What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

He needs it to shoot squirrels

I don't shoot squirrels.

and FYI I do not have an AR 15

Know why?

Because my Ruger mini 14 chambered for 5.56 more than adequate
So, you need the semiautomatic because you can't hit it with the first shot?

It's not your place to tell me or anyone else what we "need"

all my rifles but my really old .22 are semiautomatics, some with internal magazines some with removable magazines

and FYI I did hit it with the first shot right at the base of the skull
I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

And yours is the stomping on of the rights of law abiding people
So, the killing power of the weapon is irrelevant to the death toll?
It's not that much of a factor when the opposing firepower is ZERO!!!!
If these weapons have no advantage, why do you want them?


Wrong....you are arguing that power in a weapon is an advantage in a mass public shooting...we are telling you that is not the case, since the shooter is shooting unarmed, helpless people. Besides.... the AR-15 is not a powerful rifle compared to others.....but that doesn't seem to make a difference to you.

A person defending themselves needs the best rifle they can afford or they think they need to survive....you don't get to make that choice for a law abiding citizen when the lives of their family will be on the line.
you have been shown over and over again that knives kill more people every single year than rifles do

How many mass killings with knives have we had?

how many with pressure cookers or fertilizer? the problem is not the weapon, the problem is we are living in a sick culture.
So, the killing power of the weapon is irrelevant to the death toll?

Yes....the main point to a mass public shooting is the location...the only reason the Sandy Hook killer was able to murder so many was the fact he chose the smallest children to target...which he could have done with a couple of pistols since the police didn't arrive for 5 minutes.... Dittos the Las Vegas shooter.....he killed 58 only because he was firing into a crowd of over 22,000, tightly packed in, and he fired from a concealed and fortified position...

Notice....the shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shot gun and killed 21. The Virginia Tech shooter used 2 pistols and killed 32......the one thing they all have in common....they were all gun free zones where the victims were unarmed and helpless.

In a closed space like a building, pistols will kill just as easily as a rifle, or shotgun...it is the unarmed, helpless victims when there is no one to stop the killer that causes the death rate to be so high.
Schools have long hallways.

Not long enough to make a difference with guns. Unless you are talking 300 yards out where a rifle has an advantage over a pistol....in a gun fight....but we aren't talking about that, we are talking about a shooter murdering people in confined rooms and narrow hallways where they are unarmed, helpless and can't shoot back....those are the biggest factors, not the choice of gun by the shooter.
I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

More guns in the hands of good people that they are allowed to carry with them as they carry every where else.

Again........ We know from actual mass shooters that they choose their targets based on gun free zone status..... they tell us this when they are captured ,they leave this information in their notes.....why do you refuse to listen to the ones who are actually doing the killing?
How many mass killings with knives have we had?

how many with pressure cookers or fertilizer? the problem is not the weapon, the problem is we are living in a sick culture.
So, the killing power of the weapon is irrelevant to the death toll?

Yes....the main point to a mass public shooting is the location...the only reason the Sandy Hook killer was able to murder so many was the fact he chose the smallest children to target...which he could have done with a couple of pistols since the police didn't arrive for 5 minutes.... Dittos the Las Vegas shooter.....he killed 58 only because he was firing into a crowd of over 22,000, tightly packed in, and he fired from a concealed and fortified position...

Notice....the shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shot gun and killed 21. The Virginia Tech shooter used 2 pistols and killed 32......the one thing they all have in common....they were all gun free zones where the victims were unarmed and helpless.

In a closed space like a building, pistols will kill just as easily as a rifle, or shotgun...it is the unarmed, helpless victims when there is no one to stop the killer that causes the death rate to be so high.
Schools have long hallways.

Not long enough to make a difference with guns. Unless you are talking 300 yards out where a rifle has an advantage over a pistol....in a gun fight....but we aren't talking about that, we are talking about a shooter murdering people in confined rooms and narrow hallways where they are unarmed, helpless and can't shoot back....those are the biggest factors, not the choice of gun by the shooter.

The average accuracy range of a handgun is something like 25 yards.

Now you claim you can shoot the typical handgun 300 yards. My God. You claim to know guns?
I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

More guns in the hands of good people that they are allowed to carry with them as they carry every where else.

Again........ We know from actual mass shooters that they choose their targets based on gun free zone status..... they tell us this when they are captured ,they leave this information in their notes.....why do you refuse to listen to the ones who are actually doing the killing?
A bunch of untrained yeahoos in a active gunman situation. What will the police do when they arrive with 20 people brandishing guns?
So, the killing power of the weapon is irrelevant to the death toll?
It's not that much of a factor when the opposing firepower is ZERO!!!!
If these weapons have no advantage, why do you want them?


