What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.

Funny I never said anything about arming everyone
I do know disarming everyone (who would obey the law) won't lower the murder rate
You can do anything you can with an AR 15 with any other semiautomatic .223

The 223/556 was invented for the AR-15 Model 601 and the round was designed not to kill but to wound. I know you know nothing about combat but it takes extra personnel to care and transport a wounded than it does a dead body. The Dead can wait until after the battle concludes. The wounded can't.

But if you get close enough, it can kill or wound with the best of them if you fire enough rounds. That means the round was thought to be well suited for combat but not as a long ranged varmint round. That thought is changing in the Military who are looking at upgrading probably to a 6.8 caliber with composite casings that kill very efficiently and can effectively go out past 400 yds which is the absolute range maximum for a 223 to do any actual damage and not start succumbing to the elements (drift).

So stop with the sales pitch trying to sell those ARs you have that you can only sell one a month. You'll sink your money into better inventory and eat much more steady.

then you should be happy mass shooters like the .223 since it wasn't designed to kill. Just think of the death toll if mass shooters used 6.8 or 7.62 rounds

and a .223 kills rabid skunks, raccoons and coyotes just fine thank you very much

School is in
Think about what you have just said. Let's look at the 6.8. It's about the same length but a bigger diameter in both bullet and cartridge. The cartridge is made up of a very light and strong composite. The weight is less than the 556 or 223 so you don't add weight. It's being designed for WAR just like the 556 was designed for war. It just does it a bit better at a longer range. So you don't give up the amount of ammo you can carry but have a more effective weapon of war.

They replaced the M-14 with the M-16 because the weight of the gun and the weight of the ammo. The M-14 was far superior in a firefight but you ran out of ammo too fast. The 7.62 or 308 is the far superior cartridge but it's heavy in comparison therefore you can't carry as many rounds. Plus, due to the power of the cartridge, the gun has to be larger and heavier. You wouldn't know this because you haven't spent 16 hours force marching from point A to B with 80lbs of other equipment on your back. Every ounce saved.......

Now, about the 223, most school shootings are done close up. The 223 will kill larger game (meaning us) easily at close range. And since you have so many rounds, don't worry about wasting it. Even if the aftermath looks like a battle zone, it's not. You have ammo to burn. Before you run out of ammo you will run out of time and you only have a few minutes to operate until the Cops take you out or you put the muzzle in your mouth. And most shooters are part of the AR Cult. No dues, no memberships just insanity. You are part of that AR Cult. the only difference is, you don't have the guts to go out and do a mass shooting yourself in the name of the Revolution. The only reason that Vegas Shooting had such a high body count at that range was he through hundreds of rounds out very fast. It's like throwing a bunch of rocks at a wall full of balloons. Some will hit and most will miss but if you throw enough, you can burst almost all the balloons. This is the method of the Full Auto M-16 or the AR-15 with a bump stock. This has been abandoned by even the Military. But it's not ineffective when you have a target rich environment like a theater, school or Club. The 223 does exactly what it was originally invented to do at that point.

You are part of a cult. And the way to stop mass shootings is to outlaw the cult. Maybe we should handle it like any other violent cult and just start arresting the cult leaders.

Meaningless as is everything you post.

and you're not going to stop mass shooting by getting rid of one rifle because any semiautomatic rifle will kill just as many people as an AR

and I'll tell you again since you have obviously forgotten the other 20 times I have told you that I do not own an AR 15 because I saw no benefit to buying one because I already have 2 rifles chambered for the .223 round

The problem most of us have with you is that you have put out so outlandishly uninformed information in here, we automatically assume you aren't telling the truth about anything.

Why would anyone buy anything other than an AR type for 223? For sporting, it's a terrible round. There are just so many better choices when you start going with other guns.

