something else.

like I say when you can't debate ... you insult cause you haven't a leg to stand on ... got it!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Really? kids don't know as much as they think they do. It takes experience which I don't think you have. I've said from the beginning obamacare is a failure and guess what I was right.
Does telling you the truth make you feel as if you have been insulted? GOOD
AHHHHHHHH so its now the poor poorl republican gettin back what he gives out whine ... haw can you say obama care is bad when sofar all you have doe is insult ... we get it ... you haven't a leg to stand on ... so now it's I'm being picked on ... cause I couldn't tell you nothing about Obama care policy that was bad or whats bad in it .. we got ya ??? typical uninformed repub-pie-tard:lol::lol::lol::lol:
What is the Republican alternative to lies and fraud and telling people they're too stupid to understand that you're lying to them for their own good?

I hope it's something much more respectful of both their constituents and the democratic principles of our nation, but if it isn't and if I am made aware of that then I will reject it as strongly as I reject Obamacare.
Your Honor I present to you Exhibit A:

A Republican responded by NOT answering the question.

Typical dumbocrat tactic of now trying to shift the blame for an absolute failure that Republicans begged and pleaded to delay a year onto someone else. COWARD!!!

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