What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

I believe it's an overreach from our government to mandate what an insurance policy must offer. People happy with their insurance should keep their insurance and not having the government say "no" you can't keep your insurance. The object was to insure the uninsured....that was it. This is tyranny...plain and simple.

Perfectly stated. The 'Mandate' alone, is as Un-American as it gets. Force is not what our Country is about. This whole thing needs to be scrapped. And i think most Americans would be fine with the Government not getting involved again. Big Brother keeps telling us we need things like Amnesty, More Wars, More 'Security', and Obamacare. But do we? Americans need to start thinking these things through a bit more. If Big Brother is saying we 'need' these things, it's most likely we don't. It's more a case of him needing those things.

And the mandate is the one thing that the Republicans won't touch.

There's an interesting article in the WSJ that paints a very plausible scenario for how things might play out. And of course, the mandate stays:

How the GOP Should Fix ObamaCare - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com
Nobody has had their health insurance canceled. Every case considered by the Republican propaganda is that the 2013 policy has been replaced by a 2014 policy, an event that happens virtually every year. That's the mechanism that insurance companies use to avoid their risk of rising healthcare costs.
I believe it's an overreach from our government to mandate what an insurance policy must offer. People happy with their insurance should keep their insurance and not having the government say "no" you can't keep your insurance. The object was to insure the uninsured....that was it. This is tyranny...plain and simple.

Perfectly stated. The 'Mandate' alone, is as Un-American as it gets. Force is not what our Country is about. This whole thing needs to be scrapped. And i think most Americans would be fine with the Government not getting involved again. Big Brother keeps telling us we need things like Amnesty, More Wars, More 'Security', and Obamacare. But do we? Americans need to start thinking these things through a bit more. If Big Brother is saying we 'need' these things, it's most likely we don't. It's more a case of him needing those things.

And the mandate is the one thing that the Republicans won't touch.

There's an interesting article in the WSJ that paints a very plausible scenario for how things might play out. And of course, the mandate stays:

How the GOP Should Fix ObamaCare - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com

Shame on them too.
Thread title,
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

Let me ask you something Marc, what is more important, healthcare or insurance?
What you (and most) call "Obamacare" is really titled "The Affordable Care Act (or (ACA). It does nothing to make healthcare/medical care more affordable. There is even question about it making health insurance more affordable.
But, the root cause was never addressed by the ACA. That root being the cost of medical care, not the cost of insurance.

Your OP asks for the Republican solution. That obviously means that you think (perhaps even believe) that the government is the solution to the high cost of medical care. I disagree. Throughout this nations history we can see where the government solutions to issues result in higher costs to the end consumer, not affordability. In this case they addressed insurance, not actual medical costs (root cause). It is like forcing people to buy automobile insurance that includes oil changes and forcing auto insurers to cover oil changes. Auto insurance would certainly rise if that were the case.

Part of the ACA forces employers of a certain size to provide/supplement medical insurance for their employees. Do you know why employers got active in the act of supplementing medical insurance for employees? I'll assume you don't know the reason, but if you do, it will still inform some that that don't. In 1943 the War Labor Board rules wage freeze did not apply to fringe benefits. That's right, the government set wage freezes, so employers offered the benefit of insurance to attract employees, it was a fringe benefit. Today, the government is now forcing employers to offer that fringe benefit.

The government isn't the solution Marc, regardless of the Republican or Democrat moniker.
What's the solution then Alan?

The status quo?
Perfectly stated. The 'Mandate' alone, is as Un-American as it gets. Force is not what our Country is about. This whole thing needs to be scrapped. And i think most Americans would be fine with the Government not getting involved again. Big Brother keeps telling us we need things like Amnesty, More Wars, More 'Security', and Obamacare. But do we? Americans need to start thinking these things through a bit more. If Big Brother is saying we 'need' these things, it's most likely we don't. It's more a case of him needing those things.

