What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.

Funny I never said anything about arming everyone
I do know disarming everyone (who would obey the law) won't lower the murder rate
'Because I disagree with most of what you have to say (your fruitcake logic) does that mean that I want to disarm everyone? No, just the crazy people and it appears you may fit that definition.

It's the classic camel's nose under the tent

So you ban the Ar 15 then the next school shooter uses a Mini 14 then you want to ban that gun so the Mini 14 gets banned and the next school shooter uses a different semiauto then you want to ban that because it was used in a school shooting

The Mini 14 is downright cumbersome for that use. While it may have similar performance when shooting, it's a real pain to change the mags out. The reason the AR-14 Model 601 designed the mag and charging system like it was was for some scared shitless young kid to not be allowed to make stupid mistakes. As much as I liked the M-14 (what the mini 14 copies) I know I can throw a whole bunch more lead on target with a M-4 and have it many pounds lighter. The same goes for why the AR-15 in a shooting is superior to the Mini 14. The Mini 14 owes it's design to the M-1. While the M-1 was superior in it's day, in it's day there were some real nightmare combat rifles out there. The M-1 made it look easy. But the AR doesn't make it look easy, it IS easy.

Once again it's not a pain if you've done it more than once or twice.

I have seen seasoned shooters drop a mag on the ground changing out the mags on a Mini-14 by getting in a rush. I don't see seasoned shooters drop loaded mags on the AR. Do you want me to post what it takes to change the mag on the Mini 14 as compared to the AR once again? Or do you just want to hand me your ass so I can hand it back without either of us going to a lot of trouble.
There you go again. One shot per trigger pull. A non bump stock AR-15 might have trouble making 120 rounds a minute. But with a bump stock, it does many times that amount. That means that it IS a MG. You can keep going on like this but you are just digging yourself deeper.

again where have I ever mentioned bump stocks

I mentioned it and you disagreed that it was a Machine Gun, fruitcake.

you said it was a machine gun by definition and you as usual were wrong

Feeble Old man

It's difficult to answer you without insulting because your posts are so out there. But you can nit pick all you want but it doesn't change the fact that an AR with a bump stock simulates a full Auto AR-15 Model 602 also called a M-16A-1. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.

Oh so now it simulates

Not what you said earlier you said a bump stock makes a semiauto an automatic weapon by definition

you were WRONG just admit it

By all definitions except yours, using a bump stock on an AR makes it a MG. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.
You can do anything you can with an AR 15 with any other semiautomatic .223

The 223/556 was invented for the AR-15 Model 601 and the round was designed not to kill but to wound. I know you know nothing about combat but it takes extra personnel to care and transport a wounded than it does a dead body. The Dead can wait until after the battle concludes. The wounded can't.

But if you get close enough, it can kill or wound with the best of them if you fire enough rounds. That means the round was thought to be well suited for combat but not as a long ranged varmint round. That thought is changing in the Military who are looking at upgrading probably to a 6.8 caliber with composite casings that kill very efficiently and can effectively go out past 400 yds which is the absolute range maximum for a 223 to do any actual damage and not start succumbing to the elements (drift).

So stop with the sales pitch trying to sell those ARs you have that you can only sell one a month. You'll sink your money into better inventory and eat much more steady.

then you should be happy mass shooters like the .223 since it wasn't designed to kill. Just think of the death toll if mass shooters used 6.8 or 7.62 rounds

and a .223 kills rabid skunks, raccoons and coyotes just fine thank you very much

School is in
Think about what you have just said. Let's look at the 6.8. It's about the same length but a bigger diameter in both bullet and cartridge. The cartridge is made up of a very light and strong composite. The weight is less than the 556 or 223 so you don't add weight. It's being designed for WAR just like the 556 was designed for war. It just does it a bit better at a longer range. So you don't give up the amount of ammo you can carry but have a more effective weapon of war.

They replaced the M-14 with the M-16 because the weight of the gun and the weight of the ammo. The M-14 was far superior in a firefight but you ran out of ammo too fast. The 7.62 or 308 is the far superior cartridge but it's heavy in comparison therefore you can't carry as many rounds. Plus, due to the power of the cartridge, the gun has to be larger and heavier. You wouldn't know this because you haven't spent 16 hours force marching from point A to B with 80lbs of other equipment on your back. Every ounce saved.......

