What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

The last step is nation wide universal background checks.
We already have this.

Are you saying that I can't buy a gun in Texas without going through a background check at a guns show?

yes, and every other state as well. but if the transaction is in the parking lot, or behind a crack house, there will never be a background check, Its impossible. Criminals do not comply with laws, that's why they are called criminals.

Now, if I give one of my guns to one of my kids or grandkids, there will be no background check.

Deal with reality, fool

The same things were said in 1934 when they were trying to figure out a way to deal with the Thompson SMG. You honestly believe your arguments are original? It took about 10 years to finally get the Thompson off the streets by grandfathering the law in. And yes, a few went to jail or were heavily fined that operated like you would have. But it only took a few before the others got the hint and either got their FFL Licenses, turned their Thompsons in, kept their Thompsons, or filled the barrels up and messed up the actions to make it unserviceable as per the law. The ones that did not comply with the law were treated as criminals.

A Law abiding Citizen abides by the law. A Criminal breaks the law. If you decide to break the law and transfer your weapons to your children without background checks and it's against the law, just how does that not be considered breaking the law? Yes, cupcake, you just became a non law abiding citizen and you have made your children the same. Unless they decide to abide by the law and do the background checks themselves which they can. But, either way, you are a Criminal by all definitions. And you are right, Criminals like you don't follow the law.

make it the law, but there is no way to ever enforce it. you live in liberal fantasy land. Unless you plan to use the tactics of Hitler and Mao and send jack booted troops in to every house and apartment in the nation. any idea how may troops that would take and how many of them would wind up dead before the people revolted and replaced the government with a coup. Remember, we have the guns, the police, and the military on our side, and most of them would not take part in your gun confiscation. It would be a short bloodless coup.
It was already described to you dimwit. Read above.

And yes...you CAN have a licensed dealer perform your background check for you dumbass
The last step is nation wide universal background checks.
We already have this.

Are you saying that I can't buy a gun in Texas without going through a background check at a guns show?

yes, and every other state as well. but if the transaction is in the parking lot, or behind a crack house, there will never be a background check, Its impossible. Criminals do not comply with laws, that's why they are called criminals.

Now, if I give one of my guns to one of my kids or grandkids, there will be no background check.

Deal with reality, fool
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

Private sales at gun shows in Texas NOT subject to back ground checks

Yes.....we know....you can sell your personal property to anyone you want...... it doesn't matter if it is at a gun show, at the Denny's or at your garage sale...you can sell your private gun without a background check....this is not how criminals get their illegal guns......

There you go again, making shit up. It's an entire Industry in itself. Brokers come to the states without universal back ground checks and ones that ignore the reporting of large gun purchases and buy guns. They load it up into U-Hauls and transport it to Metro Cities or even Mexico where that 100 gun buy can bring in 1000 bucks a pop. Yah, Yah, I know, some guns are stolen. But the good stuff is imported like this. A used AR-15 that was originally bought for 499 and resold at the Denny's for 150 can bring 700 out the door of a white panel truck in Chitown. Luckily, most gun sales like this will be the lesser and cheaper handguns. Hipower is a favorite. You can buy a Hipower 9mm for 40 bucks at a Denny's in Texas (who really wants a Hipower that knows anything about guns) and transport it to Chitown and sell it for 400 bucks. Exactly when did the Gun become Illegal. Was it when it was sold at the parking lot at Denny's, when it was driven over the State Lines or when it was sold in Chitown? It's not like a lot of other people didn't know the sales were going on at the Texas Denny's. But without Background Checks, there was nothing illegal about it. In fact, the buyer didn't even have to show ID of any kind. Yet the Gun ended up in some Chicago 14 year old Gang Members Underwear band (his pants are too low to hold the gun). This is real, Rexall Ranger.
The same things were said in 1934 when they were trying to figure out a way to deal with the Thompson SMG. You honestly believe your arguments are original? It took about 10 years to finally get the Thompson off the streets by grandfathering the law in. And yes, a few went to jail or were heavily fined that operated like you would have. But it only took a few before the others got the hint and either got their FFL Licenses, turned their Thompsons in, kept their Thompsons, or filled the barrels up and messed up the actions to make it unserviceable as per the law. The ones that did not comply with the law were treated as criminals.
Wow. What a bunch of bullshit revisions on history.

