What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

Yes it did rule it unconstitutional the Commerce Clause was the argument used for the mandate. and Justice Roberts said: the mandate could not be upheld under the Constitution's Commerce Clause.
was not THE argument

and earlier you were confusing an appeals court ruling with that of the scotus

go to bed big guy.

quote from Roberts' ruling: "The Government advances two theories for the proposition that Congress had constitutional authority to enact the individual mandate. First the Government argues that Congress had the power to enact the mandate under the Commerce Clause...Second, the Government argues that if the commerce power does not support the mandate, we should nontheless uphold it as an exercise of Congress' power to tax. According to the Government, even if Congress lacks the power to direct individuals to buy insurance, the only effect of the individual mandate is to raise taxes on those who do not do so, and thus the law may be upheld as a tax."

The Commerce Clause was most defiantly used as an argument for the mandate.
from your link you posted.
Roberts, in the opinion, said the mandate could not be upheld under the Constitution's Commerce Clause.


and that argument was ruled invalid...the argument was. the second argument was ruled valid. Nowhere did the validity of the first argument cause the mandate to be constitutional or unconstitutional. The case was decided on the second argument, not on the first one. Decided. Get IT yet?


you now having bragging rights on being super spanked by Dante
was not THE argument

and earlier you were confusing an appeals court ruling with that of the scotus

go to bed big guy.

quote from Roberts' ruling: "The Government advances two theories for the proposition that Congress had constitutional authority to enact the individual mandate. First the Government argues that Congress had the power to enact the mandate under the Commerce Clause...Second, the Government argues that if the commerce power does not support the mandate, we should nontheless uphold it as an exercise of Congress' power to tax. According to the Government, even if Congress lacks the power to direct individuals to buy insurance, the only effect of the individual mandate is to raise taxes on those who do not do so, and thus the law may be upheld as a tax."

The Commerce Clause was most defiantly used as an argument for the mandate.
from your link you posted.
Roberts, in the opinion, said the mandate could not be upheld under the Constitution's Commerce Clause.


and that argument was ruled invalid...the argument was. the second argument was ruled valid. Nowhere did the validity of the first argument cause the mandate to be constitutional or unconstitutional. The case was decided on the second argument, not on the first one. Decided. Get IT yet?


you now having bragging rights on being super spanked by Dante

the madate argument was ruled invalid obamacare would be dead if the mandate was the only thing foir obamacare. It was the tax part that allowed obamcare to be constitutional and anytime you want you ass kick again come on back fail boy part 3.0
The Commerce Clause was most defiantly used as an argument for the mandate.
from your link you posted.
Roberts, in the opinion, said the mandate could not be upheld under the Constitution's Commerce Clause.


and that argument was ruled invalid...the argument was. the second argument was ruled valid. Nowhere did the validity of the first argument cause the mandate to be constitutional or unconstitutional. The case was decided on the second argument, not on the first one. Decided. Get IT yet?


you now having bragging rights on being super spanked by Dante

the madate argument was ruled invalid obamacare would be dead if the mandate was the only thing foir obamacare. It was the tax part that allowed obamcare to be constitutional and anytime you want you ass kick again come on back fail boy part 3.0

Negative ghost rider. The tax in Obama care is constitutional. That has nothing to do with the any of the other issues that are, in fact, coming to a theater near you.

and that argument was ruled invalid...the argument was. the second argument was ruled valid. Nowhere did the validity of the first argument cause the mandate to be constitutional or unconstitutional. The case was decided on the second argument, not on the first one. Decided. Get IT yet?


you now having bragging rights on being super spanked by Dante

the madate argument was ruled invalid obamacare would be dead if the mandate was the only thing foir obamacare. It was the tax part that allowed obamcare to be constitutional and anytime you want you ass kick again come on back fail boy part 3.0

Negative ghost rider. The tax in Obama care is constitutional. That has nothing to do with the any of the other issues that are, in fact, coming to a theater near you.

I never said the tax was unconstitutional nor have I argued that, now did I? I said the mandate was unconstitutional.
the madate argument was ruled invalid obamacare would be dead if the mandate was the only thing foir obamacare. It was the tax part that allowed obamcare to be constitutional and anytime you want you ass kick again come on back fail boy part 3.0

Negative ghost rider. The tax in Obama care is constitutional. That has nothing to do with the any of the other issues that are, in fact, coming to a theater near you.

I never said the tax was unconstitutional nor have I argued that, now did I? I said the mandate was unconstitutional.
Holy fuck. You really are that stupid.

The mandate is upheld as being constitutional under the government's power to tax.
The Commerce Clause was most defiantly used as an argument for the mandate.
from your link you posted.
Roberts, in the opinion, said the mandate could not be upheld under the Constitution's Commerce Clause.


and that argument was ruled invalid...the argument was. the second argument was ruled valid. Nowhere did the validity of the first argument cause the mandate to be constitutional or unconstitutional. The case was decided on the second argument, not on the first one. Decided. Get IT yet?


you now having bragging rights on being super spanked by Dante

the madate argument was ruled invalid obamacare would be dead if the mandate was the only thing foir obamacare. It was the tax part that allowed obamcare to be constitutional and anytime you want you ass kick again come on back fail boy part 3.0

wtf are you drinking? The mandate has something called the "shared responsibility payment" which Congress labelled a penalty.

