What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

I think we have shown over and over that gun huggers "solution" to mass killings and gun violence in general is (stupidly) ......more fucking guns

I think we have reached the point of "Enough" guns. We don't need any more guns out there than we already have. In fact, we need to clean up the illegal guns that are out there now even if it means inconveniencing a citizen or two doing it. Case in point, Texas and Arizona States have become the Gun Resources for the Drug Cartels in Mexico and the Criminal Gangs in Metro Cities across the US. We need to put a stop to that now. And, I submit, the way to do that is through the Commerce laws. If any state continues to contribute at that level to criminal gun activity, freeze their borders where they can't have the guns shipped into their state. If the Guns are manufactured in that state, freeze the state borders where they can't legally ship their guns out. The Manufacturers will move to a State where there are little or no restrictions and the Illegal Gun Market all but dry up. When you have over 250K number of Guns every month moved to Criminal Activity every month from just two or three states (I think we can add Kansas and Nevada in there as well) then that's some serious illegal activity that really can't be taken care of using Gun Regulations. It's become more of an Interstate Commerce Problem. It's going to take either Congress to pass laws to force the FTA people to do it or a President that isn't on the take to force the FTA to do it. Either way works. But as long as the millions are spent by the Gun Manufacturers and Lobbyists, don't look for that to happen.

Okay, you Party of Trump pukes. You want to curb illegal gang violence, there is your chance. Back this and watch not only the Inner City Gangs start to lose their Guns but the Mexican Military to be no longer be outgunned by the Drug Cartels.

And it's done without one single addition of Firearms Regulation at the Federal Level. But it forces the offending states to clean up their act without harming their citizens right to own and purchase firearms.
Look you, people don't give a crap about anything the regulators do in which makes the people safer when it comes to guns, but if it involves doing any harm or restrictions to the good guys and their ability to purchase guns or it messes with their gun rights, then the deals are off. The leftist problem is that it wants to use incidents as a way to attack all gun owners or worse the gun itself.

If the left was truly interested in attacking crime, it would be a strategy that would first go after the gangs, and the criminals big time before they strike again, but we know the leftists hands are tied by leftism, so it won't ever work what is attempted by them to be done. The blood is on their hands. Period.

The requiring all gun sales to have to go through a background check is a huge step. It would deprive a large number of weapons going north and south to some really bad actors. The next step is to stop Trump and his cronies from stopping the EO that requires gun shops and such to report when a large number of weapons are bought by one person in a short time. The Gun Dealer should have the right and the obligation to report something he finds as fishy or not kosher.

If the States won't do it, hit them with the old Interstate Commerce routine that seems to work really well. If the state won't do the back ground checks for all then don't ship the guns to that state. If the guns are manufactured in that state, don't allow them to be shipped out of the state.

Background checks are almost painless and they are a way to allow the common person to keep buying his guns for sport and defense without shipping large numbers to the criminal elements. Yah, I know. The Gun Crazies deny this is happening. But these are the same ones that don't believe in Global Warming either.
There will never be enough guns. Know that. Your kind still exist

You think you will ever have enough to outgun people like me? Dream on. We can support common sense gun laws and yet own guns. Plus, many of us are more qualified to use them than you Rexall Rangers. There are enough guns out there already.
You and yours are the most dangerous people on the planet! Anyone willing to take the rights of others are pure evil!

Yet you would gleefully take my rights. Well, cupcake, come get them. And bring reinforcements.
so wise ass, what is that right I'm trying to take from you? come on chicken shit, ain't got the courage to say oops you're mistaken? Got nothing accept you're a liar!!! got it.

You Rexall Rangers are tuff until you are called on it. Your Diety, Trump says for you get ready. What ever the hell that means in trumpcrap speak. Are you getting ready?
for what? I'm doing my thing in here. I'm taking on the crazies who think that mass murderers are guns.
You and yours are the most dangerous people on the planet! Anyone willing to take the rights of others are pure evil!

Yet you would gleefully take my rights. Well, cupcake, come get them. And bring reinforcements.
so wise ass, what is that right I'm trying to take from you? come on chicken shit, ain't got the courage to say oops you're mistaken? Got nothing accept you're a liar!!! got it.