THe .223 works just fine for the purposes I use it for. And here you go assuming again. I don't have an AR because I had my .223 since I was a kid and I happen to like the look of my ranch rifle and I know it doesn't scare people like you if they see it

So I really don't care what you think.
These mass shootings virtually always involve high- capacity rapid-fire weapons.
There is absolutely no rational reason an ordinary citizen (that is, excluding law-enforcement and military), needs to have such a lethal weapon.
The only reason an ordinary citizen needs a gun is for hunting or target shooting, and the remote possibility that he might need to defend his home at some point.
If you own a gun, you have a responsibility to maintain it, and your competence in handling it. Target shooting is very educational, and hunting is a thrill. Get them both, and you'll have a ball, and, with luck no-one will be killed accidentally in the process.
But, if you need an AR15, you should get a LOT of education, before you go hunting!
you need to learn what a semiautomatic weapon is maybe then you will realize that it is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle just like any other that has been available to the public for over 100 years

He probably knows. The AR15 IS a rapid fire weapon. Even with just semi auto. It came into being as the AR-15 Model 601 and has seen a ton of battles in Combat. There is little difference between the AR-15 Model 760 and the AR-15 Model 601. That means that there is little difference between the modern AR-15 and it's clones and the M-4. It has features to help a scared shitless skinny young kid carry it for long periods of time and put a lot of lead into the enemy. The normal operation of the M-4 is semi auto and that means it's so close to the AR-15 model 760 there isn't enough to argue about. Yet, you do argue.

The first thing that we have to do to stop the mass shootings of today is to get rid of the AR Cult. And you demonstrate why each and every time you post.
one shot per trigger pull is not rapid fire

There you go again. One shot per trigger pull. A non bump stock AR-15 might have trouble making 120 rounds a minute. But with a bump stock, it does many times that amount. That means that it IS a MG. You can keep going on like this but you are just digging yourself deeper.
The 223/556 was invented for the AR-15 Model 601 and the round was designed not to kill but to wound. I know you know nothing about combat but it takes extra personnel to care and transport a wounded than it does a dead body. The Dead can wait until after the battle concludes. The wounded can't.

But if you get close enough, it can kill or wound with the best of them if you fire enough rounds. That means the round was thought to be well suited for combat but not as a long ranged varmint round. That thought is changing in the Military who are looking at upgrading probably to a 6.8 caliber with composite casings that kill very efficiently and can effectively go out past 400 yds which is the absolute range maximum for a 223 to do any actual damage and not start succumbing to the elements (drift).

So stop with the sales pitch trying to sell those ARs you have that you can only sell one a month. You'll sink your money into better inventory and eat much more steady.

then you should be happy mass shooters like the .223 since it wasn't designed to kill. Just think of the death toll if mass shooters used 6.8 or 7.62 rounds

and a .223 kills rabid skunks, raccoons and coyotes just fine thank you very much

School is in
Think about what you have just said. Let's look at the 6.8. It's about the same length but a bigger diameter in both bullet and cartridge. The cartridge is made up of a very light and strong composite. The weight is less than the 556 or 223 so you don't add weight. It's being designed for WAR just like the 556 was designed for war. It just does it a bit better at a longer range. So you don't give up the amount of ammo you can carry but have a more effective weapon of war.

They replaced the M-14 with the M-16 because the weight of the gun and the weight of the ammo. The M-14 was far superior in a firefight but you ran out of ammo too fast. The 7.62 or 308 is the far superior cartridge but it's heavy in comparison therefore you can't carry as many rounds. Plus, due to the power of the cartridge, the gun has to be larger and heavier. You wouldn't know this because you haven't spent 16 hours force marching from point A to B with 80lbs of other equipment on your back. Every ounce saved.......

