What is the Republican explanation as to why gas prices are so high even though their profit margins are so high?

It's Putin. Because Putin owned Trump, but he had to wait for a year and a half after Trump left, er, because, global warming, er, or something.
Wow, substance and thought is not, yet thought provoking is clear, concise and ludicrous.
So why are their profits higher than they have been in a decade?

Up to the ending of pipelines and biden's handlers attacking them......we were a net exporter of oil...which means they were selling a lot of oil.....

Now, the price of oil has gone up, because of Biden's handlers policies.......
Up to the ending of pipelines and biden's handlers attacking them......we were a net exporter of oil...which means they were selling a lot of oil.....

Now, the price of oil has gone up, because of Biden's handlers policies.......
Sounds about right. 😐
Well see you’re missing a basic point here. Regardless of the politics about energy, their profits are still sky high. You aren’t adding anything to the conversation if you are not taking that into account.
How much is government raking in from gas taxes?
When Trump was president, how many times did we hear liberals crow > "on his watch!"

Now Biden is president, and the country is coming apart at the seams. (on his watch)
I like Biden. He's a real man. He won't try to overthrow our government or try to have his vice president murdered like this sissy crybaby trump did because he lost big time in the election.
Not when most of the rise occurred pre Ukraine invasion
Hmm.... not taking your word on that, but it really doesn't matter to me. In a free market, it's not the job of the President, nor the government, to control commodity prices. In fact, it's none of their fucking business.
I wouldn't trust the liberal rag business insider for a split second.
You think that about any source that doesn’t suck Trump dick. It’s an excuse you give when you can’t argue with the facts. Why don’t you find your own source that disputes my facts instead of acting like a little girl.
Hmm.... not taking your word on that, but it really doesn't matter to me. In a free market, it's not the job of the President, nor the government, to control commodity prices. In fact, it's none of their fucking business.
Except when it's not a "free market" because of direct, immediate government actions
Except when it's not a "free market" because of direct, immediate government actions
Yeah, whatever.

The way I see it, Biden had three choices:

1. Do nothing, and let Putin walk across Europe, resurrecting the USSR.
2. Confront Russian forces directly with our military, seriously risking a nuclear conflict.
3. Economic sanctions, which impacts oil prices, among other things.

I don't know which one is the best course of action. I don't want my sons sent off to war, so high gas prices seems a reasonable alternative. Which would you choose?

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