What is this "alt-right" thingie the left has Dreamt up?

I consider the alt right the flag waving freaks who sit and lap up all the extreme right wing propaganda. I view them as much of a threat as the extreme left. Neither side are my fellow Americans.
Well, you're not an American, so......
I consider the alt right the flag waving freaks who sit and lap up all the extreme right wing propaganda. I view them as much of a threat as the extreme left. Neither side are my fellow Americans.
So... if you wave the AMERICAN flag in AMERICA, according to you, you're a FREAK?

Go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of shit.
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.
There is a predictable flow to these types of threads.....

The LWNJs are attracted them like moths to a flame...

The will gather and form a circle....

Then they will reach around and jerk their liberal friends in front of the off thus forming a circle jerk....

Then they will attempt to connect their kkk to republicans...

Then they will discuss how it was the alt-right who got Trump elected....

Then we educate them that democrats created the kkk....

Then we will beat them like the rented mules they are...

Then they run away like the pussies they are...

Then it repeats.....

Whelp --- you can't do that because the history is already known and unfortunately for you Revisionistas, I've got it right here in my head.

First of all *YOU* were the asshat that tried to associate the Klan with a political party. And second, the fact that you can user-generate a Googly image poster doesn't make it like a real thing, retard.

James Crowe. Capt. John Kennedy. Calvin Jones. Capt. John Lester. Frank McCord. Richard Reed.
Those are the six founders of the Klan, December 25 1865. All Confederate war vets. None with any known political affiliation, and none were politicians.

Prove me wrong.

William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons. Defrocked Methodist minister, salesman, gambler, con artist, club starter and drunk. This is the guy who re-founded the Klan after it had been extinct for four decades, Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving Day 1915, with leftover members of the Knights of Mary Phagan. Again --- no known political affiliation, and not a politician.

Prove me wrong.

aaaaaaand CUE crickets.
Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party
WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.
There is a predictable flow to these types of threads.....

The LWNJs are attracted them like moths to a flame...

The will gather and form a circle....

Then they will reach around and jerk their liberal friends in front of the off thus forming a circle jerk....

Then they will attempt to connect their kkk to republicans...

Then they will discuss how it was the alt-right who got Trump elected....

Then we educate them that democrats created the kkk....

Then we will beat them like the rented mules they are...

Then they run away like the pussies they are...

Then it repeats.....

Whelp --- you can't do that because the history is already known and unfortunately for you Revisionistas, I've got it right here in my head.

First of all *YOU* were the asshat that tried to associate the Klan with a political party. And second, the fact that you can user-generate a Googly image poster doesn't make it like a real thing, retard.

James Crowe. Capt. John Kennedy. Calvin Jones. Capt. John Lester. Frank McCord. Richard Reed.
Those are the six founders of the Klan, December 25 1865. All Confederate war vets. None with any known political affiliation, and none were politicians.

Prove me wrong.

William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons. Defrocked Methodist minister, salesman, gambler, con artist, club starter and drunk. This is the guy who re-founded the Klan after it had been extinct for four decades, Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving Day 1915, with leftover members of the Knights of Mary Phagan. Again --- no known political affiliation, and not a politician.

Prove me wrong.

aaaaaaand CUE crickets.
Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party


Kimberly Bloom Jackson the failed acress-turned-blogger in American Stinker again?

You'll notice her sources for this statement --- which also gets the year wrong.
---- There aren't any. Zero. Squat. Bupkis. And there's a reason for that.

Wanna see mine? I've got like thirty of them by now expressly for your Revisionists, by actual historians.

I have 'em bookmarked, it's easy to do. That is, if that's where you want this thread to go. Say the word.
lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.
There is a predictable flow to these types of threads.....

The LWNJs are attracted them like moths to a flame...

The will gather and form a circle....

Then they will reach around and jerk their liberal friends in front of the off thus forming a circle jerk....

Then they will attempt to connect their kkk to republicans...

Then they will discuss how it was the alt-right who got Trump elected....

Then we educate them that democrats created the kkk....

Then we will beat them like the rented mules they are...

Then they run away like the pussies they are...

Then it repeats.....

Whelp --- you can't do that because the history is already known and unfortunately for you Revisionistas, I've got it right here in my head.

First of all *YOU* were the asshat that tried to associate the Klan with a political party. And second, the fact that you can user-generate a Googly image poster doesn't make it like a real thing, retard.

James Crowe. Capt. John Kennedy. Calvin Jones. Capt. John Lester. Frank McCord. Richard Reed.
Those are the six founders of the Klan, December 25 1865. All Confederate war vets. None with any known political affiliation, and none were politicians.

Prove me wrong.

William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons. Defrocked Methodist minister, salesman, gambler, con artist, club starter and drunk. This is the guy who re-founded the Klan after it had been extinct for four decades, Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving Day 1915, with leftover members of the Knights of Mary Phagan. Again --- no known political affiliation, and not a politician.

