What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

They have. Most mass shooting occur in "gun free zones". Get rid of those zones. Why wont the left do that? Do they want more mass shootings?

Get rid of the guns also solves the problem but everywhere. So now what?

I can build a gun in my garage.

There are 300 MILLION guns in the U.S. alone.

It will NEVER happen here. America will never become your communist utopia. GET THE FUCK OUT and go find your happiness elsewhere. YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!!!!!

Funny, I first shot in the Air Force an AR-15 Model 601. Imagine that. And from the AR-15 Model 601, the AR-15 Model 602 was born and so was the AR-15 Model 750 (the civilian AR-15) and the Colt LE6920. The AR-15 Model 601 saw combat in Malaysia as early as 1959. The one they are using today is the Colt AR-15 Model 604 commonly known as the M-16A-4. Considering it was used in combat at least 5 years before it was offered to the general public and 10 years before the Army bought it, I would say it qualifies as a Military Weapon. If it quacks like a duck......

And it is NOT the same AR 15 available to civilians

as I said the AR 15 a civilian can own is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle not unlike any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to civilians for over 100 years

In combat, the reasons for the M-4 over many other Combat Rifles is the same traits as the AR-15 has. I already covered those traits. In fact, a Colt Model 750 which all others are just copies, is as deadly as the Model 604 (M-16A-4). If you are trained in one for combat, you can easily go from one to another without even noticing it. You Rexall Rangers never faced an enemy with nothing better to do than end your family tree right then and there. You have never faced an Overrun where speed of reloading is the difference between life and death. And, trust me, nothing reloads faster and gets back to killing or maiming than a M-16, M-4 or AR-15. Even your cheap pieces of crap 500 buck bargain basement models.

Shooting a bunch of unarmed people is not combat and any semiautomatic rifle will be just as effective as any other.

And anyone can drop and swap a magazine quickly with a little practice even the rock and lock mags on a Ruger

I have seen a few dropped mags from people getting in a rush with a Mini-14 but I have NEVER seen a dropped mag on an AR-15. You don't have to rock the mag out like the Mini-14. You just press the button and the mag drops out on the AR, M-16 and M-4 and you slam another in it's place. You Rexall Rangers have never been in that situation so you wouldn't know. But you all think you are all heroes. Newsflash: there are a lot of us that have been in that situation and are alive today that have experience it and none of us are Heroes of any kind. You are just a loud mouthed freeloader.

Yes you you you

We all know if you see it it's a universal law.

And we all know if you just make shit up it's a universal law.

You want to be a hero, go back to your video games.
And it is NOT the same AR 15 available to civilians

as I said the AR 15 a civilian can own is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle not unlike any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to civilians for over 100 years

In combat, the reasons for the M-4 over many other Combat Rifles is the same traits as the AR-15 has. I already covered those traits. In fact, a Colt Model 750 which all others are just copies, is as deadly as the Model 604 (M-16A-4). If you are trained in one for combat, you can easily go from one to another without even noticing it. You Rexall Rangers never faced an enemy with nothing better to do than end your family tree right then and there. You have never faced an Overrun where speed of reloading is the difference between life and death. And, trust me, nothing reloads faster and gets back to killing or maiming than a M-16, M-4 or AR-15. Even your cheap pieces of crap 500 buck bargain basement models.

Shooting a bunch of unarmed people is not combat and any semiautomatic rifle will be just as effective as any other.

And anyone can drop and swap a magazine quickly with a little practice even the rock and lock mags on a Ruger

I have seen a few dropped mags from people getting in a rush with a Mini-14 but I have NEVER seen a dropped mag on an AR-15. You don't have to rock the mag out like the Mini-14. You just press the button and the mag drops out on the AR, M-16 and M-4 and you slam another in it's place. You Rexall Rangers have never been in that situation so you wouldn't know. But you all think you are all heroes. Newsflash: there are a lot of us that have been in that situation and are alive today that have experience it and none of us are Heroes of any kind. You are just a loud mouthed freeloader.

Yes you you you

We all know if you see it it's a universal law.

And we all know if you just make shit up it's a universal law.

You want to be a hero, go back to your video games.
yo dude, you still haven't told me what right I'm trying to take from you. why?
They have. Most mass shooting occur in "gun free zones". Get rid of those zones. Why wont the left do that? Do they want more mass shootings?

Get rid of the guns also solves the problem but everywhere. So now what?

