What is the Republican explanation as to why gas prices are so high even though their profit margins are so high?

The main duty of the US President is to keep gas prices low.

It's in the Constitution!
Agreed, but it is also not the duty of the president to unnecessarily make the cost of living unsustainable (a/k/a fuck the American people up the ass) for fairytales of renewable energy that is simply not available.

If a president gets out of the way and does no harm, he(she) has succeeded.
Profits and private property are EVIL!!!!! Government is our savior.

Go team!
To what extant are profits? Slavery, minimum wages, no benefits, no health insurance? CEO's making millions with tax free benefits? Without government regulations, rules and laws most of us would see dystopia - those like you(?) are anarchists.
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To what extant are profits? Slavery, minimum wages with no benefits? CEO's making millions with tax free benefits? Without government regulations, rules and laws most of us would see dystopia - those like you(?) are anarchists.
If you're seriously saying that "employees" are slaves, you've already jumped the shark. Shame you can't hang out with a real slave - you know, the whips and chains kind? They might laugh at you for comparing their lot to "employees". Or, they might freak out and kill you for being such a douche.
I think he got out of the way.

Love him or hate him, he did not interfere in energy to deliberately make fossil fuels unsustainable so "green" energy can barely compete.
The issue should be decided, squarely, on whether or not such measures are needed to protect the environment. If they're needed, fuck gas prices. If they're not needed, fuck gas prices.

All the populist nonsense, where we appeal to idiotic trivialities, doesn't serve us well. It serves the interests of myopic partisans pretty well though.

Fuck them.
If you're seriously saying that "employees" are slaves, you've already jumped the shark. Shame you can't hang out with a real slave - you know, the kind? They might laugh at you for comparing their lot to "employees". Or, they might freak out and kill you for being such a douche.
Slaves were fed and housed. Not all were suffering "whips and chains" so your comment is foolish and an example of your incapable of writing a logical rebuttal.

Being a wage slave means you are stuck doing a job solely for the money. You can’t quit, because leaving would have terrible consequences for you and your family. For example, in America, leaving your job not only means a loss of income but can also mean losing your healthcare coverage as well.

This seems inhumane. For many wage slaves, leaving a job puts them one broken arm away from bankruptcy, so they stay put, whether they like it or not.

During the pandemic, many workers, like meat-packers, have little choice but to put themselves at increased risk of catching the virus while on the job. Tens of millions of Americans (and likely billions worldwide) are trapped doing jobs they hate but can’t leave.

Slaves were fed and housed. Not all are suffering "whips and chains" so your comment is foolish and an example of hour incapable of writing a logical rebuttal.

Well shit. I didn't realize you were actually advocating for slavery. But it does kind of fit with the whole socialism/leftist thing. We don't mind being slaves, as long as we're well cared for!
Well shit. I didn't realize you were actually advocating for slavery. But it does kind of fit with the whole socialism/leftist thing. We don't mind being slaves, as long as we're well cared for!
You're not only *^^(^%, you are dishonest. My post was cut short by you, and then you couldn't admit your post was all crap.
Why does the left continue to act as if they lost the freaking election? Repubs don't have to explain it. Democrats have to explain why Biden's energy policy has caused gas pump prices to soar.

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