CDZ What is to be done with the "homeless?"

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Homed and restricted for their own safety.

You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?
Lots of them are not "fellow Americans". Increasingly, they are those unfortunates who bought into the fantasy foisted on them in their native countries to come North to the great land of freebies: free food, free housing, free medical care, free education. Guess what, the well is running dry.
Actually no. The vast majority of homeless folks in America were born here. A significant portion of them are vets too.

That is an unsubstantiated opinion.

It seems evident though that we are accommodating hundreds of thousands or even millions of homeless people from other nations. They show up on our border virtually homeless and arer given everything they need to succeed. Why does our charity not extend to our own home-grown homeless people in such a way? Should they not be first in line?

Not so sure about the "given everything they need to succeed" part. Of they were they wouldn't be homeless.
Homed and restricted for their own safety.

You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?

Why would they 'deserve' it? I exist. You need to give me the stuff you worked for in life, because I deserve it. I suck air. I fart. I consume the the work and effort of others.

Therefore I 'deserve' your money.

By what logic does the fact you exist, mean you 'deserve' the hard work of others?

You don't 'deserve' anything. You can earn stuff. You can get the charity of others.

But you don't 'deserve' anything at all.

Now as far as the solutions... the solution is a change in the moral mindset, to encourage hard work, and self reliance. To reduce the incentive to be beggars, by making it unprofitable, and give them the motivation to work.

By the way, it is profitable. There was a guy some years ago, that was pulling down (by his own admission), almost $100K a year begging. He said openly that's why he was doing it. We need to change the minds of the public, to not reward laziness, and start helping those in need, through reputable charity organizations.

But ultimately, we need a reformation of moral values.

And the very start of that, is getting rid of this notion that "These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?"

It is exactly that attitude, which has caused so many in our society to not change how they live for the better.... because why should they? They deserve to be helped, the way that they are. Thus they stay lazy and unproductive, living off the hard work of others.
And there's that conservitard kindness and generosity!

You homeless kid? Hungry and cold with nowhere to go?


Get to the back of the line then. We'll get to you when we've helped the folks who really need it.

We are far more kind and generous than those on the left-wing.

That's a documented fact. Conservatives and religious people are routinely more generous than the left-wing, and it's due to our ideology.

See, a right-winger believes that it is on themselves to help those in need.

A left-winger believes the exact opposite. That it is not on them to help anyone, but rather that other people should help the poor and needy. This is why you never see a left-winger demanding they pay more to help people. They demand the rich, the companies, and the endless list of 'other people' who should help the poor.

Never them. Because left-winger ideology is inherently built on greedy and envy of the rich, the successful, and the wealthy. In reality, most left-wingers look down on the poor. Their desire to provide a program, is more about driving up taxes on the rich and wealthy, than anything that helps the poor.

If you read surveys where they say "should we have government paid for XXX?" and then have a follow up "Should we have government paid for XXX by charging higher taxes on you?" The answers are Yes, and then No. Because they want "other people" to pay for it. Not themselves.

And this is why you see people living off welfare their entire lives with no hope, and a left-winger will never ask, did they actually help anyone with their policies?

A right-winger does not wait around for others to help. They help others themselves.

My parents went to Children's Hospital, and found a young girl of only 15, that was alone here in the US from Australia. Their socialized system simply didn't have treatment for her, and she was sent home to die. Instead they found a pay-for-service capitalist hospital that would save their daughters life.

The only problem, they could not afford to come to the US with her. So she was here utterly alone. My parents 'adopted' her while she was here. They bought her things. Went to parks and rides and event with her. Went out to eat, to movies. And stayed with her for hours, to just talk.

And that does not include the money they give to charity.

And THAT does not include the money they give to their church, which has charity ministries.

Now when you compare that to the average Left-winger, when I ask them what they have done to help their fellow man, the answer is nothing.

Because in the mind of a left-winger, it's not their job, but "societies job" to take care of people...
Which is just an Ivy League University way of justifying their greed and envy, to pass off that "duty" to everyone else.

