What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Yes, and they have said it for years--but you and all your liberal friends never listened.

1. Insurance companies being able to cross state lines--bringing in more competition, thereby lowering premiums.
2 . Small business being able to group together to get the same lower rates as large corporations get, thereby making it affordable to cover employees that work for small business.
3. Tort reform

Sure sounds a hell of a lot better than what's going on today--doesn't it--:lol:

What about pre-existing conditions?

What about insurers rescinding or canceling policies based on medical reports of their current policy holders?

What about insurance companies dictating to doctors what they will cover for procedures and prescription drugs?

What about denying claims submitted after care has been administered and delaying payment of claims based on "more information needed"?

What about preventative testing and screening?

Sorry, you still haven't provided an alternative.
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billy the 1991 is that the year you were born?

no !!! what the hell does the day of my birth have to do with anything ... oh that's right ... :lol::lol::lol: you couldn't refute my post so you show a shiny object ... got ya :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Well if you were born in 1991 I could contribute your stupidity to lack of experience, but if you were not born in 1991 must be something else.

What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare




I see you saw what your $40.13 a month gets you !!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Once again what in the fuck are you blabbing about?

What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare




I see you saw what your $40.13 a month gets you !!!!:lol::lol::lol:

In New Jersey, I applied for Aetna after my spouse died and I declined the ridiculous COBRA of almost $600 a month, based on my medical history of seasonal allergies requiring Allegra (it was Rx then), Asteline and Flonase, topical sprays to reduce nasal congestion and sneezing.

Aetna denied my policy by saying their limit was only 2 allergy prescriptions to be prescribed at a time.

SO fuck insurance companies. They are out to fuck you and they will.

I settled for a $350/month policy with BCBS and after reading through 30 pages of blah-blah, it covers so little it's not worth keeping.

A $40 a month health insurance policy? What a joke.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Where in the constitution does it state that government must take care of the personal upkeep of individual citizens???

Its probably in the same section of the constitution that says that corporations are citizens.
I haven't heard any republicans on board here criticize that silly notion turned into law by the supreme court.
billy the 1991 is that the year you were born?

no !!! what the hell does the day of my birth have to do with anything ... oh that's right ... :lol::lol::lol: you couldn't refute my post so you show a shiny object ... got ya :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Well if you were born in 1991 I could contribute your stupidity to lack of experience, but if you were not born in 1991 must be something else.

Why don't you either:
A. Provide an alternative plan
B. Answer the questions in my post
C. Or just STFU since you have nothing to offer except pixelated methane.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Does anyone really think Obama acted yesterday because he felt bad that people's policies were cancelled... :lol:

Or was it more to help Democrats that were going to get killed in the elections...

counting your chickens before they're hatch are ya ... just because a web site isn't working like it should doesn't mean OBAMA care is bad ... what's bad is you not looking into it

here are the facts ... 106,000 have sign up for it and paid for their policy ... 975,000 are sign up picked their policy and are waiting for January 1 to pay for their policy... those are the facts ...you keep believing FOX noise and their misinformation ... cause when you see the following year numbers, right up to the election , you will lose, not only your cookies, but republicans in office ... that's what will happen to loser republicans like you:lol::lol::lol:
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Where in the constitution does it state that government must take care of the personal upkeep of individual citizens???

Its probably in the same section of the constitution that says that corporations are citizens.
I haven't heard any republicans on board here criticize that silly notion turned into law by the supreme court.

With the oh so altruistic title of Citizens United.....

Read the 4th panel inside the Jefferson Memorial. That will give a clue as to how the founding fathers saw the Constitution being modified to accommodate changes in our society.

"Personal upkeep"? WTF is that? OK, moron, next time you go to your doctor tell him or her that is your personal definition of his/her job. He's an upkeeper.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?
Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit C:

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Anger by a self-proclaimed Conservative at the mere QUESTION of what exactlty is the Republican alternative to ObamaCare.