Wrong....you are arguing that power in a weapon is an advantage in a mass public shooting...we are telling you that is not the case, since the shooter is shooting unarmed, helpless people. Besides.... the AR-15 is not a powerful rifle compared to others.....but that doesn't seem to make a difference to you.

A person defending themselves needs the best rifle they can afford or they think they need to survive....you don't get to make that choice for a law abiding citizen when the lives of their family will be on the line.
Look dickbreath, I am not the one making that stupid argument.

You are.
I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

I think we have reached the point of "Enough" guns. We don't need any more guns out there than we already have. In fact, we need to clean up the illegal guns that are out there now even if it means inconveniencing a citizen or two doing it. Case in point, Texas and Arizona States have become the Gun Resources for the Drug Cartels in Mexico and the Criminal Gangs in Metro Cities across the US. We need to put a stop to that now. And, I submit, the way to do that is through the Commerce laws. If any state continues to contribute at that level to criminal gun activity, freeze their borders where they can't have the guns shipped into their state. If the Guns are manufactured in that state, freeze the state borders where they can't legally ship their guns out. The Manufacturers will move to a State where there are little or no restrictions and the Illegal Gun Market all but dry up. When you have over 250K number of Guns every month moved to Criminal Activity every month from just two or three states (I think we can add Kansas and Nevada in there as well) then that's some serious illegal activity that really can't be taken care of using Gun Regulations. It's become more of an Interstate Commerce Problem. It's going to take either Congress to pass laws to force the FTA people to do it or a President that isn't on the take to force the FTA to do it. Either way works. But as long as the millions are spent by the Gun Manufacturers and Lobbyists, don't look for that to happen.

Okay, you Party of Trump pukes. You want to curb illegal gang violence, there is your chance. Back this and watch not only the Inner City Gangs start to lose their Guns but the Mexican Military to be no longer be outgunned by the Drug Cartels.

And it's done without one single addition of Firearms Regulation at the Federal Level. But it forces the offending states to clean up their act without harming their citizens right to own and purchase firearms.
I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

More guns in the hands of good people that they are allowed to carry with them as they carry every where else.

Again........ We know from actual mass shooters that they choose their targets based on gun free zone status..... they tell us this when they are captured ,they leave this information in their notes.....why do you refuse to listen to the ones who are actually doing the killing?
A bunch of untrained yeahoos in a active gunman situation. What will the police do when they arrive with 20 people brandishing guns?

That's already been answered. The Cops shoot armed people at the site. Like the Security Guard not long ago who was actually trying to control the situation.
you have been shown over and over again that knives kill more people every single year than rifles do

How many mass killings with knives have we had?

how many with pressure cookers or fertilizer? the problem is not the weapon, the problem is we are living in a sick culture.
So, the killing power of the weapon is irrelevant to the death toll?

Yes....the main point to a mass public shooting is the location...the only reason the Sandy Hook killer was able to murder so many was the fact he chose the smallest children to target...which he could have done with a couple of pistols since the police didn't arrive for 5 minutes.... Dittos the Las Vegas shooter.....he killed 58 only because he was firing into a crowd of over 22,000, tightly packed in, and he fired from a concealed and fortified position...

Notice....the shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shot gun and killed 21. The Virginia Tech shooter used 2 pistols and killed 32......the one thing they all have in common....they were all gun free zones where the victims were unarmed and helpless.

In a closed space like a building, pistols will kill just as easily as a rifle, or shotgun...it is the unarmed, helpless victims when there is no one to stop the killer that causes the death rate to be so high.

You conveniently left out MOST of the other factors. You are a gun crazy and I am sure glad most states are taking positions to protect us from your views.
I didn't keep my shotgun by the door because it is loaded with fucking slugs and buckshot you fucking moron and that load was completely inappropriate for shooting a rabid skunk or any other pest. ( except you)

Cause ya know...racking that slide is nearly impossible LOL

Maybe for a twig armed pansy like you but as I said I had no reason to use a shotgun since I had a very good varmint rifle loaded and ready to go

I can't help it if you're afraid of semiautomatic rifles

I don't fear you with any kind of gun. I know your pansy ass is just all talk. Unfortunately, some nutcase may take what you say and act on it. And that is what makes you so dangerous.
I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

