What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

just like the did in virgina huh... the republicans won the governors office, both senate seats, the LT Governor, and the attorney general, right??? they didn't wow !!!! are you in for a rude awaking

obamacare was your high water mark you're done.

an boehner was your high water mark when he shut down the gubmnet ....we no your party is done cause we just pulled the fork out of ya....:lol::lol::lol:

only an idiot would laugh when it's over and done and think it's not.
these Ass clowns think just because a web site doesn't work as well as we thought it should that the ACA is done ... when people start using their health care plans in this next year I can see these ass clowns now ... where did we go wrong ??? why are we losing sooooooooo many seats ??? the whole country went blue ... whats up with that????:lol::lol::lol:
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Does anyone really think Obama acted yesterday because he felt bad that people's policies were cancelled... :lol:

Or was it more to help Democrats that were going to get killed in the elections...
these Ass clowns think just because a web site doesn't work as well as we thought it should that the ACA is done ... when people start using their health care plans in this next year I can see these ass clowns now ... where did we go wrong ??? why are we losing sooooooooo many seats ??? the whole country went blue ... whats up with that????:lol::lol::lol:

Well stupid there you go. The web site fuck up is just part of the problem.

It never fails to amuse me that dimocraps think asking, "Well, what was your alternative?" is a defense of the most inept, corrupt, dishonest, incompetent, stupid, lying bill in American History.

And I'm not kidding. Never in American History has a major, or even a MINOR, bill been such a clusterfuck, been so incompetently written, so misunderstood and so lied about.

What's our alternative? Simple, get stupid fucking dimocraps out of Office.

Not kidding, not being acerbic, not being smartass or partisan..... dimocraps are the dumbest, most dishonest motherfuckers on Earth......

Pelosi: “There Is Nothing” In Obamacare That Says “Your Insurance Company Should Cancel You”…


Wait, what? Then why are millions getting cancellation notices?

Via Weekly Standard:

One week ago, President Obama apologized for giving millions of Americans false assurances that they could keep their health care plans if they liked them. At a press conference Thursday evening, House Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Xavier Becerra, and Jim Clyburn were asked if they would like to apologize for making the same false claim. All of them declined.

“I don’t think there’s anything for us to apologize for,” said Clyburn.

“There is nothing in the Affordable Care Act that said that your insurance company should cancel you,” said Minority Leader Pelosi.

In fact, the Affordable Care Act says that plans purchased after March of 2010 must be cancelled, and the law also gave the administration the authority to write regulations that forced the cancellation of some policies that existed prior to March 2010.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
after reading your post, its obvious ... you and stupid are side kicks ....
these policy were canceled because they didn't fit the criteria of whats a good policy ... many of you ass clowns have these policies that cover the first 50 dollars and you pay the rest ... that's your health care policy ... they pay 50 dollars and we get to pay for your bankruptcy ... you are dumber then you post ...
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It never fails to amuse me that dimocraps think asking, "Well, what was your alternative?" is a defense of the most inept, corrupt, dishonest, incompetent, stupid, lying bill in American History.

And I'm not kidding. Never in American History has a major, or even a MINOR, bill been such a clusterfuck, been so incompetently written, so misunderstood and so lied about.

What's our alternative? Simple, get stupid fucking dimocraps out of Office.

Not kidding, not being acerbic, not being smartass or partisan..... dimocraps are the dumbest, most dishonest motherfuckers on Earth......

Pelosi: “There Is Nothing” In Obamacare That Says “Your Insurance Company Should Cancel You”…


Wait, what? Then why are millions getting cancellation notices?

Via Weekly Standard:

One week ago, President Obama apologized for giving millions of Americans false assurances that they could keep their health care plans if they liked them. At a press conference Thursday evening, House Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Xavier Becerra, and Jim Clyburn were asked if they would like to apologize for making the same false claim. All of them declined.

“I don’t think there’s anything for us to apologize for,” said Clyburn.

“There is nothing in the Affordable Care Act that said that your insurance company should cancel you,” said Minority Leader Pelosi.

In fact, the Affordable Care Act says that plans purchased after March of 2010 must be cancelled, and the law also gave the administration the authority to write regulations that forced the cancellation of some policies that existed prior to March 2010.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
after reading your post, its obvious ... you and stupid are side kicks ....
these policy were canceled because they didn't fit the criteria of whats a good policy ... many of you ass clowns have these policies that cover the first 50 dollars and you pay the rest ... that's your health care policy ... they pay 50 dollars and we get to pay for your bankruptcy ... you are dumber then you post ...

Is this how you view yourself when you look in the mirror?


You're still the same nothing changed PUSSY.
First we are going to raise the voting age for federal elections to 26, if your too juvenile to provide yourself insurance, then voting is out of the question.

That makes just as much sense as the bull shit your dear leader was peddling today.
Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit B:

Another Republican response that amounts to NOT having a solution.

