What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

They never had one and never had any intention of having one.

Even now that ObamaCare is law, all they're talking about is repeal and defund. They know they can do neither but they're hoping the lie will get them votes.

What does Obamacare do for us though?

How are drastically higher premiums making healthcare more affordable for US Citizens?

It holds everyone accountable for the cost of their own health care. No more dumping it off of to others. It gives those that business chooses to not pay a living wage a subsidy that allows them to obtain effective health care.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

What is the alternative? It's stick with the current system that is providing lower premiums than we see post-Obamacare, lol.

It's pretty simple.

So, health care premiums have risen every year, but this year only, Fox Opinions tells you that it's due to Obamacare.

You are a colossal sucker.
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

What is the alternative? It's stick with the current system that is providing lower premiums than we see post-Obamacare, lol.

It's pretty simple.

So, health care premiums have risen every year, but this year only, Fox Opinions tells you that it's due to Obamacare.

You are a colossal sucker.

You are a LYING SACK OF SHIT. Each and every year the reason for the rise in health care costs is DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE THEFT ALLOWED THROUGH CRONY CAPITALISM AND FORCED THROUGH ADDITIONAL STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. The health care costs are going up BECAUSE OF SCREWED UP GOVERNMENT management. Obuma Care is a collection of SCREWED UP GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS, designed to YET AGAIN screw us in the ass.
So, health care premiums have risen every year, but this year only, Fox Opinions tells you that it's due to Obamacare.

You are a colossal sucker.

Alright, no need to be a dick PMZ; it's time to get off your high horse.

Correct, costs are rising in the healthcare system. I don't disagree. My point is that Obamacare IS the current insurance based system with the only difference being that citizens now MUST participate or face a fine. Do you understand this? Obamacare IS the current system. The only other large change is that insurers must now take on pre-existing conditions, and this is NOT a cost-reducing measure and will cause premiums to rise.

Obamacare is the current system, PMZ. You call me the sucker? I think peeps who bought the story that Obamacare will drive costs down were the suckers....
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So, health care premiums have risen every year, but this year only, Fox Opinions tells you that it's due to Obamacare.

You are a colossal sucker.

Alright, no need to be a dick PMZ, and time to get off your high horse.

Correct, costs are rising in the healthcare system. But what you fail to realize (apparently) is that Obamacare is NOT a change to this system; it's still the same old insurance model, only now we're REQUIRED to participate or face a fine, and insurers are REQUIRED to take on pre-existing conditions (which raise costs).

Obamacare IS the current system, PMZ. YOU are a colossal sucker, lol.

Exactly. The entire point of ACA is to preserve the status quo - to trap us there by law.
So, health care premiums have risen every year, but this year only, Fox Opinions tells you that it's due to Obamacare.

You are a colossal sucker.

Alright, no need to be a dick PMZ, and time to get off your high horse.

Correct, costs are rising in the healthcare system. But what you fail to realize (apparently) is that Obamacare is NOT a change to this system; it's still the same old insurance model, only now we're REQUIRED to participate or face a fine, and insurers are REQUIRED to take on pre-existing conditions (which raise costs).

Obamacare IS the current system, PMZ. YOU are a colossal sucker, lol.

Exactly. The entire point of ACA is to preserve the status quo - to trap us there by law.

Exactly, "Obamacare" was packaged and sold as a vehicle to insure the uninsured and reduce premiums.
It wasn't packaged and sold as to knock people out of their insurance policies that they liked, nor was it packaged and sold as to what was a good policy and what was a junk policy dictated by our government.
This is tyranny
They aren't going to give up, you know. The Democrats.

The web site will get fixed. People will get insurance who never had it, or who lost their insurance years ago.

They aren't going to quit. I know you want them to, and that is why you whine every day about ObamaCare; to try to make them quit.

They aren't going to.

Time to wake up to that reality and get in front of it before you get steamrolled under.

How exactly? What are you suggesting?


Is this what you mean 'get in front of it'?

