What is this bogus add on USMB about "Diplomacy"

What kind of special dip shit still has ads on their web pages? Are you not aware there are all kinds of ad blockers out there?

Thank you for this well thought out and insightful response.

Have a shot of Drano on me.

I think you're confused.

He's stupid, but you have to be stupid to be a liberal.

Iraq was a different situation from Iran. Iran used to be ruled by a secular government. Now they are being ruled by a Theocracy. But, they aren't total chaos like it is in Libya, no thanks to Obama.

Iraq was ruled by a secular government which had become a threat to our allies in the region. Saddam invaded Kuwait, and attempted to do the same in Saudi Arabia. Now he's gone. Qaddafi was not a threat, but for some reason, he had to go. Assad is not a threat to his neighbors, but for some reason, he has to go.

So basically, Obama has either intentionally, or accidentally, paved the way for the murder of millions of Muslims, Christians, and Jews with his careless acts, and caused more unrest in the region than has been seen in the last 500 years, and they gave him a Nobel Peace Prize......even though nothing he's done has brought peace.

Getting the "NOBEL PEACE PRIZE" is not noble. Arafat got one, and he was the father of terrorism. Algore got one, and he is a complete imbecile. Oboz got one before he really did anything.

That "prize" merely means you're the moonbat of the year.

I think you're confused.

Iraq was a different situation from Iran. Iran used to be ruled by a secular government. Now they are being ruled by a Theocracy. But, they aren't total chaos like it is in Libya, no thanks to Obama.

Iraq was ruled by a secular government which had become a threat to our allies in the region. Saddam invaded Kuwait, and attempted to do the same in Saudi Arabia. Now he's gone. Qaddafi was not a threat, but for some reason, he had to go. Assad is not a threat to his neighbors, but for some reason, he has to go.

So basically, Obama has either intentionally, or accidentally, paved the way for the murder of millions of Muslims, Christians, and Jews with his careless acts, and caused more unrest in the region than has been seen in the last 500 years, and they gave him a Nobel Peace Prize......even though nothing he's done has brought peace.

Eh, I think you're the confused one. Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, he was no threat in 2003.

But I agree that Obama totally sucks in his policies, except on Iran. A deal is much better than doing Iraq all over again like the OP wants.

I think you're confused.

Iraq was a different situation from Iran. Iran used to be ruled by a secular government. Now they are being ruled by a Theocracy. But, they aren't total chaos like it is in Libya, no thanks to Obama.

Iraq was ruled by a secular government which had become a threat to our allies in the region. Saddam invaded Kuwait, and attempted to do the same in Saudi Arabia. Now he's gone. Qaddafi was not a threat, but for some reason, he had to go. Assad is not a threat to his neighbors, but for some reason, he has to go.

So basically, Obama has either intentionally, or accidentally, paved the way for the murder of millions of Muslims, Christians, and Jews with his careless acts, and caused more unrest in the region than has been seen in the last 500 years, and they gave him a Nobel Peace Prize......even though nothing he's done has brought peace.

Eh, I think you're the confused one. Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, he was no threat in 2003.

But I agree that Obama totally sucks in his policies, except on Iran. A deal is much better than doing Iraq all over again like the OP wants.

He was a constant threat. The fact that the media refused to cover it didn't make him less of a threat.
An idiot said:
Eh, I think you're the confused one. Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, he was no threat in 2003.

But I agree that Obama totally sucks in his policies, except on Iran. A deal is much better than doing Iraq all over again like the OP wants.

He was a constant threat. The fact that the media refused to cover it didn't make him less of a threat.

He had been the most significant threat in the ME thanks to UN meddling and the globalist HW Bush policy of "containment".
The "Profit" Clinton found it convenient to bomb the country twice in lieu of scandal and W Bush's piss poor war for "hearts and minds" left us with a country we should have annexed. Instead we pussyfooted around with jihadists and corrupt arab scum thanks to liberal bullshit.

The moonbat messiah's Iran policy is even more intellectually bankrupt than his Iraq policy of letting jihadist assholes obtain equipment we gave to Iraqis.

You fucking moron.


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