You Rexall Rangers are tuff until you are called on it. Your Diety, Trump says for you get ready. What ever the hell that means in trumpcrap speak. Are you getting ready?
Wacha got to protect your family? A slingshot?

If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
so dude, you still haven't posted back to me on what right I'm trying to take from you. Are you going to apologize or remain a liar?
If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
On this point we can agree.

A gun is the absolute LAST resort.

Responsible gun owners are hyper-obsessive about safety and reluctant to use the power they have.

If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
On this point we can agree.

A gun is the absolute LAST resort.

Responsible gun owners are hyper-obsessive about safety and reluctant to use the power they have.

a threat, however, is still a threat. If someone defends using a gun in a threatening situation, is still ok in my book.
If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
On this point we can agree.

A gun is the absolute LAST resort.

Responsible gun owners are hyper-obsessive about safety and reluctant to use the power they have.

a threat, however, is still a threat. If someone defends using a gun in a threatening situation, is still ok in my book.
It should be left to the threatened to decide. I agree. I also agree that the use of deadly force should be a person's last resort. That's all I am saying. Otherwise, I would have already drawn my weapon on several people. Calm restraint should be the manner of all.
If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
On this point we can agree.

A gun is the absolute LAST resort.

Responsible gun owners are hyper-obsessive about safety and reluctant to use the power they have.

a threat, however, is still a threat. If someone defends using a gun in a threatening situation, is still ok in my book.
It should be left to the threatened to decide. I agree. I also agree that the use of deadly force should be a person's last resort. That's all I am saying. Otherwise, I would have already drawn my weapon on several people. Calm restraint should be the manner of all.
not everyone is that patient, and many get spooked. all I'm saying. To then call them out with punishment is wrong.
You think you will ever have enough to outgun people like me? Dream on. We can support common sense gun laws and yet own guns. Plus, many of us are more qualified to use them than you Rexall Rangers. There are enough guns out there already.
You and yours are the most dangerous people on the planet! Anyone willing to take the rights of others are pure evil!

Yet you would gleefully take my rights. Well, cupcake, come get them. And bring reinforcements.
so wise ass, what is that right I'm trying to take from you? come on chicken shit, ain't got the courage to say oops you're mistaken? Got nothing accept you're a liar!!! got it.

You Rexall Rangers are tuff until you are called on it. Your Diety, Trump says for you get ready. What ever the hell that means in trumpcrap speak. Are you getting ready?
for what? I'm doing my thing in here. I'm taking on the crazies who think that mass murderers are guns.

Guns are only part of it. One that is manageable if your bunch would cooperate a bit instead of playing the party of "NO". Luckily, you are losing that battle as the rest of us can't afford to allow you the "Win". Both you guncrazies and gungrabbers are losing every single day as people wake up and smell the coffee. It's not you that is taking on the crazies, you are part of the crazies.
Yet you would gleefully take my rights. Well, cupcake, come get them. And bring reinforcements.
so wise ass, what is that right I'm trying to take from you? come on chicken shit, ain't got the courage to say oops you're mistaken? Got nothing accept you're a liar!!! got it.

You Rexall Rangers are tuff until you are called on it. Your Diety, Trump says for you get ready. What ever the hell that means in trumpcrap speak. Are you getting ready?
Wacha got to protect your family? A slingshot?

If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
so dude, you still haven't posted back to me on what right I'm trying to take from you. Are you going to apologize or remain a liar?

You and your supporters all have stated I should not be allowed to own guns of any kind. And I have responded that you can have them but you get them one piece at a time. I really don't see any difference between you guncrazies and the gungrabbers. In both cases, only the one side will be armed and it won't be the majority of the Americans. And I need to point it out to you, YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE MAJORITY.
so wise ass, what is that right I'm trying to take from you? come on chicken shit, ain't got the courage to say oops you're mistaken? Got nothing accept you're a liar!!! got it.

You Rexall Rangers are tuff until you are called on it. Your Diety, Trump says for you get ready. What ever the hell that means in trumpcrap speak. Are you getting ready?
Wacha got to protect your family? A slingshot?

