What is the Republican explanation as to why gas prices are so high even though their profit margins are so high?

From my source:

“Several of the world's largest oil companies reported first-quarter earnings in recent weeks, giving investors new detail as to how sky-high gas prices are bolstering firms' bottom lines. Performance, in a word, was stellar. ExxonMobil reported a net profit of $5.5 billion, more than doubling its earnings from the year-ago period. Shell notched its strongest quarterly profit ever, and Chevron posted its best earnings quarter in nearly a decade.
Oh, so you are so economically illiterate you don't know what "profit margins" means.
You commies think exchanging labor for profit is slavery. We don't need to discuss anything further until you correct that fundamental error in your fucked up thought process.
You're another idiot; you want to make a slave a human being owned by a person, that is slavery, A simple link that you won't read is a fact:

Calling me a "commie" goes beyond stupidity, calling you a fascist is self evident.
You clearly don't know what the word "margin" means. Profit margin is how many dollars you make after spending dollars to make them. 6% is absolute shjt. MSFT makes $1 for every $0.30 cents it spends. A profit margin closer to 330%. (Slightly exaggerated but I'm not going to run the exact numbers for you dullard).
Lol you idiots take any victory you can get huh? My source fundamentally proves the narrative wrong that Biden is choking the industry or has anything to do with these prices and you harp on this shit. A separate source told me the margins were higher. I’ll concede that’s not the cases. It really does not matter however. The profits still speak for themselves. Nostra
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Lol you idiots take any victory you can get huh? My source fundamentally proves the narrative wrong that Biden is choking the industry or has anything to do with these prices and you harp on this shit. A separate source told me the margins were higher. I’ll concede that’s not the cases. It really does not matter however. The profits still speak for themselves.
Your source = fake news.
Uhh no. You failed to prove that Biden is affecting oil industry profits or that his policies are responsible for the prices. As usual, yes, you failed lol
My source proved you are full of shit by claiming oil companies have record profit margins, Dumbass.
Lol yes enjoy your ultimately useless victory. You deserve something at least!
Proving you are full of shit isn’t really a victory, it’s just something that happens on a day that ends in “Y”
Well see you’re missing a basic point here. Regardless of the politics about energy, their profits are still sky high. You aren’t adding anything to the conversation if you are not taking that into account.
She’s missing nothing, you are the one missing the point. You cannot isolate our primary fuel / energy sources and expect it to remain affordable. As for what caused this? Look in the mirror, you will find the 2nd most impactful cause that brought us the puppet that occupies our Oval Office, BTW he couldn’t keep up with our true POTUS when he was 25 years old. Today, Biden is a pathetic excuse for a puppet…
The higher profits are required in order to continue to produce the product. I think there's a misconception by people with no experience in business where they think "profits" is money that they can just blow on whatever. The fact is, without retained profits, you can-not provide the liquidity to operate your business. Those profits are what enable them to cover unexpected costs, obtain loans, and pay down older debt. When the cost of production increases, you have to have more cash to fund the next cycle. Sure, some of that profit will go to stockholders of publicly held companies, but that is necessary in order to make the stock look attractive and so the company can borrow more money from other potential investors.
Biden/Dem gas topped $6 a gallon here and is still climbing. The Nov midterms are looking horrific for Democrats.

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