CDZ What is to be done with the "homeless?"

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1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?
Home them. Could be done fairly cheaply and easily. The biggest issue will be psycological care.

I agree. But if they refuse treatment and remain public nuisances, they should be confined or incarcerated if necessary.
Homed and restricted for their own safety.

You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?
Lots of them are not "fellow Americans". Increasingly, they are those unfortunates who bought into the fantasy foisted on them in their native countries to come North to the great land of freebies: free food, free housing, free medical care, free education. Guess what, the well is running dry.
My personal experience:
I live off-grid, way out in the woods on a large parcel of land. Most of the land around me is government land. Last summer, an elderly couple were moving up and down the road, driven to move every couple of weeks because of some local ordinance that says you cannot camp in one place longer than two weeks (I think that's the limit). They were living in a plywood box on an old trailer chassis. I offered to let them stay on my place in exchange for them splitting some firewood for me. They moved in to the designated location, brought their three LARGE dogs with them. At least they kept the dogs tethered. That's the last I saw of them. They did not appear when I visited. By the end of fall, I decided I did not want to be responsible for them dying up there in the winter. I had also located both his and her children locally. They had family nearby! I asked them to move on after three months of peace and quiet for them. Move on they did, now I have a real mess to clean up because they left a pile of garbage and abandoned the hulk they had been living in. Oh, yeah, dog shit all over where the dogs were.
No good deed goes unrewarded, I guess. Homelessness was the choice for this couple. I am disappointed. They could have stayed there indefinitely if they had kept it clean and pitched in to help a bit around the place.
When I see panhandlers on the street corners, I ignore them. They make enough and we have facilities for them. Too bad that government in many places prefer to shut down charitable operations, food kitchens, etc. unless they comply with the government dictated regulations.
There are no really effective solutions unless you can identify the roots of homelessness.
While the reasons for homelessness are widely varied and complicated, people look for simple causes to label and then offer no real solutions. Rather, we like to blame the "other side". It is far simpler to identify "causes" than it is to propose solutions.
I agree. But if they refuse treatment and remain public nuisances, they should be confined or incarcerated if necessary.
Homed and restricted for their own safety.

You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?

Why would they 'deserve' it? I exist. You need to give me the stuff you worked for in life, because I deserve it. I suck air. I fart. I consume the the work and effort of others.

Therefore I 'deserve' your money.

By what logic does the fact you exist, mean you 'deserve' the hard work of others?

You don't 'deserve' anything. You can earn stuff. You can get the charity of others.

But you don't 'deserve' anything at all.

Now as far as the solutions... the solution is a change in the moral mindset, to encourage hard work, and self reliance. To reduce the incentive to be beggars, by making it unprofitable, and give them the motivation to work.

By the way, it is profitable. There was a guy some years ago, that was pulling down (by his own admission), almost $100K a year begging. He said openly that's why he was doing it. We need to change the minds of the public, to not reward laziness, and start helping those in need, through reputable charity organizations.

But ultimately, we need a reformation of moral values.

And the very start of that, is getting rid of this notion that "These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?"

It is exactly that attitude, which has caused so many in our society to not change how they live for the better.... because why should they? They deserve to be helped, the way that they are. Thus they stay lazy and unproductive, living off the hard work of others.
And there's that conservitard kindness and generosity!

You homeless kid? Hungry and cold with nowhere to go?


Get to the back of the line then. We'll get to you when we've helped the folks who really need it.
Been there, did that, too. One of my daughter's schoolmates turned 18, was turned out by his foster parents. I should have talked to them. He met with the Marine Corps recruiter and was on a delayed entry enlistment waiting to graduate high school. I let him have a spare room at my place. Little shit stole some very valuable items and disappeared. I heard he was living in a youth shelter downtown but he disappeared before I could catch up with him. Oh, that Marine Corps thing? I guess he racked up quite the rap sheet because he never made it into the Corps. Again, kindness seems more often repaid with wickedness. I have tried to be kind and help the unfortunate and more often get screwed over than not.
I have about a 100 lbs of beans and rice I am going to give a guy at work. His church runs a food bank and could use them. Amazing, a Christian church has provisions to assist those less fortunate...
partially agree except for the Experts living off the public dime identifying the mentally ill . If the homeless cause no violence then let them be . If they rob , rape or violence then arrest them and then jail . It amazes me to see the respect for these 'taxpayer paid' 'leeches' or experts that are mostly half baked to begin with as they Opine on a nonviolent persons Mental Health and then call for some Judgements or remedial actions to be imposed Dogma ,
How about we start with requiring them to keep their camps clean. The mess they make is a major health hazard and damages the environment.
i mean , some supposed Taxpayer paid 'mental health' expert is going to say that a homeless person is mentally ill even though he is functional and nonviolent . Thats pretty unAmerican to my way of thinking .
Nonviolent is easy enough, but define functional. Holding a job and renting a place, feeding oneself, that's functional. Managing to make it to the soup kitchen and cash an assistance check of EBT card to purchase booze and/or drugs to take back to your tarp-over-bag, maybe not so much?
You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?