Now, about the 223, most school shootings are done close up. The 223 will kill larger game (meaning us) easily at close range. And since you have so many rounds, don't worry about wasting it. Even if the aftermath looks like a battle zone, it's not. You have ammo to burn. Before you run out of ammo you will run out of time and you only have a few minutes to operate until the Cops take you out or you put the muzzle in your mouth. And most shooters are part of the AR Cult. No dues, no memberships just insanity. You are part of that AR Cult. the only difference is, you don't have the guts to go out and do a mass shooting yourself in the name of the Revolution. The only reason that Vegas Shooting had such a high body count at that range was he through hundreds of rounds out very fast. It's like throwing a bunch of rocks at a wall full of balloons. Some will hit and most will miss but if you throw enough, you can burst almost all the balloons. This is the method of the Full Auto M-16 or the AR-15 with a bump stock. This has been abandoned by even the Military. But it's not ineffective when you have a target rich environment like a theater, school or Club. The 223 does exactly what it was originally invented to do at that point.

You are part of a cult. And the way to stop mass shootings is to outlaw the cult. Maybe we should handle it like any other violent cult and just start arresting the cult leaders.

You don't know what you are talking about, the majority of mass shootings are done with pistols......

If I took the total deaths from "Mass Shootings" by pistols for the last 10 years, all of them would not equal even one that an AR was used. Most "Mass Shootings" by a pistol deaths you can count on one hand. For most of the "Mass Shootings" where they used an AR you are going to have to count on both hands, both feet and drop your pants for the count and still not have enough.
MAss shooting account for 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are only used in 2% of all murders

the AR is used in less that 1% of all murders

you are barking up the wrong tree as usual

But we all know you don't give a shit about lowering the murder rate as much as you care about controlling others
No, but it will put them at a disadvantage of their attacker who will have magazine fed semi-automatic weapons.


If you get into that kind of gun battle with an assailant you're fucked anyway.

The chances of ever needing a gun to defend yourself are like being hit by lightning.

The chance of needing an assault weapon are near zero
Care to back that up with real stats?

I'm betting not

And when he does will you post nicer? I think not.

I'm not nice to idiots who try to tell me how to live my life

Considering I have trouble sleeping due to PTSD and am 100% retired, you post in here way too much to actually have a job.
again where have I ever mentioned bump stocks

I mentioned it and you disagreed that it was a Machine Gun, fruitcake.

you said it was a machine gun by definition and you as usual were wrong

Feeble Old man

It's difficult to answer you without insulting because your posts are so out there. But you can nit pick all you want but it doesn't change the fact that an AR with a bump stock simulates a full Auto AR-15 Model 602 also called a M-16A-1. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.

Oh so now it simulates

Not what you said earlier you said a bump stock makes a semiauto an automatic weapon by definition

you were WRONG just admit it

By all definitions except yours, using a bump stock on an AR makes it a MG. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.
You mean the definition that is actually in the books and not one made up by a person of questionable mental faculties?
The 223/556 was invented for the AR-15 Model 601 and the round was designed not to kill but to wound. I know you know nothing about combat but it takes extra personnel to care and transport a wounded than it does a dead body. The Dead can wait until after the battle concludes. The wounded can't.

But if you get close enough, it can kill or wound with the best of them if you fire enough rounds. That means the round was thought to be well suited for combat but not as a long ranged varmint round. That thought is changing in the Military who are looking at upgrading probably to a 6.8 caliber with composite casings that kill very efficiently and can effectively go out past 400 yds which is the absolute range maximum for a 223 to do any actual damage and not start succumbing to the elements (drift).

So stop with the sales pitch trying to sell those ARs you have that you can only sell one a month. You'll sink your money into better inventory and eat much more steady.

then you should be happy mass shooters like the .223 since it wasn't designed to kill. Just think of the death toll if mass shooters used 6.8 or 7.62 rounds

and a .223 kills rabid skunks, raccoons and coyotes just fine thank you very much

School is in
Think about what you have just said. Let's look at the 6.8. It's about the same length but a bigger diameter in both bullet and cartridge. The cartridge is made up of a very light and strong composite. The weight is less than the 556 or 223 so you don't add weight. It's being designed for WAR just like the 556 was designed for war. It just does it a bit better at a longer range. So you don't give up the amount of ammo you can carry but have a more effective weapon of war.

