What is the US hoping to achieve with the sanction son Russia?

If you are refering to navalny, then he can stay in jail, we have no need for a nutcase who conspired with neo nazis.

Having one good president for decades is far better than having a toxic one every 4 years. Russia has substantially improved under Russia , both militarily and economically.
Of course, he has his sucesserors should he retire one day.

You go ahead and enjoy your new and improved 5 year recession and worldwide condemnation.

Useful Putin tools like you earned it in spades.

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You go ahead and enjoy your new and improved 5 year recession and worldwide condemnation.

Useful Putin tools like you earned it in spades.

Putin found and is still finding ways to offset the losses, like making new trade deals with China and central asian countries.

Do you know that Russia supplies 90% of NASAs and the US airforces Titanium? Lets see how you can build your space craft without titanium.
You are trully an idiot if you belive that.

I don't need to post here today to convince you of that, you and other Russians will live it and you will know it.
Worry about your own country, because the inflation is gonna get worse and it will hurt you.

Good that Russia and China are de-dollarizing.
Worry about your own country, because the inflation is gonna get worse and it will hurt you.

Good that Russia and China are de-dollarizing.
Our interest rates are 2%. Your interest rates are now 20%.

You know what that means? That means we have straight forward means of dealing with our inflation and you are fucked.
Russia isnt bombing civilians.
Of course it isn't.

Casualties are inevitable and it wont matter much when you win the war.

If Russians did not fight against the Nazis back in WW2, then Millions o Russians would have died. Now its about time to defend the motherland again, this time from a puppet state run by neo nazis and ordered around by some petty deathdealers in the US.
First, what did Ukraine do to Russia.

Second, some of their top leaders are Jews.

Third, name these deathdealers (as you made up the word), here in the US?
Putin found and is still finding ways to offset the losses, like making new trade deals with China and central asian countries.

Do you know that Russia supplies 90% of NASAs and the US airforces Titanium? Lets see how you can build your space craft without titanium.
most of the titanium comes from china & japan.

how do you get your payments now that swift is down; covsem toopoi.
While the West do their wishful thinking takes about "Russians will suffer and bring down their leader" they should be prepared for exactly that happening at home. The West IS NOT PREPARED to suffer the Russians are and will win again.

Anyway, are you people in the US and Europe enjoying your high energy and gas prices?
Are you people in Russia enjoying no freedom ?
Putin found and is still finding ways to offset the losses, like making new trade deals with China and central asian countries.

Do you know that Russia supplies 90% of NASAs and the US airforces Titanium? Lets see how you can build your space craft without titanium.
Russia is NOT the largest source of titanium, but China is. Japan is number three and Kazakhstan is number 4. Ukraine is number 5 and India is number six. That leaves 4 of the top 6 countries that are friendly to the US. I am sure they will will not mind selling it to us.
Sanctioning Russia to punish us is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die for it.
It has no major effect on the Russian economy, other than diverting exporters somewhere else.
Oh fuck off troll

Your economy is in shambles and you know it.

China can only do so much and will only do what's in its best interest
The same thing that your Turkish allies are trying to achieve in Northern Cyprus and Syria and Armenia.

Believe it or not, Ukraine will be dealt with and the Ukrainian Army is in shambles. All they can do is demilitarize and renounce the west or Russia will demilitarize them by force.
Can't have a state on our border that is housing US military io labs and military hardware.
So, why do you think Russia should be allowed to have weapons and pick it's own friends while Ukraine should not?
The same thing that your Turkish allies are trying to achieve in Northern Cyprus and Syria and Armenia.

Believe it or not, Ukraine will be dealt with and the Ukrainian Army is in shambles. All they can do is demilitarize and renounce the west or Russia will demilitarize them by force.
Can't have a state on our border that is housing US military io labs and military hardware.

Putin & Russia have fallen into NATOs trap but are too egotistical to realize it.

NATO and the U.S. have no love for Ukraine - which is why they've consistently refused NATO membership to Ukraine.

NATO & the U.S. also hate Putin & his regime. Putin has destroyed democracy in Russia. He's made himself a Czar. He is a dumb thug.

NATO & the U.S. are letting evil fight evil.

The current war in Ukraine will destroy Ukraine, and eventually destroy Russia. Russia can not withstand years of fighting against an insurrection in Ukraine, nor can Russia withstand the sanctions very long.

China with not stand with Russia once it becomes apparent that Russia is economically and militarily weak - at best Russia's dependence on China will cause China to take advantage of Russia. Outer Manchuria will look awfully tempting to the Chinese.