And the mandate is the one thing that the Republicans won't touch.

There's an interesting article in the WSJ that paints a very plausible scenario for how things might play out. And of course, the mandate stays:

How the GOP Should Fix ObamaCare - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com

Shame on them too.

I'd bet good money it's exactly what the pubs will do. It gives the insurance industry every fucking thing. Let's the off them hook for pre-existing conditions and all the 'protections' entailed in Obamacare, but leaves the mandate in place.
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And the mandate is the one thing that the Republicans won't touch.

There's an interesting article in the WSJ that paints a very plausible scenario for how things might play out. And of course, the mandate stays:

How the GOP Should Fix ObamaCare - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com

Shame on them too.

I'd bet good money it's exactly what the pubs will do. It gives the insurance industry every fucking thing. Let's the off them hook for pre-existing conditions and all the 'protections' entailed in Obamacare, but leaves the mandate in place.

The pub plan is to support HSAs and free markets instead of outlawing them.
I'd bet good money it's exactly what the pubs will do. It gives the insurance industry every fucking thing. Let's the off them hook for pre-existing conditions and all the 'protections' entailed in Obamacare, but leaves the mandate in place.

The pub plan is to support HSAs and free markets instead of outlawing them.

We'll see ...

Ok... I meant the conservative plan :) Neo-cons like McCain, Romney, Perry, Christie, and Bush... yeah never know what those socialist pubs are gonna do.
I believe it's an overreach from our government to mandate what an insurance policy must offer. People happy with their insurance should keep their insurance and not having the government say "no" you can't keep your insurance. The object was to insure the uninsured....that was it. This is tyranny...plain and simple.

Perfectly stated. The 'Mandate' alone, is as Un-American as it gets. Force is not what our Country is about. This whole thing needs to be scrapped. And i think most Americans would be fine with the Government not getting involved again. Big Brother keeps telling us we need things like Amnesty, More Wars, More 'Security', and Obamacare. But do we? Americans need to start thinking these things through a bit more. If Big Brother is saying we 'need' these things, it's most likely we don't. It's more a case of him needing those things.

And the mandate is the one thing that the Republicans won't touch.

There's an interesting article in the WSJ that paints a very plausible scenario for how things might play out. And of course, the mandate stays:

How the GOP Should Fix ObamaCare - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com

From the WSJ article.

" Americans are beginning to understand that the essence of the Affordable Care Act is that millions of people are being conscripted to buy overpriced insurance they would never choose for themselves in order to afford Mr. Obama monies to spend on the poor and those who are medically uninsurable due to pre-existing conditions. Both Mr. Obama and Republicans are blowing smoke in claiming that the damage done to the individual market by the forced cancellation of “substandard” plans (i.e., those that don’t meet the purposes of ObamaCare) can somehow be reversed at this point. It can’t be."

In all alternatives people are being forced to do things that benefit other people.

In the old system people with health insurance were forced into paying the emergency room bills or medical bankruptcies of those without insurance.

With ACA those without health insurance under the old system are forced to be responsible for their own situation and those bankruptcies and emergency room costs will be eliminated.

With ACA some will pay, some will save, but everyone will be held personally responsible for their own.
I believe it's an overreach from our government to mandate what an insurance policy must offer. People happy with their insurance should keep their insurance and not having the government say "no" you can't keep your insurance. The object was to insure the uninsured....that was it. This is tyranny...plain and simple.

Perfectly stated. The 'Mandate' alone, is as Un-American as it gets. Force is not what our Country is about. This whole thing needs to be scrapped. And i think most Americans would be fine with the Government not getting involved again. Big Brother keeps telling us we desperately need things like Amnesty, More Wars, More 'Security' More Taxes, More Spending, and Obamacare. Everything's a 'Crisis', therefore we must do something. But do we desperately need those things? Americans need to start thinking these things through a bit more. If Big Brother is saying we 'need' these things, it's very likely we don't. It's more a case of him needing those things.

