What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

We had no "alternative" to ObumblerCare BEFORE he and Reid and Pelousy and the mutant idiot Democrats (alone) crammed it down our throats. The "system" (there never really WAS any "system," but let's not quibble) that existed prior to Obumbler care was imperfect, but a MASSIVE degree of better than what Obumbler imposed on us.

I'd replace ObumblerCare with absolutely NOTHING and we'd all benefit from the change.
Status quo. More of the same huh?

The Republicans presented several alternatives to this Obamacare Obomination. They were all immediately dismissed by Obama and his gang. But i think it's safe to say, any Republican alternative would be better than this nightmare. But hey, it's always 'Party before Country' for the Democrats. Nothing ever changes.
It's a Republican plan.

Are you mental?
The Republicans presented several alternatives to this Obamacare Obomination. They were all immediately dismissed by Obama and his gang. But i think it's safe to say, any Republican alternative would be better than this nightmare. But hey, it's always 'Party before Country' for the Democrats. Nothing ever changes.
It's a Republican plan.

Are you mental?

Well, it's a Democrat plan copied from a Republican plan. Let's call it a Republocrat plan.
Who were you before?

Marco Rubio and Lieberman appear honest.

You agree with Rubio on backing Obama's Immigration Reform?
He is quoted as stating that most Americans can't cut it.

>> You agree with Rubio on backing Obama's Immigration Reform?

What backing?

I believe Rubio's statements on the matter to be correct and on the money. That is, we currently have tens of millions of illegals here, and the status quo isn't cutting it. I believe that at some point we'll need democrats and republicans to put together yet another promise to close the border and decide what the enforced punishment will be for the illegals currently here. I also believe him when he says that after seeing where Reed was taking the bill, that otherwise had good intentions, he is now against the Bill.

I applaud him for taking a stand that we need to close the border and do something to document the illegals currently here. One way or another, either boot em, give them temporary visas, or give them citizen ship if they can prove that they are productive hard working citizens. We need people here who are willing to put in a days work for a days wage, why turn that away?

You completely eviscerated my posting.
And if you think most Americans can't cut it, I place you in with that group as indiscriminately as Rubio does.
Nonsense, weirdos. ACA is here to stay regardless of how it is reformed.


there's a pretty good chance that it will self-destruct given enough time.

It is a festering boil on the ass of the Obama Legacy. It is a cancer on the electoral prospects of the liberal Democrat Parody.

You were a festering sore on your own ass, and look at what you have accomplished.

ACA and its descendents will be around longer after we are dead.
heres the repub plan from 2000-2012, 6 of those years they had total control of the government:

I guess what I find the height of hypocrisy, or perhaps just gullibility, is the excuse that the Democrats use for copying a Republican idea to turn health care reform into corporate welfare. They want us to believe it was 'olive branch', a good faith attempt at bi-partisanship. And not because they're just as corrupt and beholden to corporate lobbyists as Republicans.

In other words, "It's different when we do it!"
You agree with Rubio on backing Obama's Immigration Reform?
He is quoted as stating that most Americans can't cut it.

>> You agree with Rubio on backing Obama's Immigration Reform?

What backing?

I believe Rubio's statements on the matter to be correct and on the money. That is, we currently have tens of millions of illegals here, and the status quo isn't cutting it. I believe that at some point we'll need democrats and republicans to put together yet another promise to close the border and decide what the enforced punishment will be for the illegals currently here. I also believe him when he says that after seeing where Reed was taking the bill, that otherwise had good intentions, he is now against the Bill.

I applaud him for taking a stand that we need to close the border and do something to document the illegals currently here. One way or another, either boot em, give them temporary visas, or give them citizen ship if they can prove that they are productive hard working citizens. We need people here who are willing to put in a days work for a days wage, why turn that away?

You completely eviscerated my posting.
And if you think most Americans can't cut it, I place you in with that group as indiscriminately as Rubio does.
Huh? Oh are you one of those limited pie guys. If someone gets a job you loose yours? ROFL
Republicans have had health care plans that would have actually reduced premiums FOREVER. They use free marketplace ideas to do so. Like--letting insurance companies cross state lines--bringing in more competition which has a real history of reducing the cost of products. Letting small business group together so that they can get the same lower rates as large corporations get. And of course, tort reform, which would have reduced the cost to doctors and practitioners for lower general liability insurance. Democrats have blocked all of them from debate forever.