I can build a gun in my garage.

There are 300 MILLION guns in the U.S. alone.

It will NEVER happen here. America will never become your communist utopia. GET THE FUCK OUT and go find your happiness elsewhere. YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!!!!!


And you have spoken. I guess we need to send the panel truck over and get him well on the way to wherever he came from. Deport him fast. Wait, wasn't he born in the US? This could get confusing.
In combat, the reasons for the M-4 over many other Combat Rifles is the same traits as the AR-15 has. I already covered those traits. In fact, a Colt Model 750 which all others are just copies, is as deadly as the Model 604 (M-16A-4). If you are trained in one for combat, you can easily go from one to another without even noticing it. You Rexall Rangers never faced an enemy with nothing better to do than end your family tree right then and there. You have never faced an Overrun where speed of reloading is the difference between life and death. And, trust me, nothing reloads faster and gets back to killing or maiming than a M-16, M-4 or AR-15. Even your cheap pieces of crap 500 buck bargain basement models.

Shooting a bunch of unarmed people is not combat and any semiautomatic rifle will be just as effective as any other.

And anyone can drop and swap a magazine quickly with a little practice even the rock and lock mags on a Ruger

I have seen a few dropped mags from people getting in a rush with a Mini-14 but I have NEVER seen a dropped mag on an AR-15. You don't have to rock the mag out like the Mini-14. You just press the button and the mag drops out on the AR, M-16 and M-4 and you slam another in it's place. You Rexall Rangers have never been in that situation so you wouldn't know. But you all think you are all heroes. Newsflash: there are a lot of us that have been in that situation and are alive today that have experience it and none of us are Heroes of any kind. You are just a loud mouthed freeloader.

Yes you you you

We all know if you see it it's a universal law.

And we all know if you just make shit up it's a universal law.

You want to be a hero, go back to your video games.
yo dude, you still haven't told me what right I'm trying to take from you. why?

You support those that want to take not only my right to own a weapon but my right to vote and express my personal views. When you show your support, legally, you are as guilty as the person that actually does the deed. In your twisted way of thinking, I don't expect you to comprehend. But you keep chewing on this bone and I will just ignore you.
So again...the gun huggers solution is


So again you are wrong

Don't buy a gun if you don't want to IDGAF just mind your own fucking business

I decided to make it my business. Now, what are you going to do about it? Common Sense Gun Laws are winning more and more each day. And we still have our guns. Imagine that. Here it's been 10 years since the cry that the Dems were going to take our guns and we still have them. Common Sense People want Common Sense Gun Regulations. You Rexall Rangers are dangerous and we are going to get those common sense gun regs in spite of you one state at a time.
But you still don't know what I own for firearms so you're about as effective in making what other people own your business as you are in everything else

And you are too stupid to realize that an inch given is a mile stolen

Ah, since I got the Gun Regulations I wanted, that makes me stupid. And each state is slowly going to those same gun laws makes everyone else just as stupid. So the only one that is smart is you, right? Well, Rexall Ranger, you keep freeloading off of others paying the price for YOUR freedoms.
So again...the gun huggers solution is


So again you are wrong

Don't buy a gun if you don't want to IDGAF just mind your own fucking business

I decided to make it my business. Now, what are you going to do about it? Common Sense Gun Laws are winning more and more each day. And we still have our guns. Imagine that. Here it's been 10 years since the cry that the Dems were going to take our guns and we still have them. Common Sense People want Common Sense Gun Regulations. You Rexall Rangers are dangerous and we are going to get those common sense gun regs in spite of you one state at a time.

They aren't common sense.....sprinkling pixie dust on a fir tree at midnight of the full moon would do as much as the common sense gun laws to stop criminals and mass shooters from using illegal guns to commit murder.

The last step is nation wide universal background checks. That won't stop the illegal transporting of guns to the Gangs in the Metro Cities and the Mexican Drug Cartels from the super lax regulation states but it certainly will slow it down. If it saves even one life, it's worth it. Now, go be a hero where you are most capable of being a hero in your Video Game.
And it is NOT the same AR 15 available to civilians

as I said the AR 15 a civilian can own is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle not unlike any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to civilians for over 100 years

In combat, the reasons for the M-4 over many other Combat Rifles is the same traits as the AR-15 has. I already covered those traits. In fact, a Colt Model 750 which all others are just copies, is as deadly as the Model 604 (M-16A-4). If you are trained in one for combat, you can easily go from one to another without even noticing it. You Rexall Rangers never faced an enemy with nothing better to do than end your family tree right then and there. You have never faced an Overrun where speed of reloading is the difference between life and death. And, trust me, nothing reloads faster and gets back to killing or maiming than a M-16, M-4 or AR-15. Even your cheap pieces of crap 500 buck bargain basement models.

