What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

BS…..but let's assume for one moment that what you say is true…wouldn't talking it over and over and over and over until they could have reached a workable consensus been preferable to "passing the bill to find out what is in it"!?!?

I would guess that if the idiot Pelosi and the thug Reid had it to do over again - consensus would have been reached…..
For 2 decades Randall....don't you think that was long enough to talk it over and work somethin' out?

To answer your question Merc I have to ask a clarification of yours; What was the Republicans alternative to what? That we're trying to reform or fix something implies there was a problem. What was/is the problem?

A serious question(s): What was there to fix? Did we at some point determine that medical services are costing more than what the market should bare out? As I see it there are a couple of things that contribute to services in health care costing more than what the market would bare out; 1) government regulations and red tape and the cost of simply complying with them, and 2) lack of education on the part of consumers.

But when the left says we need to 'fix' health care I think what they're really asking is what should society do about the people that need it, but can't pay for it? Is that government's problem to fix or your own? As one poster previously implied, the Republican plan; can't pay = die. Which sounds harsh, but is that any more harsh the you, who can't pay forcing me via government, to pay for you?

democrats saw a problem because they needed more money to buy more votes from free loaders, the new batch coming caused by their own failed policy.
You have to pass our bill to see whats in it.

again out of context Pelosie was referring to the public ...not the congress cause you see it was in the congress for almost 2 years ... so your ass clowns republicans knew what was in it ... to help people get good health care ... a obama Idea so we have to be against it at all cost...

another Obama sheep speaketh!!!
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

1. Sell insurance across State lines to increase Competition and lower cost.

2. Tort reform. Most studies save this would save around $250 billion a year. That could help a lot of uninsured people, couldn't it?

3. Expand health savings accounts

4. Allow people with pre-existing conditions to get insurance, make it illegal to deny them insurance, and place them in risk pools that aggressively control costs.

Repeal and Replace the Job-Destroying Health Care Law - A Pledge to America - GOP.gov

1. No idea, really, how that "lowers" cost. In fact, will do just to opposite as bigger companies gobble up smaller ones, which is what generally happens.

2. The courts are the very last bastion of customer protection against fraud and incompetence. Even with that, awards by courts are few and far between.

3. Flexible Health Accounts are another big sham. You don't use them? You lose them.

4. Riiiight. What that will do is create cost prohibitive policies.

Bottom line is health care should not be "for profit".

If it is, "for profit", it needs to be heavily regulated.
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and who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the republicans want to help americans get good health insurance?

does anyone believe the democrats want to help amricans get good health insurance???? Same thing.
I did hear boehner say that obamacare needs to be scrapped, totally..............i go along with that 100% obamacare was a disaster when they first made the law and its turning out to be just that..........scrap it.
1. Sell insurance across State lines to increase Competition and lower cost.

The ACA allows the sale of insurance across state lines. Next.

Link to these studies? Are you aware that a number of states have strict tort laws? What has it done to the healthcare costs in those states? Nothing you say? No kidding...

Study debunks medical malpractice myth

Ohio's tort reform law hasn't lowered health-care costs

New study: Tort reform has not reduced health care costs in Texas

Expand them by who? Health savings accounts won't work for poor people

Consumer-driven health strategy bound to fail

4. Allow people with pre-existing conditions to get insurance, make it illegal to deny them insurance, and place them in risk pools that aggressively control costs.

ACA already does that. You're welcome.

Our present system could have been greatly improved with just those few changes without revamping the whole system with Obamacare causing great expense and consternation without accomplishing it's stated goals.

what you have been told is the people who got their policy canceled or it went up, they didn't go to the site or didn't call in ... they just accepted what their insurance company told them ... you saw them on fox news telling how they went up ... but when asked the question, which hannity didn't do, was did you try to go to the web site or call in, none of them did this ... what happen was the person who asked the question went to the web site for them and they found out that their cost cut went way down and one of the totally refused to look at the web site ... what they found out was they got a better deal ... thats what hasn't been told to you by fox noise

Obamacare's forcing people to buy insurance is not fair.(not comparable to car ins by the way) From what I hear, Obamacare is a poor quality legislation that will not work. Period!

hearing and reality are two different things ... the policy I got cost me $251. 12 a savings of 300 dollars ... it covers everything I could imagine with a 250 dollar deductible .. with a 2000 max pay out ... so tell us what you really know I know what I got

Obama delaying it previously so he could be reelected sucks also! He's trying the same thing now o correct his lies! If Obama had any honesty or class, he would instruct all of the Congress to repeal ACA, and start over!

this is a person who has no Idea what you're saying or what you're getting ... you haven taken any time to see what you would get if you signed up
Why don't you either:
A. Provide an alternative plan
B. Answer the questions in my post
C. Or just STFU since you have nothing to offer except pixelated methane.

because everything that ass clown has posted has be shot down in a big way.... so he does what he always does... tires to look bright by insulting you ... so I say insult back ... then they start whining about you being mean to them ...