Prove me wrong.

aaaaaaand CUE crickets.
Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party


Kimberly Bloom Jackson the failed acress-turned-blogger in American Stinker again?

You'll notice her sources for this statement --- which also gets the year wrong.
---- There aren't any. Zero. Squat. Bupkis. And there's a reason for that.

Wanna see mine? I've got like thirty of them by now expressly for your Revisionists, by actual historians.

I have 'em bookmarked, it's easy to do. That is, if that's where you want this thread to go. Say the word.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.
There is a predictable flow to these types of threads.....

The LWNJs are attracted them like moths to a flame...

The will gather and form a circle....

Then they will reach around and jerk their liberal friends in front of the off thus forming a circle jerk....

Then they will attempt to connect their kkk to republicans...

Then they will discuss how it was the alt-right who got Trump elected....

Then we educate them that democrats created the kkk....

Then we will beat them like the rented mules they are...

Then they run away like the pussies they are...

Then it repeats.....

Whelp --- you can't do that because the history is already known and unfortunately for you Revisionistas, I've got it right here in my head.

First of all *YOU* were the asshat that tried to associate the Klan with a political party. And second, the fact that you can user-generate a Googly image poster doesn't make it like a real thing, retard.

James Crowe. Capt. John Kennedy. Calvin Jones. Capt. John Lester. Frank McCord. Richard Reed.
Those are the six founders of the Klan, December 25 1865. All Confederate war vets. None with any known political affiliation, and none were politicians.

Prove me wrong.

William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons. Defrocked Methodist minister, salesman, gambler, con artist, club starter and drunk. This is the guy who re-founded the Klan after it had been extinct for four decades, Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving Day 1915, with leftover members of the Knights of Mary Phagan. Again --- no known political affiliation, and not a politician.

Prove me wrong.

aaaaaaand CUE crickets.
Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party


Kimberly Bloom Jackson the failed acress-turned-blogger in American Stinker again?

You'll notice her sources for this statement --- which also gets the year wrong.
---- There aren't any. Zero. Squat. Bupkis. And there's a reason for that.

Wanna see mine? I've got like thirty of them by now expressly for your Revisionists, by actual historians.

I have 'em bookmarked, it's easy to do. That is, if that's where you want this thread to go. Say the word.

"See" indeed. I challenged you to prove me wrong --- twice --- and you can't. Which I already knew before I laid that down. That's what I expected to "see" and indeed that's what I got. Crickets.
There is a predictable flow to these types of threads.....

The LWNJs are attracted them like moths to a flame...

The will gather and form a circle....

Then they will reach around and jerk their liberal friends in front of the off thus forming a circle jerk....

Then they will attempt to connect their kkk to republicans...

Then they will discuss how it was the alt-right who got Trump elected....

Then we educate them that democrats created the kkk....

Then we will beat them like the rented mules they are...

Then they run away like the pussies they are...

Then it repeats.....

Whelp --- you can't do that because the history is already known and unfortunately for you Revisionistas, I've got it right here in my head.

First of all *YOU* were the asshat that tried to associate the Klan with a political party. And second, the fact that you can user-generate a Googly image poster doesn't make it like a real thing, retard.

James Crowe. Capt. John Kennedy. Calvin Jones. Capt. John Lester. Frank McCord. Richard Reed.
Those are the six founders of the Klan, December 25 1865. All Confederate war vets. None with any known political affiliation, and none were politicians.

Prove me wrong.

William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons. Defrocked Methodist minister, salesman, gambler, con artist, club starter and drunk. This is the guy who re-founded the Klan after it had been extinct for four decades, Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving Day 1915, with leftover members of the Knights of Mary Phagan. Again --- no known political affiliation, and not a politician.

Prove me wrong.

aaaaaaand CUE crickets.
Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party


Kimberly Bloom Jackson the failed acress-turned-blogger in American Stinker again?

You'll notice her sources for this statement --- which also gets the year wrong.
---- There aren't any. Zero. Squat. Bupkis. And there's a reason for that.

Wanna see mine? I've got like thirty of them by now expressly for your Revisionists, by actual historians.

I have 'em bookmarked, it's easy to do. That is, if that's where you want this thread to go. Say the word.

"See" indeed. I challenged you to prove me wrong --- twice --- and you can't. Which I already knew before I laid that down. That's what I expected to "see" and indeed that's what I got. Crickets.
Sorry, not,reaching around with you LWNJs.....
Whelp --- you can't do that because the history is already known and unfortunately for you Revisionistas, I've got it right here in my head.

First of all *YOU* were the asshat that tried to associate the Klan with a political party. And second, the fact that you can user-generate a Googly image poster doesn't make it like a real thing, retard.