Again, as I have stated many, many times here…it's all about "control".
Perfectly stated. The 'Mandate' alone, is as Un-American as it gets. Force is not what our Country is about. This whole thing needs to be scrapped. And i think most Americans would be fine with the Government not getting involved again. Big Brother keeps telling us we need things like Amnesty, More Wars, More 'Security', and Obamacare. But do we? Americans need to start thinking these things through a bit more. If Big Brother is saying we 'need' these things, it's most likely we don't. It's more a case of him needing those things.

And the mandate is the one thing that the Republicans won't touch.

There's an interesting article in the WSJ that paints a very plausible scenario for how things might play out. And of course, the mandate stays:

How the GOP Should Fix ObamaCare - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com

From the WSJ article.

" Americans are beginning to understand that the essence of the Affordable Care Act is that millions of people are being conscripted to buy overpriced insurance they would never choose for themselves in order to afford Mr. Obama monies to spend on the poor and those who are medically uninsurable due to pre-existing conditions. Both Mr. Obama and Republicans are blowing smoke in claiming that the damage done to the individual market by the forced cancellation of “substandard” plans (i.e., those that don’t meet the purposes of ObamaCare) can somehow be reversed at this point. It can’t be."

In all alternatives people are being forced to do things that benefit other people.

In the old system people with health insurance were forced into paying the emergency room bills or medical bankruptcies of those without insurance.

With ACA those without health insurance under the old system are forced to be responsible for their own situation and those bankruptcies and emergency room costs will be eliminated.

With ACA some will pay, some will save, but everyone will be held personally responsible for their own.

Did you read the whole article? Do you realize what they're suggesting?
Obamacare is, without a doubt, the single WORST piece of legislation in the last 100 years.

Wait until the employer mandates kick in. When about 65% of those currently with health plans through work get the notice that they will have to go to the exchanges OR that it will increase their premiums, we will see an outcry like never before.

It's going to be bloody. And I am going to laugh at all the liberals who will run from this amateur in the White House...

Hell, it's ALREADY bloody. These chickensh$t democrats can't run from this fast enough. They are capable of reading the writing on the bathroom walls - a democrat in Washington will soon be as scarce as snow in Death Valley.

Here's the idiots biggest problem: They can't run away from their votes. They can lie as much as they want - all the republicans have to do in their campaign adverts is put up a sign on television that says 5 words: "I DIDN'T VOTE FOR IT"

Nuff said.
Obamacare is, without a doubt, the single WORST piece of legislation in the last 100 years.

Wait until the employer mandates kick in. When about 65% of those currently with health plans through work get the notice that they will have to go to the exchanges OR that it will increase their premiums, we will see an outcry like never before.

It's going to be bloody. And I am going to laugh at all the liberals who will run from this amateur in the White House...

Hell, it's ALREADY bloody. These chickensh$t democrats can't run from this fast enough. They are capable of reading the writing on the bathroom walls - a democrat in Washington will soon be as scarce as snow in Death Valley.

Here's the idiots biggest problem: They can't run away from their votes. They can lie as much as they want - all the republicans have to do in their campaign adverts is put up a sign on television that says 5 words: "I DIDN'T VOTE FOR IT"

Nuff said.

You think that Democrats are running from the Republican propaganda. Believe me, after hearing it continously for five years about every single possibility, and have every single one fall flat on its face, nobody is paying any attention except the Fox addicted.
And the mandate is the one thing that the Republicans won't touch.

There's an interesting article in the WSJ that paints a very plausible scenario for how things might play out. And of course, the mandate stays:

How the GOP Should Fix ObamaCare - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com

From the WSJ article.

" Americans are beginning to understand that the essence of the Affordable Care Act is that millions of people are being conscripted to buy overpriced insurance they would never choose for themselves in order to afford Mr. Obama monies to spend on the poor and those who are medically uninsurable due to pre-existing conditions. Both Mr. Obama and Republicans are blowing smoke in claiming that the damage done to the individual market by the forced cancellation of “substandard” plans (i.e., those that don’t meet the purposes of ObamaCare) can somehow be reversed at this point. It can’t be."

