What is this "alt-right" thingie the left has Dreamt up?

We use this as a guide....

Every time the dems get their butts kicked, or someone disagrees with them, they come up with new term.

Where do they dream this crap up? So demmies, let's have the FACTUAL, TRUE definition of what this new term you've coined means...

... what is "ALT-RIGHT?"

What- you fallen behind on your Breitbart reading? Yes- that Left wing publication Breitbart making crap up again...

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right

the specter of the “alternative right.” Young, creative and eager to commit secular heresies, they have become public enemy number one to beltway conservatives — more hated, even, than Democrats or loopy progressives.

The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong.

Previously an obscure subculture, the alt-right burst onto the national political scene in 2015. Although initially small in number, the alt-right has a youthful energy and jarring, taboo-defying rhetoric that have boosted its membership and made it impossible to ignore.

Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

Dear 007 how about the Reactionary Right.
We know there is the Reactionary Left.
Well this is their equal and opposite karmic twin.

The Tea Party used to be targeted but that is a specific group, so there has
to be a more GENERAL label that covers a broader sector of people
who aren't actually affiliated with Tea Party or GOP.

It's like it used to be called the Religious Right, which is focused on Christians specifically,
but now it's broader more GENERAL political opposition to leftwing socialistic agenda.
I see... so alt-right is just the left's new term for REPUBLICANS.

yes and no 007
it's more specific because there are Republicans who are moderate and not
the hard edged "religious right" or "alt right"

I'd say it's the political secular equivalent term for what the religious right used to be.

Like how Donald Trump is a meaner version of conservative politics than Ronald Reagan.
Every time the dems get their butts kicked, or someone disagrees with them, they come up with new term.

Where do they dream this crap up? So demmies, let's have the FACTUAL, TRUE definition of what this new term you've coined means...

... what is "ALT-RIGHT?"

Now you might begin to understand how some of us a few years ago were going, "who the fuck is Saul Belinsky?"
The 'Alt-Right' 'thingy' was based on a comment made my one individual Republican politician, one Liberals jumped on and ran with, 'making it their own' to use to insult / attack Conservatives.

Liberals, like most of those on this board, use this term as an insult / attack - with disdain, much as one does / one would use the terms 'racist' or the 'N'-word.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.

lol, ok? It's code for "white supremacists." Basically, it's a group of tech savvy white racists. There are several prominent "leaders" of the moment. In addition to Andrew Anglin, there's also Richard Spencer, who was recently banned on twitter for violating their TOS.
"White supremacists"... you mean like this guy?

I think Sytfe failed at linking.

Try this one A Normie’s Guide to the Alt-Right
Wow... I think I'm getting it... alt-right is more leftist hyper hack name game BS.

Dear 007 I would not get caught up in the name or label.
If you read and hear the type of statements and responses made by people called "alt-right"
then you can capture the SPIRIT of this political bent.

Regardless of whatever label is used for it,
if you get the general feel and sentiment of where they are coming from
THAT is what the term refers to.

It's a harder meaner line being drawn in the sand, more reactionary and rejecting of the left
on political lines.

I guess the equivalent on the left would be the "progressive" front
that is finally standing up to the corporatized liberals hijacking party power and representation.
I think Sytfe failed at linking.

Try this one A Normie’s Guide to the Alt-Right
Wow... I think I'm getting it... alt-right is more leftist hyper hack name game BS.

Dear 007 I would not get caught up in the name or label.
If you read and hear the type of statements and responses made by people called "alt-right"
then you can capture the SPIRIT of this political bent.

Regardless of whatever label is used for it,
if you get the general feel and sentiment of where they are coming from
THAT is what the term refers to.

It's a harder meaner line being drawn in the sand, more reactionary and rejecting of the left
on political lines.

I guess the equivalent on the left would be the "progressive" front
that is finally standing up to the corporatized liberals hijacking party power and representation.
I appreciate your rational and genuine responses, but I think this alt-right thing can be summed up rather simply as the left being VERY pissed off that their party is in TOTAL disarray and has been handed crushing defeats in the last FOUR elections, so they're just being creative in thinking up whatever they think is going to sound BAD for CONSERVATIVES.

The problem with that is that the vast majority have caught on and aren't buying it anymore. They see mad little liberals throwing their fits and stomping their feet like spoiled little adolescent children that someone has just taken their sucker away. It's pathetic.
So these guys must be alt-right... as in democrats...


No 007, the Southern white racists are blamed on both Democrats and then later on Republicans,
claiming that's where the Southern white conservatives "fled" after pro-Black agenda took over the Democrats.
This is why you can't just blame by party name, because it gets confusing. both sides blame the other for it.