The solution is to get government out of it and YOU take care of the responsibility for looking up, paying for, and dealing with your own health insurance IF YOU SO CHOOSE TO USE IT OVER YOUR OWN SAVINGS
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Excellent idea, and yes it should have been done a long time ago. Ask your STATE governments why that never happened.

there is a reason why it never happen ... if you filed for a grievance, instead of the company coming to your state, where you live, you would have to go to the state where you bought your policy ... that's why its a bad Idea

I'd like to see that study.

Who the hell does that really help? Not working people that's for damned sure.

4. Allow people with pre-existing conditions to get insurance, make it illegal to deny them insurance, and place them in risk pools that aggressively control costs.
thats what Obama care does
Allow them to get into high risk pools they cannot afford? (which is why that won't help)

The Ins companies do not have to DENY them insurance. They'll just jack up the premiums to reflect the additional risk (which is why that won't help)

The GOP doesnot really have "a plan" as is SO evident by the above.

Nothing there truly addresses the REAL problem.

What IS the real problem?

The COST of course!

these ass clowns have never look at anything that they have read that says, "well obama care will do fill in the blank they just assume what their handlers tell them is true
Some of this actually reflects Obamacare which in the end let us hope that is the result of Obamacare, a health care plan that we can ALL, I repeat ALL, of us can live with.


The health care reforms outlined are designed to:

1. Make quality health care coverage affordable and accessible for every American,
regardless of pre-existing health conditions.
2. Protect Americans from being forced into a new government-run health care plan
that would: a) eliminate the health care coverage that more than 100 million
Americans currently receive through their job; b) limit your choice of doctors and
medical treatment options; and c) result in the federal government taking control
of your health care.
3. Let Americans who like their health care coverage keep it, and give all Americans
the freedom to choose the health plan that best meets their needs.
4. Ensure that medical decisions are made by patients and their doctors, not
government bureaucrats.
5. Improve Americans’ lives through effective prevention, wellness, and disease
management programs, while developing new treatments and cures for lifethreatening
Now that he fog has lifted is Pelosi happy with her now found understanding of Obamacare. She is bleating the same words she did before we were able to know what was in the bill so apparently she learned nothing.
"The plan, this thing is going to work, it's going to be extremely popular, and it's going to wreak havoc with conservative ideology." ~ Paul Krugman, July 2013


We don't need an alternative.... Bitch.

All we need to do is let you loose so you can show the world how stupid you are.

You always do. Always have, always will
Now that he fog has lifted is Pelosi happy with her now found understanding of Obamacare. She is bleating the same words she did before we were able to know what was in the bill so apparently she learned nothing.

You can't fix stupid
Meh.. They didn't cancel me, they raised my rate 76% for $168 a month so I could cover losers, malcontents and miscreants who have hands out the size of dumpsters.

Screw em


well the you deserved getting it raise .... making everybody paying for your bankruptcy ... and your a liar nobidy gets a policy thats worth anything thats less the 168,dollars a month that would mean your policy was $40.32 a month ... yeah like that will work for ya when we start pay for your fat ass cause you filed Bankruptcy ...

thats the republican health care plan pay $40.13 month the bill comes to 179.500 dollars and this ass clowns does what he files for bankruptcy cause his health care plan just got canceled...

here's a Idea we let thess ass clowns have their $40.13 a month policies with tihis stipulation ... that they can't file any Bankruptcys for any medical cost ... if they lose their coverage they will have to be responsible for all of their medical expenses for the rest of their lives ... that sounds fair

billy rockhead no more proof needed you're a dumb ass.

I see you don't want my terms ... you feel that its your right to get others to pay for your health care debt... we get it ... nothing like a responsible Conservative ... if they aren't racking up hugh debt in the country making us pay for that mess, they're racking up hugh bankruptcy debt too ... got it !!!
well the you deserved getting it raise .... making everybody paying for your bankruptcy ... and your a liar nobidy gets a policy thats worth anything thats less the 168,dollars a month that would mean your policy was $40.32 a month ... yeah like that will work for ya when we start pay for your fat ass cause you filed Bankruptcy ...

thats the republican health care plan pay $40.13 month the bill comes to 179.500 dollars and this ass clowns does what he files for bankruptcy cause his health care plan just got canceled...

here's a Idea we let thess ass clowns have their $40.13 a month policies with tihis stipulation ... that they can't file any Bankruptcys for any medical cost ... if they lose their coverage they will have to be responsible for all of their medical expenses for the rest of their lives ... that sounds fair

billy rockhead no more proof needed you're a dumb ass.

I see you don't want my terms ... you feel that its your right to get others to pay for your health care debt... we get it ... nothing like a responsible Conservative ... if they aren't racking up hugh debt in the country making us pay for that mess, they're racking up hugh bankruptcy debt too ... got it !!!

What in the fuck are you blabbing about? Please stop it we don't need anymore proof, you're a dumb ass.

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