What is the US hoping to achieve with the sanction son Russia?


MAD VLAD: Five clues ā€˜bloated and unhingedā€™ Putin could be seriously ill ā€“ from his puffy face to professorā€™s cancer claims

Putin has been slowly but surely carrying out his grand plans to restore Soviet glory.

In 2008, he invaded Georgia - and six years later, he annexed Crimea.

And under changes to the Russian law made in early 2021, he can now remain president until 2036.

This would give gangster Putin plenty of time for incremental land grabs using what some have dubbed "salami tactics" by taking Ukraine "slice by slice" over a long period time.

Therefore, many have been left puzzled as to why he would take such a huge gamble on taking over the whole of Ukraine in one go - unless he was unwell and had limited time.

It increases the suspicion that perhaps his physical health means he is running out of time.

Russia isnt bombing civilians. Tell the neo-nazis in Ukraine to let the civilians out instead of using them as human shields

You need to upgrade your art craft Joe Goebbels. You want us to let the civilians out instead of using them as human shields. Wait a minute Joe, why are they ā€˜Human shields in the first place? In hospitals? In apartment building? If Russia isnt bombing civilians?

There are 400,000 humans in Mariupol including elderly and children under siege by the Russian presidentā€™s uniformed terrorists. The women, elderly and children have tried to leave but the coward terrorists shoot or shell them. Itā€™s genocide because the Russian cowards canā€™t let civilians escape and then fight Ukrainian men face to face.
I Tell that the minimum wage workers. Not lont before civil unrest unfolds.

Thereā€™s something Racist and Trumpy going on with that ā€œcivil unrestā€ wishful thinking coming from a Putin asskisser.

The closeness of Putinist Russians and American right-wingers that has come to light in recent years should not surprise us. But we should be very clear that what both parties want is neither democracy nor pluralism​

What do you know about Trumpā€™s AG Bill Barrā€™s Christian connection to Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Indeed, Barrā€™s claim that ā€œthe right way to transform the world is for each of us to focus on morally transforming ourselvesā€ is almost a direct quote from the early twentieth-century anti-Communist Nikolai (Nicholas) Berdyaev, who might well have influenced the attorney general, if not directly, then through Berdyaevā€™s profound influence on late Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whom he cites. While Solzhenitsynā€™s bravery in exposing the brutal Soviet GULAG system of prison camps should never be forgotten, Solzhenitsyn was no fan of the West.​
In 1978, he gave a famous speech lambasting the Westā€™s supposed decline in terms that would surely be congenial to Sessions and Barr. And later Solzhenitsyn, who had been expelled from the USSR, voted with his feet, accepting Russian citizenship from Vladimir Putinā€™s government and returning to his homeland, pleased with the way that Christian nationalist authoritarianism had replaced Communism as the Russian stateā€™s guiding ideology. The closeness of Putinist Russians and American right-wingers that has come to light in recent years should not surprise us. But we should be very clear that what both parties want is neither democracy nor pluralism, however much Barr may claim to support both.​
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Tell that the minimum wage workers. Not lont before civil unrest unfolds.

Whatā€™s this about comrade Joe?

11 DECEMBER 2018


At a ceremony today on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Street in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled a new monument of Solzhenitsyn. (Scroll down for video.)
11 December 2018. Russian President Vladimir Putin lays flowers at the new Moscow monument to Solzhenitsyn.

ā€œAleksandr Isayevich believed that, without understanding our countryā€™s past, there could be no sensible path toward its future. And so he trained his thought and words onto her future, in an attempt to identify possible ways of rebuilding Russia, so that the dramatic and profoundly difficult trials that fell to her would never again repeat, so that our multinational people could live in dignity and justice. That is how he saw his mission, his goal, the point of his service.ā€
ā€” Vladimir Putin, 11 December 2018
Thereā€™s something Racist and Trumpy going on with that ā€œcivil unrestā€ wishful thinking coming from a Putin asskisser.