Alright, no need to be a dick PMZ, and time to get off your high horse.

Correct, costs are rising in the healthcare system. But what you fail to realize (apparently) is that Obamacare is NOT a change to this system; it's still the same old insurance model, only now we're REQUIRED to participate or face a fine, and insurers are REQUIRED to take on pre-existing conditions (which raise costs).

Obamacare IS the current system, PMZ. YOU are a colossal sucker, lol.

Exactly. The entire point of ACA is to preserve the status quo - to trap us there by law.

Exactly, "Obamacare" was packaged and sold as a vehicle to insure the uninsured and reduce premiums.
It wasn't packaged and sold as to knock people out of their insurance policies that they liked, nor was it packaged and sold as to what was a good policy and what was a junk policy dictated by our government.
This is tyranny

So because 6/10th of .01% are getting their policies scrapped it's "tyranny"?

What about the 17 Million kids with pre-existing conditions that can't be kicked off their parent's policies? That tyranny too?

What about the 40 Million or so that couldn't get insurance before, now getting it. That Tyranny too?

What about the 45K Americans dying EACH YEAR because of no insurance prior to ObamaCare. Was that FREEDOM??

Exactly. The entire point of ACA is to preserve the status quo - to trap us there by law.

Exactly, "Obamacare" was packaged and sold as a vehicle to insure the uninsured and reduce premiums.
It wasn't packaged and sold as to knock people out of their insurance policies that they liked, nor was it packaged and sold as to what was a good policy and what was a junk policy dictated by our government.
This is tyranny

So because 6/10th of .01% are getting their policies scrapped it's "tyranny"?

What about the 17 Million kids with pre-existing conditions that can't be kicked off their parent's policies? That tyranny too?

What about the 40 Million or so that couldn't get insurance before, now getting it. That Tyranny too?

What about the 45K Americans dying EACH YEAR because of no insurance prior to ObamaCare. Was that FREEDOM??


No, being forced to offer ourselves up to the insurance industry as mandated customers is tyranny. It sets a horrible precedent.
So because 6/10th of .01% are getting their policies scrapped it's "tyranny"?

What about the 17 Million kids with pre-existing conditions that can't be kicked off their parent's policies? That tyranny too?

What about the 40 Million or so that couldn't get insurance before, now getting it. That Tyranny too?

What about the 45K Americans dying EACH YEAR because of no insurance prior to ObamaCare. Was that FREEDOM??


Where are the 40 million people "now getting insurance"? Last I checked barely 500k people had signed up (but correct me if I'm wrong), and nearly 10 million+ had lost their policies!

Also, I never said that insurance companies allowing pre-existing conditions is a "bad thing", it's just something that will drive costs upwards (obviously, using simple math). It's called the "affordable care act" and should be driving premiums down not up!

I want to work with you guys, really, just don't think Obamacare is worth saving. It presents no fundamental changes beyond requiring people to buy healthcare and a few additional (cheap) tricks like insurance companies must give "a greater portion of their profits" back to customers. Why do I call that a "trick"? Because the margins on insurance policies are only about 4% and won't have a big impact.

Believe me, I'm open for a discussion on driving healthcare costs down...
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I believe it's an overreach from our government to mandate what an insurance policy must offer. People happy with their insurance should keep their insurance and not having the government say "no" you can't keep your insurance. The object was to insure the uninsured....that was it. This is tyranny...plain and simple.

Perfectly stated. The 'Mandate' alone, is as Un-American as it gets. Force is not what our Country is about. This whole thing needs to be scrapped. And i think most Americans would be fine with the Government not getting involved again. Big Brother keeps telling us we desperately need things like Amnesty, More Wars, More 'Security' More Taxes, More Spending, and Obamacare. Everything's a 'Crisis', therefore we must do something. But do we desperately need those things? Americans need to start thinking these things through a bit more. If Big Brother is saying we 'need' these things, it's very likely we don't. It's more a case of him needing those things.

Again, as I have stated many, many times here…it's all about "control".