The 1934 act only required a tax on SMGs. There is no law against owning any and all SMGs and any machine gun made prior to 1986, when the Hughes Amendment was enacted. The Thompson went away because the technology was outdated. The Sturmgewehr 44 (literally translates as Storm or Assault Rifle) made the Thompson obsolete.

In 1934, our government still believed that the 2nd Amendment prohibited regulation, except by means of a tax. They couldn't give a flying fuck today, which is why we will fight you every step of the way and give you not one single inch.

If you have a gun at a shooting incident and the cops show up...you have a good chance of being dead real soon
1. Do you have some statistics or anything remotely scientific to back this up, other than your one anecdote?
2. Do you believe that you are more likely to end up dead at a shooting incident if you DON'T have a gun BEFORE the cops show up?

Part of Texas CHL training is to properly deal with police (and not get shot). If you draw your weapon, holster it when the cops arrive and immediately get your ID and CHL. Keep your hands where the cop can see them and let them take your weapon from you in a frisk-type fashion. Always act in a way that demonstrates your desire to keep the cop safe.

When cops show up and you are still holding your firearm and further refuse to drop it, don't be surprised if you get dropped.

This is not rocket science, but even dumbasses have the right.


You are operating like you are a combat current veteran. You aren't. Mistakes will happen on both sides.
The last step is nation wide universal background checks.
We already have this.

Are you saying that I can't buy a gun in Texas without going through a background check at a guns show?

yes, and every other state as well. but if the transaction is in the parking lot, or behind a crack house, there will never be a background check, Its impossible. Criminals do not comply with laws, that's why they are called criminals.

Now, if I give one of my guns to one of my kids or grandkids, there will be no background check.

Deal with reality, fool

The same things were said in 1934 when they were trying to figure out a way to deal with the Thompson SMG. You honestly believe your arguments are original? It took about 10 years to finally get the Thompson off the streets by grandfathering the law in. And yes, a few went to jail or were heavily fined that operated like you would have. But it only took a few before the others got the hint and either got their FFL Licenses, turned their Thompsons in, kept their Thompsons, or filled the barrels up and messed up the actions to make it unserviceable as per the law. The ones that did not comply with the law were treated as criminals.

A Law abiding Citizen abides by the law. A Criminal breaks the law. If you decide to break the law and transfer your weapons to your children without background checks and it's against the law, just how does that not be considered breaking the law? Yes, cupcake, you just became a non law abiding citizen and you have made your children the same. Unless they decide to abide by the law and do the background checks themselves which they can. But, either way, you are a Criminal by all definitions. And you are right, Criminals like you don't follow the law.

make it the law, but there is no way to ever enforce it. you live in liberal fantasy land. Unless you plan to use the tactics of Hitler and Mao and send jack booted troops in to every house and apartment in the nation. any idea how may troops that would take and how many of them would wind up dead before the people revolted and replaced the government with a coup. Remember, we have the guns, the police, and the military on our side, and most of them would not take part in your gun confiscation. It would be a short bloodless coup.

Simple answer. You honestly believe this is the first time that this has been discussed? It was discussed in 1934 dealing with the Grease Guns and Thompson SMGs. And they found a way. It worked. Were those people so much smarter than we are today? (probably, it seems). So they found a way. So don't tell me that it can't be done. Yes, there were those that said exactly the same things you said. Some went to prison. Some died in a fight but most complied. In the end, the law was followed.