I think we have reached the point of "Enough" guns. We don't need any more guns out there than we already have. In fact, we need to clean up the illegal guns that are out there now even if it means inconveniencing a citizen or two doing it. Case in point, Texas and Arizona States have become the Gun Resources for the Drug Cartels in Mexico and the Criminal Gangs in Metro Cities across the US. We need to put a stop to that now. And, I submit, the way to do that is through the Commerce laws. If any state continues to contribute at that level to criminal gun activity, freeze their borders where they can't have the guns shipped into their state. If the Guns are manufactured in that state, freeze the state borders where they can't legally ship their guns out. The Manufacturers will move to a State where there are little or no restrictions and the Illegal Gun Market all but dry up. When you have over 250K number of Guns every month moved to Criminal Activity every month from just two or three states (I think we can add Kansas and Nevada in there as well) then that's some serious illegal activity that really can't be taken care of using Gun Regulations. It's become more of an Interstate Commerce Problem. It's going to take either Congress to pass laws to force the FTA people to do it or a President that isn't on the take to force the FTA to do it. Either way works. But as long as the millions are spent by the Gun Manufacturers and Lobbyists, don't look for that to happen.

Okay, you Party of Trump pukes. You want to curb illegal gang violence, there is your chance. Back this and watch not only the Inner City Gangs start to lose their Guns but the Mexican Military to be no longer be outgunned by the Drug Cartels.

And it's done without one single addition of Firearms Regulation at the Federal Level. But it forces the offending states to clean up their act without harming their citizens right to own and purchase firearms.
There will never be enough guns. Know that. Your kind still exist
I shoot rabid skunks, or fisher cats, the occasional coyote

Fucking squirrel hunter. lol. Need a machine gun for that huh?

And you're the moron who says I should shoot a rabid animal with a shotgun and spread rabies infected tissue everywhere so I don't think I;ll take any advice from you on what to use for a gun

I've taken a shit load of rabbits and pheasant with bird shot. One shot one kill and it DOESN'T blast em to hell dumbass....have you ever hit ANYTHING?

A semiautomatic isn't a machine gun , moron.

And you said I should use my 12 gauge on a rabid skunk my 12 gauge is loaded with alternating slug and buckshot rounds not fucking bird shot as it is my primary home defense weapon my 5.56 is loaded with a very good varmint round.

And FYI my Remington 870 is an actual military weapon unlike the AR 15

Funny, I first shot in the Air Force an AR-15 Model 601. Imagine that. And from the AR-15 Model 601, the AR-15 Model 602 was born and so was the AR-15 Model 750 (the civilian AR-15) and the Colt LE6920. The AR-15 Model 601 saw combat in Malaysia as early as 1959. The one they are using today is the Colt AR-15 Model 604 commonly known as the M-16A-4. Considering it was used in combat at least 5 years before it was offered to the general public and 10 years before the Army bought it, I would say it qualifies as a Military Weapon. If it quacks like a duck......
I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

I think we have reached the point of "Enough" guns. We don't need any more guns out there than we already have. In fact, we need to clean up the illegal guns that are out there now even if it means inconveniencing a citizen or two doing it. Case in point, Texas and Arizona States have become the Gun Resources for the Drug Cartels in Mexico and the Criminal Gangs in Metro Cities across the US. We need to put a stop to that now. And, I submit, the way to do that is through the Commerce laws. If any state continues to contribute at that level to criminal gun activity, freeze their borders where they can't have the guns shipped into their state. If the Guns are manufactured in that state, freeze the state borders where they can't legally ship their guns out. The Manufacturers will move to a State where there are little or no restrictions and the Illegal Gun Market all but dry up. When you have over 250K number of Guns every month moved to Criminal Activity every month from just two or three states (I think we can add Kansas and Nevada in there as well) then that's some serious illegal activity that really can't be taken care of using Gun Regulations. It's become more of an Interstate Commerce Problem. It's going to take either Congress to pass laws to force the FTA people to do it or a President that isn't on the take to force the FTA to do it. Either way works. But as long as the millions are spent by the Gun Manufacturers and Lobbyists, don't look for that to happen.

Okay, you Party of Trump pukes. You want to curb illegal gang violence, there is your chance. Back this and watch not only the Inner City Gangs start to lose their Guns but the Mexican Military to be no longer be outgunned by the Drug Cartels.

And it's done without one single addition of Firearms Regulation at the Federal Level. But it forces the offending states to clean up their act without harming their citizens right to own and purchase firearms.

