What is the truth about Ukraine?

Looks like the Krauts were right all those years ago. Once we beat them in WW2, they said Soviet victory over the West was inevitable. The Soviet Union may have collapsed, but the Russian Federation has risen in it's place and is on pace to overrun the declining and weakening West(USA and EU). Crimea will be the first of many places that Russia establishes it's supremacy.

Russia's economy cannot handle another cold war or worse, a real war. They certainly are not a threat to the US.
Looks like the Krauts were right all those years ago. Once we beat them in WW2, they said Soviet victory over the West was inevitable. The Soviet Union may have collapsed, but the Russian Federation has risen in it's place and is on pace to overrun the declining and weakening West(USA and EU). Crimea will be the first of many places that Russia establishes it's supremacy.

Russia's economy cannot handle another cold war or worse, a real war. They certainly are not a threat to the US.

Russia is not a threat to you or me, they are a threat to US hegemony(See Crimea, Syria, and their deterrent to US Aggression against Iran). I support Russia in so far as they weaken the American Empire and provide a counterbalance.

There won't be a war between Russia and the US. The US knows that if they can't defeat Iraqi or Afghan insurgents, they wouldn't be able to defeat the Russian Army. After two pointless and foolish wars, USGOV is bankrupt and having to cut back, and the military is spread thin. They couldn't handle a war with Russia. Russia is smarter than the US in that they don't engage in long term nation building missions.
Looks like the Krauts were right all those years ago. Once we beat them in WW2, they said Soviet victory over the West was inevitable. The Soviet Union may have collapsed, but the Russian Federation has risen in it's place and is on pace to overrun the declining and weakening West(USA and EU). Crimea will be the first of many places that Russia establishes it's supremacy.

Russia's economy cannot handle another cold war or worse, a real war. They certainly are not a threat to the US.

Economically, Russia is doing just fine.

Five Myths About Russia

2. Russia’s economy is in “serious decline”
The idea that Russia’s economy is somehow “imploding” or “turning in on itself” is encountered most frequently among right wingers, but was also a favorite trope of centrist outfits like Newsweek or The Economist. While Russia is hardly an economic hegemon, its overall economic performance over the past decade has actually been pretty decent, especially when you compare its performance to the horrible post-crisis performances of many formerly communist countries in Eastern Europe. It is possible that Russia’s economy might implode at some unknown future date, but at the moment it is experiencing modest growth.

Since 1998, Russia growth rates have generally been between 6 and 9 percent. Here in the US, we are lucky if we break 4 percent. Granted, we are much more powerful, 9 percent of paltry is still weak, but still, it is no wonder Putin gets elected, Over and Over and Over again. And it is no wonder why they love him there. If you want a job, you can find a job. High unemployment rates there are due to people not wanting jobs. Here? they are due to lack of jobs.
Hopefully Svoboda and Right Sector overthrow the IMF/EU puppets in Kiev and Crimea goes back to Russia. This is the best situation for nationalists and the worst for the Western Zionist Banker Cabal.

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Looks like the Krauts were right all those years ago. Once we beat them in WW2, they said Soviet victory over the West was inevitable. The Soviet Union may have collapsed, but the Russian Federation has risen in it's place and is on pace to overrun the declining and weakening West(USA and EU). Crimea will be the first of many places that Russia establishes it's supremacy.

I tentatively believe that Russia is in imperial mode....
Looks like the Krauts were right all those years ago. Once we beat them in WW2, they said Soviet victory over the West was inevitable. The Soviet Union may have collapsed, but the Russian Federation has risen in it's place and is on pace to overrun the declining and weakening West(USA and EU). Crimea will be the first of many places that Russia establishes it's supremacy.

Russia's economy cannot handle another cold war or worse, a real war. They certainly are not a threat to the US.

This is an oversimplification. Russia is not that averse to military action.
Looks like the Krauts were right all those years ago. Once we beat them in WW2, they said Soviet victory over the West was inevitable. The Soviet Union may have collapsed, but the Russian Federation has risen in it's place and is on pace to overrun the declining and weakening West(USA and EU). Crimea will be the first of many places that Russia establishes it's supremacy.

Russia's economy cannot handle another cold war or worse, a real war. They certainly are not a threat to the US.