Note: More of NOT answering the question.
these Ass clowns think just because a web site doesn't work as well as we thought it should that the ACA is done ... when people start using their health care plans in this next year I can see these ass clowns now ... where did we go wrong ??? why are we losing sooooooooo many seats ??? the whole country went blue ... whats up with that????:lol::lol::lol:

Well stupid there you go. The web site fuck up is just part of the problem.

well dumb fuck thats the only problem you have... if you moronic republicans bothered to call in and find out what your policy would cost, your types accepted what your insurance company told you what the new cost is ... because if you called in you would be signing up as fast as your little mits could go:lol::lol::lol:
It never fails to amuse me that dimocraps think asking, "Well, what was your alternative?" is a defense of the most inept, corrupt, dishonest, incompetent, stupid, lying bill in American History.

And I'm not kidding. Never in American History has a major, or even a MINOR, bill been such a clusterfuck, been so incompetently written, so misunderstood and so lied about.

What's our alternative? Simple, get stupid fucking dimocraps out of Office.

Not kidding, not being acerbic, not being smartass or partisan..... dimocraps are the dumbest, most dishonest motherfuckers on Earth......

Pelosi: “There Is Nothing” In Obamacare That Says “Your Insurance Company Should Cancel You”…


Wait, what? Then why are millions getting cancellation notices?

Via Weekly Standard:
after reading your post, its obvious ... you and stupid are side kicks ....
these policy were canceled because they didn't fit the criteria of whats a good policy ... many of you ass clowns have these policies that cover the first 50 dollars and you pay the rest ... that's your health care policy ... they pay 50 dollars and we get to pay for your bankruptcy ... you are dumber then you post ...

Is this how you view yourself when you look in the mirror?


You're still the same nothing changed PUSSY.

translation=when told the facts they got nuttin'​
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

1. Sell insurance across State lines to increase Competition and lower cost.

The ACA allows the sale of insurance across state lines. Next.

2. Tort reform. Most studies save this would save around $250 billion a year. That could help a lot of uninsured people, couldn't it?

Link to these studies? Are you aware that a number of states have strict tort laws? What has it done to the healthcare costs in those states? Nothing you say? No kidding...

Study debunks medical malpractice myth

Ohio's tort reform law hasn't lowered health-care costs

New study: Tort reform has not reduced health care costs in Texas

3. Expand health savings accounts

Expand them by who? Health savings accounts won't work for poor people

Consumer-driven health strategy bound to fail

4. Allow people with pre-existing conditions to get insurance, make it illegal to deny them insurance, and place them in risk pools that aggressively control costs.

ACA already does that. You're welcome.
Now that he fog has lifted is Pelosi happy with her now found understanding of Obamacare. She is bleating the same words she did before we were able to know what was in the bill so apparently she learned nothing.

if funny how these ass clowns take phrases out of context and run with it ... yeah i can say the republicans didn't read it, it's obvious every time they speak... Pelosi was referring to the public not the congress you idiot ... when the public reads it they will see what they get ... morons everywhere we go.... :lol::lol::lol:

i was wondering how long it would take a moron to try and quote Pelosi
billy rockhead no more proof needed you're a dumb ass.

I see you don't want my terms ... you feel that its your right to get others to pay for your health care debt... we get it ... nothing like a responsible Conservative ... if they aren't racking up hugh debt in the country making us pay for that mess, they're racking up hugh bankruptcy debt too ... got it !!!

What in the fuck are you blabbing about? Please stop it we don't need anymore proof, you're a dumb ass.

speaking of a dumb ass, you pop up ... with out and factual rebuttal ...that's what you ass clowns do best cause we can't fix your kind of stupidity:lol::lol::lol:
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billy the 1991 is that the year you were born?

no !!! what the hell does the day of my birth have to do with anything ... oh that's right ... :lol::lol::lol: you couldn't refute my post so you show a shiny object ... got ya :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Well if you were born in 1991 I could contribute your stupidity to lack of experience, but if you were not born in 1991 must be something else.

like I say when you can't debate ... you insult cause you haven't a leg to stand on ... got it!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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