Now, about the 223, most school shootings are done close up. The 223 will kill larger game (meaning us) easily at close range. And since you have so many rounds, don't worry about wasting it. Even if the aftermath looks like a battle zone, it's not. You have ammo to burn. Before you run out of ammo you will run out of time and you only have a few minutes to operate until the Cops take you out or you put the muzzle in your mouth. And most shooters are part of the AR Cult. No dues, no memberships just insanity. You are part of that AR Cult. the only difference is, you don't have the guts to go out and do a mass shooting yourself in the name of the Revolution. The only reason that Vegas Shooting had such a high body count at that range was he through hundreds of rounds out very fast. It's like throwing a bunch of rocks at a wall full of balloons. Some will hit and most will miss but if you throw enough, you can burst almost all the balloons. This is the method of the Full Auto M-16 or the AR-15 with a bump stock. This has been abandoned by even the Military. But it's not ineffective when you have a target rich environment like a theater, school or Club. The 223 does exactly what it was originally invented to do at that point.

You are part of a cult. And the way to stop mass shootings is to outlaw the cult. Maybe we should handle it like any other violent cult and just start arresting the cult leaders.

Meaningless as is everything you post.

and you're not going to stop mass shooting by getting rid of one rifle because any semiautomatic rifle will kill just as many people as an AR

and I'll tell you again since you have obviously forgotten the other 20 times I have told you that I do not own an AR 15 because I saw no benefit to buying one because I already have 2 rifles chambered for the .223 round

The problem most of us have with you is that you have put out so outlandishly uninformed information in here, we automatically assume you aren't telling the truth about anything.

Why would anyone buy anything other than an AR type for 223? For sporting, it's a terrible round. There are just so many better choices when you start going with other guns.

THe .223 works just fine for the purposes I use it for

So I really don't care what you think.

Just goes to show that you are caught up in the AR Cult. That Cult is going away soon. Then what are you going to go off about? I have faith in you, you'll think of something.
These mass shootings virtually always involve high- capacity rapid-fire weapons.
There is absolutely no rational reason an ordinary citizen (that is, excluding law-enforcement and military), needs to have such a lethal weapon.
The only reason an ordinary citizen needs a gun is for hunting or target shooting, and the remote possibility that he might need to defend his home at some point.
If you own a gun, you have a responsibility to maintain it, and your competence in handling it. Target shooting is very educational, and hunting is a thrill. Get them both, and you'll have a ball, and, with luck no-one will be killed accidentally in the process.
But, if you need an AR15, you should get a LOT of education, before you go hunting!
It's not the gun's dang it.... It's the mental state of those getting their hands on guns, and then becoming a huge problem after that.

Now who is causing the problem ?? The liberal/leftist/Democrats are the problem.

Why ???? Because they are the first to attack the gun while making excuses for the killers or mentally deficient in life.

Yeah, just take those gun's away, then when we put that deplorable human being who might be mentally unstable to boot (in your space in life), and you reject such a person, then they can't go get that gun to blow everyone away due to that rejection.

I know, I know, what about if we just stop the liberal/leftist/Demon-crats from placing dangerous deplorable people in people's spaces or around their children (just nip it in the bud by being pro-active instead of re-active), and this way crime begins to slow, and culture clash becomes less and less for those whom do want to get along together in life.

Blacks fearing that they will be rebuked if team up with the whites for a great nation, have just got to finally face those fears, and believe in themselves without needing a crutch of some sort to make it in life. We love all Americans in this great nation, and the lies have got to stop.

Most of us stopped reading when you blamed it all on the Liberals and the Left. That is the real problem. As long as both sides blame the other side the changes needed will be slow since both sides are too busy blaming each other to actually come up with a solution. And there IS a solution. Just not the one that both sides in power think there is. But as long as the fringe groups are so noisy, nothing can get done. You are not right, you are just loud.

It's interesting how you pretend you are speaking for "most" people here. You aren't son, you are speaking for yourself. The "Left" has ONE solution, take steps to take guns out of the hands of people who obey the law. Helluva solution there Jaime.