James Crowe. Capt. John Kennedy. Calvin Jones. Capt. John Lester. Frank McCord. Richard Reed.
Those are the six founders of the Klan, December 25 1865. All Confederate war vets. None with any known political affiliation, and none were politicians.

Prove me wrong.

William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons. Defrocked Methodist minister, salesman, gambler, con artist, club starter and drunk. This is the guy who re-founded the Klan after it had been extinct for four decades, Stone Mountain Georgia, Thanksgiving Day 1915, with leftover members of the Knights of Mary Phagan. Again --- no known political affiliation, and not a politician.

Prove me wrong.

aaaaaaand CUE crickets.
Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party


Kimberly Bloom Jackson the failed acress-turned-blogger in American Stinker again?

You'll notice her sources for this statement --- which also gets the year wrong.
---- There aren't any. Zero. Squat. Bupkis. And there's a reason for that.

Wanna see mine? I've got like thirty of them by now expressly for your Revisionists, by actual historians.

I have 'em bookmarked, it's easy to do. That is, if that's where you want this thread to go. Say the word.

"See" indeed. I challenged you to prove me wrong --- twice --- and you can't. Which I already knew before I laid that down. That's what I expected to "see" and indeed that's what I got. Crickets.
Sorry, not,reaching around with you LWNJs.....





Kimberly Bloom Jackson the failed acress-turned-blogger in American Stinker again?

You'll notice her sources for this statement --- which also gets the year wrong.
---- There aren't any. Zero. Squat. Bupkis. And there's a reason for that.

Wanna see mine? I've got like thirty of them by now expressly for your Revisionists, by actual historians.

I have 'em bookmarked, it's easy to do. That is, if that's where you want this thread to go. Say the word.

"See" indeed. I challenged you to prove me wrong --- twice --- and you can't. Which I already knew before I laid that down. That's what I expected to "see" and indeed that's what I got. Crickets.
Sorry, not,reaching around with you LWNJs.....



Every time the dems get their butts kicked, or someone disagrees with them, they come up with new term. Where do they dream this crap up? So demmies, let's have the FACTUAL, TRUE definition of what this new term you've coined means... what is "ALT-RIGHT?"
Well, it wasn't coined by the left. That was self-applied terminology.

In November 2008, Paul Gottfried addressed the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative right". In 2009, two more posts at Taki's Magazine, by Patrick J. Ford and Jack Hunter, further discussed the alternative right. The term, however, is most commonly attributed to Richard B. Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute and founder of Alternative Right.

Alt-right - Wikipedia
Paul Gottfried - Wikipedia
Jack Hunter (radio host) - Wikipedia
Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia
Last edited:
Every time the dems get their butts kicked, or someone disagrees with them, they come up with new term. Where do they dream this crap up? So demmies, let's have the FACTUAL, TRUE definition of what this new term you've coined means... what is "ALT-RIGHT?"
Well, it wasn't coined by the left. That was self-applied terminology.

In November 2008, Paul Gottfried addressed the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative right". In 2009, two more posts at Taki's Magazine, by Patrick J. Ford and Jack Hunter, further discussed the alternative right. The term, however, is most commonly attributed to Richard B. Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute and founder of Alternative Right.

Alt-right - Wikipedia
Paul Gottfried - Wikipedia
Jack Hunter (radio host) - Wikipedia
Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia
Like I said, hacks... and their name game.
Every time the dems get their butts kicked, or someone disagrees with them, they come up with new term. Where do they dream this crap up? So demmies, let's have the FACTUAL, TRUE definition of what this new term you've coined means... what is "ALT-RIGHT?"
Well, it wasn't coined by the left. That was self-applied terminology.

In November 2008, Paul Gottfried addressed the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative right". In 2009, two more posts at Taki's Magazine, by Patrick J. Ford and Jack Hunter, further discussed the alternative right. The term, however, is most commonly attributed to Richard B. Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute and founder of Alternative Right.

Alt-right - Wikipedia
Paul Gottfried - Wikipedia
Jack Hunter (radio host) - Wikipedia
Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia
Like I said, hacks... and their name game.
TRUE, rightist hacks.
Every time the dems get their butts kicked, or someone disagrees with them, they come up with new term. Where do they dream this crap up? So demmies, let's have the FACTUAL, TRUE definition of what this new term you've coined means... what is "ALT-RIGHT?"
Well, it wasn't coined by the left. That was self-applied terminology.

In November 2008, Paul Gottfried addressed the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative right". In 2009, two more posts at Taki's Magazine, by Patrick J. Ford and Jack Hunter, further discussed the alternative right. The term, however, is most commonly attributed to Richard B. Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute and founder of Alternative Right.

Alt-right - Wikipedia
Paul Gottfried - Wikipedia
Jack Hunter (radio host) - Wikipedia
Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia
Like I said, hacks... and their name game.
TRUE, rightist hacks.
They're not true rightists when they play leftist games.
It's make believe. A category dreamed up by the far left and far right.

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