They replaced the M-14 with the M-16 because the weight of the gun and the weight of the ammo. The M-14 was far superior in a firefight but you ran out of ammo too fast. The 7.62 or 308 is the far superior cartridge but it's heavy in comparison therefore you can't carry as many rounds. Plus, due to the power of the cartridge, the gun has to be larger and heavier. You wouldn't know this because you haven't spent 16 hours force marching from point A to B with 80lbs of other equipment on your back. Every ounce saved.......

Now, about the 223, most school shootings are done close up. The 223 will kill larger game (meaning us) easily at close range. And since you have so many rounds, don't worry about wasting it. Even if the aftermath looks like a battle zone, it's not. You have ammo to burn. Before you run out of ammo you will run out of time and you only have a few minutes to operate until the Cops take you out or you put the muzzle in your mouth. And most shooters are part of the AR Cult. No dues, no memberships just insanity. You are part of that AR Cult. the only difference is, you don't have the guts to go out and do a mass shooting yourself in the name of the Revolution. The only reason that Vegas Shooting had such a high body count at that range was he through hundreds of rounds out very fast. It's like throwing a bunch of rocks at a wall full of balloons. Some will hit and most will miss but if you throw enough, you can burst almost all the balloons. This is the method of the Full Auto M-16 or the AR-15 with a bump stock. This has been abandoned by even the Military. But it's not ineffective when you have a target rich environment like a theater, school or Club. The 223 does exactly what it was originally invented to do at that point.

You are part of a cult. And the way to stop mass shootings is to outlaw the cult. Maybe we should handle it like any other violent cult and just start arresting the cult leaders.

You don't know what you are talking about, the majority of mass shootings are done with pistols......

If I took the total deaths from "Mass Shootings" by pistols for the last 10 years, all of them would not equal even one that an AR was used. Most "Mass Shootings" by a pistol deaths you can count on one hand. For most of the "Mass Shootings" where they used an AR you are going to have to count on both hands, both feet and drop your pants for the count and still not have enough.
MAss shooting account for 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are only used in 2% of all murders

the AR is used in less that 1% of all murders

you are barking up the wrong tree as usual

But we all know you don't give a shit about lowering the murder rate as much as you care about controlling others

If we can save even one life, it's worth it, nutcase.
No, but it will put them at a disadvantage of their attacker who will have magazine fed semi-automatic weapons.


If you get into that kind of gun battle with an assailant you're fucked anyway.

The chances of ever needing a gun to defend yourself are like being hit by lightning.

The chance of needing an assault weapon are near zero
Care to back that up with real stats?

I'm betting not

And when he does will you post nicer? I think not.

I'm not nice to idiots who try to tell me how to live my life

Considering I have trouble sleeping due to PTSD and am 100% retired, you post in here way too much to actually have a job.

It's 6AM idiot

And I am semi retired as our business pretty much runs itself these days my wife and I only need to put in 25 hours a week or so
I mentioned it and you disagreed that it was a Machine Gun, fruitcake.

you said it was a machine gun by definition and you as usual were wrong

Feeble Old man

It's difficult to answer you without insulting because your posts are so out there. But you can nit pick all you want but it doesn't change the fact that an AR with a bump stock simulates a full Auto AR-15 Model 602 also called a M-16A-1. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.

Oh so now it simulates

Not what you said earlier you said a bump stock makes a semiauto an automatic weapon by definition

you were WRONG just admit it

By all definitions except yours, using a bump stock on an AR makes it a MG. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.
You mean the definition that is actually in the books and not one made up by a person of questionable mental faculties?

The definition of a MG is that it can rapid fire. Some idiot brings up the one shot per trigger pull crap. The body is limited to less than 120 trigger pulls per minute. But the Bump Stock allows many times that. If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's a friggin duck. If it can do rapid fire beyond the human capability them it's a friggin MG.
then you should be happy mass shooters like the .223 since it wasn't designed to kill. Just think of the death toll if mass shooters used 6.8 or 7.62 rounds

and a .223 kills rabid skunks, raccoons and coyotes just fine thank you very much

School is in
Think about what you have just said. Let's look at the 6.8. It's about the same length but a bigger diameter in both bullet and cartridge. The cartridge is made up of a very light and strong composite. The weight is less than the 556 or 223 so you don't add weight. It's being designed for WAR just like the 556 was designed for war. It just does it a bit better at a longer range. So you don't give up the amount of ammo you can carry but have a more effective weapon of war.