I speak for MOST people since MOST people in this state have decided to make changes both in Gun Regulations and Social Changes and it works. And not one gun has been banned or confiscated in the process. You are displaying the illness why things will be so chaotic. Find someone or some other group to blame it on. We used Common sense and came up with methods that work. Not always but enough. And we sent the NRA packing in 2013 broke and dejected. Of course, we didn't receive our customary tax refunds from the State for a few years since we had to pay for the things that the legal fees went towards and special elections and recalls that failed that the NRA caused. We had to pay for the run down dangerous bridges, the pot holed state roads, many other programs. All over PR for the gun manufacturers. WE voted at the voting booths. So I can use the word MOST because MOST means the Majority. And we didn't take one single gun out of the hands of the sane tax paying good citizens hands or even take away their right to purchase any thing not covere din the various Extrenous weapons list like Machine Guns, Bazookas, Nuclea Weapons, etc.. We told the fringe groups from both sides just to shut up and sit down. They didn't shut up and sit down but we placed them on ignore and actually did something about many of the problems. The first step is to stop blaming the other side and work to get it fixed. You screaming about how bad the left is (you aren't that wrong) while other scream just how bad the right is (they are that wrong) doesn't do a thing for a solution other than spreading more hate. So keep it up and we will place you on ignore until you start working on the solution instead of being part of the problem.
No YOU speak for no one but yourself.

Because no one in their right mind would have you speak for them
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then you should be happy mass shooters like the .223 since it wasn't designed to kill. Just think of the death toll if mass shooters used 6.8 or 7.62 rounds

and a .223 kills rabid skunks, raccoons and coyotes just fine thank you very much

School is in
Think about what you have just said. Let's look at the 6.8. It's about the same length but a bigger diameter in both bullet and cartridge. The cartridge is made up of a very light and strong composite. The weight is less than the 556 or 223 so you don't add weight. It's being designed for WAR just like the 556 was designed for war. It just does it a bit better at a longer range. So you don't give up the amount of ammo you can carry but have a more effective weapon of war.

They replaced the M-14 with the M-16 because the weight of the gun and the weight of the ammo. The M-14 was far superior in a firefight but you ran out of ammo too fast. The 7.62 or 308 is the far superior cartridge but it's heavy in comparison therefore you can't carry as many rounds. Plus, due to the power of the cartridge, the gun has to be larger and heavier. You wouldn't know this because you haven't spent 16 hours force marching from point A to B with 80lbs of other equipment on your back. Every ounce saved.......

Now, about the 223, most school shootings are done close up. The 223 will kill larger game (meaning us) easily at close range. And since you have so many rounds, don't worry about wasting it. Even if the aftermath looks like a battle zone, it's not. You have ammo to burn. Before you run out of ammo you will run out of time and you only have a few minutes to operate until the Cops take you out or you put the muzzle in your mouth. And most shooters are part of the AR Cult. No dues, no memberships just insanity. You are part of that AR Cult. the only difference is, you don't have the guts to go out and do a mass shooting yourself in the name of the Revolution. The only reason that Vegas Shooting had such a high body count at that range was he through hundreds of rounds out very fast. It's like throwing a bunch of rocks at a wall full of balloons. Some will hit and most will miss but if you throw enough, you can burst almost all the balloons. This is the method of the Full Auto M-16 or the AR-15 with a bump stock. This has been abandoned by even the Military. But it's not ineffective when you have a target rich environment like a theater, school or Club. The 223 does exactly what it was originally invented to do at that point.

You are part of a cult. And the way to stop mass shootings is to outlaw the cult. Maybe we should handle it like any other violent cult and just start arresting the cult leaders.

Meaningless as is everything you post.

and you're not going to stop mass shooting by getting rid of one rifle because any semiautomatic rifle will kill just as many people as an AR

and I'll tell you again since you have obviously forgotten the other 20 times I have told you that I do not own an AR 15 because I saw no benefit to buying one because I already have 2 rifles chambered for the .223 round

The problem most of us have with you is that you have put out so outlandishly uninformed information in here, we automatically assume you aren't telling the truth about anything.