The two arguments proposed by the Government were ruled valid or invalid. Neither of those two were a "mandate" argument.

North Carolina produces some truly dumb fucks
Negative ghost rider. The tax in Obama care is constitutional. That has nothing to do with the any of the other issues that are, in fact, coming to a theater near you.

I never said the tax was unconstitutional nor have I argued that, now did I? I said the mandate was unconstitutional.
Holy fuck. You really are that stupid.

The mandate is upheld as being constitutional under the government's power to tax.

Yup. Red state America :laugh2:
the madate argument was ruled invalid obamacare would be dead if the mandate was the only thing foir obamacare. It was the tax part that allowed obamcare to be constitutional and anytime you want you ass kick again come on back fail boy part 3.0

Negative ghost rider. The tax in Obama care is constitutional. That has nothing to do with the any of the other issues that are, in fact, coming to a theater near you.

I never said the tax was unconstitutional nor have I argued that, now did I? I said the mandate was unconstitutional.

Truly amazing
democrats saw a problem because they needed more money to buy more votes from free loaders, the new batch coming caused by their own failed policy.
talk about babbling you are the champion babbler... when you got nuttin you say nuttin' just like you did here babble on babbler !!!


cause they needed votes... that's funny ... here a idea ...go and read the god damn bill, moron ... then try to keep up with us .. casue pal you have no idea what you're talking about ...
Who pushed for the mandate? without the mandate obamacare could not be funded.
So do us a favor dumb ass shut the fuck up.

obama didn't push for the mandate ... the congress that wrote the bill required everybody to sign up to make it work dumb fuck ... it was you republicans who don't like to pay for their debts who are now forced to sigh up and be accountable for their debts ... like I said read the god damn bill or remain a dumb fuck
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Does anyone really think Obama acted yesterday because he felt bad that people's policies were cancelled... :lol:

Or was it more to help Democrats that were going to get killed in the elections...


Insurance companies tried to pull a fast one..and got bit.

Hopefully they get the message.
Shallow you do know you are the town duntz with this act right? Even Obama and Bill disagree with you.

OCA banned Insurance companies from offering low premium high deductible insurance plans. The result is Insurance companies were forced to cancel low premium high deductible insurance plans. Obama lied, and now he admits he lied. You can't grandfather a low premium high deductible hsa plan to a high premium low deductible non hsa plan. duh...

OCA's plan / promise was to redistribute more money from healthy people to sick people. There was never an intention to let "those" people remain on less expensive insurance. Just as SS/Medicare is a plan to bilk the young and healthy to fund the retirement of the elderly, OCA is a plan to bilk the healthy to fund the health care of the un-healthy.

you're one stupid person with vile accusations about health ... people who are sick are sick because of these plans that have low coverage with high deductible ... when they need it the most it was canceled or the cost went up ....causing these people not to be able to take care of them selves... now we're at the point that we need to take care of the mess your types made with your low coverage with high deductible the money that you paid into medicare for you who worked all your life isn't bilking the young, you moron its putting money in for the next generation who retire who put their momney in for the previous generation who retired... the only person who is being bilked here is you when you were getting a brain...
obamacare would be great with exception to the mandate and government control

moron the government doesn't control the policy ...the government makes laws that the that the insurance companies have to follow ...the government is only the way to sign up for a policy... nothing more ...what the government did was make laws so that the insures are required to have to make the health car work ... everybody has to be in it, not like free loaders like you who file bankruptcy every time at the blink of a ey ewhen they rack up ah huge debt ...

This post has to be one of them most uninformed replies ever in this forum.
obamacare is law of the land
obamacare is mandated by that law
I see when confronted with the facts you haven't a leg to stand on... who wrote the law of the land ??? the house did ... who said that everybody has to be covered to make it work??? the house did ... the fact that you call the ACA bill obama care is you being ignorant ... Obama just agreed with the bill that the house wrote ... that's why he sign it to stop your greedy republican donors from raping the amercan health care system ... you can't stand that thought ... the reason you don't like it you have to now be held responsible for your health ... now you can't rack up huge debt to the hospitals ... and leave them holding the bag ... tha'ts what pisses dumb fucks like you off
talk about babbling you are the champion babbler... when you got nuttin you say nuttin' just like you did here babble on babbler !!!


cause they needed votes... that's funny ... here a idea ...go and read the god damn bill, moron ... then try to keep up with us .. casue pal you have no idea what you're talking about ...
Who pushed for the mandate? without the mandate obamacare could not be funded.
So do us a favor dumb ass shut the fuck up.