Talking out of your ass as usual shit stain.

still got nuttin'we get it ass wipe!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
Single Payer​

Why didn't they do that?

because it would have been shot down faster than billy rockheads retorts.

So, do the Democrats have a politically viable alternative to Obamacare?

See, I'm not really interested in a Republican alternative. I don't really think they'd do any better and I'm not about to waste a vote on a Republican to find out. But there's no denying the Democrats fucked us with ACA.
because everything that ass clown has posted has be shot down in a big way.... so he does what he always does... tires to look bright by insulting you ... so I say insult back ... then they start whining about you being mean to them ...

Talking out of your ass as usual shit stain.

still got nuttin'we get it ass wipe!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

you've had nothing from the beginning of this thread up until now
True story :thup:
Why didn't they do that?

because it would have been shot down faster than billy rockheads retorts.

So, do the Democrats have a politically viable alternative to Obamacare?

See, I'm not really interested in a Republican alternative. I don't really think they'd do any better and I'm not about to waste a vote on a Republican to find out. But there's no denying the Democrats fucked us with ACA.

You are correct. The Republicans would fail just as the democrats have.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Does anyone really think Obama acted yesterday because he felt bad that people's policies were cancelled... :lol:

Or was it more to help Democrats that were going to get killed in the elections...


Insurance companies tried to pull a fast one..and got bit.

Hopefully they get the message.
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare? And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Just as Expanded 401k type programs are demonstratively the answer to our shitty inefficient SS system, expanded HSAs are the answer to our shitty government regulated insurance system. If you don't understand HSAs you need to become educated regarding them. You'll note the democrat plan has been to focus on destroying HSAs.

Free Markets work really well. So well America became the most powerful, economically rich nation on earth with the best health care. Then the democants went about destroying it with government regulations.

Socialist government managed markets are not a solution to any market issue, they merely exacerbate market issues by redistributing peter's money to paul.
The ACA allows the sale of insurance across state lines. Next.

Link to these studies? Are you aware that a number of states have strict tort laws? What has it done to the healthcare costs in those states? Nothing you say? No kidding...

Study debunks medical malpractice myth

Ohio's tort reform law hasn't lowered health-care costs

New study: Tort reform has not reduced health care costs in Texas

Expand them by who? Health savings accounts won't work for poor people

Consumer-driven health strategy bound to fail

ACA already does that. You're welcome.

Our present system could have been greatly improved with just those few changes without revamping the whole system with Obamacare causing great expense and consternation without accomplishing it's stated goals.

what you have been told is the people who got their policy canceled or it went up, they didn't go to the site or didn't call in ... they just accepted what their insurance company told them ... you saw them on fox news telling how they went up ... but when asked the question, which hannity didn't do, was did you try to go to the web site or call in, none of them did this ... what happen was the person who asked the question went to the web site for them and they found out that their cost cut went way down and one of the totally refused to look at the web site ... what they found out was they got a better deal ... thats what hasn't been told to you by fox noise

Obamacare's forcing people to buy insurance is not fair.(not comparable to car ins by the way) From what I hear, Obamacare is a poor quality legislation that will not work. Period!

hearing and reality are two different things ... the policy I got cost me $251. 12 a savings of 300 dollars ... it covers everything I could imagine with a 250 dollar deductible .. with a 2000 max pay out ... so tell us what you really know I know what I got

Obama delaying it previously so he could be reelected sucks also! He's trying the same thing now o correct his lies! If Obama had any honesty or class, he would instruct all of the Congress to repeal ACA, and start over!

this is a person who has no Idea what you're saying or what you're getting ... you haven taken any time to see what you would get if you signed up

neither do you. Just like palosi, we have to pass it to see what's in it. I knew the rates would go up. An insurance company is in business because it earns a profit. If you require that they take on higher risk customers, i.e. have to pay out more claims, then it only follows common sense logic that rates will go up to maintain profit margins required and needed to keep stock holders from selling. Simple common sense, but I guess that a rare thing with you and the dumbocrats that rammed this down Americas throats.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Does anyone really think Obama acted yesterday because he felt bad that people's policies were cancelled... :lol:

Or was it more to help Democrats that were going to get killed in the elections...