They replaced the M-14 with the M-16 because the weight of the gun and the weight of the ammo. The M-14 was far superior in a firefight but you ran out of ammo too fast. The 7.62 or 308 is the far superior cartridge but it's heavy in comparison therefore you can't carry as many rounds. Plus, due to the power of the cartridge, the gun has to be larger and heavier. You wouldn't know this because you haven't spent 16 hours force marching from point A to B with 80lbs of other equipment on your back. Every ounce saved.......

Now, about the 223, most school shootings are done close up. The 223 will kill larger game (meaning us) easily at close range. And since you have so many rounds, don't worry about wasting it. Even if the aftermath looks like a battle zone, it's not. You have ammo to burn. Before you run out of ammo you will run out of time and you only have a few minutes to operate until the Cops take you out or you put the muzzle in your mouth. And most shooters are part of the AR Cult. No dues, no memberships just insanity. You are part of that AR Cult. the only difference is, you don't have the guts to go out and do a mass shooting yourself in the name of the Revolution. The only reason that Vegas Shooting had such a high body count at that range was he through hundreds of rounds out very fast. It's like throwing a bunch of rocks at a wall full of balloons. Some will hit and most will miss but if you throw enough, you can burst almost all the balloons. This is the method of the Full Auto M-16 or the AR-15 with a bump stock. This has been abandoned by even the Military. But it's not ineffective when you have a target rich environment like a theater, school or Club. The 223 does exactly what it was originally invented to do at that point.

You are part of a cult. And the way to stop mass shootings is to outlaw the cult. Maybe we should handle it like any other violent cult and just start arresting the cult leaders.

You don't know what you are talking about, the majority of mass shootings are done with pistols......

If I took the total deaths from "Mass Shootings" by pistols for the last 10 years, all of them would not equal even one that an AR was used. Most "Mass Shootings" by a pistol deaths you can count on one hand. For most of the "Mass Shootings" where they used an AR you are going to have to count on both hands, both feet and drop your pants for the count and still not have enough.
MAss shooting account for 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are only used in 2% of all murders

the AR is used in less that 1% of all murders

you are barking up the wrong tree as usual

But we all know you don't give a shit about lowering the murder rate as much as you care about controlling others

If we can save even one life, it's worth it, nutcase.

No it's not beause it won't save any lives

You really think banning one rifle will stop mass shootings when all anyone has to do is use any other semiauto rifle that is not banned

If you get into that kind of gun battle with an assailant you're fucked anyway.

The chances of ever needing a gun to defend yourself are like being hit by lightning.

The chance of needing an assault weapon are near zero
Care to back that up with real stats?

I'm betting not

And when he does will you post nicer? I think not.

I'm not nice to idiots who try to tell me how to live my life

Considering I have trouble sleeping due to PTSD and am 100% retired, you post in here way too much to actually have a job.

It's 6AM idiot

And I am semi retired as our business pretty much runs itself these days my wife and I only need to put in 25 hours a week or so

So you are a part timer. Wow, who'dathunk. That means you ain't no expert by a long shot.
you said it was a machine gun by definition and you as usual were wrong

Feeble Old man

It's difficult to answer you without insulting because your posts are so out there. But you can nit pick all you want but it doesn't change the fact that an AR with a bump stock simulates a full Auto AR-15 Model 602 also called a M-16A-1. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.

Oh so now it simulates

Not what you said earlier you said a bump stock makes a semiauto an automatic weapon by definition

you were WRONG just admit it

By all definitions except yours, using a bump stock on an AR makes it a MG. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.
You mean the definition that is actually in the books and not one made up by a person of questionable mental faculties?

The definition of a MG is that it can rapid fire. Some idiot brings up the one shot per trigger pull crap. The body is limited to less than 120 trigger pulls per minute. But the Bump Stock allows many times that. If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's a friggin duck. If it can do rapid fire beyond the human capability them it's a friggin MG.