This is exactly how communist dictators around the world, can live in luxury, while their people starve to death, because in their own mind, they are the good guys who force others to help the poor with their policies.

The bottom line is simply this.....

We on the right wing... are just flat out better people, than those on the left. It's just that simple.
That's some funny shit right there!!
You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?

Why would they 'deserve' it? I exist. You need to give me the stuff you worked for in life, because I deserve it. I suck air. I fart. I consume the the work and effort of others.

Therefore I 'deserve' your money.

By what logic does the fact you exist, mean you 'deserve' the hard work of others?

You don't 'deserve' anything. You can earn stuff. You can get the charity of others.

But you don't 'deserve' anything at all.

Now as far as the solutions... the solution is a change in the moral mindset, to encourage hard work, and self reliance. To reduce the incentive to be beggars, by making it unprofitable, and give them the motivation to work.

By the way, it is profitable. There was a guy some years ago, that was pulling down (by his own admission), almost $100K a year begging. He said openly that's why he was doing it. We need to change the minds of the public, to not reward laziness, and start helping those in need, through reputable charity organizations.

But ultimately, we need a reformation of moral values.

And the very start of that, is getting rid of this notion that "These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?"

It is exactly that attitude, which has caused so many in our society to not change how they live for the better.... because why should they? They deserve to be helped, the way that they are. Thus they stay lazy and unproductive, living off the hard work of others.
And there's that conservitard kindness and generosity!

You homeless kid? Hungry and cold with nowhere to go?


Get to the back of the line then. We'll get to you when we've helped the folks who really need it.

We are far more kind and generous than those on the left-wing.

That's a documented fact. Conservatives and religious people are routinely more generous than the left-wing, and it's due to our ideology.

See, a right-winger believes that it is on themselves to help those in need.

A left-winger believes the exact opposite. That it is not on them to help anyone, but rather that other people should help the poor and needy. This is why you never see a left-winger demanding they pay more to help people. They demand the rich, the companies, and the endless list of 'other people' who should help the poor.

Never them. Because left-winger ideology is inherently built on greedy and envy of the rich, the successful, and the wealthy. In reality, most left-wingers look down on the poor. Their desire to provide a program, is more about driving up taxes on the rich and wealthy, than anything that helps the poor.

If you read surveys where they say "should we have government paid for XXX?" and then have a follow up "Should we have government paid for XXX by charging higher taxes on you?" The answers are Yes, and then No. Because they want "other people" to pay for it. Not themselves.

And this is why you see people living off welfare their entire lives with no hope, and a left-winger will never ask, did they actually help anyone with their policies?

A right-winger does not wait around for others to help. They help others themselves.

My parents went to Children's Hospital, and found a young girl of only 15, that was alone here in the US from Australia. Their socialized system simply didn't have treatment for her, and she was sent home to die. Instead they found a pay-for-service capitalist hospital that would save their daughters life.

The only problem, they could not afford to come to the US with her. So she was here utterly alone. My parents 'adopted' her while she was here. They bought her things. Went to parks and rides and event with her. Went out to eat, to movies. And stayed with her for hours, to just talk.

And that does not include the money they give to charity.

And THAT does not include the money they give to their church, which has charity ministries.

Now when you compare that to the average Left-winger, when I ask them what they have done to help their fellow man, the answer is nothing.

Because in the mind of a left-winger, it's not their job, but "societies job" to take care of people...
Which is just an Ivy League University way of justifying their greed and envy, to pass off that "duty" to everyone else.

This is exactly how communist dictators around the world, can live in luxury, while their people starve to death, because in their own mind, they are the good guys who force others to help the poor with their policies.

The bottom line is simply this.....

We on the right wing... are just flat out better people, than those on the left. It's just that simple.
That's some funny shit right there!!

And factually correct!!!
You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?
Lots of them are not "fellow Americans". Increasingly, they are those unfortunates who bought into the fantasy foisted on them in their native countries to come North to the great land of freebies: free food, free housing, free medical care, free education. Guess what, the well is running dry.
Actually no. The vast majority of homeless folks in America were born here. A significant portion of them are vets too.

