What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

That assumes there IS a solution, anymore than there is a practical solution to population growth or a hundred other things of the modern world. But we HAVE a solution to mass shootings! WE have asked the Democrats to explain to us how taking away guns ends violent desires and tendencies for the imbalanced and criminal among us! How taking away guns will stop folks from using any of 50 other alternate means to hurt and kill others? And how disarming the 99.99% lawful people in our society from having the means to protect themselves makes for a safer, less violent world for that 0.01% who will still and always have guns, weapons and continue to perpetrate harm on the rest of society unless we want to take away all freedoms?

LAST I CHECKED, the Democrats still haven't gotten back to us with any honest answers that haven't been proven failed elsewhere anywhere they have been tried.
There have been numerous proposals put forward ON THIS VERY THREAD

You just don't want to hear them.

They BEGIN with universal back ground checks
Shooting a bunch of unarmed people is not combat and any semiautomatic rifle will be just as effective as any other.

And anyone can drop and swap a magazine quickly with a little practice even the rock and lock mags on a Ruger

I have seen a few dropped mags from people getting in a rush with a Mini-14 but I have NEVER seen a dropped mag on an AR-15. You don't have to rock the mag out like the Mini-14. You just press the button and the mag drops out on the AR, M-16 and M-4 and you slam another in it's place. You Rexall Rangers have never been in that situation so you wouldn't know. But you all think you are all heroes. Newsflash: there are a lot of us that have been in that situation and are alive today that have experience it and none of us are Heroes of any kind. You are just a loud mouthed freeloader.

Yes you you you

We all know if you see it it's a universal law.

And we all know if you just make shit up it's a universal law.

You want to be a hero, go back to your video games.
yo dude, you still haven't told me what right I'm trying to take from you. why?

You support those that want to take not only my right to own a weapon but my right to vote and express my personal views. When you show your support, legally, you are as guilty as the person that actually does the deed. In your twisted way of thinking, I don't expect you to comprehend. But you keep chewing on this bone and I will just ignore you.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: dude, you're fked in the head for sure. I am pro fking gun, every day every minute. so get a new schtick cause that one is hilarious. you can post my quote where I want to take any fking gun.
There have been numerous proposals put forward ON THIS VERY THREAD

You just don't want to hear them.

They BEGIN with universal back ground checks

How does a universal background check stop a mass public shooting? Almost all of the mass public shooters passed background checks, federal background checks, to buy the guns they used to commit their mass shootings. That means that even with universal background checks, they would pass those as well...then take those guns and commit mass public shootings.

And then you have the columbine shooters who used a straw buyer...who could pass any background check, and the Sandy Hook shooter, who murdered the previous owner and took the guns...

So again, how does a universal background check stop mass public shootings......
The last step is nation wide universal background checks.
We already have this.

Are you saying that I can't buy a gun in Texas without going through a background check at a guns show?

You can't buy a gun from a licensed dealer at a gun show without a background check.....if you have an individual selling their private property, they can sell a gun without a check, but they don't have to do that at a gun show, they can do that anywhere. The gun show has no bearing on that act.
We do NOT have universal back ground checks.

5 MILLION guns are sold legally every year without background checks

Wrong...please show a link.

And ....so? Every illegal gun in the hands of a criminal was sold or traded without a background check.

Almost every mass public shooter used a gun purchased with a background check.

What is your obsession with background checks?
Ah, since I got the Gun Regulations I wanted, that makes me stupid. And each state is slowly going to those same gun laws makes everyone else just as stupid. So the only one that is smart is you, right? Well, Rexall Ranger, you keep freeloading off of others paying the price for YOUR freedoms.
No they are not. Just because Colorado overreacted does not mean everyone will.
There have been numerous proposals put forward ON THIS VERY THREAD

You just don't want to hear them.

They BEGIN with universal back ground checks

Which will do nothing to stop anyone from committing mass murder
Banning the sale of assault weapons would. A large number of thoise occurred with recently purchased ARs
The last step is nation wide universal background checks.
We already have this.

Are you saying that I can't buy a gun in Texas without going through a background check at a guns show?

yes, and every other state as well. but if the transaction is in the parking lot, or behind a crack house, there will never be a background check, Its impossible. Criminals do not comply with laws, that's why they are called criminals.

Now, if I give one of my guns to one of my kids or grandkids, there will be no background check.

Deal with reality, fool
Banning the sale of assault weapons would. A large number of thoise occurred with recently purchased ARs

there are hundreds of thousands of them in the hands of citizens today. Do you plan to take them by force? Stopping future sales will accomplish nothing except create an even larger black market
Wrong...please show a link.

27 million guns are sold in the US yearly.

13% are sold without back ground checks and an additional 10% are "transferred" through other means without background checks.

You do the math

Record 27 million guns sold across the U.S. in 2016, 4 million more than the previous year - NY Daily News

please tell us how you are going to stop or background check when one ghetto thug trades a gun for a bag of crack from another ghetto thug.