Shooting a bunch of unarmed people is not combat and any semiautomatic rifle will be just as effective as any other.

And anyone can drop and swap a magazine quickly with a little practice even the rock and lock mags on a Ruger

I have seen a few dropped mags from people getting in a rush with a Mini-14 but I have NEVER seen a dropped mag on an AR-15. You don't have to rock the mag out like the Mini-14. You just press the button and the mag drops out on the AR, M-16 and M-4 and you slam another in it's place. You Rexall Rangers have never been in that situation so you wouldn't know. But you all think you are all heroes. Newsflash: there are a lot of us that have been in that situation and are alive today that have experience it and none of us are Heroes of any kind. You are just a loud mouthed freeloader.

Yes you you you

We all know if you see it it's a universal law.

And we all know if you just make shit up it's a universal law.

You want to be a hero, go back to your video games.

I don't play video games.

Looks like you're wrong about me yet again
So again...the gun huggers solution is


So again you are wrong

Don't buy a gun if you don't want to IDGAF just mind your own fucking business

I decided to make it my business. Now, what are you going to do about it? Common Sense Gun Laws are winning more and more each day. And we still have our guns. Imagine that. Here it's been 10 years since the cry that the Dems were going to take our guns and we still have them. Common Sense People want Common Sense Gun Regulations. You Rexall Rangers are dangerous and we are going to get those common sense gun regs in spite of you one state at a time.
But you still don't know what I own for firearms so you're about as effective in making what other people own your business as you are in everything else

And you are too stupid to realize that an inch given is a mile stolen

Ah, since I got the Gun Regulations I wanted, that makes me stupid. And each state is slowly going to those same gun laws makes everyone else just as stupid. So the only one that is smart is you, right? Well, Rexall Ranger, you keep freeloading off of others paying the price for YOUR freedoms.

Yes you are stupid for giving up your rights

And how long are you going to use that obsolete reference?

You didn't do anything to secure my freedoms as I have already explained to you
So again...the gun huggers solution is


So again you are wrong

Don't buy a gun if you don't want to IDGAF just mind your own fucking business

I decided to make it my business. Now, what are you going to do about it? Common Sense Gun Laws are winning more and more each day. And we still have our guns. Imagine that. Here it's been 10 years since the cry that the Dems were going to take our guns and we still have them. Common Sense People want Common Sense Gun Regulations. You Rexall Rangers are dangerous and we are going to get those common sense gun regs in spite of you one state at a time.
But you still don't know what I own for firearms so you're about as effective in making what other people own your business as you are in everything else

And you are too stupid to realize that an inch given is a mile stolen

Ah, since I got the Gun Regulations I wanted, that makes me stupid. And each state is slowly going to those same gun laws makes everyone else just as stupid. So the only one that is smart is you, right? Well, Rexall Ranger, you keep freeloading off of others paying the price for YOUR freedoms.

Yes you are stupid for giving up your rights

And how long are you going to use that obsolete reference?

You didn't do anything to secure my freedoms as I have already explained to you

I didn't do it to protect your freedoms. I could give a rats ass about your freedoms I did it to protect mine. Go back to your video games where you can feel like a man.
They have. Most mass shooting occur in "gun free zones". Get rid of those zones. Why wont the left do that? Do they want more mass shootings?

Get rid of the guns also solves the problem but everywhere. So now what?

And we once had a time when guns did not exist....what did the world look like then? The strong, raped, robbed, tortured, murdered and enslaved the weak.....it wasn't until guns came along that civilization, and individual freedom and liberty took off....you want to end that.....and allow innocent people to be the victims of stronger, more aggressive monsters....
Gengus Kahn, Attila the Hun etc comes to mind.

Here's the skinny on their thinking if you might have forgotten 2Aguy.

They figure that they will eventually take back over the government, and as long as they keep the police and government armed to the teeth, and everyone else unarmed, then the government (i.e. big brother), will be the peace keepers or protectors of the people.