That is an unsubstantiated opinion.

It seems evident though that we are accommodating hundreds of thousands or even millions of homeless people from other nations. They show up on our border virtually homeless and arer given everything they need to succeed. Why does our charity not extend to our own home-grown homeless people in such a way? Should they not be first in line?

Not so sure about the "given everything they need to succeed" part. Of they were they wouldn't be homeless.

Not true. The implication that people who are given everything they need to succeed, can't possibly end up homeless, is a myth.

Many people simply choose to not do what is required to succeed.
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?

Why would they 'deserve' it? I exist. You need to give me the stuff you worked for in life, because I deserve it. I suck air. I fart. I consume the the work and effort of others.

Therefore I 'deserve' your money.

By what logic does the fact you exist, mean you 'deserve' the hard work of others?

You don't 'deserve' anything. You can earn stuff. You can get the charity of others.

But you don't 'deserve' anything at all.

Now as far as the solutions... the solution is a change in the moral mindset, to encourage hard work, and self reliance. To reduce the incentive to be beggars, by making it unprofitable, and give them the motivation to work.

By the way, it is profitable. There was a guy some years ago, that was pulling down (by his own admission), almost $100K a year begging. He said openly that's why he was doing it. We need to change the minds of the public, to not reward laziness, and start helping those in need, through reputable charity organizations.

But ultimately, we need a reformation of moral values.

And the very start of that, is getting rid of this notion that "These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?"

It is exactly that attitude, which has caused so many in our society to not change how they live for the better.... because why should they? They deserve to be helped, the way that they are. Thus they stay lazy and unproductive, living off the hard work of others.
And there's that conservitard kindness and generosity!

You homeless kid? Hungry and cold with nowhere to go?


Get to the back of the line then. We'll get to you when we've helped the folks who really need it.

We are far more kind and generous than those on the left-wing.

That's a documented fact. Conservatives and religious people are routinely more generous than the left-wing, and it's due to our ideology.

See, a right-winger believes that it is on themselves to help those in need.

A left-winger believes the exact opposite. That it is not on them to help anyone, but rather that other people should help the poor and needy. This is why you never see a left-winger demanding they pay more to help people. They demand the rich, the companies, and the endless list of 'other people' who should help the poor.

Never them. Because left-winger ideology is inherently built on greedy and envy of the rich, the successful, and the wealthy. In reality, most left-wingers look down on the poor. Their desire to provide a program, is more about driving up taxes on the rich and wealthy, than anything that helps the poor.

If you read surveys where they say "should we have government paid for XXX?" and then have a follow up "Should we have government paid for XXX by charging higher taxes on you?" The answers are Yes, and then No. Because they want "other people" to pay for it. Not themselves.

And this is why you see people living off welfare their entire lives with no hope, and a left-winger will never ask, did they actually help anyone with their policies?

A right-winger does not wait around for others to help. They help others themselves.

My parents went to Children's Hospital, and found a young girl of only 15, that was alone here in the US from Australia. Their socialized system simply didn't have treatment for her, and she was sent home to die. Instead they found a pay-for-service capitalist hospital that would save their daughters life.

The only problem, they could not afford to come to the US with her. So she was here utterly alone. My parents 'adopted' her while she was here. They bought her things. Went to parks and rides and event with her. Went out to eat, to movies. And stayed with her for hours, to just talk.

And that does not include the money they give to charity.

And THAT does not include the money they give to their church, which has charity ministries.

Now when you compare that to the average Left-winger, when I ask them what they have done to help their fellow man, the answer is nothing.

Because in the mind of a left-winger, it's not their job, but "societies job" to take care of people...
Which is just an Ivy League University way of justifying their greed and envy, to pass off that "duty" to everyone else.

This is exactly how communist dictators around the world, can live in luxury, while their people starve to death, because in their own mind, they are the good guys who force others to help the poor with their policies.

The bottom line is simply this.....

We on the right wing... are just flat out better people, than those on the left. It's just that simple.
That's some funny shit right there!!

And factually correct!!!
Lol, no son.

I'm afraid not.

Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?
Lots of them are not "fellow Americans". Increasingly, they are those unfortunates who bought into the fantasy foisted on them in their native countries to come North to the great land of freebies: free food, free housing, free medical care, free education. Guess what, the well is running dry.
Actually no. The vast majority of homeless folks in America were born here. A significant portion of them are vets too.

That is an unsubstantiated opinion.

It seems evident though that we are accommodating hundreds of thousands or even millions of homeless people from other nations. They show up on our border virtually homeless and arer given everything they need to succeed. Why does our charity not extend to our own home-grown homeless people in such a way? Should they not be first in line?

Not so sure about the "given everything they need to succeed" part. Of they were they wouldn't be homeless.

Not true. The implication that people who are given everything they need to succeed, can't possibly end up homeless, is a myth.

Many people simply choose to not do what is required to succeed.
So your assertion is that these people, many of whom walked hundreds if not thousands of miles, after uprooting their entire lives, hungry and exhausted, for weeks and months, in the hope that they will be able to make a better life for themselves and their children, are too lazy to take advantage of the opportunities afforded to them when they arrive?

Did you think that through?
Lots of them are not "fellow Americans". Increasingly, they are those unfortunates who bought into the fantasy foisted on them in their native countries to come North to the great land of freebies: free food, free housing, free medical care, free education. Guess what, the well is running dry.
Actually no. The vast majority of homeless folks in America were born here. A significant portion of them are vets too.

That is an unsubstantiated opinion.

It seems evident though that we are accommodating hundreds of thousands or even millions of homeless people from other nations. They show up on our border virtually homeless and arer given everything they need to succeed. Why does our charity not extend to our own home-grown homeless people in such a way? Should they not be first in line?

Not so sure about the "given everything they need to succeed" part. Of they were they wouldn't be homeless.

Not true. The implication that people who are given everything they need to succeed, can't possibly end up homeless, is a myth.

Many people simply choose to not do what is required to succeed.
So your assertion is that these people, many of whom walked hundreds if not thousands of miles, after uprooting their entire lives, hungry and exhausted, for weeks and months, in the hope that they will be able to make a better life for themselves and their children, are too lazy to take advantage of the opportunities afforded to them when they arrive?

Did you think that through?

What are you talking about? You are suggesting that the majority of homeless are immigrants? That's not supporting by the statistics.

State of Homelessness - National Alliance to End Homelessness

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 10.43.09 PM.png

50% of the homeless population is whites, and 40% is blacks. Immigrants make up a very tiny portion of the homeless population.

So the context of my prior statement was from that perspective. The perspective that most of the homeless are born in America, and most certainly have had everything they need to succeed, given to them.

Now, as for immigrants... I don't know specifically if they have everything they need to succeed, but I wouldn't even argue that they should. Throughout US history, immigrants didn't come here to get handouts, and expect to be delivered everything they need to succeed in life.

The whole reason people came here from Europe, was generally to make a life for themselves, not be given a life by those here.

And even then, I would more certainly be more open to helping a legal immigrant, than an illegal immigrant. Legal immigrants are following the laws, and I support that, over someone who decided to come here, in violation of the law.

I've lived this out myself. I had an immigrant live with me for two years, while he worked and saved up money, so his wife could come here.

But I see no reason why Americans should be taxed, to support immigrants, when we have enough born Americans that need help. Just like I would help my daughter, before I would help your daughter. I only help your family, with whatever is left-over from me helping my family.

I think countries should operate in the same manor. And if you haven't noticed, we have a huge national debt. So we should at the very most, be helping our own people.

But even then, I think most immigrants should be helped by other immigrants. Jews setup training courses to help European Jews assimilate into our culture. Asians setup support groups for immigrating Asians. Even today, there are free classes for immigrants from India, on how to live in America.

My church supports a program that helps immigrant Hispanics, on how to be successful in America. Basics like showering, and English, and so on.
Why would they 'deserve' it? I exist. You need to give me the stuff you worked for in life, because I deserve it. I suck air. I fart. I consume the the work and effort of others.