The closeness of Putinist Russians and American right-wingers that has come to light in recent years should not surprise us. But we should be very clear that what both parties want is neither democracy nor pluralism​

What do you know about Trumpā€™s AG Bill Barrā€™s Christian connection to Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Indeed, Barrā€™s claim that ā€œthe right way to transform the world is for each of us to focus on morally transforming ourselvesā€ is almost a direct quote from the early twentieth-century anti-Communist Nikolai (Nicholas) Berdyaev, who might well have influenced the attorney general, if not directly, then through Berdyaevā€™s profound influence on late Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whom he cites. While Solzhenitsynā€™s bravery in exposing the brutal Soviet GULAG system of prison camps should never be forgotten, Solzhenitsyn was no fan of the West.​
In 1978, he gave a famous speech lambasting the Westā€™s supposed decline in terms that would surely be congenial to Sessions and Barr. And later Solzhenitsyn, who had been expelled from the USSR, voted with his feet, accepting Russian citizenship from Vladimir Putinā€™s government and returning to his homeland, pleased with the way that Christian nationalist authoritarianism had replaced Communism as the Russian stateā€™s guiding ideology. The closeness of Putinist Russians and American right-wingers that has come to light in recent years should not surprise us. But we should be very clear that what both parties want is neither democracy nor pluralism, however much Barr may claim to support both.​

Not this assinine conspiracy theories again.
Putin has better things to do than interfere in American elections just to get an overweight Businessman elected.
But hey, Biden is better for us, that decrepit old man is running your country into the ground even if his fellow Democrats are so obsessed with Russia.
Not that the Republicans are any better with their Bush era policies.
Not this assinine conspiracy theories again.
Putin has better things to do than interfere in American elections just to get an overweight Businessman elected.
But hey, Biden is better for us, that decrepit old man is running your country into the ground even if his fellow Democrats are so obsessed with Russia.
Not that the Republicans are any better with their Bush era policies.

Man it's bad enough we have to deal with Europeans and Canadians on US message board. But Russians too? Blech
Man it's bad enough we have to deal with Europeans and Canadians on US message board. But Russians too? Blech
At least one American Forum that doesnt kick you out for being Russian. Last time i tried to log into a forum with many US soldiers, they just kicke dme out for being a Russian.
At least one American Forum that doesnt kick you out for being Russian. Last time i tried to log into a forum with many US soldiers, they just kicke dme out for being a Russian.

My impression of Russia:

terrible weather
No one wears any color
more terrible weather
Apartment buildings
Gulags and starvation
misery and grey
Did I mention grey?
More cramped apartments.
Why are there no houses in Russia?
...and some really good composers

That's it. Oh yeah, and Putin. Welcome to US Message board.
My impression of Russia:

terrible weather
No one wears any color
more terrible weather
Apartment buildings
Gulags and starvation
misery and grey
Did I mention grey?
More cramped apartments.
Why are there no houses in Russia?
...and some really good composers

That's it. Oh yeah, and Putin. Welcome to US Message board.

My impression of the US.
Rampant crime
Good for nothing law enforcement
Buildings that have no basic sanitation, for a country that is so advanced.
People with no decency
People who think they can change genders.
An Army that acts more like a womens institute
Human poop and needles on the streets
Liberal lunatics and BS policies.
Politicians so obsessed with Russia they waste taxpayers money in senseless wars.
Country run by a decrepit old man.
My impression of the US.
Rampant crime
Good for nothing law enforcement
Buildings that have no basic sanitation, for a country that is so advanced.
People with no decency
People who think they can change genders.
An Army that acts more like a womens institute
Human poop and needles on the streets
Liberal lunatics and BS policies.
Politicians so obsessed with Russia they waste taxpayers money in senseless wars.
Country run by a decrepit old man.

The difference is: I am not infiltrating Russian message boards to talk trash to your people. Wait. Are there Russian message boards? Probably not right? No freedom of speech.

That's for starters.

For enders: I don't disagree with much on your list, but some of it is head-scratching. Building with no basic sanitation? um no. Americans are known for being too picky about personal hygiene, didn't you know this? Sure, we have the homeless, but most of us who are not are fastidious about personal hygiene, much more so than Europeans.

