What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

America didn't 'trick' Russia. Russia has always known America's motive.
Work your way through your period of Christian rage, and then try a more rational tactic to get my attention. Acting the same as Meriweather is a hint!
It's pretty obvious to me you are sympathetic towards Russia. Don't run from it. Own it.
You don't have a "report", dumbass. You have some kook babbling conspiracy theories. The fact that the kook wrote down his weirdass conspiracy theory doesn't his weirdass conspiracy theory any less fake and stupid.

I understand. You so very badly want to serve Christofascist white supremacists, so you'll believe anything that allows you to justify doing such an evil thing. That is why certain Republicans align themselves with Russia -- they see Russia as the Great White Christofascist hope, what they want to turn the USA into.
I can't believe i have to remind you but America has always been about freedom, liberty and human rights. Putin and his country is evil and fascist to the core and must be stopped! That is the whole purpose of Nato!

This is why we're fighting Russia. To stop their hatred of freedom, to stop their hatred of the press and to stop their hatred of minorities and groups that they kill and genocide.
You do know that Zelinsky's Ukraine has none of those things either. I presume that you also know that Ukraine has one of the most corrupt governments in the world, right?

As far as the citizens of Ukraine's lives are concerned, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Only now they have tens of thousands homeless and thousands dead.

Specifically, what is our strategic interest in Ukraine?
Actually, they do

China wants to be a major player in global politics.
Supporting Russian war crimes and aggression does not allow that.

Providing weapons to a thug dictator who targets and abuses civilians or uses nukes will subject China to be the same pariah that Russia is
You folks are funny. So, the same China you claim is committing genocide on Uighur's is concerned about being associated with someone else's war crimes? Wow.
You do know that Zelinsky's Ukraine has none of those things either.


Zelensky was duly elected by Ukranian voters over prior president on anti-corruption platform.

You know when Russian people voted in a new government? NEVER.

Ukraine certainly has ways to go, but there is a society able and willing to hold their gov accountable and there was improvement in the 8 years leading up to the war.

Zelensky was duly elected by Ukranian voters over prior president on anti-corruption platform.

You know when Russian people voted in a new government? NEVER.

Ukraine certainly has ways to go, but there is a society able and willing to hold their gov accountable and there was improvement in the 8 years leading up to the war.
A comedian duly elected and one they would not vote for again. Sound familiar? Zelensky has shut down more than a dozen opposition parties, media outlets, and even religions. Other than Burisma paying Hunter and the Biden family millions, we have no strategic interest in Ukraine.


:safetocomeoutff: 6 pages , and still zip in it for the USA folks....~S~
It's pay me now or pay me later. Putin's ambition is a continuous expanded Russia that absorbs Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. That is his rightful "sphere of influence", in his mind.

So we help Ukraine now, hopefully we don't have to fight the Russians in Lithuania in ten years.

We are getting rid of a bunch of older munitions and replacing them with new versions. Extended range, better guidance systems, etc The Defense Industrial base is getting a big boost, not just from the Pentagon but foreign customers including the NATO EU countries.

We provide all kinds of weapons to Taiwan, and no one pees their pants over it. Stuff we could easily provide to Ukraine, but everyone howls we are "crossing the red line" and heading for WW3. It's really dumb.

The West's principle of Liberalism doesn't allow for objective "enemies" to exist; they're always "criminals" who "broke the rules" and don't accept "our norms" - with those norms being presented as objective reality instead of the political decision they actually are.
The politics of the Russian government in the last two decades have been somewhere between "liberal conservatism" & "moderate centrism", none of the Nazi/Communism accusations really look plausible to anyone; thus, "Rashism": Russia existing at all is already "extremism".
Basically the West and Ukraine are guided by radical ideologies, and Russia isn't, so they had to turn "being Russian" into a radical ideology. It's like Ukrainian wikipedia stating that the DPR's state ideology is just "terrorism".
A comedian duly elected and one they would not vote for again. Sound familiar? Zelensky has shut down more than a dozen opposition parties, media outlets, and even religions. Other than Burisma paying Hunter and the Biden family millions, we have no strategic interest in Ukraine.


Opposition parties like those supporting Russia, media outlets openly supporting Russia, and he he has not shut down any religions except targeting spies operating through the Russian Orthodox church. That is not at all unlike the actions taken by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.
Opposition parties like those supporting Russia, media outlets openly supporting Russia, and he he has not shut down any religions except targeting spies operating through the Russian Orthodox church. That is not at all unlike the actions taken by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.
Exactly. Can't let an enemy conduct propaganda in your country in the middle of a war.

Some people were born yesterday or something.

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