What is the US hoping to achieve with the sanction son Russia?

My impression of the US.
Rampant crime
Good for nothing law enforcement
Buildings that have no basic sanitation, for a country that is so advanced.
People with no decency
People who think they can change genders.
An Army that acts more like a womens institute
Human poop and needles on the streets
Liberal lunatics and BS policies.
Politicians so obsessed with Russia they waste taxpayers money in senseless wars.
Country run by a decrepit old man.

Your impressions of the U.S. are nonsense:

Rampant crime - Only in some areas, the vast majority of the U.S. has very little crime. Besides, crime in Russia is fairly high also.

Law enforcement - We have a tiny minority of our law enforcement that commit crimes - and lately they're getting prosecuted. In Russia abuse by Law enforcement is rampant. So much so that for the past 20 years Russian citizens keep dash board cameras to make sure they have a record of abusive law enforcement.

No basic sanitation? Seriously? I don't know where you got that idea from.

People with no decency - What is your idea of decency? Whatever Putin dictates? We are a free country and if some of our people don't live by your rules, too bad for you.

People changing genders - The concept of freedom hurts you, doesn't it?

An Army...like a women's institute? Once again your totally off base. The U.S. has the most effective military in the world by far. Probably too advanced for you to understand. Your army can't seem to beat the Ukrainians and has to resort to mass bombing of civilian populations to win (like they did in Chechnya).

Poop & needles in the streets? I've yet to see any and I've lived in multiple different cities and States. More nonsense Russian propaganda.

Liberal lunatics that have built the most economically, socially, culturally and militarily powerful nation in the history of humanity. Meanwhile Russia has an economy less than half the size of California's and a military about as powerful as France. Russia has offered NOTHING to the world culturally or soccially. Except being a big pain in everyone's ass.

Russia is a small disruptive country that thinks that just because they have nuclear weapons they are a great super power. They are not. Russia is insignificant except for it's ability to threaten other countries. They don't seem to be able to join the community of civilized nations. They are primitives.

Joe Biden has done a great job uniting the entire world against Russia. He continues to be a masterful statesman and a great President.
your "Democracy" has made countries like Lybia, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan even more dangerous.
Russia is the most dangerous “democracy“ in the history of the world right now not seen since Adolf Hitler terrorized the entire world.

This pregnant woman died. You killed her. GFY coward.

Your impressions of the U.S. are nonsense:

Rampant crime - Only in some areas, the vast majority of the U.S. has very little crime. Besides, crime in Russia is fairly high also.

Law enforcement - We have a tiny minority of our law enforcement that commit crimes - and lately they're getting prosecuted. In Russia abuse by Law enforcement is rampant. So much so that for the past 20 years Russian citizens keep dash board cameras to make sure they have a record of abusive law enforcement.

No basic sanitation? Seriously? I don't know where you got that idea from.

People with no decency - What is your idea of decency? Whatever Putin dictates? We are a free country and if some of our people don't live by your rules, too bad for you.

People changing genders - The concept of freedom hurts you, doesn't it?

An Army...like a women's institute? Once again your totally off base. The U.S. has the most effective military in the world by far. Probably too advanced for you to understand. Your army can't seem to beat the Ukrainians and has to resort to mass bombing of civilian populations to win (like they did in Chechnya).

Poop & needles in the streets? I've yet to see any and I've lived in multiple different cities and States. More nonsense Russian propaganda.

Liberal lunatics that have built the most economically, socially, culturally and militarily powerful nation in the history of humanity. Meanwhile Russia has an economy less than half the size of California's and a military about as powerful as France. Russia has offered NOTHING to the world culturally or soccially. Except being a big pain in everyone's ass.

Russia is a small disruptive country that thinks that just because they have nuclear weapons they are a great super power. They are not. Russia is insignificant except for it's ability to threaten other countries. They don't seem to be able to join the community of civilized nations. They are primitives.

Joe Biden has done a great job uniting the entire world against Russia. He continues to be a masterful statesman and a great President.

Your justice system is a joke. Your criminals get freed whenever their sentences get plea bargained into nothing. You get people out over and over again through bail ,onyl to commit a crime again, as seen in New York after the bail reforms.

"People changing genders - The concept of freedom hurts you, doesn't it?"
At least we have common sense in Russia to propagate such nonsense.

"An Army...like a women's institute? Once again your totally off base. The U.S. has the most effective military in the world by far. Probably too advanced for you to understand. Your army can't seem to beat the Ukrainians and has to resort to mass bombing of civilian populations to win (like they did in Chechnya)."

Russia isnt mass bombing civilians, Ukrainian Neo nazis are preventing them from escaping because they need to generate outrage in case they Force Putin's hands. All the civilians that Russian airstrikes unfortunaly killed are nothing compared to the civilians the US killed. If your army is so effective, then why did you loose in Afghanistan against the Taliban, the very terrorists you created? Why can't you get a grip on the Islamist factions in Syria that you trained?

"Liberal lunatics that have built the most economically, socially, culturally and militarily powerful nation in the history of humanity"
And now its and will go down as the most decadent and perverted one, as it happened with the Roman empire and ancient greece.
History has funny ways of repeating itself.

"Joe Biden has done a great job uniting the entire world against Russia. He continues to be a masterful statesman and a great President."

All he did was push Russia and China closer. Even middle eastern counries are seeking out China and Russia for new economic ties. Hell, even those Kurdish idiots, who continue to hold out for the US in their Kurdistan region, are slowly getting cozy with the Chinese and Russians, likely because they know you will abandon them again.

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