What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

So a stock photo is all you have to discredit the report?
You don't have a "report", dumbass. You have some kook babbling conspiracy theories. The fact that the kook wrote down his weirdass conspiracy theory doesn't his weirdass conspiracy theory any less fake and stupid.

I understand. You so very badly want to serve Christofascist white supremacists, so you'll believe anything that allows you to justify doing such an evil thing. That is why certain Republicans align themselves with Russia -- they see Russia as the Great White Christofascist hope, what they want to turn the USA into.
UKRAINE has stated that it wishes too be a Democratic country.
RUSSIA has stated that it wishes too return to a state of world power , with a DICTATOR as its leader..
We have two many country's that wish us dead or destroyed.
So I WILL always vote for any country that's goal is not seeing us dead or destroyed.
Over those country that would prefer us dead.
Who claims they are illegal?
Aside from "making the world safe for democracy" or some similar claptrap, what is the specific goal of U.S.policy towards Ukrainian territory? Is it to restore Ukrainian sovereignty over its 2020 borders with Russia, or is it to restore its sovereignty over Crimea, which was "annexed" by Russia in 2014? Or are we simply giving a blank check to Ukranian President Zelinsky to do whatever he wants?
Nobody gives a rat's ass about the Ukes, they just want the Russians to bleed and spend money.
Destabilize russia because they don't play ball with esg scores, and the world economic forum?

Try to get rid of Russia because they need to blame all of their issues on russia and justify blaming them for trump and republicans?

Generate money for the war machine which rakes in a lot of cash for a lot of war industries of which people get kick backs for?

To launder insane amounts of money through Ukraine?

The hope of creating a situation big enough they will be able to slip some kind of regulation in or even use it as an excuse to somehow flip to digital currency by crashing the dollar by just shoveling billions and billions of dollars at them? Basically using the war on Russia as a smoke screen for something bigger?

Could be a lot of things.
How's that working out?

Communist China, a far more dangerous enemy, is now aligning with Russia. That's an alliance President Trump warned us about and he was able to keep them apart.

I don't see much difference for the people of Ukraine between living under Russian or Ukrainian rule. Both are run by corrupt oligarchs and have severely restricted the freedom of their citizens. What's the difference?

Way to push Russian propaganda here, comrade. Maybe they should be interviewing you for russian state tv.

Perhaps, but we cannot win against Russia and China. President Biden has made that dangerous alliance come true.

Nothing like that has happened, unless you have a crystal ball I'm not aware of. Providing a few weapons to Russia will be one of the biggest mistakes China will make in it's history.
I can't believe i have to remind you but America has always been about freedom, liberty and human rights. Putin and his country is evil and fascist to the core and must be stopped! That is the whole purpose of Nato!

This is why we're fighting Russia. To stop their hatred of freedom, to stop their hatred of the press and to stop their hatred of minorities and groups that they kill and genocide.
I can't believe i have to remind you but America has always been about freedom, liberty and human rights. Putin and his country is evil and fascist to the core and must be stopped! That is the whole purpose of Nato!

This is why we're fighting Russia. To stop their hatred of freedom, to stop their hatred of the press and to stop their hatred of minorities and groups that they kill and genocide.
I used to be every bit as naïve too Stormy......~S~
I can't believe i have to remind you but America has always been about freedom, liberty and human rights. Putin and his country is evil and fascist to the core and must be stopped! That is the whole purpose of Nato!

This is why we're fighting Russia. To stop their hatred of freedom, to stop their hatred of the press and to stop their hatred of minorities and groups that they kill and genocide.

And China are little angels? What will you say we should do if they invade Taiwan?

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