Most people can fire more than twice a second

MAybe you can't
and most gun deaths are suicides.

All the more reason to reduce the availability of guns in our society
You are living in some sort of alternate reality that most don't live in or experience, so you might want to consider that before trying to speak on behalf of millions of American's. Just sayin.

Get out and experience life... Go fishing, hunting, eat some BBQ, and get some friends who might help you to experience life in such ways. So many are trapped in their lives not knowing anything but the things in which they know, and they think that it is the only things they should know, and therefore they try to create in the mind that to be accepted in all sectors of life, then they must configure and control those sectors to their liking or rather destroy them if they don't like them. It is the ultimate mental disorder, but they don't realize it.

What we have done around here is to remove the cult of the AR. Yes, you can still buy one if you want. In fact, the prices have dropped dramatically since they are just gathering dust in the Racks in the Gun Shops. I saw a MP-15 SW that retails for 599 on sale for 399 and it still won't sell. Those that already bought them don't need any more and there aren't any new buyers that want them. 6 years ago, they were flying off the shelves at full retail. The fear that is still tried today of "They are coming for your guns" doesn't work anymore. But the other types of real hunting rifles have gone up so people are still buying firearms. Just not the ARs. The Cult has been broken up which was made to grow due to fears artificially generated and have since been debunked. But there are some areas that the fear continues and the AR is still selling like hotcakes. For 599 I can get a conventional semi auto hunting rifle that is traditional in design and is just down right gorgeous. Something can be said about exotic woods over plastic. While it's perfectly legal to walk down the street with your Favorite AR, it's extremely frowned upon. You will find yourself friendless in a matter of minutes.

As long as the Cult of the AR exists though it will be the weapon of choice of the Mass Murderers. Yes, other weapons can do the job just not as efficient. You can claim that the AR was designed as a varmint rifle but I think we all know it was designed for combat and also can be used for Varmints. Then again, the other semi auto rifles also can be used for combat but they were originally designed as varmint rifles and do varmint hunting better and are more pleasing to the eyes. At a shoot, you will ocassionaly see an AR but no one is giving it much thought except for a very small group. But if someone shows up with a full dress Varmint Weatherby, that will draw quite a crowd. This is why some of the shooters say if you show up to a shootoff with just an AR you will be laughed right out of there. We broke the cult. You don't have to confiscate the ARs, just break the cult and they will slowly disappear into history from whence they came.

To give you an idea, Smith and Wessons MP-15 was their primary production rifle for about 9 years. Last year, they were hurting so bad that they were talking about Chapter 11. It seems the MP-15 market all but dried up. They produced like there was a Cult in every town. Now, the MP-15 is gathering dust on store shelves and SW can't justify producing many more. Yes, one person in here claims to be a Gun Shop Owner and sales have never been better. He claims to make at least one sale of the MP-15 a month. AFter seeing his posts, He may or may not be a Gun Shop Owner but that low of sales won't keep the doors open. In a retail market, if you aren't doing at least 600 bucks a day, shut the store down and find a job. Because 600 bucks a day is only about 200 a day gross profit. AFter expenses, you might have 50 bucks left. And 50 bucks a day means you will probably be on some form of Public Assistance. And I don't get out of bed for 50 bucks a day. That's about 8 bucks an hour gross pay.

I am also seeing Gun Dealer Shops closing their doors around here. We used to have a bunch of them including the Pawn Shops. Even the Pawn Shops are starting to close down. Well, those that have most of their money in Guns. These cropped up right after 1998 when the AR ban was lifted. But, hey, it's been a fun 10 year ride but it's come to an end.

As I said, you don't have to completely ban the AR, just do the common sense firearms regulations and the AR dies a slow death like it has. It's taken about 5 years to get it that way. So when I see a gun crazy go off about how I am coming for his AR and people should buy more, that is the tired old scare tactic that worked so well but it was seen as a con in the last 2 years.

You obviously know nothing about weapons.

Please give us your definition of an assault weapon.

As you know, the ban on assault weapons did nothing.


Also....if you notice, they changed their words...they want to ban all semi automatic weapons now....focusing on the AR-15...they understand that if they can ban the AR-15 because it is a semi automatic weapon, they can call for a ban on all semi automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns and even revolvers...