You Gun Crazies seem to think that we are coming for all your guns. Nope, just the ones that are the most dangerous in the hands of the most dangerous. Or we may be after those parts that make a gun the most dangerous in the hands of the most dangerous. Believe it or not, Cops do not like being outgunned. And if they can have anything that will enable them to be the top dogs then they are going to be for it. Take it from me, you DON'T have the Military or the Police on your side when the law is trying to make the streets a little safer with minor gun regulations. It is also trying to make a Police's Life a lot safer as well. Just read up on the 1934 Federal Firearms Law and see how that was done. It can and has been done so stop kidding yourself and follow the friggin law or be branded the exact same thing you keep saying you hate the most (other than a liberal) and that is a criminal.
You are operating like you are a combat current veteran.
You aren't.
Never said i was. Neither are you.
Mistakes will happen on both sides.
That's why training is important. That's also why I asked for statistics.

AT one time I was trained for Combat. I am still here, therefore it was successful. But as time goes by, like all others except for maniacs, I lost that capability and mind set. You don't take one silly CCW 4 hour class and magically obtain that skill set. It's a constant training program by a professional program that enables you to obtain and maintain that skill set. You want statistics? There aren't any. But if you want the answer, you ask a few cops. You ask 10 cops and you get 10 answers. 9 of them will be very close in their answer and agree with me. One out of the 10 will agree with you and will be considered by the other 9 as a loose cannon and be the most likely to do a bad shooting.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Let's require Military and police training for all citizens, including
* Constitutional education in law enforcement and due process
* Oath to uphold laws and signed agreement to comply with authorities or
else declare incompetence and require a legal or medical guardian to sign for legal and financial responsibility
* Medical and mental health screening as required for policy and military but apply to all citizens in order to
detect dangerous criminal illness disorders and require treatment or detention if conditions pose a danger to oneself or society
* Assistance and training through school districts to resolve conflicts and offer mediation help
so that complaints of abuse, threats or violations are reported and addressed at first sign of disruption or breach of the peace

For those who support 2 year mandatory military service,
let this be part of citizenship requirements for all citizens.
For those who believe in alternatives, require 2 year
medical training and service in order to provide public health care.

Set up state based health and safety codes per district,
to screen for abusive or addictive disorders that pose dangerous threats
to health or safety BEFORE these become civil violations or criminal offenses.

Offer districts Tax Breaks for reducing crime rates, by creating more jobs
for teachers and police to work with community residents to screen out
at risk individuals in need of medical and mental health treatment, so that
money currently wasted on failed criminal justice measures get redirected
into more cost effective preventative health care, by converting prisons
and detention centers into teaching hospitals and medical education
and training for interns, doctors and nurses to provide public health services.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Let's require Military and police training for all citizens, including
* Constitutional education in law enforcement and due process
* Oath to uphold laws and signed agreement to comply with authorities or
else declare incompetence and require a legal or medical guardian to sign for legal and financial responsibility
* Medical and mental health screening as required for policy and military but apply to all citizens in order to
detect dangerous criminal illness disorders and require treatment or detention if conditions pose a danger to oneself or society
* Assistance and training through school districts to resolve conflicts and offer mediation help
so that complaints of abuse, threats or violations are reported and addressed at first sign of disruption or breach of the peace

For those who support 2 year mandatory military service,
let this be part of citizenship requirements for all citizens.
For those who believe in alternatives, require 2 year
medical training and service in order to provide public health care.

Set up state based health and safety codes per district,
to screen for abusive or addictive disorders that pose dangerous threats
to health or safety BEFORE these become civil violations or criminal offenses.

Offer districts Tax Breaks for reducing crime rates, by creating more jobs
for teachers and police to work with community residents to screen out
at risk individuals in need of medical and mental health treatment, so that
money currently wasted on failed criminal justice measures get redirected
into more cost effective preventative health care, by converting prisons
and detention centers into teaching hospitals and medical education
and training for interns, doctors and nurses to provide public health services.