The problem with Russia is that they think they are a super-power. They are not. The Russian economy is only about the size of Italy's economy. It's less than half the size of California's economy.

The Russian conventional military is decades behind NATO technologically. It's less powerful than France's military. The Russian Air Force has not been able to dominate the skies over Ukraine - even though the Ukrainians are using Soviet era Aircraft.

NATO & the U.S. could end this war in a matter of days, but they'd rather see Ukraine destroyed and Russia Bled.
Putin & Russia have fallen into NATOs trap but are too egotistical to realize it.
Nonsense. No trap. This is just Putin's evil ego
NATO and the U.S. have no love for Ukraine - which is why they've consistently refused NATO membership to Ukraine.
Ukraine was refused membership because they would be immediately forced to defend it from Russian aggression. A bad situation
NATO & the U.S. also hate Putin & his regime. Putin has destroyed democracy in Russia. He's made himself a Czar. He is a dumb thug.
No argument there
NATO & the U.S. are letting evil fight evil.
The only evil here is Russia and Putin
China with not stand with Russia once it becomes apparent that Russia is economically and militarily weak - at best Russia's dependence on China will cause China to take advantage of Russia.
Probably true
NATO & the U.S. could end this war in a matter of days, but they'd rather see Ukraine destroyed and Russia Bled.
If we Russian response would be to losing a conventional war?
Nonsense. No trap. This is just Putin's evil ego

Ukraine was refused membership because they would be immediately forced to defend it from Russian aggression. A bad situation

No argument there

The only evil here is Russia and Putin

Probably true

If we Russian response would be to losing a conventional war?

Yes, trap. We gave Ukraine just enough munitions to maximize this disaster. If we really supported the Ukrainians we'd send in the NATO air force and end this in about 2 days. Russia is no match for NATO...by a long shot.

There are a whole lot of reasons why Ukraine was refused, including extreme corruption, lack of democracy, a joke of a legal system, stealing millions of barrels of oil, promoting ethnic cleansing, war crimes in Donbas. Ukrainians nationalists overthrew a freely and legally elected government, and have since insured that the Russian population is not represented. The Ukrainians are NOT "Good Guys".

The last time Russians were losing a conventional war, they overthrew the Czar. Let's hope for a repeat.

The Russians are NOT going to start a nuclear war. Don't believe that bluff.
If we really supported the Ukrainians we'd send in the NATO air force and end this in about 2 days.
And probably start a nuke war
Russia is no match for NATO...by a long shot.
Which is why they'd be sorely tempted to use the biggest nuke arsenal in the world. Do you think Hitler would have shot himself if he had nukes?
There are a whole lot of reasons why Ukraine was refused, including extreme corruption, lack of democracy, a joke of a legal system, stealing millions of barrels of oil, promoting ethnic cleansing, war crimes in Donbas. Ukrainians nationalists overthrew a freely and legally elected government, and have since insured that the Russian population is not represented. The Ukrainians are NOT "Good Guys".
So are you a full on Russian sock or just a useful idiot...
And probably start a nuke war

Which is why they'd be sorely tempted to use the biggest nuke arsenal in the world. Do you think Hitler would have shot himself if he had nukes?

So are you a full on Russian sock or just a useful idiot...

If you think that Russia is going to start a nuke war over losing Ukraine, then you're Putin's dupe. Putin doesn't have the authority to start a nuke war. Even Russia has controls on that.

If you also think that the Ukrainian Nationalists are a bunch of angel's that did nothing to deserve what's happening to them, then you're an idiot.
If you think that Russia is going to start a nuke war over losing Ukraine, then you're Putin's dupe.
It wouldn't be over losing Ukraine...it would be over losing a war to NATO.
Putin doesn't have the authority to start a nuke war.
Huh? HE started this war. HE killed Russian expats on foreign soil using nuclear material and WMDs. Putin is a (read this slowly) DICTATOR
If you also think that the Ukrainian Nationalists are a bunch of angel's that did nothing to deserve what's happening to them, then you're an idiot.
From Putin's lips to your keyboard.
It wouldn't be over losing Ukraine...it would be over losing a war to NATO.

Huh? HE started this war. HE killed Russian expats on foreign soil using nuclear material and WMDs. Putin is a (read this slowly) DICTATOR

From Putin's lips to your keyboard.

Putin knows what mutually assured destruction is, so stop wetting your panties.

He started a convention war, not a nuclear war. There's a BIG difference.

You have a child's eye view of the Ukrainians and apparently of everything. You seem to believe that the "good guys" are all "good" and wear white hats, and the "bad guys" are all "bad" and wear black hats.

The world is more complicated than that. GROW UP!!!

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