CDZ What is to be done with the "homeless?"

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There is no single answer to the homeless problem. Mankind has always had its homeless

Some are just people down on their luck
Some have mental issues
Some are druggies
Some are just freaking lazy

Whatever the cause, we are the richest country on earth
We can take care of our homeless
There is no single answer to the homeless problem. Mankind has always had its homeless

Some are just people down on their luck
Some have mental issues
Some are druggies
Some are just freaking lazy

Whatever the cause, we are the richest country on earth
We can take care of our homeless

Are YOU going to invite some into YOUR home?
There is no single answer to the homeless problem. Mankind has always had its homeless

Some are just people down on their luck
Some have mental issues
Some are druggies
Some are just freaking lazy

Whatever the cause, we are the richest country on earth
We can take care of our homeless

Are YOU going to invite some into YOUR home?
WTF does that have to do with the homeless problem?

Are you proposing the solution is individual adoption of homeless families?

If you oppose abortion, are you going to invite a pregnant girl into YOUR home?
its cool but this talk of homeless and what to do , well , nothing will be done except as a couple examples here and there about what COULD be done i reckon . Just a comment .
RW makes a point about the complexity, there are many variations of houselessness. To show the humans doing something about a dwelling, maybe it will be imitated, monkey-see, monkey-do.

Hypothetical scenario: RW and badger have established a rent-to-own city made of tubes. They can be stacked and moved to another location. The first problem that arises is not the financing or making payments, but more akin to this:

Cap Times 8 Jun 2011 Renter Protections Would Be 'Wiped Out' By Fast-Tracked Republican Measure, Advocates Warn
'....Nancy Jensen: "Owners should be able to determine for themselves the level of risk they can tolerate of their properties. In many places we hold property owners responsible for the criminal activities of their tenants, but we don't allow them to look at those tenants' past histories."

" That doesn't make sense, agrees the bill's lead author, Sen. Frank Lasee, R-De Pere. Lasee says that when landlords are not free to weed these tenants out, they raise rents on other renters to cover for the losses they suffer as a result of property damage or delinquent rents. "It's not fair to people who pay their bills on time and live a good life," he says.'

The pathology with this is that the landlord has the audacity and capitalist avarice to molest the other prisoners as convenient scapegoats. In RW-Badger Town, the offender's tube could first be moved to a location "across the tracks," thought the substructure to support such flexibility would make it problematic. The offenses differ: non-payment of rent vs, for example, prostitution/drugs. The real estate under the tube would still be leased land held in common by the town.

All of this presupposes that the tube buyer has an income of some type, andthe idea does do something about landlord overconfidence.
1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?
Yes. One : Sanctuary cities. We fought a war to unite the union, federal laws against slavery. But now, the states want to fight like the confederacy for enslaving poor cheap foreign labor. And amazingly enough, these aren't the STATES, these are a rich wealthy amorphous FEW without the consent of the local people, the vox populi.
The reader is advised to see youtube entries for rent to own (The Dangers of Rent to Own Agreements, etc.)

This LA Musician Built $1200 Tiny Houses for the Homeless. Then the City Seized Them
1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?
Not much can done to reduce the number. However, a lot can be done to make them less a nuisance and relieve some of their problems.

There are two types of homelessness, chronic (experience homelessness for over a year) and temporary. Temporary homelessness is hard to define because they are often doubling up with friends and relatives, sleeping on porches, in garages, on sofas, in motor vehicles, and occasionally on the streets.

Only 24% of the homeless are chronically homeless. About 75% of the chronic homeless can not keep any type of full time employment due to mental or physical illness, disability, or long term use of drugs or alcohol. They do get temporary jobs such day labor. About 20% get some kind of assistance from family. However, most of them either have no family or are estranged from them. IMHO, the best you can do is give them some place to live so they have a permanent address and are not living on sidewalks, parks, and doorways, then attempt to get them work that they can do.

The temporary homelessness usually requires help getting a job, childcare, low cost housing, and food. People that are temporary homeless typically find a home, get some work, and are ok for some period, then some event occurs such as lost of job or eviction and then they are out looking for a place to live.
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1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?
Yes. One : Sanctuary cities. We fought a war to unite the union, federal laws against slavery. But now, the states want to fight like the confederacy for enslaving poor cheap foreign labor. And amazingly enough, these aren't the STATES, these are a rich wealthy amorphous FEW without the consent of the local people, the vox populi.
Sanctuary cities equate to a slave nation now?
I hate to interrupt a thread in mid agenda but, anyone remember ever having get to vote for their state/city being made a sanctuary for illegal aliens? Shouldn't we the local constituency actually get to frame what we want, then we get to vote on it? Isn't that what democracy is about?
There is no single answer to the homeless problem. Mankind has always had its homeless

Some are just people down on their luck
Some have mental issues
Some are druggies
Some are just freaking lazy

Whatever the cause, we are the richest country on earth
We can take care of our homeless
We certainly could if we weren't so busy forking over our hard-earned riches on a foreign invasion force instead of taking care of our own. Even our riches are not limitless so we have to start prioritizing.
There is no single answer to the homeless problem. Mankind has always had its homeless

Some are just people down on their luck
Some have mental issues
Some are druggies
Some are just freaking lazy

Whatever the cause, we are the richest country on earth
We can take care of our homeless

Are YOU going to invite some into YOUR home?
WTF does that have to do with the homeless problem?

Are you proposing the solution is individual adoption of homeless families?

If you oppose abortion, are you going to invite a pregnant girl into YOUR home?
Sure, but my house, my rules.
Let's talk about actions, not theories:

1. We need to build basic housing units to which "homeless" people can be assigned.

2. We need to enforce vagrancy/nuisance laws. This includes clearing out illegal homeless encampments and arresting people who sleep, defecate or discard needles on public property.

3. First time offenders will be let off with a warning. Multiple offenders will be prosecuted and sent to appropriate treatment centers.

Any questions or alternative actions?
Jailing the homeless takes them off the street temporarily and that's about it. It's costly and giving a person who is without a home, a bed and 3 meals a day is not punishment. It's certainly not going to rehabilitate the chronic homeless and for the temporary homeless it may even make it harder for them to find a home and get a job.

Cities with a lot of homeless often have a policy against arresting the homeless for vagrancy because it takes police away from more important work, is costly, and has no long term benefit.
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I hate to interrupt a thread in mid agenda but, anyone remember ever having get to vote for their state/city being made a sanctuary for illegal aliens? Shouldn't we the local constituency actually get to frame what we want, then we get to vote on it? Isn't that what democracy is about?
------------------------ Sorry to say it but its much too Late for any of that MaryL .
Let's talk about actions, not theories:

1. We need to build basic housing units to which "homeless" people can be assigned.

2. We need to enforce vagrancy/nuisance laws. This includes clearing out illegal homeless encampments and arresting people who sleep, defecate or discard needles on public property.

3. First time offenders will be let off with a warning. Multiple offenders will be prosecuted and sent to appropriate treatment centers.

Any questions or alternative actions?
Jailing the homeless takes them off the street temporarily and that's about it. It's costly and giving a person who is without a home, a bed and 3 meals a day is not punishment. It's certainly not going rehabilitate the chronic homeless and for the temporary homeless it may even make it harder for them to find a home and get a job.

Cities with a lot of homeless often have a policy against arresting the homeless for vagrancy because it takes police away from more important work, is costly, and has no long term benefit.
Besides, we have lots better uses for jails, like incarcerating the bad guys.
Cities with a lot of homeless often have a policy against arresting the homeless for vagrancy because it takes police away from more important work, is costly, and has no long term benefit.

And it's working so well, isn't it?
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