There is no cheap place from SF to SJ to build shelters. I truly think they have to be captured (netted) and removed to cheaper areas. Even with good income, it is difficult to afford to live there. Homeless? No job? What jobs they may get dont pay enough unless they live 4 to every bedroom.

What is wrong with moving them to a cheaper area? They have tried and tried to provide for them, and failed.
--------------------------------------- good post , makes sense but moving Herds of non violents and unjailed to where you want them to go is pretty unAmerican in this day and age isn't it OldYeller ?? Seems to me that you'd have to buy the homeless out to get them to move to cheaper and probably colder parts of the USA . And then , after you move them from one place to the other they'd still be FREE to travel wherever they like i Guess OldYeller .
What do you suggest? You pooh-pooh other suggestions but I haven't seen any of your own ideas.
You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?

There is no cheap place from SF to SJ to build shelters. I truly think they have to be captured (netted) and removed to cheaper areas. Even with good income, it is difficult to afford to live there. Homeless? No job? What jobs they may get dont pay enough unless they live 4 to every bedroom.

What is wrong with moving them to a cheaper area? They have tried and tried to provide for them, and failed.
--------------------------------------- good post , makes sense but moving Herds of non violents and unjailed to where you want them to go is pretty unAmerican in this day and age isn't it OldYeller ?? Seems to me that you'd have to buy the homeless out to get them to move to cheaper and probably colder parts of the USA . And then , after you move them from one place to the other they'd still be FREE to travel wherever they like i Guess OldYeller .

Well, i would not say they are harmless? Taking dumps all over the streets is a health crisis and/or a crime? Maybe you could hold them on that? Or rub their noses in it till they stop it? SF homo dont want boyfriends wading thru sheeat and needles. Many places it is a crime to sit on the sidewalk, let alone set up a tent.
And those ordinances came about because so many of those sitting or camping on sidewalks: panhandle, strew trash, shit and piss where they are. Normal self-supporting patrons of local businesses really don't like having to run the gamut of (sometimes) aggressive and offensive indigent squatters.
You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?

There is no cheap place from SF to SJ to build shelters. I truly think they have to be captured (netted) and removed to cheaper areas. Even with good income, it is difficult to afford to live there. Homeless? No job? What jobs they may get dont pay enough unless they live 4 to every bedroom.

What is wrong with moving them to a cheaper area? They have tried and tried to provide for them, and failed.
--------------------------------------- good post , makes sense but moving Herds of non violents and unjailed to where you want them to go is pretty unAmerican in this day and age isn't it OldYeller ?? Seems to me that you'd have to buy the homeless out to get them to move to cheaper and probably colder parts of the USA . And then , after you move them from one place to the other they'd still be FREE to travel wherever they like i Guess OldYeller .

Well, i would not say they are harmless? Taking dumps all over the streets is a health crisis and/or a crime? Maybe you could hold them on that? Or rub their noses in it till they stop it? SF homo dont want boyfriends wading thru sheeat and needles. Many places it is a crime to sit on the sidewalk, let alone set up a tent.
You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?

There is no cheap place from SF to SJ to build shelters. I truly think they have to be captured (netted) and removed to cheaper areas. Even with good income, it is difficult to afford to live there. Homeless? No job? What jobs they may get dont pay enough unless they live 4 to every bedroom.

What is wrong with moving them to a cheaper area? They have tried and tried to provide for them, and failed.
--------------------------------------- good post , makes sense but moving Herds of non violents and unjailed to where you want them to go is pretty unAmerican in this day and age isn't it OldYeller ?? Seems to me that you'd have to buy the homeless out to get them to move to cheaper and probably colder parts of the USA . And then , after you move them from one place to the other they'd still be FREE to travel wherever they like i Guess OldYeller .

Well, i would not say they are harmless? Taking dumps all over the streets is a health crisis and/or a crime? Maybe you could hold them on that? Or rub their noses in it till they stop it? SF homo dont want boyfriends wading thru sheeat and needles. Many places it is a crime to sit on the sidewalk, let alone set up a tent.
---------------------------------------------- see my post 107 for low population areas OldYeller .
You understand that low population areas do not offer the begging/panhandling opportunities available in urban areas? Plus, living rural can be pretty tough with no easily accessible government agencies.
Your answer is incarceration.

Only as a last resort for repeat offenders who refuse to live in assigned housing and participate in treatment programs.
-------------------------------------- and thats for NON VIOLENT Americans and based on tax payer paid EXPURTS diagnosis JWoodie ??

Sarcasm noted. So what is YOUR solution?
-------------------------------- my solution for a small er low population area like where i live . Let them live in the woods and fields with access to stores for what they can afford. Maybe a campground with free toilets and water access and a guard or 2 plus ability to call police with their power to jail JWoodie .