Insurance companies tried to pull a fast one..and got bit.

Hopefully they get the message.

obama fail 3.0
I did hear boehner say that obamacare needs to be scrapped, totally..............i go along with that 100% obamacare was a disaster when they first made the law and its turning out to be just that..........scrap it.

Yea Obamacare is a bunch of shit. Anyone could put out a better plan

But people with pre-existing conditions need coverage. Small businesses and the self employed need coverage. People in their early twenties need coverage. People who have exceeded their lifetime cap still need insurance

So since health insurance is such an easy thing to do. Why don't Republicans give us their alternative plan that does all this and a timeline for when they will implement it?

Makes sense doesn't it?
For 2 decades Randall....don't you think that was long enough to talk it over and work somethin' out?

To answer your question Merc I have to ask a clarification of yours; What was the Republicans alternative to what? That we're trying to reform or fix something implies there was a problem. What was/is the problem?

A serious question(s): What was there to fix? Did we at some point determine that medical services are costing more than what the market should bare out? As I see it there are a couple of things that contribute to services in health care costing more than what the market would bare out; 1) government regulations and red tape and the cost of simply complying with them, and 2) lack of education on the part of consumers.

But when the left says we need to 'fix' health care I think what they're really asking is what should society do about the people that need it, but can't pay for it? Is that government's problem to fix or your own? As one poster previously implied, the Republican plan; can't pay = die. Which sounds harsh, but is that any more harsh the you, who can't pay forcing me via government, to pay for you?

democrats saw a problem because they needed more money to buy more votes from free loaders, the new batch coming caused by their own failed policy.
talk about babbling you are the champion babbler... when you got nuttin you say nuttin' just like you did here babble on babbler !!!


cause they needed votes... that's funny ... here a idea ...go and read the god damn bill, moron ... then try to keep up with us .. casue pal you have no idea what you're talking about ...
Why didn't they do that?

because it would have been shot down faster than billy rockheads retorts.

So, do the Democrats have a politically viable alternative to Obamacare?

See, I'm not really interested in a Republican alternative. I don't really think they'd do any better and I'm not about to waste a vote on a Republican to find out. But there's no denying the Democrats fucked us with ACA.

President Obama suffered from the same "delusion" that President Clinton suffered from.

He thought conservatives were bargaining from good faith.

Hopefully the lesson is learned by the next Democratic President.
To answer your question Merc I have to ask a clarification of yours; What was the Republicans alternative to what? That we're trying to reform or fix something implies there was a problem. What was/is the problem?

A serious question(s): What was there to fix? Did we at some point determine that medical services are costing more than what the market should bare out? As I see it there are a couple of things that contribute to services in health care costing more than what the market would bare out; 1) government regulations and red tape and the cost of simply complying with them, and 2) lack of education on the part of consumers.

But when the left says we need to 'fix' health care I think what they're really asking is what should society do about the people that need it, but can't pay for it? Is that government's problem to fix or your own? As one poster previously implied, the Republican plan; can't pay = die. Which sounds harsh, but is that any more harsh the you, who can't pay forcing me via government, to pay for you?

democrats saw a problem because they needed more money to buy more votes from free loaders, the new batch coming caused by their own failed policy.
talk about babbling you are the champion babbler... when you got nuttin you say nuttin' just like you did here babble on babbler !!!


cause they needed votes... that's funny ... here a idea ...go and read the god damn bill, moron ... then try to keep up with us .. casue pal you have no idea what you're talking about ...
Who pushed for the mandate? without the mandate obamacare could not be funded.
So do us a favor dumb ass shut the fuck up.
because it would have been shot down faster than billy rockheads retorts.

So, do the Democrats have a politically viable alternative to Obamacare?

See, I'm not really interested in a Republican alternative. I don't really think they'd do any better and I'm not about to waste a vote on a Republican to find out. But there's no denying the Democrats fucked us with ACA.

President Obama suffered from the same "delusion" that President Clinton suffered from.

He thought conservatives were bargaining from good faith.

Hopefully the lesson is learned by the next Democratic President.

obama fail 3.0

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