I'm not sure I would run down other nation's armies at the moment, were I a Russian
Tell that the minimum wage workers. Not lont before civil unrest unfolds.

If Putin is hoping for ā€œcivil unrestā€ to bail him out he is going to need a better useful idiot than DJT to stir the white folk into ā€œlaying down their very livesā€ against CRT in schools.

Donald Trump is calling on his followers to "lay down their very lives" to defend the United States against critical race theory. The disgraced former president delivered that dangerous call to arms at his "Save America" rally Saturday night in Florence, South Carolina.​
"Getting critical race theory out of our schools is not just a matter of values, it's also a matter of national survival," Trump told his MAGA supporters. So-called critical race theory is not something that is taught in K-12 grades,​

The Demicratic Party ainā€™t all black you know. It was Democrats who led the nationā€™s fight against Hitler, It is a Democrats leading the fight against the Hitler and Osama Bin Laden of our time with Germany Japan and Italy on our side thus time. Putin has have of Trump voters at best.,
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If Putin is hoping for ā€œcivil unrestā€ to bail him out he is going to need a better useful idiot than DJT stir the white folk into ā€œlaying down their very livesā€ against CRT in schools.

Donald Trump is calling on his followers to "lay down their very lives" to defend the United States against critical race theory. The disgraced former president delivered that dangerous call to arms at his "Save America" rally Saturday night in Florence, South Carolina.​
"Getting critical race theory out of our schools is not just a matter of values, it's also a matter of national survival," Trump told his MAGA supporters. So-called critical race theory is not something that is taught in K-12 grades,​

The Demicratic Party ainā€™t all black you know. It was Democrats who led the nationā€™s fight against Hitler, It is a Democrats leading the fight against the Hitler and Osama Bin Laden of our time with Germany Japan and Italy on our side thus time. Putin has have of Trump voters at best.,
Democrats now want to lead the war against Russia and the US will pay the price for it.

Have you not paid attention to Lvov where AMerican volunteers, veterans even, ran back to Poland after Russian jets attacked their psoitions?
Democrats now want to lead the war against Russia

The Dems are not leading the war against Russia. Itā€™s a war to liberate Russia and America and the world from PutinTrumpism. Then we can build Russia into a freedom loving democratic republic out of the western half that China does not own. Take a look at Germany and Japan if you want to see what itā€™s like when Americans beats fascists in a war. itā€™s a good thing. Russians are great people - peaceful people - I married one of the best ones ever.
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Have you not paid attention to Lvov where AMerican volunteers, veterans even, ran back to Poland after Russian jets attacked their psoitions?

What good is denazification if all the Nazis escape to Poland ti live to fight you another day? Uncle Pootyā€™s army already couldnā€™t keep 2.3 million Nazis from escaping to the West where 140 NAZI Nations are saving women and children and elderly Nazis to survive.

Not a good denazification program you have going on there comrade Joe.
The Dems are not leading the war against Russia. Itā€™s a war to liberate Russia and America and the world from PutinTrumpism. Then we can build Russia into a freedom loving democratic republic out of the western half that China does not own. Take a look at Germany and Japan if you want to see what itā€™s like when Americans beats fascists in a war. itā€™s a good thing. Russians are great people - peaceful people - I married one of the best ones ever.

Im not sure if you are being satirical but your "Democracy" has made countries like Lybia, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan even more dangerous.

Germany and Japan are both decrepit old people thanks to their liberal policies and Japan might get overtaken by China as they have no manpower to stand up to them.
Now Putin fights back against American expansionism and Globalism by dealing with Ukraine.
While the West do their wishful thinking takes about "Russians will suffer and bring down their leader" they should be prepared for exactly that happening at home. The West IS NOT PREPARED to suffer the Russians are and will win again.

Anyway, are you people in the US and Europe enjoying your high energy and gas prices?
Nothing really as Biden is carving out a loophole for Putin so that they can continue to sell Iran weapons, and do financial transactions with them and launder their Oil through Iran.

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