If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
so dude, you still haven't posted back to me on what right I'm trying to take from you. Are you going to apologize or remain a liar?

You and your supporters all have stated I should not be allowed to own guns of any kind. And I have responded that you can have them but you get them one piece at a time. I really don't see any difference between you guncrazies and the gungrabbers. In both cases, only the one side will be armed and it won't be the majority of the Americans. And I need to point it out to you, YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE MAJORITY.
dude, I give two shits if you own a fking bazooka. Not me pal. own all you want any kind you want. people kill people, not guns.

Seems you have me confused with someone else. you're forgiven.
If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
On this point we can agree.

A gun is the absolute LAST resort.

Responsible gun owners are hyper-obsessive about safety and reluctant to use the power they have.

a threat, however, is still a threat. If someone defends using a gun in a threatening situation, is still ok in my book.
It should be left to the threatened to decide. I agree. I also agree that the use of deadly force should be a person's last resort. That's all I am saying. Otherwise, I would have already drawn my weapon on several people. Calm restraint should be the manner of all.
not everyone is that patient, and many get spooked. all I'm saying. To then call them out with punishment is wrong.

Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here. We are a different breed and think differently than most of you guncrazies. Sometimes it's better to not draw your weapon and just let the thief get away with the 129 bucks and let the cops deal with him later. Can you imagine the lawsuits that Superman would have had for all the damage he did to Metropolis over small time crime? Just landing would tear up a street. And they kept branding Batman as a criminal or even Spiderman. Well, Spidie, I can almost see it leaving all that sticky mess all over town and someone has to clean the mess up.

The point being, a lousy 4 hour classroom class to get a CCW or no class to walk around with an open carry doesn't cut it. The Hero Complex gets in the way sooner or later. The only reason it doesn't come up very often is that these clowns are protecting places that don't need protecting and they have become the potential problem.

When OC was approved, every nutcase started carrying their gun on their hip. It was scary, to say the least. They were saying that there were no Crime and Criminals because they were armed and were there. Before they were armed, there were still no crime nor criminals there either. The closest thing to potential crime with them OC came from them. I don't don't know what's happened but the OCs have all but disappeared. It wasn't a change in the law since OC is still legal. The Cult died along with the fad. I have no explanation what happened but it's a good thing.
If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
On this point we can agree.

A gun is the absolute LAST resort.

Responsible gun owners are hyper-obsessive about safety and reluctant to use the power they have.

a threat, however, is still a threat. If someone defends using a gun in a threatening situation, is still ok in my book.
It should be left to the threatened to decide. I agree. I also agree that the use of deadly force should be a person's last resort. That's all I am saying. Otherwise, I would have already drawn my weapon on several people. Calm restraint should be the manner of all.
not everyone is that patient, and many get spooked. all I'm saying. To then call them out with punishment is wrong.

Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here. We are a different breed and think differently than most of you guncrazies. Sometimes it's better to not draw your weapon and just let the thief get away with the 129 bucks and let the cops deal with him later. Can you imagine the lawsuits that Superman would have had for all the damage he did to Metropolis over small time crime? Just landing would tear up a street. And they kept branding Batman as a criminal or even Spiderman. Well, Spidie, I can almost see it leaving all that sticky mess all over town and someone has to clean the mess up.

The point being, a lousy 4 hour classroom class to get a CCW or no class to walk around with an open carry doesn't cut it. The Hero Complex gets in the way sooner or later. The only reason it doesn't come up very often is that these clowns are protecting places that don't need protecting and they have become the potential problem.

When OC was approved, every nutcase started carrying their gun on their hip. It was scary, to say the least. They were saying that there were no Crime and Criminals because they were armed and were there. Before they were armed, there were still no crime nor criminals there either. The closest thing to potential crime with them OC came from them. I don't don't know what's happened but the OCs have all but disappeared. It wasn't a change in the law since OC is still legal. The Cult died along with the fad. I have no explanation what happened but it's a good thing.
Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here.

Dude, you won't know that moment until......... that moment. derp.

It still isn't the guns fault. You going to apologize for confusing me with someone who wants to take your gun? Cause that wasn't me bubba.
On this point we can agree.

A gun is the absolute LAST resort.