Why would anyone buy anything other than an AR type for 223? For sporting, it's a terrible round. There are just so many better choices when you start going with other guns.

THe .223 works just fine for the purposes I use it for

So I really don't care what you think.

Just goes to show that you are caught up in the AR Cult. That Cult is going away soon. Then what are you going to go off about? I have faith in you, you'll think of something.
YEah I don't own an AR but I'm in the AR cult

you just go deeper into the crazy pool every day

Thr Ar is no different than any other semiauto so if it gets banned then the push will be to ban all semiautomatic rifles
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.

Funny I never said anything about arming everyone
I do know disarming everyone (who would obey the law) won't lower the murder rate
'Because I disagree with most of what you have to say (your fruitcake logic) does that mean that I want to disarm everyone? No, just the crazy people and it appears you may fit that definition.
These mass shootings virtually always involve high- capacity rapid-fire weapons.
There is absolutely no rational reason an ordinary citizen (that is, excluding law-enforcement and military), needs to have such a lethal weapon.
The only reason an ordinary citizen needs a gun is for hunting or target shooting, and the remote possibility that he might need to defend his home at some point.
If you own a gun, you have a responsibility to maintain it, and your competence in handling it. Target shooting is very educational, and hunting is a thrill. Get them both, and you'll have a ball, and, with luck no-one will be killed accidentally in the process.
But, if you need an AR15, you should get a LOT of education, before you go hunting!
you need to learn what a semiautomatic weapon is maybe then you will realize that it is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle just like any other that has been available to the public for over 100 years

He probably knows. The AR15 IS a rapid fire weapon. Even with just semi auto. It came into being as the AR-15 Model 601 and has seen a ton of battles in Combat. There is little difference between the AR-15 Model 760 and the AR-15 Model 601. That means that there is little difference between the modern AR-15 and it's clones and the M-4. It has features to help a scared shitless skinny young kid carry it for long periods of time and put a lot of lead into the enemy. The normal operation of the M-4 is semi auto and that means it's so close to the AR-15 model 760 there isn't enough to argue about. Yet, you do argue.

The first thing that we have to do to stop the mass shootings of today is to get rid of the AR Cult. And you demonstrate why each and every time you post.
one shot per trigger pull is not rapid fire

There you go again. One shot per trigger pull. A non bump stock AR-15 might have trouble making 120 rounds a minute. But with a bump stock, it does many times that amount. That means that it IS a MG. You can keep going on like this but you are just digging yourself deeper.

again where have I ever mentioned bump stocks
These mass shootings virtually always involve high- capacity rapid-fire weapons.
There is absolutely no rational reason an ordinary citizen (that is, excluding law-enforcement and military), needs to have such a lethal weapon.
The only reason an ordinary citizen needs a gun is for hunting or target shooting, and the remote possibility that he might need to defend his home at some point.
If you own a gun, you have a responsibility to maintain it, and your competence in handling it. Target shooting is very educational, and hunting is a thrill. Get them both, and you'll have a ball, and, with luck no-one will be killed accidentally in the process.
But, if you need an AR15, you should get a LOT of education, before you go hunting!
It's not the gun's dang it.... It's the mental state of those getting their hands on guns, and then becoming a huge problem after that.

Now who is causing the problem ?? The liberal/leftist/Democrats are the problem.

Why ???? Because they are the first to attack the gun while making excuses for the killers or mentally deficient in life.

Yeah, just take those gun's away, then when we put that deplorable human being who might be mentally unstable to boot (in your space in life), and you reject such a person, then they can't go get that gun to blow everyone away due to that rejection.

I know, I know, what about if we just stop the liberal/leftist/Demon-crats from placing dangerous deplorable people in people's spaces or around their children (just nip it in the bud by being pro-active instead of re-active), and this way crime begins to slow, and culture clash becomes less and less for those whom do want to get along together in life.