The trash they leave behind can be mind-boggling. I have mentioned before, right along HWY 101 nesr SJ airport they camp along the grass above the wall inside the fence. When it rains (or they move on) everything is just left. Furniture, tarps, mattress, bikes, shopping carts, trash, all sorts of stuff. All areas end up like this where they squat.
Hygiene and protecting the environment is definitely not on their to-do list.
1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?
Why do you have homeless in quotemarks, ijit?

Many homeless are vets suffering from PTSD

Many homeless lost their homes because they had emergency medical expenses and could not rebound

Many are mentally ill

Some are abused women and children

You are a lowlife and a pretend christian.

Disgusting trumpscum
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Set up campus programs where interns in social services, and charities in mental health outreach,
receive educational credits in providing counseling for longterm help for such people in need.

We have had these programs for decades, yet the "homeless" population keeps growing. As long as they remain voluntary, they will not solve this problem.

The only solution I can see is to assign these people a permanent home and address. If they continue to be a public nuisance, they should be required to enroll in an appropriate treatment program or else face incarceration.

It's called "tough love" and it is the only solution.

Have them work for food, lodging and hygiene services. Look at how filthy large American cities are. If the money were spent hiring people to keep them clean instead of just subsidizing drug abuse, the homeless and other residents would actually see a benefit.
I was living outside DC when a similar program, dubbed "Workfare" was proposed. It was over ruled because it was "slavery".
-------------------------- i of course don't know why it was deemed slavery but i GUESS that many homeless with bad attitudes will call everthing slavery no matter the rules . And this USA society will suck it up and agree .
I believe they deemed working for your keep by maintaining public properties to be slavery. Of course, the ACLU was involved. Oh, and how could they be expected to seek other employment while picking up trash on the Mall? What is truly unfortunate is, many people would prefer the self-respect afforded by earning what they are given. Not all of these people are takers but they are forced to accept that role by government rules/regulations.
1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place people can go after they hit rock bottom. A place they can stay and be fed and even find work. When they have nowhere else to go.

I would even allow companies to pay these people $5 hr so to encourage companies to hire these people. Housekeeping. Landscaping. Dishwasher. Helping take care of the elderly. Laundry. Working on a farm or construction. Day labor. Etc.

If they are staying at one of these places free companies can pay them $5. Half of it goes to a savings account they can’t touch till they leave.
Who do you propose should pay the costs of these places?
I would think that the first thing you have to do to stop the homeless is to stop the illegals

That's the very first thing to do.

After that you can do anything.

Start asking corporations to stop hiring them. They know they are illegal.
Asking has not worked. Have to start busting them and then fining the hell out of them. Make it financially painful to hire illegals in favor of citizens.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place people can go after they hit rock bottom. A place they can stay and be fed and even find work. When they have nowhere else to go.

I would even allow companies to pay these people $5 hr so to encourage companies to hire these people. Housekeeping. Landscaping. Dishwasher. Helping take care of the elderly. Laundry. Working on a farm or construction. Day labor. Etc.

If they are staying at one of these places free companies can pay them $5. Half of it goes to a savings account they can’t touch till they leave.

NO!!! I have had catastrophic things happen and had to lift myself up. Best thing that ever happened to me. Except for full-blown mental illness, the 'homeless' are choosing to be so. Let them be 'homeless' in the outback. Hey, a new reality show...."Homeless in the Outback Survival"......
If you mean "The Outback", okay. If your "outback" means out back of the suburban settlements, okay. If you refer to the outback, the rural areas, I say NO!!!. I live in the Bush and I don't want them here, either.
Decreased I hope. I fix their fixtures, donate money, and let the pros handle helping the people. Their goal is to move everyone to permanent secure housing situations. I know they succeed fairly often because I help make ready and maintain some of the properties.

Decreased? Has enabling become THAT boring?
True. A good question would be, how many "helped" have moved on, gotten jobs and their own living arrangements and are now housing, clothing, and feeding themselves? Helping should be targeted to getting these people independently supporting themselves.
That's exactly what venture house works towards.
What percentage of homeless does venture house get to independence? How many stay independent?
Set up campus programs where interns in social services, and charities in mental health outreach,
receive educational credits in providing counseling for longterm help for such people in need.

We have had these programs for decades, yet the "homeless" population keeps growing. As long as they remain voluntary, they will not solve this problem.

The only solution I can see is to assign these people a permanent home and address. If they continue to be a public nuisance, they should be required to enroll in an appropriate treatment program or else face incarceration.

It's called "tough love" and it is the only solution.

Have them work for food, lodging and hygiene services. Look at how filthy large American cities are. If the money were spent hiring people to keep them clean instead of just subsidizing drug abuse, the homeless and other residents would actually see a benefit.
I was living outside DC when a similar program, dubbed "Workfare" was proposed. It was over ruled because it was "slavery".

Well, the real slavery is taking money away from hard-working people to sponsor drugs users defecating on sidewalks.

Just sayin'.
Can't explain that to progressives.
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