Exactly right
School is in
Think about what you have just said. Let's look at the 6.8. It's about the same length but a bigger diameter in both bullet and cartridge. The cartridge is made up of a very light and strong composite. The weight is less than the 556 or 223 so you don't add weight. It's being designed for WAR just like the 556 was designed for war. It just does it a bit better at a longer range. So you don't give up the amount of ammo you can carry but have a more effective weapon of war.

They replaced the M-14 with the M-16 because the weight of the gun and the weight of the ammo. The M-14 was far superior in a firefight but you ran out of ammo too fast. The 7.62 or 308 is the far superior cartridge but it's heavy in comparison therefore you can't carry as many rounds. Plus, due to the power of the cartridge, the gun has to be larger and heavier. You wouldn't know this because you haven't spent 16 hours force marching from point A to B with 80lbs of other equipment on your back. Every ounce saved.......

Now, about the 223, most school shootings are done close up. The 223 will kill larger game (meaning us) easily at close range. And since you have so many rounds, don't worry about wasting it. Even if the aftermath looks like a battle zone, it's not. You have ammo to burn. Before you run out of ammo you will run out of time and you only have a few minutes to operate until the Cops take you out or you put the muzzle in your mouth. And most shooters are part of the AR Cult. No dues, no memberships just insanity. You are part of that AR Cult. the only difference is, you don't have the guts to go out and do a mass shooting yourself in the name of the Revolution. The only reason that Vegas Shooting had such a high body count at that range was he through hundreds of rounds out very fast. It's like throwing a bunch of rocks at a wall full of balloons. Some will hit and most will miss but if you throw enough, you can burst almost all the balloons. This is the method of the Full Auto M-16 or the AR-15 with a bump stock. This has been abandoned by even the Military. But it's not ineffective when you have a target rich environment like a theater, school or Club. The 223 does exactly what it was originally invented to do at that point.

You are part of a cult. And the way to stop mass shootings is to outlaw the cult. Maybe we should handle it like any other violent cult and just start arresting the cult leaders.

You don't know what you are talking about, the majority of mass shootings are done with pistols......

If I took the total deaths from "Mass Shootings" by pistols for the last 10 years, all of them would not equal even one that an AR was used. Most "Mass Shootings" by a pistol deaths you can count on one hand. For most of the "Mass Shootings" where they used an AR you are going to have to count on both hands, both feet and drop your pants for the count and still not have enough.
MAss shooting account for 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are only used in 2% of all murders

the AR is used in less that 1% of all murders

you are barking up the wrong tree as usual

But we all know you don't give a shit about lowering the murder rate as much as you care about controlling others

If we can save even one life, it's worth it, nutcase.

No it's not beause it won't save any lives

You really think banning one rifle will stop mass shootings when all anyone has to do is use any other semiauto rifle that is not banned

I see. Had the Bump stock been comletely banned and manufacture prohibited much like the auto kits for the AR, how many people would stil be alive from the Vegas Shooting? I would say that if the bump stock wasn't there at all and fell under the 1934 Firearms act, there would have been at least 20 people that would not have died that day and scores of people that were wounded would not have been wounded. That is saving lives if you remove the tools like that.
Care to back that up with real stats?

I'm betting not

And when he does will you post nicer? I think not.

I'm not nice to idiots who try to tell me how to live my life

Considering I have trouble sleeping due to PTSD and am 100% retired, you post in here way too much to actually have a job.

It's 6AM idiot

And I am semi retired as our business pretty much runs itself these days my wife and I only need to put in 25 hours a week or so

So you are a part timer. Wow, who'dathunk. That means you ain't no expert by a long shot.

You're the one claiming to be the expert here not me I'm just the one with common sense

And yes I only work part time now but for the past 11 years I was putting in 60 hours a week to build the business and now I can make money even when I'm not actually at the business
You don't know what you are talking about, the majority of mass shootings are done with pistols......

If I took the total deaths from "Mass Shootings" by pistols for the last 10 years, all of them would not equal even one that an AR was used. Most "Mass Shootings" by a pistol deaths you can count on one hand. For most of the "Mass Shootings" where they used an AR you are going to have to count on both hands, both feet and drop your pants for the count and still not have enough.
MAss shooting account for 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are only used in 2% of all murders

the AR is used in less that 1% of all murders

you are barking up the wrong tree as usual

But we all know you don't give a shit about lowering the murder rate as much as you care about controlling others

If we can save even one life, it's worth it, nutcase.