Blacks fearing that they will be rebuked if team up with the whites for a great nation, have just got to finally face those fears, and believe in themselves without needing a crutch of some sort to make it in life. We love all Americans in this great nation, and the lies have got to stop.

Most of us stopped reading when you blamed it all on the Liberals and the Left. That is the real problem. As long as both sides blame the other side the changes needed will be slow since both sides are too busy blaming each other to actually come up with a solution. And there IS a solution. Just not the one that both sides in power think there is. But as long as the fringe groups are so noisy, nothing can get done. You are not right, you are just loud.

It's interesting how you pretend you are speaking for "most" people here. You aren't son, you are speaking for yourself. The "Left" has ONE solution, take steps to take guns out of the hands of people who obey the law. Helluva solution there Jaime.

I speak for MOST people since MOST people in this state have decided to make changes both in Gun Regulations and Social Changes and it works. And not one gun has been banned or confiscated in the process. You are displaying the illness why things will be so chaotic. Find someone or some other group to blame it on. We used Common sense and came up with methods that work. Not always but enough. And we sent the NRA packing in 2013 broke and dejected. Of course, we didn't receive our customary tax refunds from the State for a few years since we had to pay for the things that the legal fees went towards and special elections and recalls that failed that the NRA caused. We had to pay for the run down dangerous bridges, the pot holed state roads, many other programs. All over PR for the gun manufacturers. WE voted at the voting booths. So I can use the word MOST because MOST means the Majority. And we didn't take one single gun out of the hands of the sane tax paying good citizens hands or even take away their right to purchase any thing not covere din the various Extrenous weapons list like Machine Guns, Bazookas, Nuclea Weapons, etc.. We told the fringe groups from both sides just to shut up and sit down. They didn't shut up and sit down but we placed them on ignore and actually did something about many of the problems. The first step is to stop blaming the other side and work to get it fixed. You screaming about how bad the left is (you aren't that wrong) while other scream just how bad the right is (they are that wrong) doesn't do a thing for a solution other than spreading more hate. So keep it up and we will place you on ignore until you start working on the solution instead of being part of the problem.
No YOU speak for no one buy yourself.

Because no one in their right mind would have you speak for them

Let me translate what you have typed so common people can understand it

"You have had your ass handed to you once again and the only recourse since you have no logical argument is to throw insults". I speak what the Voters here have said. You speak for a bunch of fruitcakes. I think I'll stick with listening to the Voters.
These mass shootings virtually always involve high- capacity rapid-fire weapons.
There is absolutely no rational reason an ordinary citizen (that is, excluding law-enforcement and military), needs to have such a lethal weapon.
The only reason an ordinary citizen needs a gun is for hunting or target shooting, and the remote possibility that he might need to defend his home at some point.
If you own a gun, you have a responsibility to maintain it, and your competence in handling it. Target shooting is very educational, and hunting is a thrill. Get them both, and you'll have a ball, and, with luck no-one will be killed accidentally in the process.
But, if you need an AR15, you should get a LOT of education, before you go hunting!
you need to learn what a semiautomatic weapon is maybe then you will realize that it is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle just like any other that has been available to the public for over 100 years

He probably knows. The AR15 IS a rapid fire weapon. Even with just semi auto. It came into being as the AR-15 Model 601 and has seen a ton of battles in Combat. There is little difference between the AR-15 Model 760 and the AR-15 Model 601. That means that there is little difference between the modern AR-15 and it's clones and the M-4. It has features to help a scared shitless skinny young kid carry it for long periods of time and put a lot of lead into the enemy. The normal operation of the M-4 is semi auto and that means it's so close to the AR-15 model 760 there isn't enough to argue about. Yet, you do argue.

