What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Democrats created mass shootings by giving unstable people gun free zones to kill in to promote the democrat consification programs.
I've never heard of a killer getting his gone in a gun free zone. The failure always happens outside of the zone.
They have. Most mass shooting occur in "gun free zones". Get rid of those zones. Why wont the left do that? Do they want more mass shootings?

Get rid of the guns also solves the problem but everywhere. So now what?

And we once had a time when guns did not exist....what did the world look like then? The strong, raped, robbed, tortured, murdered and enslaved the weak.....it wasn't until guns came along that civilization, and individual freedom and liberty took off....you want to end that.....and allow innocent people to be the victims of stronger, more aggressive monsters....
Gengus Kahn, Attila the Hun etc comes to mind.

Here's the skinny on their thinking if you might have forgotten 2Aguy.

They figure that they will eventually take back over the government, and as long as they keep the police and government armed to the teeth, and everyone else unarmed, then the government (i.e. big brother), will be the peace keepers or protectors of the people.

Problem with this thinking is that what is going to happen when they corrupt their government, and their government starts rounding up American's that won't conform or go along with their radicalized cultural thinking, and they do this by putting them into cattle cars and shipping them to the gas Chambers or what ever form of extermination they choose for them ????

The problem in the making might be that the "Conservative" (and it's a misuse of the word) that are stockpiling those guns and training for the day they just know is coming very soon are also the ones that say that the first thing they are going to do is kill all the liberal. The first thing we have to do is define their idea of what a Liberal is. RINOs, moderate Conservatives, Fiscal Conservatives, Moderates, Centrists, and every one else that doesn't think and act exactly like they do. That's going to be quite a lot of killing. Probably over 90% of the American Population. If it goes like they want it, it appears that those cattle cars will be filled with over 90% of the population and there just isn't that many cattle cars left anymore.
Well, if a liberal comes after our guns that indeed might occur. You think we’ll just hand them to you? :auiqs.jpg:

Now what would I do with your guns. Sounds like a full time employment. Hate to break it to you but I am retired and am not looking for a job. You may wish to address this to someone that actually cares to take the job.
Mass shootings sell guns. Republicans don't want to end mass shootings.
Gun free zones creates mass shootings that’s all demolosers
That is some special stupid. There are countries that are pretty much gun free zones and no mass shootings. Go figure.
Except you’re wrong of course. Most mass murder in the US is our conversation. But because you have no argument, you deflect
Mass shootings sell guns. Republicans don't want to end mass shootings.
Gun free zones creates mass shootings that’s all demolosers
That is some special stupid. There are countries that are pretty much gun free zones and no mass shootings. Go figure.
Except you’re wrong of course. Most mass murder in the US is our conversation. But because you have no argument, you deflect
The argument is clear. Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem. Only here do they happen regularly.
Mass shootings sell guns. Republicans don't want to end mass shootings.
Gun free zones creates mass shootings that’s all demolosers
That is some special stupid. There are countries that are pretty much gun free zones and no mass shootings. Go figure.

And then there are countries with extreme gun control that have mass shootings and massive gun murder....guns aren't the issue...how criminals use their illegal guns is the issue......

Illegal, fully automatic military weapons are all over France....they are a status symbol for criminals..yet they don't use those guns for mass public shootings and rarely kill each other with them...but muslim terrorists used their illegal, fully automatic military weapons, to murder 135 people.....in France.....many of the muslim terrorists on government, terrorist watch lists......and felons to boot...and they still got illegal weapons....
Mass shootings sell guns. Republicans don't want to end mass shootings.
Gun free zones creates mass shootings that’s all demolosers
That is some special stupid. There are countries that are pretty much gun free zones and no mass shootings. Go figure.
Except you’re wrong of course. Most mass murder in the US is our conversation. But because you have no argument, you deflect
The argument is clear. Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem. Only here do they happen regularly.

and that is wrong......Britain has almost had 4 in the last few years where there average was once every 10 years... the only thing that stopped the shootings was dumb luck.....so they went from 1 every 10 years, to almost 4 in 10 years.......that is an escalation..

Australia...has had about a dozen public shootings, after the ban and confiscation...and as my threads in Australia shows....their criminals have guns....they just don't walk into schools, malls, churches or nightclubs and murder random people...they have the guns, they just aren't using them for mass murder...

You don't know what you are talking about.
Mass shootings sell guns. Republicans don't want to end mass shootings.
Gun free zones creates mass shootings that’s all demolosers
That is some special stupid. There are countries that are pretty much gun free zones and no mass shootings. Go figure.

And then there are countries with extreme gun control that have mass shootings and massive gun murder....guns aren't the issue...how criminals use their illegal guns is the issue......

Illegal, fully automatic military weapons are all over France....they are a status symbol for criminals..yet they don't use those guns for mass public shootings and rarely kill each other with them...but muslim terrorists used their illegal, fully automatic military weapons, to murder 135 people.....in France.....many of the muslim terrorists on government, terrorist watch lists......and felons to boot...and they still got illegal weapons....

American is NOT France. You want to keep spouting off about the problems that France has, move there.
Mass shootings sell guns. Republicans don't want to end mass shootings.
Gun free zones creates mass shootings that’s all demolosers
That is some special stupid. There are countries that are pretty much gun free zones and no mass shootings. Go figure.
Except you’re wrong of course. Most mass murder in the US is our conversation. But because you have no argument, you deflect
The argument is clear. Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem. Only here do they happen regularly.
Mass shootings sell guns. Republicans don't want to end mass shootings.
Gun free zones creates mass shootings that’s all demolosers
That is some special stupid. There are countries that are pretty much gun free zones and no mass shootings. Go figure.

And then there are countries with extreme gun control that have mass shootings and massive gun murder....guns aren't the issue...how criminals use their illegal guns is the issue......

Illegal, fully automatic military weapons are all over France....they are a status symbol for criminals..yet they don't use those guns for mass public shootings and rarely kill each other with them...but muslim terrorists used their illegal, fully automatic military weapons, to murder 135 people.....in France.....many of the muslim terrorists on government, terrorist watch lists......and felons to boot...and they still got illegal weapons....

American is NOT France. You want to keep spouting off about the problems that France has, move there.
Sounds like you should, you want their way! Bye
Mass shootings sell guns. Republicans don't want to end mass shootings.
Gun free zones creates mass shootings that’s all demolosers
That is some special stupid. There are countries that are pretty much gun free zones and no mass shootings. Go figure.

Hmmm, like the mass shooting in Norway a few years ago? How about the mass truck murders in france?

the problem is not the availability of guns of any kind, the problem is that our culture has been degraded so that human life is no longer held sacred, this is always the result of liberalism, socialism, communism, Marxism, Maoism, et. al.

Until the world faces that reality, the murder will continue, whether it be by guns, trucks, bombs, poison gas, or pressure cookers. We have a cultural problem, not a gun problem
We do NOT have universal back ground checks.

5 MILLION guns are sold legally every year without background checks

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