No it's not beause it won't save any lives

You really think banning one rifle will stop mass shootings when all anyone has to do is use any other semiauto rifle that is not banned

I see. Had the Bump stock been comletely banned and manufacture prohibited much like the auto kits for the AR, how many people would stil be alive from the Vegas Shooting? I would say that if the bump stock wasn't there at all and fell under the 1934 Firearms act, there would have been at least 20 people that would not have died that day and scores of people that were wounded would not have been wounded. That is saving lives if you remove the tools like that.

REd herring alert

and you don't need a bump stock to bump fire

He could have done the same spray and pray with nothing but the belt loop on his jeans or even without that so what do we do ban belt loops now and make everyone wear suspenders?
It's difficult to answer you without insulting because your posts are so out there. But you can nit pick all you want but it doesn't change the fact that an AR with a bump stock simulates a full Auto AR-15 Model 602 also called a M-16A-1. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.

Oh so now it simulates

Not what you said earlier you said a bump stock makes a semiauto an automatic weapon by definition

you were WRONG just admit it

By all definitions except yours, using a bump stock on an AR makes it a MG. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.
You mean the definition that is actually in the books and not one made up by a person of questionable mental faculties?

The definition of a MG is that it can rapid fire. Some idiot brings up the one shot per trigger pull crap. The body is limited to less than 120 trigger pulls per minute. But the Bump Stock allows many times that. If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's a friggin duck. If it can do rapid fire beyond the human capability them it's a friggin MG.

Most people can fire more than twice a second

MAybe you can't

Here is a good article on it. You will note that you are not taking into account that you can only fire a 30 round clip for about 10 seconds and then have to take time to drop the clip and slam in the new one.


The rate of fire number is fairly misleading. From an engineering perspective, yes, the rate of fire could be classed as 180 rounds per minute, or even higher. But just because that’s the rate, doesn’t mean that you can actually fire 180 rounds in a minute.

The rate of fire is going to be slowed by the fact that you have to do mag changes every 30 rounds or so, by the fact that your finger won’t be keeping up for that long, and probably even by heat in the rifle.

Realistically, an experienced shooter can probably fire 3 rounds a second, at least to start. But every 30 rounds (ten seconds) they need to stop and reload. That reload will take about five seconds, unless you are VERY fast. So that’s 30 rounds in 15 seconds (effective fire rate of 120 rounds per minute, not 180). Few people will retain that fire rate through the a full minute, probably slowing to closer to two rounds per second by the end. My guess is that an experienced shooter (though not a professional) is probably looking at around 90 rounds a minute of effective fire. You might be able to speed it up a bit if you sacrifice all accuracy and normal use of a firearm.

An inexperienced shooter is going to be even less.
The chance of needing a gun to defend yourself are akin to getting hit by lightning.

The chance of that happening and a revolver not being sufficient are near zero.

And even less of being a victim of a mass shooting. But you act like it's a daily thing in every state the way you're carrying on.

I listen to our police scanner all the time. I know what goes on here. Don't you tell me what my odds are of needing a firearm until you walked in my shoes.

Your ballet shoes I think I will pass on. But my size 11 combat boots says I have walked in some pretty big shoes. And I don't feel the need to be armed at all times. The closest thing to a threat I can see is one neighbor that is alt-right and worships Trump and Guns. For him, I have guns in case he goes off. But I don't carry one when I go outside. It's a hassle to work in the shop wearing one considering if you are smart, you will even take off your watch and rings. It's a hassle working on the truck with that thing hooking on everything. And when I need to get parts, it's a hassle to go inside and put the gun on, better to just go get the parts and be done with it.

I'll say this again. If you fear for you or your families safety where you live maybe you should move to an area that you won't feel the need to have that fear. Unless you are the one that everyone else fears then you should just eat the muzzle.

Well that's the success story of our nation: if things get too bad, just run away.

In the city, it takes money to move to a safer area; money many of us don't have. My sister and aunt recently sold their homes to move out, and now my mother is considering the same although even if she finds something, it will be so small for the money she will get from her home that she'll live the rest of her life in misery.