FYI: The mandate is only one of a dozen taxes that are funding OCA. The biggest tax is the refusal to allow insurance companies to offer high deductible insurance, thus forcing the healthy to buy health insurance plans designed for sick people who have to spend a ton of money each year on health care anyway, thus are willing to pay high premiums to have lower deductibles.

from the looks of your post it appears you have read the bill in any way .. it appears all you have is right wing yammering talking points ... based on nothing that has a once of facts to it ...

premiums are based on your income period... it appears you have gone to the web site ... if you couldn't get through, you can thank your republican governor for that ... the one failing that the house didn't do in this plan was make all states to set up the system ... instead they offered a out to the states ... big mistake there .... if they hadn't done that we wouldn't have these sign up problems ... the state I live in had no problems at all ... that's because the dems run my state ... they were ready for the people to either call in or go through the web site ... I call in October 1, got my denial of Medicaid ... you have to get that taken care of first to determine what you do before you go any further ... I got that all taken care of the first day... after you have sign up you call in and discuss the plans you want ...I did that in 48 hour after I sign up ... they require you to waite 48 hours to check you out ...

this huge premium you speak of are insurers who canceled your low cost high deductible insurance then sent you your new cost ... that cost has nothing to do with OCA ... you have to either calling in to OCA or go through the web to find out what you will really pay and I found out it will cost me 300 less then what I'm paying now ... I can't help you with your stupidity, if you can't make a simple phone call or use the web ... like all of you republicans you don't know what you're talking about ...
was not THE argument

and earlier you were confusing an appeals court ruling with that of the scotus

go to bed big guy.

quote from Roberts' ruling: "The Government advances two theories for the proposition that Congress had constitutional authority to enact the individual mandate. First the Government argues that Congress had the power to enact the mandate under the Commerce Clause...Second, the Government argues that if the commerce power does not support the mandate, we should nontheless uphold it as an exercise of Congress' power to tax. According to the Government, even if Congress lacks the power to direct individuals to buy insurance, the only effect of the individual mandate is to raise taxes on those who do not do so, and thus the law may be upheld as a tax."

The Commerce Clause was most defiantly used as an argument for the mandate.
from your link you posted.
Roberts, in the opinion, said the mandate could not be upheld under the Constitution's Commerce Clause.


and that argument was ruled invalid...the argument was. the second argument was ruled valid. Nowhere did the validity of the first argument cause the mandate to be constitutional or unconstitutional. The case was decided on the second argument, not on the first one. Decided. Get IT yet?


you now having bragging rights on being super spanked by Dante

bigrebnc1775 just doesn't know when his been kick all over the board ... I guess he like to get spanked ... WAP!!! WAP!! WAP
The Commerce Clause was most defiantly used as an argument for the mandate.
from your link you posted.
Roberts, in the opinion, said the mandate could not be upheld under the Constitution's Commerce Clause.


and that argument was ruled invalid...the argument was. the second argument was ruled valid. Nowhere did the validity of the first argument cause the mandate to be constitutional or unconstitutional. The case was decided on the second argument, not on the first one. Decided. Get IT yet?


you now having bragging rights on being super spanked by Dante

bigrebnc1775 just doesn't know when his been kick all over the board ... I guess he like to get spanked ... WAP!!! WAP!! WAP
Write in English ffs! Even US public education isn't an excuse for such sloppiness.
the madate argument was ruled invalid obamacare would be dead if the mandate was the only thing foir obamacare. It was the tax part that allowed obamcare to be constitutional and anytime you want you ass kick again come on back fail boy part 3.0

Negative ghost rider. The tax in Obama care is constitutional. That has nothing to do with the any of the other issues that are, in fact, coming to a theater near you.

I never said the tax was unconstitutional nor have I argued that, now did I? I said the mandate was unconstitutional.
that's were you went wrong ... you spoke.... you see the mandate was constitutional and you're trying your best to make it be unconstitutional ... it wasn't then, the Supreme court said it was ... its now time for you to man up !!!! man up ... pay up!!!
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and that argument was ruled invalid...the argument was. the second argument was ruled valid. Nowhere did the validity of the first argument cause the mandate to be constitutional or unconstitutional. The case was decided on the second argument, not on the first one. Decided. Get IT yet?


you now having bragging rights on being super spanked by Dante

the madate argument was ruled invalid obamacare would be dead if the mandate was the only thing foir obamacare. It was the tax part that allowed obamcare to be constitutional and anytime you want you ass kick again come on back fail boy part 3.0

wtf are you drinking? The mandate has something called the "shared responsibility payment" which Congress labelled a penalty.

The two arguments proposed by the Government were ruled valid or invalid. Neither of those two were a "mandate" argument.

North Carolina produces some truly dumb fucks

I think he likes getting spanked :rofl: or a good beat down ... so far that's all he has happen to him today

and that argument was ruled invalid...the argument was. the second argument was ruled valid. Nowhere did the validity of the first argument cause the mandate to be constitutional or unconstitutional. The case was decided on the second argument, not on the first one. Decided. Get IT yet?


you now having bragging rights on being super spanked by Dante

bigrebnc1775 just doesn't know when his been kick all over the board ... I guess he like to get spanked ... WAP!!! WAP!! WAP
Write in English ffs! Even US public education isn't an excuse for such sloppiness.

go fuck yourself

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