The first thing that we have to do to stop the mass shootings of today is to get rid of the AR Cult. And you demonstrate why each and every time you post.
one shot per trigger pull is not rapid fire

There you go again. One shot per trigger pull. A non bump stock AR-15 might have trouble making 120 rounds a minute. But with a bump stock, it does many times that amount. That means that it IS a MG. You can keep going on like this but you are just digging yourself deeper.

again where have I ever mentioned bump stocks

I mentioned it and you disagreed that it was a Machine Gun, fruitcake.
Well, you could throw everyone who owns and/or sells a gun to someone whom is not active in the military/police department into jail for 10 years without parole?

But somehow, I don't think gun bunnies would go for that idea.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.

Funny I never said anything about arming everyone
I do know disarming everyone (who would obey the law) won't lower the murder rate
'Because I disagree with most of what you have to say (your fruitcake logic) does that mean that I want to disarm everyone? No, just the crazy people and it appears you may fit that definition.

It's the classic camel's nose under the tent

So you ban the Ar 15 then the next school shooter uses a Mini 14 then you want to ban that gun so the Mini 14 gets banned and the next school shooter uses a different semiauto then you want to ban that because it was used in a school shooting etc etc etc
you need to learn what a semiautomatic weapon is maybe then you will realize that it is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle just like any other that has been available to the public for over 100 years

He probably knows. The AR15 IS a rapid fire weapon. Even with just semi auto. It came into being as the AR-15 Model 601 and has seen a ton of battles in Combat. There is little difference between the AR-15 Model 760 and the AR-15 Model 601. That means that there is little difference between the modern AR-15 and it's clones and the M-4. It has features to help a scared shitless skinny young kid carry it for long periods of time and put a lot of lead into the enemy. The normal operation of the M-4 is semi auto and that means it's so close to the AR-15 model 760 there isn't enough to argue about. Yet, you do argue.

The first thing that we have to do to stop the mass shootings of today is to get rid of the AR Cult. And you demonstrate why each and every time you post.
one shot per trigger pull is not rapid fire

There you go again. One shot per trigger pull. A non bump stock AR-15 might have trouble making 120 rounds a minute. But with a bump stock, it does many times that amount. That means that it IS a MG. You can keep going on like this but you are just digging yourself deeper.

again where have I ever mentioned bump stocks

I mentioned it and you disagreed that it was a Machine Gun, fruitcake.

you said it was a machine gun by definition and you as usual were wrong

Feeble Old man
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.

Funny I never said anything about arming everyone
I do know disarming everyone (who would obey the law) won't lower the murder rate
'Because I disagree with most of what you have to say (your fruitcake logic) does that mean that I want to disarm everyone? No, just the crazy people and it appears you may fit that definition.

It's the classic camel's nose under the tent

So you ban the Ar 15 then the next school shooter uses a Mini 14 then you want to ban that gun so the Mini 14 gets banned and the next school shooter uses a different semiauto then you want to ban that because it was used in a school shooting

The Mini 14 is downright cumbersome for that use. While it may have similar performance when shooting, it's a real pain to change the mags out. The reason the AR-14 Model 601 designed the mag and charging system like it was was for some scared shitless young kid to not be allowed to make stupid mistakes. As much as I liked the M-14 (what the mini 14 copies) I know I can throw a whole bunch more lead on target with a M-4 and have it many pounds lighter. The same goes for why the AR-15 in a shooting is superior to the Mini 14. The Mini 14 owes it's design to the M-1. While the M-1 was superior in it's day, in it's day there were some real nightmare combat rifles out there. The M-1 made it look easy. But the AR doesn't make it look easy, it IS easy.
No, but it will put them at a disadvantage of their attacker who will have magazine fed semi-automatic weapons.


If you get into that kind of gun battle with an assailant you're fucked anyway.

The chances of ever needing a gun to defend yourself are like being hit by lightning.

The chance of needing an assault weapon are near zero
Care to back that up with real stats?