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Seriously....I would like for posters to post real thoughts and analysis that hopefully goes beyond Obama this and Putin that fray. Frankly, I think the USA and Russia don't have good intentions and they have at least some significant part in all this. But I'm wondering what exactly is going on in Ukraine for it to have degenerated as it has. I also am interested in knowing what their prospects are going forward. Is a dictator trying to take-over? Are the people fighting for their own democracy? Etc.... I really haven't come across anything in depth besides shallow stories of Obama and Putin playing Texas Hold Em and who'll blink first. My feeling is that's nothing but sensationalist journalism in play...and I'd like to know the truth since that is what shall really set people free (that's just not cliche after all).
Start here:
Warnings From the Ukraine Crisis - WSJ.com
Looks like the Krauts were right all those years ago. Once we beat them in WW2, they said Soviet victory over the West was inevitable. The Soviet Union may have collapsed, but the Russian Federation has risen in it's place and is on pace to overrun the declining and weakening West(USA and EU). Crimea will be the first of many places that Russia establishes it's supremacy.

Russia's economy cannot handle another cold war or worse, a real war. They certainly are not a threat to the US.

Russia is not a threat to you or me, they are a threat to US hegemony(See Crimea, Syria, and their deterrent to US Aggression against Iran). I support Russia in so far as they weaken the American Empire and provide a counterbalance.

There won't be a war between Russia and the US. The US knows that if they can't defeat Iraqi or Afghan insurgents, they wouldn't be able to defeat the Russian Army. After two pointless and foolish wars, USGOV is bankrupt and having to cut back, and the military is spread thin. They couldn't handle a war with Russia. Russia is smarter than the US in that they don't engage in long term nation building missions.
You mean like what they weren't doing in Afghanistan?
Pull your head out of your ass pal. Russia (formerly USSR) has a very long history of 'nation building'.
The bottom line of this is that when the USSR broke up, the Ukraine was ill-prepared for independence.

Half the population is ethnically Russian, but the borders of the Ukraine were based no on ethnicity, but on adminstrative divisions.

Now, the European Union tried to entice the Ukraine into it, because clearly, the EU has done such a bang-up job managing the economies of its member nations... You know. Like Greece.

Putin made Ukraine a better offer, and the legitimately elected leader of the Ukraine accepted it. Then protestors got upset he took a better deal. So he agreed to early elections and other concessions, but they smelled weakness and chased him out of town.

We should not be getting involved.

As much as I hate the E.U and look forward to its implosion, you can't really lay the blame of Greece's woes at the door of the E.U. The Greek government consistently lied about the state of its finances and manipulated audits. Not to mention overspending on their military.

I think what a lot of Eastern Europeans are growing wise to, not just Ukrainians, is the E.U's modus operandi. To their credit, the E.U can positively transform a new member state's economy and infrastructure in a year or so, but at a cost. When much of Eastern Europe - bar the Balkans - became members of the E.U they were salivating at the prospect of having their roads fixed, bridges strengthened and water cleaned. But they weren't aware of the cultural threat the E.U posed. They weren't aware of how much of their sovereignty would be forfeited and how much their cultural landscape would be altered - a landscape they are/were proud of and willing to defend with blood. They don't want gay marriage or transgender equality, but the E.U demands it and (currently) has the power to get their way.
Russia's economy cannot handle another cold war or worse, a real war. They certainly are not a threat to the US.

Russia is not a threat to you or me, they are a threat to US hegemony(See Crimea, Syria, and their deterrent to US Aggression against Iran). I support Russia in so far as they weaken the American Empire and provide a counterbalance.

There won't be a war between Russia and the US. The US knows that if they can't defeat Iraqi or Afghan insurgents, they wouldn't be able to defeat the Russian Army. After two pointless and foolish wars, USGOV is bankrupt and having to cut back, and the military is spread thin. They couldn't handle a war with Russia. Russia is smarter than the US in that they don't engage in long term nation building missions.
You mean like what they weren't doing in Afghanistan?
Pull your head out of your ass pal. Russia (formerly USSR) has a very long history of 'nation building'.

Last I checked, the USSR is gone, stay in the modern day buddy. If anything, the USA(really the USSA these days) is more like the Soviet Union than modern day Russia is.

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