What is the rightwing explanation as to why a democrat has won every special election since...

...Trump’s inauguration? Keep in mind there has been a dozen or so special elections.

Now, I know many will desperately try to deflect to Trump’s win in the 2016 election, but we already know it has been demonstrated over and over that the opposing party takes over the executive branch after the other party’s two terms. Now after his election, people realize how much of a god awful mistake it was to Trump.
they didn't that's how.
Democrats are trying to say that since Trump was elected the nation decided to go full on socialist. Is it true or just more of democrat lying.

Democrats are wrong more often than they are right so see how it goes. It is a very long time until November.
First there was indeed Trump's presidential victory, then there were four (or was it five?) straight elections Republicans won right after Trump was inaugurated. Why are you ignoring those? It's almost as if that invalidates your entire argument, doesn't it?
Would you say that the string of losses since then are irrelevant, then?
In the grand scheme of things, all of it is irrelevant. If you want me to be honest.
Well, that certainly could be argued.

In a thread I started a few days ago, it was made pretty clear to me that Trump supporters see no reason to worry about either the coming demographic changes or the signs of a blue wave in November. Either they're correctly perceiving reality completely differently than I am or they're just talking themselves into some pretty powerful denial.

We'll see in November, obviously, but I don't know how any Republican can not be pretty freakin' nervous right now.
How many DEMs are running in districts/counties where Trump won by over twenty points?
You can basically write off those places for the DEMs.
After Mueller throws in the towel the REPs are going to turn out in historic numbers to support their president.
The REPs have watched the President being attacked constantly.
There is going to be a reckoning against the LIB MSM.
The "dailykos"? I signed up to post on that site in October of 2015 and after ONE post where I questions global warming versus geo-engineering? I was banned and I did not violate any terms of service...I was simply trying to bring about awareness of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that began in earnest in 1997 as a potential factor of climate change.

Yup, so you went on a crazy Chemtrails rant and they banned you.

Color me surprised.

YOu didn't even get to your Lizard People Trilateralists hiding in the Vatican! That's like your best material!!!!

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