Its a serious question.
Banning the sale of assault weapons would. A large number of thoise occurred with recently purchased ARs

No, it wouldn't...... the guy in Crimea murdered 20 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....the Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols....those are more than the Parkland shooting.......what do you not understand that it isn't the weapon or the capacity that allows a lot of people to be murdered in a mass shooting. I have shown you the research, and you still don't want to admit you are wrong and that all you want is to ban guns...guns that have no effect on mass shootings.
The last step is nation wide universal background checks.
We already have this.

Are you saying that I can't buy a gun in Texas without going through a background check at a guns show?

yes, and every other state as well. but if the transaction is in the parking lot, or behind a crack house, there will never be a background check, Its impossible. Criminals do not comply with laws, that's why they are called criminals.

Now, if I give one of my guns to one of my kids or grandkids, there will be no background check.

Deal with reality, fool
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

Private sales at gun shows in Texas NOT subject to back ground checks
The last step is nation wide universal background checks.
We already have this.

Are you saying that I can't buy a gun in Texas without going through a background check at a guns show?

yes, and every other state as well. but if the transaction is in the parking lot, or behind a crack house, there will never be a background check, Its impossible. Criminals do not comply with laws, that's why they are called criminals.

Now, if I give one of my guns to one of my kids or grandkids, there will be no background check.

Deal with reality, fool
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

Private sales at gun shows in Texas NOT subject to back ground checks

exactly what I said. If you buy from a dealer you get checked, buy from an individual and you don't. The location of the transaction doesn't matter, whether its in the parking lot at a gun show, or on a back street in south Chicago, and the vast majority of those shootings are done with handguns, not "assault" rifles, whatever that is.
Banning the sale of assault weapons would. A large number of thoise occurred with recently purchased ARs

No, it wouldn't...... the guy in Crimea murdered 20 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....the Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols....those are more than the Parkland shooting.......what do you not understand that it isn't the weapon or the capacity that allows a lot of people to be murdered in a mass shooting. I have shown you the research, and you still don't want to admit you are wrong and that all you want is to ban guns...guns that have no effect on mass shootings.
Crimea was obviously not in this country. In fact that event occurred across the street from a police station and the response was incredibly slow

But as far as the VT shooting..you make a good case for banning all semi-auto magazine fed weapons
Wrong...please show a link.

27 million guns are sold in the US yearly.

13% are sold without back ground checks and an additional 10% are "transferred" through other means without background checks.

You do the math

Record 27 million guns sold across the U.S. in 2016, 4 million more than the previous year - NY Daily News

So What? Criminals don't do any background check....

Mass public shooters can pass any background check you want to impose so again, what is the big deal with background checks? You can't explain how they stop or even slow down criminals from getting illegal guns. You say "background check" as if it is a magic word that will stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns.

The fact is mass shooters, the topic here, almost always buy their guns legally, which means they go through current federal background checks.....which also means they can pass any universal background check you pass.....so again, what is your point about universal background checks and mass public shootings? I know you can't answer that, which is why you haven't answered it so far......and of the mass shooters who didn't use a background check?

Columbine shooters used a straw buyer who was able to pass any background check.

Sandy Hook shooter murdered his mother and stole her guns....he didn't have to, he could have passed a background check.

So you have no point.....why do you want universal background checks since criminals steal their guns or use straw buyers, and mass shooters can pass any and all background checks up to and including interviews with trained FBI interrogators like the Pulse Nightclub shooter did...he not only passed a background check for his security job, he passed federal background checks for every gun he purchased, and also was interviewed 3 different times by the FBI on suspicion of terrorism, and had a 1 year FBI background check, because of suspicion of terrorism, and was also approached by an under cover FBI agent....

So again, what is your fixation with background checks?
exactly what I said. If you buy from a dealer you get checked, buy from an individual and you don't. The location of the transaction doesn't matter, whether its in the parking lot at a gun show, or on a back street in south Chicago, and the vast majority of those shootings are done with handguns, not "assault" rifles, whatever that is.

Regardless of where that (now) legal transaction takes place...no background check is performed. Five million guns legally change hands yearly that way
Banning the sale of assault weapons would. A large number of thoise occurred with recently purchased ARs

No, it wouldn't...... the guy in Crimea murdered 20 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....the Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols....those are more than the Parkland shooting.......what do you not understand that it isn't the weapon or the capacity that allows a lot of people to be murdered in a mass shooting. I have shown you the research, and you still don't want to admit you are wrong and that all you want is to ban guns...guns that have no effect on mass shootings.
Crimea was obviously not in this country. In fact that event occurred across the street from a police station and the response was incredibly slow

But as far as the VT shooting..you make a good case for banning all semi-auto magazine fed weapons

banning future sales accomplishes nothing. Our problem is not guns, our problem is our sick culture that promotes this kind of violence and makes celebrities out of mass shooters.

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