I'm betting not
He probably knows. The AR15 IS a rapid fire weapon. Even with just semi auto. It came into being as the AR-15 Model 601 and has seen a ton of battles in Combat. There is little difference between the AR-15 Model 760 and the AR-15 Model 601. That means that there is little difference between the modern AR-15 and it's clones and the M-4. It has features to help a scared shitless skinny young kid carry it for long periods of time and put a lot of lead into the enemy. The normal operation of the M-4 is semi auto and that means it's so close to the AR-15 model 760 there isn't enough to argue about. Yet, you do argue.

The first thing that we have to do to stop the mass shootings of today is to get rid of the AR Cult. And you demonstrate why each and every time you post.
one shot per trigger pull is not rapid fire

There you go again. One shot per trigger pull. A non bump stock AR-15 might have trouble making 120 rounds a minute. But with a bump stock, it does many times that amount. That means that it IS a MG. You can keep going on like this but you are just digging yourself deeper.

again where have I ever mentioned bump stocks

I mentioned it and you disagreed that it was a Machine Gun, fruitcake.

you said it was a machine gun by definition and you as usual were wrong

Feeble Old man

It's difficult to answer you without insulting because your posts are so out there. But you can nit pick all you want but it doesn't change the fact that an AR with a bump stock simulates a full Auto AR-15 Model 602 also called a M-16A-1. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.

Funny I never said anything about arming everyone
I do know disarming everyone (who would obey the law) won't lower the murder rate
'Because I disagree with most of what you have to say (your fruitcake logic) does that mean that I want to disarm everyone? No, just the crazy people and it appears you may fit that definition.

It's the classic camel's nose under the tent

So you ban the Ar 15 then the next school shooter uses a Mini 14 then you want to ban that gun so the Mini 14 gets banned and the next school shooter uses a different semiauto then you want to ban that because it was used in a school shooting

The Mini 14 is downright cumbersome for that use. While it may have similar performance when shooting, it's a real pain to change the mags out. The reason the AR-14 Model 601 designed the mag and charging system like it was was for some scared shitless young kid to not be allowed to make stupid mistakes. As much as I liked the M-14 (what the mini 14 copies) I know I can throw a whole bunch more lead on target with a M-4 and have it many pounds lighter. The same goes for why the AR-15 in a shooting is superior to the Mini 14. The Mini 14 owes it's design to the M-1. While the M-1 was superior in it's day, in it's day there were some real nightmare combat rifles out there. The M-1 made it look easy. But the AR doesn't make it look easy, it IS easy.

Once again it's not a pain if you've done it more than once or twice.
No, but it will put them at a disadvantage of their attacker who will have magazine fed semi-automatic weapons.


If you get into that kind of gun battle with an assailant you're fucked anyway.

The chances of ever needing a gun to defend yourself are like being hit by lightning.

The chance of needing an assault weapon are near zero
Care to back that up with real stats?

I'm betting not

And when he does will you post nicer? I think not.
one shot per trigger pull is not rapid fire

There you go again. One shot per trigger pull. A non bump stock AR-15 might have trouble making 120 rounds a minute. But with a bump stock, it does many times that amount. That means that it IS a MG. You can keep going on like this but you are just digging yourself deeper.

again where have I ever mentioned bump stocks

I mentioned it and you disagreed that it was a Machine Gun, fruitcake.

you said it was a machine gun by definition and you as usual were wrong

Feeble Old man

It's difficult to answer you without insulting because your posts are so out there. But you can nit pick all you want but it doesn't change the fact that an AR with a bump stock simulates a full Auto AR-15 Model 602 also called a M-16A-1. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.

Oh so now it simulates

Not what you said earlier you said a bump stock makes a semiauto an automatic weapon by definition

you were WRONG just admit it
No, but it will put them at a disadvantage of their attacker who will have magazine fed semi-automatic weapons.


If you get into that kind of gun battle with an assailant you're fucked anyway.

The chances of ever needing a gun to defend yourself are like being hit by lightning.

The chance of needing an assault weapon are near zero
Care to back that up with real stats?

I'm betting not

And when he does will you post nicer? I think not.

I'm not nice to idiots who try to tell me how to live my life

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