In all alternatives people are being forced to do things that benefit other people.

In the old system people with health insurance were forced into paying the emergency room bills or medical bankruptcies of those without insurance.

With ACA those without health insurance under the old system are forced to be responsible for their own situation and those bankruptcies and emergency room costs will be eliminated.

With ACA some will pay, some will save, but everyone will be held personally responsible for their own.

Did you read the whole article? Do you realize what they're suggesting?

I did. I disagree with their opinion. The WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdock, Fox Opinions owner. Nuff said.
Obamacare is, without a doubt, the single WORST piece of legislation in the last 100 years.

Wait until the employer mandates kick in. When about 65% of those currently with health plans through work get the notice that they will have to go to the exchanges OR that it will increase their premiums, we will see an outcry like never before.

It's going to be bloody. And I am going to laugh at all the liberals who will run from this amateur in the White House...

Hell, it's ALREADY bloody. These chickensh$t democrats can't run from this fast enough. They are capable of reading the writing on the bathroom walls - a democrat in Washington will soon be as scarce as snow in Death Valley.

Here's the idiots biggest problem: They can't run away from their votes. They can lie as much as they want - all the republicans have to do in their campaign adverts is put up a sign on television that says 5 words: "I DIDN'T VOTE FOR IT"

Nuff said.

You think that Democrats are running from the Republican propaganda. Believe me, after hearing it continously for five years about every single possibility, and have every single one fall flat on its face, nobody is paying any attention except the Fox addicted.

You go right on believing that. You're forgetting one VERY IMPORTANT thing here, sonny….money. You start emptying it from the voters pockets and taking their health insurance away from them - they wake up.

You guys are toast. But don't worry - you democrats will have a front row seat to the end of your world. :lol:
From the WSJ article.

" Americans are beginning to understand that the essence of the Affordable Care Act is that millions of people are being conscripted to buy overpriced insurance they would never choose for themselves in order to afford Mr. Obama monies to spend on the poor and those who are medically uninsurable due to pre-existing conditions. Both Mr. Obama and Republicans are blowing smoke in claiming that the damage done to the individual market by the forced cancellation of “substandard” plans (i.e., those that don’t meet the purposes of ObamaCare) can somehow be reversed at this point. It can’t be."

In all alternatives people are being forced to do things that benefit other people.

In the old system people with health insurance were forced into paying the emergency room bills or medical bankruptcies of those without insurance.

With ACA those without health insurance under the old system are forced to be responsible for their own situation and those bankruptcies and emergency room costs will be eliminated.

With ACA some will pay, some will save, but everyone will be held personally responsible for their own.

Did you read the whole article? Do you realize what they're suggesting?

I did. I disagree with their opinion. The WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdock, Fox Opinions owner. Nuff said.

I'll take that as a 'no'.
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

They never had one and never had any intention of having one.

Even now that ObamaCare is law, all they're talking about is repeal and defund. They know they can do neither but they're hoping the lie will get them votes.
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

They never had one and never had any intention of having one.

Even now that ObamaCare is law, all they're talking about is repeal and defund. They know they can do neither but they're hoping the lie will get them votes.

What does Obamacare do for us though?

How are drastically higher premiums making healthcare more affordable for US Citizens?
What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

They never had one and never had any intention of having one.

Even now that ObamaCare is law, all they're talking about is repeal and defund. They know they can do neither but they're hoping the lie will get them votes.

What does Obamacare do for us though?

How are drastically higher premiums making healthcare more affordable for US Citizens?

It holds everyone accountable for the cost of their own health care. No more dumping it off of to others. It gives those that business chooses to not pay a living wage a subsidy that allows them to obtain effective health care.

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