My aunt moved in with her daughter, and my sister makes nearly six figures a year. Even then, she is now complaining about her new mortgage since she didn't have one with her former home. Because it's a townhouse, she has to pay maintenance fees on top of it.

Point is you can't look at the entire country from your size 11 shoes. You have to understand that different environments require different levels of protection. You can't say "I don't need a gun for self-defense so nobody does!" That's just plain ignorance.

In many ways, thinking you have to be armed at all times IS a form of running away. If your neighborhood is unsafe and you feel you have to carry all the time then three things must happen

1. Help change the neighborhood through other methods than shooting anyone.

2. Move to a safer neighborhood. Why would you want to jepordize your family by staying in Syria? And that is one of the very few places on Earth I would suggest you go armed at all time. Otherwise, move your family to a safer home.

3. Leave it like it is and just stand vigil at all times. This is not a way to live life.
and it's not up to you tell tell anyone where they should live

mind your own fucking business
If I took the total deaths from "Mass Shootings" by pistols for the last 10 years, all of them would not equal even one that an AR was used. Most "Mass Shootings" by a pistol deaths you can count on one hand. For most of the "Mass Shootings" where they used an AR you are going to have to count on both hands, both feet and drop your pants for the count and still not have enough.
MAss shooting account for 1% of all murders

Rifles of any kind are only used in 2% of all murders

the AR is used in less that 1% of all murders

you are barking up the wrong tree as usual

But we all know you don't give a shit about lowering the murder rate as much as you care about controlling others

If we can save even one life, it's worth it, nutcase.

No it's not beause it won't save any lives

You really think banning one rifle will stop mass shootings when all anyone has to do is use any other semiauto rifle that is not banned

I see. Had the Bump stock been comletely banned and manufacture prohibited much like the auto kits for the AR, how many people would stil be alive from the Vegas Shooting? I would say that if the bump stock wasn't there at all and fell under the 1934 Firearms act, there would have been at least 20 people that would not have died that day and scores of people that were wounded would not have been wounded. That is saving lives if you remove the tools like that.

REd herring alert

and you don't need a bump stock to bump fire

He could have done the same spray and pray with nothing but the belt loop on his jeans or even without that so what do we do ban belt loops now and make everyone wear suspenders?

You do know you aren't helping the ARs plight by posting like that don't you.
Oh so now it simulates

Not what you said earlier you said a bump stock makes a semiauto an automatic weapon by definition

you were WRONG just admit it

By all definitions except yours, using a bump stock on an AR makes it a MG. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck.
You mean the definition that is actually in the books and not one made up by a person of questionable mental faculties?

The definition of a MG is that it can rapid fire. Some idiot brings up the one shot per trigger pull crap. The body is limited to less than 120 trigger pulls per minute. But the Bump Stock allows many times that. If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's a friggin duck. If it can do rapid fire beyond the human capability them it's a friggin MG.

Most people can fire more than twice a second

MAybe you can't

Here is a good article on it. You will note that you are not taking into account that you can only fire a 30 round clip for about 10 seconds and then have to take time to drop the clip and slam in the new one.


The rate of fire number is fairly misleading. From an engineering perspective, yes, the rate of fire could be classed as 180 rounds per minute, or even higher. But just because that’s the rate, doesn’t mean that you can actually fire 180 rounds in a minute.

The rate of fire is going to be slowed by the fact that you have to do mag changes every 30 rounds or so, by the fact that your finger won’t be keeping up for that long, and probably even by heat in the rifle.

Realistically, an experienced shooter can probably fire 3 rounds a second, at least to start. But every 30 rounds (ten seconds) they need to stop and reload. That reload will take about five seconds, unless you are VERY fast. So that’s 30 rounds in 15 seconds (effective fire rate of 120 rounds per minute, not 180). Few people will retain that fire rate through the a full minute, probably slowing to closer to two rounds per second by the end. My guess is that an experienced shooter (though not a professional) is probably looking at around 90 rounds a minute of effective fire. You might be able to speed it up a bit if you sacrifice all accuracy and normal use of a firearm.

An inexperienced shooter is going to be even less.

I know how fast people can fire a semiauto without your links and it does NOT take 5 seconds to drop and swap a magazine even in the Mini 14 with it's rock and lock mags

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