Problem with this thinking is that what is going to happen when they corrupt their government, and their government starts rounding up American's that won't conform or go along with their radicalized cultural thinking, and they do this by putting them into cattle cars and shipping them to the gas Chambers or what ever form of extermination they choose for them ????
They have. Most mass shooting occur in "gun free zones". Get rid of those zones. Why wont the left do that? Do they want more mass shootings?

Get rid of the guns also solves the problem but everywhere. So now what?

I can build a gun in my garage.

There are 300 MILLION guns in the U.S. alone.

It will NEVER happen here. America will never become your communist utopia. GET THE FUCK OUT and go find your happiness elsewhere. YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!!!!!

They won't give up no matter how stupid, unrealistic or monumental the task is. It's really a diagnosis of a sick and twisted mind.
Shooting a bunch of unarmed people is not combat and any semiautomatic rifle will be just as effective as any other.

And anyone can drop and swap a magazine quickly with a little practice even the rock and lock mags on a Ruger

I have seen a few dropped mags from people getting in a rush with a Mini-14 but I have NEVER seen a dropped mag on an AR-15. You don't have to rock the mag out like the Mini-14. You just press the button and the mag drops out on the AR, M-16 and M-4 and you slam another in it's place. You Rexall Rangers have never been in that situation so you wouldn't know. But you all think you are all heroes. Newsflash: there are a lot of us that have been in that situation and are alive today that have experience it and none of us are Heroes of any kind. You are just a loud mouthed freeloader.

Yes you you you

We all know if you see it it's a universal law.

And we all know if you just make shit up it's a universal law.

You want to be a hero, go back to your video games.
yo dude, you still haven't told me what right I'm trying to take from you. why?

You support those that want to take not only my right to own a weapon but my right to vote and express my personal views. When you show your support, legally, you are as guilty as the person that actually does the deed. In your twisted way of thinking, I don't expect you to comprehend. But you keep chewing on this bone and I will just ignore you.
I do? Post that post fker
They have. Most mass shooting occur in "gun free zones". Get rid of those zones. Why wont the left do that? Do they want more mass shootings?

Get rid of the guns also solves the problem but everywhere. So now what?

I can build a gun in my garage.

There are 300 MILLION guns in the U.S. alone.

It will NEVER happen here. America will never become your communist utopia. GET THE FUCK OUT and go find your happiness elsewhere. YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!!!!!

They won't give up no matter how stupid, unrealistic or monumental the task is. It's really a diagnosis of a sick and twisted mind.
They have. Most mass shooting occur in "gun free zones". Get rid of those zones. Why wont the left do that? Do they want more mass shootings?

Get rid of the guns also solves the problem but everywhere. So now what?

And we once had a time when guns did not exist....what did the world look like then? The strong, raped, robbed, tortured, murdered and enslaved the weak.....it wasn't until guns came along that civilization, and individual freedom and liberty took off....you want to end that.....and allow innocent people to be the victims of stronger, more aggressive monsters....
Gengus Kahn, Attila the Hun etc comes to mind.

Here's the skinny on their thinking if you might have forgotten 2Aguy.

They figure that they will eventually take back over the government, and as long as they keep the police and government armed to the teeth, and everyone else unarmed, then the government (i.e. big brother), will be the peace keepers or protectors of the people.

Problem with this thinking is that what is going to happen when they corrupt their government, and their government starts rounding up American's that won't conform or go along with their radicalized cultural thinking, and they do this by putting them into cattle cars and shipping them to the gas Chambers or what ever form of extermination they choose for them ????

The problem in the making might be that the "Conservative" (and it's a misuse of the word) that are stockpiling those guns and training for the day they just know is coming very soon are also the ones that say that the first thing they are going to do is kill all the liberal. The first thing we have to do is define their idea of what a Liberal is. RINOs, moderate Conservatives, Fiscal Conservatives, Moderates, Centrists, and every one else that doesn't think and act exactly like they do. That's going to be quite a lot of killing. Probably over 90% of the American Population. If it goes like they want it, it appears that those cattle cars will be filled with over 90% of the population and there just isn't that many cattle cars left anymore.
So again you are wrong

Don't buy a gun if you don't want to IDGAF just mind your own fucking business

I decided to make it my business. Now, what are you going to do about it? Common Sense Gun Laws are winning more and more each day. And we still have our guns. Imagine that. Here it's been 10 years since the cry that the Dems were going to take our guns and we still have them. Common Sense People want Common Sense Gun Regulations. You Rexall Rangers are dangerous and we are going to get those common sense gun regs in spite of you one state at a time.
But you still don't know what I own for firearms so you're about as effective in making what other people own your business as you are in everything else

And you are too stupid to realize that an inch given is a mile stolen

Ah, since I got the Gun Regulations I wanted, that makes me stupid. And each state is slowly going to those same gun laws makes everyone else just as stupid. So the only one that is smart is you, right? Well, Rexall Ranger, you keep freeloading off of others paying the price for YOUR freedoms.