Therefore I 'deserve' your money.

By what logic does the fact you exist, mean you 'deserve' the hard work of others?

You don't 'deserve' anything. You can earn stuff. You can get the charity of others.

But you don't 'deserve' anything at all.

Now as far as the solutions... the solution is a change in the moral mindset, to encourage hard work, and self reliance. To reduce the incentive to be beggars, by making it unprofitable, and give them the motivation to work.

By the way, it is profitable. There was a guy some years ago, that was pulling down (by his own admission), almost $100K a year begging. He said openly that's why he was doing it. We need to change the minds of the public, to not reward laziness, and start helping those in need, through reputable charity organizations.

But ultimately, we need a reformation of moral values.

And the very start of that, is getting rid of this notion that "These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?"

It is exactly that attitude, which has caused so many in our society to not change how they live for the better.... because why should they? They deserve to be helped, the way that they are. Thus they stay lazy and unproductive, living off the hard work of others.
And there's that conservitard kindness and generosity!

You homeless kid? Hungry and cold with nowhere to go?


Get to the back of the line then. We'll get to you when we've helped the folks who really need it.

We are far more kind and generous than those on the left-wing.

That's a documented fact. Conservatives and religious people are routinely more generous than the left-wing, and it's due to our ideology.

See, a right-winger believes that it is on themselves to help those in need.

A left-winger believes the exact opposite. That it is not on them to help anyone, but rather that other people should help the poor and needy. This is why you never see a left-winger demanding they pay more to help people. They demand the rich, the companies, and the endless list of 'other people' who should help the poor.

Never them. Because left-winger ideology is inherently built on greedy and envy of the rich, the successful, and the wealthy. In reality, most left-wingers look down on the poor. Their desire to provide a program, is more about driving up taxes on the rich and wealthy, than anything that helps the poor.

If you read surveys where they say "should we have government paid for XXX?" and then have a follow up "Should we have government paid for XXX by charging higher taxes on you?" The answers are Yes, and then No. Because they want "other people" to pay for it. Not themselves.

And this is why you see people living off welfare their entire lives with no hope, and a left-winger will never ask, did they actually help anyone with their policies?

A right-winger does not wait around for others to help. They help others themselves.

My parents went to Children's Hospital, and found a young girl of only 15, that was alone here in the US from Australia. Their socialized system simply didn't have treatment for her, and she was sent home to die. Instead they found a pay-for-service capitalist hospital that would save their daughters life.

The only problem, they could not afford to come to the US with her. So she was here utterly alone. My parents 'adopted' her while she was here. They bought her things. Went to parks and rides and event with her. Went out to eat, to movies. And stayed with her for hours, to just talk.

And that does not include the money they give to charity.

And THAT does not include the money they give to their church, which has charity ministries.

Now when you compare that to the average Left-winger, when I ask them what they have done to help their fellow man, the answer is nothing.

Because in the mind of a left-winger, it's not their job, but "societies job" to take care of people...
Which is just an Ivy League University way of justifying their greed and envy, to pass off that "duty" to everyone else.

This is exactly how communist dictators around the world, can live in luxury, while their people starve to death, because in their own mind, they are the good guys who force others to help the poor with their policies.

The bottom line is simply this.....

We on the right wing... are just flat out better people, than those on the left. It's just that simple.
That's some funny shit right there!!

And factually correct!!!
Lol, no son.

I'm afraid not.

View attachment 259733
Why would they 'deserve' it? I exist. You need to give me the stuff you worked for in life, because I deserve it. I suck air. I fart. I consume the the work and effort of others.

Therefore I 'deserve' your money.

By what logic does the fact you exist, mean you 'deserve' the hard work of others?

You don't 'deserve' anything. You can earn stuff. You can get the charity of others.

But you don't 'deserve' anything at all.

Now as far as the solutions... the solution is a change in the moral mindset, to encourage hard work, and self reliance. To reduce the incentive to be beggars, by making it unprofitable, and give them the motivation to work.