You can count me as apposed to this suggestion. It has so many unconstitutional holes in it that it's scary. Not somewhere I would want to live and support. Sure am glad we have our Revolution American Style every 2 and 4 years.
AT one time I was trained for Combat. I am still here, therefore it was successful. But as time goes by, like all others except for maniacs, I lost that capability and mind set. You don't take one silly CCW 4 hour class and magically obtain that skill set. It's a constant training program by a professional program that enables you to obtain and maintain that skill set. You want statistics? There aren't any. But if you want the answer, you ask a few cops. You ask 10 cops and you get 10 answers. 9 of them will be very close in their answer and agree with me. One out of the 10 will agree with you and will be considered by the other 9 as a loose cannon and be the most likely to do a bad shooting.
That is speculation at best on the cops questionnaire.

In Texas, cops and CHLs have a great relationship. They don't seem to mind us at all. It's probably because we're the least of their worries.

You keep mentioning combat. Other than the presence of firearms, self-defense and preservation in a mass shooting is not the same as combat, nor is the training even remotely the same.

AT one time I was trained for Combat. I am still here, therefore it was successful. But as time goes by, like all others except for maniacs, I lost that capability and mind set. You don't take one silly CCW 4 hour class and magically obtain that skill set. It's a constant training program by a professional program that enables you to obtain and maintain that skill set. You want statistics? There aren't any. But if you want the answer, you ask a few cops. You ask 10 cops and you get 10 answers. 9 of them will be very close in their answer and agree with me. One out of the 10 will agree with you and will be considered by the other 9 as a loose cannon and be the most likely to do a bad shooting.
That is speculation at best on the cops questionnaire.

In Texas, cops and CHLs have a great relationship. They don't seem to mind us at all. It's probably because we're the least of their worries.

You keep mentioning combat. Other than the presence of firearms, self-defense and preservation in a mass shooting is not the same as combat, nor is the training even remotely the same.


When you are operating in a self defense mode for real, it's exactly like a combat situation because it IS a combat situation. The same fears, emotions and chemical reactions occur for both. If you don't accept this, don't carry a firearm in public because you can become a danger to everyone around you if you are faced with the same situation when hit with those fears, emotions and chemical reactions. If you don't have the fears, emotions and chemical reactions you would be a maniac. Your lousy 4 hour CCW class only gets you ready for the legal side of things, not the actual side of things. Right after things have stopped, you are standing there with your gun, a cop runs up within 20 feet of you and yells at you to drop your gun. It may not even register and you may just stand there. Pop, Pop, Pop, you are dead. Or you many develop the shake so bad you drop your weapon before the cop gets there. How you operate, there is no way of knowing without the current stress training. You think you are Rambo when in reality, you are a Rexall Ranger. Hell, most of us are Rexall Rangers in that situation. The difference is, most of us admit it.
When you are operating in a self defense mode for real, it's exactly like a combat situation because it IS a combat situation. The same fears, emotions and chemical reactions occur for both. If you don't accept this, don't carry a firearm in public because you can become a danger to everyone around you if you are faced with the same situation when hit with those fears, emotions and chemical reactions. If you don't have the fears, emotions and chemical reactions you would be a maniac. Your lousy 4 hour CCW class only gets you ready for the legal side of things, not the actual side of things. Right after things have stopped, you are standing there with your gun, a cop runs up within 20 feet of you and yells at you to drop your gun. It may not even register and you may just stand there. Pop, Pop, Pop, you are dead. Or you many develop the shake so bad you drop your weapon before the cop gets there. How you operate, there is no way of knowing without the current stress training. You think you are Rambo when in reality, you are a Rexall Ranger. Hell, most of us are Rexall Rangers in that situation. The difference is, most of us admit it.
So, what you're saying is no amount of training can prepare you for that situation? Just like combat?

You are confusing the fuck out of all this. You think you know it all, but the more you yap, the more you reveal your ignorance.

Combat training is designed around the concept of command and team work. Personal self-defense is not tactical/strategic combat like military training and operations. The fact that you can't see the distinction is not surprising.