Yes you are stupid for giving up your rights

And how long are you going to use that obsolete reference?

You didn't do anything to secure my freedoms as I have already explained to you

I didn't do it to protect your freedoms. I could give a rats ass about your freedoms I did it to protect mine. Go back to your video games where you can feel like a man.

As I said before, Dory I don't play video games
They have. Most mass shooting occur in "gun free zones". Get rid of those zones. Why wont the left do that? Do they want more mass shootings?

Get rid of the guns also solves the problem but everywhere. So now what?

And we once had a time when guns did not exist....what did the world look like then? The strong, raped, robbed, tortured, murdered and enslaved the weak.....it wasn't until guns came along that civilization, and individual freedom and liberty took off....you want to end that.....and allow innocent people to be the victims of stronger, more aggressive monsters....
Gengus Kahn, Attila the Hun etc comes to mind.

Here's the skinny on their thinking if you might have forgotten 2Aguy.

They figure that they will eventually take back over the government, and as long as they keep the police and government armed to the teeth, and everyone else unarmed, then the government (i.e. big brother), will be the peace keepers or protectors of the people.

Problem with this thinking is that what is going to happen when they corrupt their government, and their government starts rounding up American's that won't conform or go along with their radicalized cultural thinking, and they do this by putting them into cattle cars and shipping them to the gas Chambers or what ever form of extermination they choose for them ????

The problem in the making might be that the "Conservative" (and it's a misuse of the word) that are stockpiling those guns and training for the day they just know is coming very soon are also the ones that say that the first thing they are going to do is kill all the liberal. The first thing we have to do is define their idea of what a Liberal is. RINOs, moderate Conservatives, Fiscal Conservatives, Moderates, Centrists, and every one else that doesn't think and act exactly like they do. That's going to be quite a lot of killing. Probably over 90% of the American Population. If it goes like they want it, it appears that those cattle cars will be filled with over 90% of the population and there just isn't that many cattle cars left anymore.
and just how many people are stockpiling guns?

I'm sure it's not as many as you think
They have. Most mass shooting occur in "gun free zones". Get rid of those zones. Why wont the left do that? Do they want more mass shootings?

Get rid of the guns also solves the problem but everywhere. So now what?

And we once had a time when guns did not exist....what did the world look like then? The strong, raped, robbed, tortured, murdered and enslaved the weak.....it wasn't until guns came along that civilization, and individual freedom and liberty took off....you want to end that.....and allow innocent people to be the victims of stronger, more aggressive monsters....
Gengus Kahn, Attila the Hun etc comes to mind.

Here's the skinny on their thinking if you might have forgotten 2Aguy.

They figure that they will eventually take back over the government, and as long as they keep the police and government armed to the teeth, and everyone else unarmed, then the government (i.e. big brother), will be the peace keepers or protectors of the people.

Problem with this thinking is that what is going to happen when they corrupt their government, and their government starts rounding up American's that won't conform or go along with their radicalized cultural thinking, and they do this by putting them into cattle cars and shipping them to the gas Chambers or what ever form of extermination they choose for them ????

The problem in the making might be that the "Conservative" (and it's a misuse of the word) that are stockpiling those guns and training for the day they just know is coming very soon are also the ones that say that the first thing they are going to do is kill all the liberal. The first thing we have to do is define their idea of what a Liberal is. RINOs, moderate Conservatives, Fiscal Conservatives, Moderates, Centrists, and every one else that doesn't think and act exactly like they do. That's going to be quite a lot of killing. Probably over 90% of the American Population. If it goes like they want it, it appears that those cattle cars will be filled with over 90% of the population and there just isn't that many cattle cars left anymore.
Well, if a liberal comes after our guns that indeed might occur. You think we’ll just hand them to you? :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats created mass shootings by giving unstable people gun free zones to kill in to promote the democrat consification programs.

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