By the way, it is profitable. There was a guy some years ago, that was pulling down (by his own admission), almost $100K a year begging. He said openly that's why he was doing it. We need to change the minds of the public, to not reward laziness, and start helping those in need, through reputable charity organizations.

But ultimately, we need a reformation of moral values.

And the very start of that, is getting rid of this notion that "These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?"

It is exactly that attitude, which has caused so many in our society to not change how they live for the better.... because why should they? They deserve to be helped, the way that they are. Thus they stay lazy and unproductive, living off the hard work of others.
And there's that conservitard kindness and generosity!

You homeless kid? Hungry and cold with nowhere to go?


Get to the back of the line then. We'll get to you when we've helped the folks who really need it.

We are far more kind and generous than those on the left-wing.

That's a documented fact. Conservatives and religious people are routinely more generous than the left-wing, and it's due to our ideology.

See, a right-winger believes that it is on themselves to help those in need.

A left-winger believes the exact opposite. That it is not on them to help anyone, but rather that other people should help the poor and needy. This is why you never see a left-winger demanding they pay more to help people. They demand the rich, the companies, and the endless list of 'other people' who should help the poor.

Never them. Because left-winger ideology is inherently built on greedy and envy of the rich, the successful, and the wealthy. In reality, most left-wingers look down on the poor. Their desire to provide a program, is more about driving up taxes on the rich and wealthy, than anything that helps the poor.

If you read surveys where they say "should we have government paid for XXX?" and then have a follow up "Should we have government paid for XXX by charging higher taxes on you?" The answers are Yes, and then No. Because they want "other people" to pay for it. Not themselves.

And this is why you see people living off welfare their entire lives with no hope, and a left-winger will never ask, did they actually help anyone with their policies?

A right-winger does not wait around for others to help. They help others themselves.

My parents went to Children's Hospital, and found a young girl of only 15, that was alone here in the US from Australia. Their socialized system simply didn't have treatment for her, and she was sent home to die. Instead they found a pay-for-service capitalist hospital that would save their daughters life.

The only problem, they could not afford to come to the US with her. So she was here utterly alone. My parents 'adopted' her while she was here. They bought her things. Went to parks and rides and event with her. Went out to eat, to movies. And stayed with her for hours, to just talk.

And that does not include the money they give to charity.

And THAT does not include the money they give to their church, which has charity ministries.

Now when you compare that to the average Left-winger, when I ask them what they have done to help their fellow man, the answer is nothing.

Because in the mind of a left-winger, it's not their job, but "societies job" to take care of people...
Which is just an Ivy League University way of justifying their greed and envy, to pass off that "duty" to everyone else.

This is exactly how communist dictators around the world, can live in luxury, while their people starve to death, because in their own mind, they are the good guys who force others to help the poor with their policies.

The bottom line is simply this.....

We on the right wing... are just flat out better people, than those on the left. It's just that simple.
That's some funny shit right there!!

And factually correct!!!
Lol, no son.

I'm afraid not.

View attachment 259733

Lol, yes grampy.

I'm afraid so.


(hey if this is all you think is required to make an 'argument' in your world, then I'll use it too)
Actually no. The vast majority of homeless folks in America were born here. A significant portion of them are vets too.

That is an unsubstantiated opinion.

It seems evident though that we are accommodating hundreds of thousands or even millions of homeless people from other nations. They show up on our border virtually homeless and arer given everything they need to succeed. Why does our charity not extend to our own home-grown homeless people in such a way? Should they not be first in line?

Not so sure about the "given everything they need to succeed" part. Of they were they wouldn't be homeless.

Not true. The implication that people who are given everything they need to succeed, can't possibly end up homeless, is a myth.

Many people simply choose to not do what is required to succeed.
So your assertion is that these people, many of whom walked hundreds if not thousands of miles, after uprooting their entire lives, hungry and exhausted, for weeks and months, in the hope that they will be able to make a better life for themselves and their children, are too lazy to take advantage of the opportunities afforded to them when they arrive?

Did you think that through?

What are you talking about? You are suggesting that the majority of homeless are immigrants? That's not supporting by the statistics.