All the same shooting-response rules apply-- run, hide, fight. But, rather than being a motherfucking meat target (like you want), I now have a real means of defense -- a gun.

So, take your bullshit attempts to Rambo-shame me into buying into your nonsense and shove them up your "combat trained" (but not experience) ass!!!

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When you are operating in a self defense mode for real, it's exactly like a combat situation because it IS a combat situation. The same fears, emotions and chemical reactions occur for both. If you don't accept this, don't carry a firearm in public because you can become a danger to everyone around you if you are faced with the same situation when hit with those fears, emotions and chemical reactions. If you don't have the fears, emotions and chemical reactions you would be a maniac. Your lousy 4 hour CCW class only gets you ready for the legal side of things, not the actual side of things. Right after things have stopped, you are standing there with your gun, a cop runs up within 20 feet of you and yells at you to drop your gun. It may not even register and you may just stand there. Pop, Pop, Pop, you are dead. Or you many develop the shake so bad you drop your weapon before the cop gets there. How you operate, there is no way of knowing without the current stress training. You think you are Rambo when in reality, you are a Rexall Ranger. Hell, most of us are Rexall Rangers in that situation. The difference is, most of us admit it.
So, what you're saying is no amount of training can prepare you for that situation? Just like combat?

You are confusing the fuck out of all this. You think you know it all, but the more you yap, the more you reveal your ignorance.

Combat training is designed around the concept of command and team work. Personal self-defense is not tactical/strategic combat like military training and operations. The fact that you can't see the distinction is not surprising.

All the same shooting-response rules apply-- run, hide, fight. But, rather than being a motherfucking meat target (like you want), I now have a real means of defense -- a gun.

So, take your bullshit attempts to Rambo-shame me into buying into your nonsense and shove them up your "combat trained" (but not experience) ass!!!


You can't stand it that the Mass is finally winning for a change. We are making the laws that protect us the most without giving up our rights. Your NRA sponsor is just going to have to settle for less money coming in including sponsors money. WE are making a difference while you are not. Get use to it. It's the way it should have been all along.
You can't stand it that the Mass is finally winning for a change. We are making the laws that protect us the most without giving up our rights. Your NRA sponsor is just going to have to settle for less money coming in including sponsors money. WE are making a difference while you are not. Get use to it. It's the way it should have been all along.
You assume that I like the NRA. I do not.

You are making a "difference" in communist-ruled states like Colorado, California, and Washington. Keep it that way.


You can't stand it that the Mass is finally winning for a change. We are making the laws that protect us the most without giving up our rights. Your NRA sponsor is just going to have to settle for less money coming in including sponsors money. WE are making a difference while you are not. Get use to it. It's the way it should have been all along.
You assume that I like the NRA. I do not.

You are making a "difference" in communist-ruled states like Colorado, California, and Washington. Keep it that way.



We used to be on the list that exported guns to Chitown and other Dangerous Metro Areas. We used to have crazies with guns running around. We used to have Cults that worshipped the ARs. We used to have nutcases running around wearing their handguns on their hips.

Today, we watch out for nutcases buying guns. We still will sell you an AR but the Cult of it is gone so most AR just sit on the shelves in gun shops and collect dust. Since all sales require background checks, the gun buyers for the bad actors in the Metro Areas have gone to other states. This was all done by not affecting the immediate sale of firearms. No waiting period and you can even buy an AR right on the spot. There were other things done in tandem as well that had very little to do with gun regulation like education of the communities and community cooperation. Overall, the violent gun crime has gone down dramatically. But it's on the rise in the Rural Red Areas where the education of the people have had less affect because of people like you. People like you cost people their lives.
Well, I'm not a Republican but a former conservative Democrat that was told to shut up and just vote the Democratic Party line but I have a solution that I believe will work if anyone is ever willing to actually LISTEN with an open mind. Now I am just an Independent that votes his conscious.
Mass shootings sell guns. Republicans do not want to stop mass shootings, they want gun lobby money.

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