Responsible gun owners are hyper-obsessive about safety and reluctant to use the power they have.

a threat, however, is still a threat. If someone defends using a gun in a threatening situation, is still ok in my book.
It should be left to the threatened to decide. I agree. I also agree that the use of deadly force should be a person's last resort. That's all I am saying. Otherwise, I would have already drawn my weapon on several people. Calm restraint should be the manner of all.
not everyone is that patient, and many get spooked. all I'm saying. To then call them out with punishment is wrong.

Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here. We are a different breed and think differently than most of you guncrazies. Sometimes it's better to not draw your weapon and just let the thief get away with the 129 bucks and let the cops deal with him later. Can you imagine the lawsuits that Superman would have had for all the damage he did to Metropolis over small time crime? Just landing would tear up a street. And they kept branding Batman as a criminal or even Spiderman. Well, Spidie, I can almost see it leaving all that sticky mess all over town and someone has to clean the mess up.

The point being, a lousy 4 hour classroom class to get a CCW or no class to walk around with an open carry doesn't cut it. The Hero Complex gets in the way sooner or later. The only reason it doesn't come up very often is that these clowns are protecting places that don't need protecting and they have become the potential problem.

When OC was approved, every nutcase started carrying their gun on their hip. It was scary, to say the least. They were saying that there were no Crime and Criminals because they were armed and were there. Before they were armed, there were still no crime nor criminals there either. The closest thing to potential crime with them OC came from them. I don't don't know what's happened but the OCs have all but disappeared. It wasn't a change in the law since OC is still legal. The Cult died along with the fad. I have no explanation what happened but it's a good thing.
Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here.

Dude, you won't know that moment until......... that moment. derp.

It still isn't the guns fault. You going to apologize for confusing me with someone who wants to take your gun? Cause that wasn't me bubba.

As long as you support those that do then you are as guilty as they are.
a threat, however, is still a threat. If someone defends using a gun in a threatening situation, is still ok in my book.
It should be left to the threatened to decide. I agree. I also agree that the use of deadly force should be a person's last resort. That's all I am saying. Otherwise, I would have already drawn my weapon on several people. Calm restraint should be the manner of all.
not everyone is that patient, and many get spooked. all I'm saying. To then call them out with punishment is wrong.

Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here. We are a different breed and think differently than most of you guncrazies. Sometimes it's better to not draw your weapon and just let the thief get away with the 129 bucks and let the cops deal with him later. Can you imagine the lawsuits that Superman would have had for all the damage he did to Metropolis over small time crime? Just landing would tear up a street. And they kept branding Batman as a criminal or even Spiderman. Well, Spidie, I can almost see it leaving all that sticky mess all over town and someone has to clean the mess up.

The point being, a lousy 4 hour classroom class to get a CCW or no class to walk around with an open carry doesn't cut it. The Hero Complex gets in the way sooner or later. The only reason it doesn't come up very often is that these clowns are protecting places that don't need protecting and they have become the potential problem.

When OC was approved, every nutcase started carrying their gun on their hip. It was scary, to say the least. They were saying that there were no Crime and Criminals because they were armed and were there. Before they were armed, there were still no crime nor criminals there either. The closest thing to potential crime with them OC came from them. I don't don't know what's happened but the OCs have all but disappeared. It wasn't a change in the law since OC is still legal. The Cult died along with the fad. I have no explanation what happened but it's a good thing.
Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here.

Dude, you won't know that moment until......... that moment. derp.

It still isn't the guns fault. You going to apologize for confusing me with someone who wants to take your gun? Cause that wasn't me bubba.

As long as you support those that do then you are as guilty as they are.
what the fk are you even talking about? dude, you need to explain soon, cause I have no idea what you're talking about. so I can't even discuss with you anymore on something I don't know about. enlighten me. you want a gun, have a gun. now how am I infringing in your right? come on man, you're lame right now.
It should be left to the threatened to decide. I agree. I also agree that the use of deadly force should be a person's last resort. That's all I am saying. Otherwise, I would have already drawn my weapon on several people. Calm restraint should be the manner of all.
not everyone is that patient, and many get spooked. all I'm saying. To then call them out with punishment is wrong.

Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here. We are a different breed and think differently than most of you guncrazies. Sometimes it's better to not draw your weapon and just let the thief get away with the 129 bucks and let the cops deal with him later. Can you imagine the lawsuits that Superman would have had for all the damage he did to Metropolis over small time crime? Just landing would tear up a street. And they kept branding Batman as a criminal or even Spiderman. Well, Spidie, I can almost see it leaving all that sticky mess all over town and someone has to clean the mess up.

The point being, a lousy 4 hour classroom class to get a CCW or no class to walk around with an open carry doesn't cut it. The Hero Complex gets in the way sooner or later. The only reason it doesn't come up very often is that these clowns are protecting places that don't need protecting and they have become the potential problem.

When OC was approved, every nutcase started carrying their gun on their hip. It was scary, to say the least. They were saying that there were no Crime and Criminals because they were armed and were there. Before they were armed, there were still no crime nor criminals there either. The closest thing to potential crime with them OC came from them. I don't don't know what's happened but the OCs have all but disappeared. It wasn't a change in the law since OC is still legal. The Cult died along with the fad. I have no explanation what happened but it's a good thing.
Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here.

Dude, you won't know that moment until......... that moment. derp.

It still isn't the guns fault. You going to apologize for confusing me with someone who wants to take your gun? Cause that wasn't me bubba.

As long as you support those that do then you are as guilty as they are.
what the fk are you even talking about? dude, you need to explain soon, cause I have no idea what you're talking about. so I can't even discuss with you anymore on something I don't know about. enlighten me. you want a gun, have a gun. now how am I infringing in your right? come on man, you're lame right now.

I would think you really don't know. But I think you do. Then again, I also believe that the other NRA plants have totally failed and they are trying the soft pedal approach. Hate to bust your bubble but I choose not to play today.
not everyone is that patient, and many get spooked. all I'm saying. To then call them out with punishment is wrong.

Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here. We are a different breed and think differently than most of you guncrazies. Sometimes it's better to not draw your weapon and just let the thief get away with the 129 bucks and let the cops deal with him later. Can you imagine the lawsuits that Superman would have had for all the damage he did to Metropolis over small time crime? Just landing would tear up a street. And they kept branding Batman as a criminal or even Spiderman. Well, Spidie, I can almost see it leaving all that sticky mess all over town and someone has to clean the mess up.

The point being, a lousy 4 hour classroom class to get a CCW or no class to walk around with an open carry doesn't cut it. The Hero Complex gets in the way sooner or later. The only reason it doesn't come up very often is that these clowns are protecting places that don't need protecting and they have become the potential problem.

When OC was approved, every nutcase started carrying their gun on their hip. It was scary, to say the least. They were saying that there were no Crime and Criminals because they were armed and were there. Before they were armed, there were still no crime nor criminals there either. The closest thing to potential crime with them OC came from them. I don't don't know what's happened but the OCs have all but disappeared. It wasn't a change in the law since OC is still legal. The Cult died along with the fad. I have no explanation what happened but it's a good thing.
Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here.

Dude, you won't know that moment until......... that moment. derp.

It still isn't the guns fault. You going to apologize for confusing me with someone who wants to take your gun? Cause that wasn't me bubba.

As long as you support those that do then you are as guilty as they are.
what the fk are you even talking about? dude, you need to explain soon, cause I have no idea what you're talking about. so I can't even discuss with you anymore on something I don't know about. enlighten me. you want a gun, have a gun. now how am I infringing in your right? come on man, you're lame right now.

I would think you really don't know. But I think you do. Then again, I also believe that the other NRA plants have totally failed and they are trying the soft pedal approach. Hate to bust your bubble but I choose not to play today.
so you accuse me of trying to take your rights. then you say the right I'm trying to take is your guns. I told you, for me, go get a bazooka. and you still claim I'm trying to take your guns. dude, you need help or put the bottle and needles down.
Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here. We are a different breed and think differently than most of you guncrazies. Sometimes it's better to not draw your weapon and just let the thief get away with the 129 bucks and let the cops deal with him later. Can you imagine the lawsuits that Superman would have had for all the damage he did to Metropolis over small time crime? Just landing would tear up a street. And they kept branding Batman as a criminal or even Spiderman. Well, Spidie, I can almost see it leaving all that sticky mess all over town and someone has to clean the mess up.