Even when Obamacare was being discussed Republicans had a health care plan too. They told you about it over and over again, and you ignored them. In fact, not one single Republican voted for Obamacare--and they were even blocked from attending meetings regarding Obamacare.

Certainly you remember Nancy Pelosi announcing: "You need to vote for this bill, before you find out what's in it." That's exactly what Democrats did. You also probably remember Joe Biden whispering in Obama's ear--"this is one big "freaking deal" after Obamacare passed the Democrat lead senate. Well, it's turned out to be one big "freaking" DISASTER.

We have 5.2 million Americans--(not including their spouses and children that were covered under their plans)--that have received cancellation notices from their insurers--After Obama promised them more than 40 times, that they could keep their insurance if they liked it. These same people are looking at premiums on the Obamacare exchanges that are double to triple the cost of their now cancelled plans. Obama promised these same people that their premiums would be lower, they're not, they're not affordable to the average working family. This plague is going to move into the employer mandate next year causing millions more to lose policies that they liked. They too will end up paying more for their medical insurance.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured.

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I believe it's an overreach from our government to mandate what an insurance policy must offer. People happy with their insurance should keep their insurance and not having the government say "no" you can't keep your insurance. The object was to insure the uninsured....that was it. This is tyranny...plain and simple.
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Republicans have had health care plans that would have actually reduced premiums FOREVER.
And never passed a comprehensive plan in 12 years in which the GOP ruled with complacent presidents.
Most Americans would just be happy if this debacle went away. At this point i'm not even sure they want the Government ever getting involved again. An alternative isn't in big demand. Americans just want this nightmare to end.
I believe it's an overreach from our government to mandate what an insurance policy must offer. People happy with their insurance should keep their insurance and not having the government say "no" you can't keep your insurance. The object was to insure the uninsured....that was it. This is tyranny...plain and simple.

What Obamacare is---is a National Group insurance policy.

IOW--you are paying for coverage that includes pre-natal (maternity) coverage regardless of your age, or if you have already had your kids and no longer want nor need that type of coverage. Single men--the elderly that can no longer have kids basically everyone is required to pay for it. You are also paying for mental health and drug abuse and a whole list of other things that you may not want nor need. These are the mandates within Obamacare that went out to every insurer in the nation. IOW--there are no choices within Obamacare to actually lower your monthly premiums--as the individual market offered, other than opting for a higher deductible and co-pays.

Obama and Democrats had to DESTROY the individual market--to move these people over into the Obamacare exchanges to help pay for Obamacare. These people are quickly finding out that their premiums under these exchanges are double to triple what they were paying on there now cancelled policies, even though Obama promised that premiums would be lower on his plan.

Diane Feinstein-and many democrats-who voted for Obamacare and then voted against a Fix in 2010 are having lots of problems. The fix bill would have allowed people to keep their insurance as promised over 40 times by Obama. Here is the link for that.
Senate Democrats supported rule that led to insurance cancellations ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

And of course the complaint department is now fully functional on Diane Fienstein's telephone and email address--who alone has received over 33,000 complaints within the last few weeks. She is now backing a bill that would allow Americans to keep their coverage, even though she voted against a bill in 2010 that would have achieved that.

As far as the cost of Obamacare--here is is. This coming from Diane Feinstein's letter (last week) to the Senate to change the law.
“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

In 2014 the Obamacare employer mandates kick in--creating another mass of millions upon millions that will be losing their current insurance plans--to accommodate the mandates within Obamacare. Which of course because of the mandates and No Choices will be much more expensive also.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-usmvYOPfco]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]
Obamacare is, without a doubt, the single WORST piece of legislation in the last 100 years.

Wait until the employer mandates kick in. When about 65% of those currently with health plans through work get the notice that they will have to go to the exchanges OR that it will increase their premiums, we will see an outcry like never before.

It's going to be bloody. And I am going to laugh at all the liberals who will run from this amateur in the White House...
Obamacare is, without a doubt, the single WORST piece of legislation in the last 100 years.

Wait until the employer mandates kick in. When about 65% of those currently with health plans through work get the notice that they will have to go to the exchanges OR that it will increase their premiums, we will see an outcry like never before.

It's going to be bloody. And I am going to laugh at all the liberals who will run from this amateur in the White House...

They will just throw the bum under the bus and vote for Hillary to come save the day with single payer. The democrats are pit bulls locked onto the throats of the upper middle class income earners. They are not going to let go, and the folks that don't have to pay a red dime for this economic rape of our higher income earners.. yeah they could give a shit.

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