No...Texas and Arizona are not the gun resource point for the drug cartels.....they get them from the Mexican military which gets them from the U.S. government....they also get their military rifles from China, and Europe. The drug cartels are also putting new gun making factories on the border so they can now import guns to the gangs in this country.
I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

I think we have reached the point of "Enough" guns. We don't need any more guns out there than we already have. In fact, we need to clean up the illegal guns that are out there now even if it means inconveniencing a citizen or two doing it. Case in point, Texas and Arizona States have become the Gun Resources for the Drug Cartels in Mexico and the Criminal Gangs in Metro Cities across the US. We need to put a stop to that now. And, I submit, the way to do that is through the Commerce laws. If any state continues to contribute at that level to criminal gun activity, freeze their borders where they can't have the guns shipped into their state. If the Guns are manufactured in that state, freeze the state borders where they can't legally ship their guns out. The Manufacturers will move to a State where there are little or no restrictions and the Illegal Gun Market all but dry up. When you have over 250K number of Guns every month moved to Criminal Activity every month from just two or three states (I think we can add Kansas and Nevada in there as well) then that's some serious illegal activity that really can't be taken care of using Gun Regulations. It's become more of an Interstate Commerce Problem. It's going to take either Congress to pass laws to force the FTA people to do it or a President that isn't on the take to force the FTA to do it. Either way works. But as long as the millions are spent by the Gun Manufacturers and Lobbyists, don't look for that to happen.

Okay, you Party of Trump pukes. You want to curb illegal gang violence, there is your chance. Back this and watch not only the Inner City Gangs start to lose their Guns but the Mexican Military to be no longer be outgunned by the Drug Cartels.

And it's done without one single addition of Firearms Regulation at the Federal Level. But it forces the offending states to clean up their act without harming their citizens right to own and purchase firearms.
There will never be enough guns. Know that. Your kind still exist

You think you will ever have enough to outgun people like me? Dream on. We can support common sense gun laws and yet own guns. Plus, many of us are more qualified to use them than you Rexall Rangers. There are enough guns out there already.
I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

More guns in the hands of good people that they are allowed to carry with them as they carry every where else.

Again........ We know from actual mass shooters that they choose their targets based on gun free zone status..... they tell us this when they are captured ,they leave this information in their notes.....why do you refuse to listen to the ones who are actually doing the killing?
A bunch of untrained yeahoos in a active gunman situation. What will the police do when they arrive with 20 people brandishing guns?

Considering that armed civilians are so far 94% effective in actual situations....you are just wrong..... we have already had 33 shootings where there have been armed citizens and what you say has happened once with the security guard, and it was one cop that did the shooting....

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
how many with pressure cookers or fertilizer? the problem is not the weapon, the problem is we are living in a sick culture.
So, the killing power of the weapon is irrelevant to the death toll?

Yes....the main point to a mass public shooting is the location...the only reason the Sandy Hook killer was able to murder so many was the fact he chose the smallest children to target...which he could have done with a couple of pistols since the police didn't arrive for 5 minutes.... Dittos the Las Vegas shooter.....he killed 58 only because he was firing into a crowd of over 22,000, tightly packed in, and he fired from a concealed and fortified position...

Notice....the shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shot gun and killed 21. The Virginia Tech shooter used 2 pistols and killed 32......the one thing they all have in common....they were all gun free zones where the victims were unarmed and helpless.

In a closed space like a building, pistols will kill just as easily as a rifle, or shotgun...it is the unarmed, helpless victims when there is no one to stop the killer that causes the death rate to be so high.
Schools have long hallways.

Not long enough to make a difference with guns. Unless you are talking 300 yards out where a rifle has an advantage over a pistol....in a gun fight....but we aren't talking about that, we are talking about a shooter murdering people in confined rooms and narrow hallways where they are unarmed, helpless and can't shoot back....those are the biggest factors, not the choice of gun by the shooter.

The average accuracy range of a handgun is something like 25 yards.

Now you claim you can shoot the typical handgun 300 yards. My God. You claim to know guns?

No, dipshit...read the post again.... the rifle has an advantage at long ranges.....as in 300 meters....inside of a building it loses all of it's advantages in an active shooter situation vs. the police or armed citizens.....the distances are too close for an advantage....which is why the worst school shooting was Virginia Tech where the guy used two pistols and murdered 32 people...... and the Sandy Hook shooter had no advantage when he used the AR-15 rifle.....he attacked the smallest, most helpless children in a confined classroom...and killed himself in 5 minutes as soon as he heard the police show up....

You don't know what you are talking about.

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