Alt right is for the *Rightwing* political reactionaries and "racists."

For the Leftwing it's blamed on
* BLM and anti-police* as racist, and
* LGBT and gay agenda* as intolerant of other beliefs, and
*progressives* in general blamed for pushing "socialist" agenda through govt
that regulate and penalize choice while claiming to be defending free choice.
So these guys must be alt-right... as in democrats...


Nope. That's bullshit. The Klan was indeed founded in Pulaski in 1865 but not by "Democrats" --- by six veteran Confederate soldiers. That's just historical fact. And while the Klan never had a particular political affiliation, it was (and still is to the extent it exists) in spirit conservative. If the KKK had any political cognate, it would be the Know Nothings of the 1840s-1850s.
So these guys must be alt-right... as in democrats...


Nope. That's bullshit. The Klan was indeed founded in Pulaski in 1865 but not by "Democrats" --- by six veteran Confederate soldiers. That's just historical fact. And while the Klan never had a particular political affiliation, it was (and still is to the extent it exists) in spirit conservative. If the KKK had any political cognate, it would be the Know Nothings of the 1840s-1850s.
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.
There is a predictable flow to these types of threads.....

The LWNJs are attracted them like moths to a flame...

The will gather and form a circle....

Then they will reach around and jerk their liberal friends in front of the off thus forming a circle jerk....

Then they will attempt to connect their kkk to republicans...

Then they will discuss how it was the alt-right who got Trump elected....

Then we educate them that democrats created the kkk....

Then we will beat them like the rented mules they are...

Then they run away like the pussies they are...

Then it repeats.....
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.
There is a predictable flow to these types of threads.....

The LWNJs are attracted them like moths to a flame...

The will gather and form a circle....

Then they will reach around and jerk their liberal friends in front of the off thus forming a circle jerk....

Then they will attempt to connect their kkk to republicans...

Then they will discuss how it was the alt-right who got Trump elected....

Then we educate them that democrats created the kkk....

Then we will beat them like the rented mules they are...

Then they run away like the pussies they are...

Then it repeats.....

Whelp --- you can't do that because the history is already known and unfortunately for you Revisionistas, I've got it right here in my head.

First of all *YOU* were the asshat that tried to associate the Klan with a political party. And second, the fact that you can user-generate a Googly image poster doesn't make it like a real thing, retard.

James Crowe. Capt. John Kennedy. Calvin Jones. Capt. John Lester. Frank McCord. Richard Reed.
Those are the six founders of the Klan, December 25 1865. All Confederate war vets. None with any known political affiliation, and none were politicians.

Prove me wrong.

William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons. Defrocked Methodist minister, salesman, gambler, con artist, club starter and drunk. This is the guy who re-founded the Klan after it had been extinct for four decades, Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving Day 1915, with leftover members of the Knights of Mary Phagan. Again --- no known political affiliation, and not a politician.

Prove me wrong.

aaaaaaand CUE crickets.
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.
There is a predictable flow to these types of threads.....

The LWNJs are attracted them like moths to a flame...

The will gather and form a circle....

Then they will reach around and jerk their liberal friends in front of the off thus forming a circle jerk....

Then they will attempt to connect their kkk to republicans...

Then they will discuss how it was the alt-right who got Trump elected....

Then we educate them that democrats created the kkk....

Then we will beat them like the rented mules they are...

Then they run away like the pussies they are...

Then it repeats.....

Whelp --- you can't do that because the history is already known and unfortunately for you Revisionistas, I've got it right here in my head.

First of all *YOU* were the asshat that tried to associate the Klan with a political party. And second, the fact that you can user-generate a Googly image poster doesn't make it like a real thing, retard.

James Crowe. Capt. John Kennedy. Calvin Jones. Capt. John Lester. Frank McCord. Richard Reed.
Those are the six founders of the Klan, December 25 1865. All Confederate war vets. None with any known political affiliation, and none were politicians.

Prove me wrong.

William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons. Defrocked Methodist minister, salesman, gambler, con artist, club starter and drunk. This is the guy who re-founded the Klan after it had been extinct for four decades, Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving Day 1915, with leftover members of the Knights of Mary Phagan. Again --- no known political affiliation, and not a politician.

Prove me wrong.
I consider the alt right the flag waving freaks who sit and lap up all the extreme right wing propaganda. I view them as much of a threat as the extreme left. Neither side are my fellow Americans.
Whatever alt-right is I hope it leads to putting a bounty on Left Wing Liberal Pukes. 50 cents for a left ear.

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