Ain't that the truth.
What does Obamacare do for us though?

How are drastically higher premiums making healthcare more affordable for US Citizens?

It holds everyone accountable for the cost of their own health care. No more dumping it off of to others. It gives those that business chooses to not pay a living wage a subsidy that allows them to obtain effective health care.

I understand your frustration over being so taken advantage of by Fox Opinions boobs and boobies that you thought that you could trust.
Hell, it's ALREADY bloody. These chickensh$t democrats can't run from this fast enough. They are capable of reading the writing on the bathroom walls - a democrat in Washington will soon be as scarce as snow in Death Valley.

Here's the idiots biggest problem: They can't run away from their votes. They can lie as much as they want - all the republicans have to do in their campaign adverts is put up a sign on television that says 5 words: "I DIDN'T VOTE FOR IT"

Nuff said.

You think that Democrats are running from the Republican propaganda. Believe me, after hearing it continously for five years about every single possibility, and have every single one fall flat on its face, nobody is paying any attention except the Fox addicted.

You go right on believing that. You're forgetting one VERY IMPORTANT thing here, sonny….money. You start emptying it from the voters pockets and taking their health insurance away from them - they wake up.

You guys are toast. But don't worry - you democrats will have a front row seat to the end of your world. :lol:

What I hear in your words is that the Libertarian Party is willing to take the dixiecrats from the GOP. A win for everyone.
I understand your frustration over being so taken advantage of by Fox Opinions boobs and boobies that you thought that you could trust.

So you're saying that despite the fact my premium rose this year, and despite the fact my insurance said directly that this was due to the ACA law taking effect, that I'm to ignore people who are saying that the ACA will mean more expensive healthcare for millions of Americans?

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], am I to ignore reality and pretend that I'm paying lower rates, lol?

Seriously, I'm straight talking with you and would hope you can do the same with me...
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What is the alternative? It's stick with the current system that is providing lower premiums than we see post-Obamacare, lol.

It's pretty simple.

So, health care premiums have risen every year, but this year only, Fox Opinions tells you that it's due to Obamacare.

You are a colossal sucker.

You are a LYING SACK OF SHIT. Each and every year the reason for the rise in health care costs is DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE THEFT ALLOWED THROUGH CRONY CAPITALISM AND FORCED THROUGH ADDITIONAL STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. The health care costs are going up BECAUSE OF SCREWED UP GOVERNMENT management. Obuma Care is a collection of SCREWED UP GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS, designed to YET AGAIN screw us in the ass.

Have you see all that new equipment in hospitals now? Have you seen hospitals now? How about all of the ads on TV that tell us to ask our Doctors about a new pill for what we didn't even know was a problem. Have you seen what Doctors drive now?

Yet Republicans say, what problem? Let's vote again this week to repeal Obamacare.

And colossal suckers like you lap it up like mothers milk.

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Truer words have never been spoken:

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.H.L. Mencken

The urge not to save humanity is left over from our monkey days.
Don't you understand Sheep? Big Brother says we desperately need Amnesty, More Wars, More Taxes, More Debt, More Spying, and Obamacare. We're in permanent 'Crisis.' It's for your own good. So just shut up and do what you're told.
Alright, no need to be a dick PMZ, and time to get off your high horse.

Correct, costs are rising in the healthcare system. But what you fail to realize (apparently) is that Obamacare is NOT a change to this system; it's still the same old insurance model, only now we're REQUIRED to participate or face a fine, and insurers are REQUIRED to take on pre-existing conditions (which raise costs).

Obamacare IS the current system, PMZ. YOU are a colossal sucker, lol.

Exactly. The entire point of ACA is to preserve the status quo - to trap us there by law.

Exactly, "Obamacare" was packaged and sold as a vehicle to insure the uninsured and reduce premiums.
It wasn't packaged and sold as to knock people out of their insurance policies that they liked, nor was it packaged and sold as to what was a good policy and what was a junk policy dictated by our government.
This is tyranny

We have a right to have bad insurance.

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