What is the Republican explanation as to why gas prices are so high even though their profit margins are so high?

Well Exxon does have control over costs at the well head, but more importantly you're conspiracy theory rests on a mythical belief that some small cabal of traders is getting China and the EU and the US, and the rest of the world, to pay more that oil would cost if another trader entered the market. That is elder of zion territory.

There's more global demand than oil. And the US hasn't seen a new refinery since 1977
Dont be silly

Oil traders are the most independent and cutthroat people the planet

They think they know how much oil will sell for 6 or 12 months in the future
What the hell are they thinking when lefties ask republicans to explain why energy prices are so high 18 months after we elected a freaking democrat.
President Biden is doing all he can and people like you and all Republican Pols are roadblocking his efforts by words and deeds.
How is anything I say blocking Quid Pro from doing anything? I mean, I know his sycophants are desperate to deflect blame, but that's crazy.
What the hell are they thinking when lefties ask republicans to explain why energy prices are so high 18 months after we elected a freaking democrat.
They're not really thinking, they're just trying to deflect attention from Quid Pro's abysmal performance.
American oil companies do not set prices, not even for oil that is sold locally. Keep the following metaphor in mind:

The global oil market is akin to a giant swimming pool filled with oil. There are thousands of pipes pumping oil INTO the pool, while at the same time, there are thousands of drain pipes taking oil OUT OF the pool. The global price of oil corresponds to the level of oil in the pool; when the level is high prices are low, and when the level of oil is low, the price is high.

There is no doubt that domestic oil producers make out like bandits when the level is low, but they are not responsible for the low level of oil in the pool. And increasing their output won't make much of a difference; it's a giant pool - a global thing.

This is not a "Republican explanation" of why gas prices are high. It's simply THE explanation. Greedy Corporations have nothing to do with it. EVERY corporation sells its products at the highest price the market will tolerate. Just like EVERY worker gets as much for his labor as the market will support, and EVERY corporate buyer will buy shit for the lowest possible price.
That's probably why the fools want to empty the prisons.
American oil companies do not set prices, not even for oil that is sold locally. Keep the following metaphor in mind:

The global oil market is akin to a giant swimming pool filled with oil. There are thousands of pipes pumping oil INTO the pool, while at the same time, there are thousands of drain pipes taking oil OUT OF the pool. The global price of oil corresponds to the level of oil in the pool; when the level is high prices are low, and when the level of oil is low, the price is high.

There is no doubt that domestic oil producers make out like bandits when the level is low, but they are not responsible for the low level of oil in the pool. And increasing their output won't make much of a difference; it's a giant pool - a global thing.

This is not a "Republican explanation" of why gas prices are high. It's simply THE explanation. Greedy Corporations have nothing to do with it. EVERY corporation sells its products at the highest price the market will tolerate. Just like EVERY worker gets as much for his labor as the market will support, and EVERY corporate buyer will buy shit for the lowest possible price.
1) How do you know the level is low? What are you basing that on? What forces at work are making it low exactly?

2) Why were their profit margins so high both before and after the prices got this high?
The below facts are supported with links and are several of many statements and actions Biden has done to
raise the cost of gasoline!

So Biden is either lying or telling the truth in the following 3 statements:
Biden statement
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Biden statement
Biden wants to throw oil executives into jail... “we should put them in jail” when talking about fossil fuel executives.
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%. That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.
So oil company workers can look at 3 statements and actions by Biden and wonder what their future is and therefore let's get it while we can!!!!
1) Biden wants to throw them in jail.
2) Biden wants to eliminate oil/coal, i.e. fossil fuels. Put them out of business. Make them unemployed.
3) Biden raises the cost of finding oil on Federal lands as well as halting the leasing of federal lands.

What would you do if your industry was told it was going to be obsolete, people put in jail and the cost is going up?

1) How do you know the level is low? What are you basing that on? What forces at work are making it low exactly?

2) Why were their profit margins so high both before and after the prices got this high?
That's probably why the fools want to empty the prisons.
American oil companies do not set prices, not even for oil that is sold locally. Keep the following metaphor in mind:

The global oil market is akin to a giant swimming pool filled with oil. There are thousands of pipes pumping oil INTO the pool, while at the same time, there are thousands of drain pipes taking oil OUT OF the pool. The global price of oil corresponds to the level of oil in the pool; when the level is high prices are low, and when the level of oil is low, the price is high.

There is no doubt that domestic oil producers make out like bandits when the level is low, but they are not responsible for the low level of oil in the pool. And increasing their output won't make much of a difference; it's a giant pool - a global thing.

This is not a "Republican explanation" of why gas prices are high. It's simply THE explanation. Greedy Corporations have nothing to do with it. EVERY corporation sells its products at the highest price the market will tolerate. Just like EVERY worker gets as much for his labor as the market will support, and EVERY corporate buyer will buy shit for the lowest possible price.
It's high cause biden shut down drilling.
For instance, what makes it Biden’s fault they are high if that is the case? What did Biden do to make them high? Keep in mind these prices are high in other countries.

6.25% is a "high profit margin"?

You’re just saying that because you can’t dispute my point.


Sure, trollboy, that's it. Of course, rational people know the only point you have is on top of your empty head.

Come back when you can admit how the global oil market works.
6.25% is a "high profit margin"?

From my source:

“Several of the world's largest oil companies reported first-quarter earnings in recent weeks, giving investors new detail as to how sky-high gas prices are bolstering firms' bottom lines. Performance, in a word, was stellar. ExxonMobil reported a net profit of $5.5 billion, more than doubling its earnings from the year-ago period. Shell notched its strongest quarterly profit ever, and Chevron posted its best earnings quarter in nearly a decade.
Those are words and are a very small percentage to reality. Maybe 10% of why gasoline is off the charts expensive.
And who in the hell are YOU? What is YOUR expertise? Where is YOUR proof? Geez idiots like you make dumb ass comments WITH NO proof!

Blame high gas prices on Biden's efforts to destroy fossil fuel industry​

Biden may not have known that that industry provides 2.5 million good, high-paying American jobs; supports 11.3 million other American jobs; and is about 8% of the American economy. To those millions of working Americans, he essentially said, “Drop dead, be gone, and become solar panel installers or code writers."
The administration has threatened to jail its executives, placed a moratorium on new leases on federal lands, is slow walking permit applications and is reviewing approved permits
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%. That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.

From my source:

“Several of the world's largest oil companies reported first-quarter earnings in recent weeks, giving investors new detail as to how sky-high gas prices are bolstering firms' bottom lines. Performance, in a word, was stellar. ExxonMobil reported a net profit of $5.5 billion, more than doubling its earnings from the year-ago period. Shell notched its strongest quarterly profit ever, and Chevron posted its best earnings quarter in nearly a decade.
You clearly don't know what the word "margin" means. Profit margin is how many dollars you make after spending dollars to make them. 6% is absolute shjt. MSFT makes $1 for every $0.30 cents it spends. A profit margin closer to 330%. (Slightly exaggerated but I'm not going to run the exact numbers for you dullard).
And again, their profits are higher than they have been in a decade so clearly it has nothing to do with Biden.
They don't want to explain because it destroys their blame Biden argument.

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