The point being, a lousy 4 hour classroom class to get a CCW or no class to walk around with an open carry doesn't cut it. The Hero Complex gets in the way sooner or later. The only reason it doesn't come up very often is that these clowns are protecting places that don't need protecting and they have become the potential problem.

When OC was approved, every nutcase started carrying their gun on their hip. It was scary, to say the least. They were saying that there were no Crime and Criminals because they were armed and were there. Before they were armed, there were still no crime nor criminals there either. The closest thing to potential crime with them OC came from them. I don't don't know what's happened but the OCs have all but disappeared. It wasn't a change in the law since OC is still legal. The Cult died along with the fad. I have no explanation what happened but it's a good thing.
Then that person just went from responsible armed citizen to Guncrazy fast and should NOT be allowed to roam the streets armed. What you are dealing with is responsible CCW holders here.

Dude, you won't know that moment until......... that moment. derp.

It still isn't the guns fault. You going to apologize for confusing me with someone who wants to take your gun? Cause that wasn't me bubba.

As long as you support those that do then you are as guilty as they are.
what the fk are you even talking about? dude, you need to explain soon, cause I have no idea what you're talking about. so I can't even discuss with you anymore on something I don't know about. enlighten me. you want a gun, have a gun. now how am I infringing in your right? come on man, you're lame right now.

I would think you really don't know. But I think you do. Then again, I also believe that the other NRA plants have totally failed and they are trying the soft pedal approach. Hate to bust your bubble but I choose not to play today.
so you accuse me of trying to take your rights. then you say the right I'm trying to take is your guns. I told you, for me, go get a bazooka. and you still claim I'm trying to take your guns. dude, you need help or put the bottle and needles down.

You are a broken record with a broken stylais. You are dismissed. Go play with your guns. But just remember, we are watching you.
so wise ass, what is that right I'm trying to take from you? come on chicken shit, ain't got the courage to say oops you're mistaken? Got nothing accept you're a liar!!! got it.

You Rexall Rangers are tuff until you are called on it. Your Diety, Trump says for you get ready. What ever the hell that means in trumpcrap speak. Are you getting ready?
Wacha got to protect your family? A slingshot?

If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
so dude, you still haven't posted back to me on what right I'm trying to take from you. Are you going to apologize or remain a liar?

You and your supporters all have stated I should not be allowed to own guns of any kind. And I have responded that you can have them but you get them one piece at a time. I really don't see any difference between you guncrazies and the gungrabbers. In both cases, only the one side will be armed and it won't be the majority of the Americans. And I need to point it out to you, YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE MAJORITY.
Well, to be fair, the majority of this country are dumb-downed, drug induced, easily manipulated, lazy, unmotivated fools. I'm talking out and out just plain stupid. Let's face it, if you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to tell you what to think and do, you're a leftist piece of shit of no use to a free society.
You Rexall Rangers are tuff until you are called on it. Your Diety, Trump says for you get ready. What ever the hell that means in trumpcrap speak. Are you getting ready?
Wacha got to protect your family? A slingshot?

If the scene calls for a slingshot, then yes. If it calls for more, then I have more. Sometimes a rolled up newspaper works well while other times it doesn't. To just grab the gun and run out isn't the brightest test of intelligence usually.
so dude, you still haven't posted back to me on what right I'm trying to take from you. Are you going to apologize or remain a liar?

You and your supporters all have stated I should not be allowed to own guns of any kind. And I have responded that you can have them but you get them one piece at a time. I really don't see any difference between you guncrazies and the gungrabbers. In both cases, only the one side will be armed and it won't be the majority of the Americans. And I need to point it out to you, YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE MAJORITY.
Well, to be fair, the majority of this country are dumb-downed, drug induced, easily manipulated, lazy, unmotivated fools. I'm talking out and out just plain stupid. Let's face it, if you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to tell you what to think and do, you're a leftist piece of shit of no use to a free society.

Thank you for insulting the bulk of of America. We'll remember that come 2020.

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