State of Homelessness - National Alliance to End Homelessness

View attachment 259742

50% of the homeless population is whites, and 40% is blacks. Immigrants make up a very tiny portion of the homeless population.

So the context of my prior statement was from that perspective. The perspective that most of the homeless are born in America, and most certainly have had everything they need to succeed, given to them.

Now, as for immigrants... I don't know specifically if they have everything they need to succeed, but I wouldn't even argue that they should. Throughout US history, immigrants didn't come here to get handouts, and expect to be delivered everything they need to succeed in life.

The whole reason people came here from Europe, was generally to make a life for themselves, not be given a life by those here.

And even then, I would more certainly be more open to helping a legal immigrant, than an illegal immigrant. Legal immigrants are following the laws, and I support that, over someone who decided to come here, in violation of the law.

I've lived this out myself. I had an immigrant live with me for two years, while he worked and saved up money, so his wife could come here.

But I see no reason why Americans should be taxed, to support immigrants, when we have enough born Americans that need help. Just like I would help my daughter, before I would help your daughter. I only help your family, with whatever is left-over from me helping my family.

I think countries should operate in the same manor. And if you haven't noticed, we have a huge national debt. So we should at the very most, be helping our own people.

But even then, I think most immigrants should be helped by other immigrants. Jews setup training courses to help European Jews assimilate into our culture. Asians setup support groups for immigrating Asians. Even today, there are free classes for immigrants from India, on how to live in America.

My church supports a program that helps immigrant Hispanics, on how to be successful in America. Basics like showering, and English, and so on.
Many "immigrants" had no choice in coming to the US. They enjoyed centuries of slavery followed by a century of Jim Crow. Hardly surprising that they have had more barriers to success than other "immigrants".
Actually no. The vast majority of homeless folks in America were born here. A significant portion of them are vets too.

That is an unsubstantiated opinion.

It seems evident though that we are accommodating hundreds of thousands or even millions of homeless people from other nations. They show up on our border virtually homeless and arer given everything they need to succeed. Why does our charity not extend to our own home-grown homeless people in such a way? Should they not be first in line?

Not so sure about the "given everything they need to succeed" part. Of they were they wouldn't be homeless.

Not true. The implication that people who are given everything they need to succeed, can't possibly end up homeless, is a myth.

Many people simply choose to not do what is required to succeed.
So your assertion is that these people, many of whom walked hundreds if not thousands of miles, after uprooting their entire lives, hungry and exhausted, for weeks and months, in the hope that they will be able to make a better life for themselves and their children, are too lazy to take advantage of the opportunities afforded to them when they arrive?

Did you think that through?

What are you talking about? You are suggesting that the majority of homeless are immigrants? That's not supporting by the statistics.

State of Homelessness - National Alliance to End Homelessness

View attachment 259742

50% of the homeless population is whites, and 40% is blacks. Immigrants make up a very tiny portion of the homeless population.

So the context of my prior statement was from that perspective. The perspective that most of the homeless are born in America, and most certainly have had everything they need to succeed, given to them.

Now, as for immigrants... I don't know specifically if they have everything they need to succeed, but I wouldn't even argue that they should. Throughout US history, immigrants didn't come here to get handouts, and expect to be delivered everything they need to succeed in life.

The whole reason people came here from Europe, was generally to make a life for themselves, not be given a life by those here.

And even then, I would more certainly be more open to helping a legal immigrant, than an illegal immigrant. Legal immigrants are following the laws, and I support that, over someone who decided to come here, in violation of the law.

I've lived this out myself. I had an immigrant live with me for two years, while he worked and saved up money, so his wife could come here.

But I see no reason why Americans should be taxed, to support immigrants, when we have enough born Americans that need help. Just like I would help my daughter, before I would help your daughter. I only help your family, with whatever is left-over from me helping my family.

I think countries should operate in the same manor. And if you haven't noticed, we have a huge national debt. So we should at the very most, be helping our own people.

But even then, I think most immigrants should be helped by other immigrants. Jews setup training courses to help European Jews assimilate into our culture. Asians setup support groups for immigrating Asians. Even today, there are free classes for immigrants from India, on how to live in America.

My church supports a program that helps immigrant Hispanics, on how to be successful in America. Basics like showering, and English, and so on.
If that isn't what you were trying to say then what did you kids just spend the last few posts talking about?

Are you backing up or did I missunderstand you?
OP mentions basic "housing units" and this concept, for example, the sharing of kitchens and bathrooms, depending on who is yoked with who, only gives the landlord-pimp the advantage of lowered cost, because unlike the landlord who is out of harm's way, such situations can lead to swift and sometimes fatal violence. Firstly, the Western idea of housing carries with it a chronic debauch of the use of space, whereby what the Western mind calls a closet could easily be turned into a full bathroom. So, the politics of space have to change whereby each person has the capability to lock out of their private spaces any other pathologies that may threaten them. Most new renters never get to know their neighbors (like buying footwear, duh) until after a certain period of time, and it's the arrogance of real-estate mafias that attempt to de-individualize the rental prisoners by forcing them into a stupid one-size-fits-all template according to outmoded styles of housing construction.

Shelters, shared kitchens and baths, etc. are a primitive communist idea that has been out of style for some time now.
On Boycotting Space Pimps

10 Jan 2019 Housing Madison's Homeless
Housing Madison's homeless
'....two high-profile stabbings in July that prompted a temporary ban on guests.'

The above article misleads in suggesting that the residents and their guests were the funky ones. It's a mistake not to look deeper for the landlord-pimp's psychopathologies, how they dance the prisoner-puppets. One Madison, Wisconsin real-estate mafia advocates to residents that a guest does not have to say anything to another resident who is not their host. If a stranger whom you have never seen before, whether black, white, or polka-dot all of a sudden shows up (unescorted [italics]) in "your" shared kitchen, they can go directly to the bathroom and (still [italics]) not have to say anything. This actually happened to someone. Bizarre. Even a hooker getting on the city bus knows there are signs posted about courtesy.

A Renting/Owning Trajectory

Micro Housing Examples
Reader can retrieve www. The first photo shows that the space could improve on use and a bit of reduction.
Here's more on the system that Madison, Wisconsin chose:

2017 The Housing First Approach
Pendleton starts out by using a Native American alcoholic as a model then suggests that she was afraid the bed would be taken away. This is misleading. We know of one who was houseless since 1988 and used a sleeping bag on top of the bed for reminiscent purposes and would have had a poster of the bridge they used to sleep under on the wall were one available (personal communication). Indians in Texas claim "outdoor offices" that have lasted 40 years, so they don't quite refiy a structure the way White Eyes does.. The West is more conducive to camping out than is the East. It's less 'pathological.' His use of the term "epicytically (spelling?) homeless" does not seem to be in the dictionary and continues on without explaining.

His definition of "chronically homeless" would look absurd to Paleolithic Man or Wild West Man. He then goes on to chastise the scapegoat while reifying a "doll-in-the-box" concept (Kristeva), showing how effortlessly this dipshit can take the homeless out of context to their personal stories. His argument of consumption in ratio to "homeless resources" is a bogus ploy to further get the audience on his side. Those who live in boxes are the major bulemic pathology, as if the porch-monkeys never call an ambulance. Pendleton cannot tread this comparative territory without confronting its problematics, so he skips it to rely on biased statistics.

In other words, his "60% of homeless resources" is the catch, because the audience-prisoner never gets actual numbers handed to them so that they can do the math for themselves: what was the $value available to those 15% of consuming homeless from the start? Pendleton is a nazi mentality dressed in suit and tie.
Quasi Reservation: Truck Them to the Edge of Town

Albuquerque: Sleeping in the Old Jail
The Old Jail: Is Albuquerque’s winter haven for the homeless up to code?

Shooting of James Boyd
Shooting of James Boyd - Wikipedia

James Boyd Albuquerque Shooting

There are discrepancies in theses accounts, whereby an anonymous police supposedly loaded the weapons before the police moved on James Boyd so that no one would know who actually killed him. A diligent researcher should be able to retrieve these differences in the story.
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