CDZ What is to be done with the "homeless?"

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Man, I don't Understand You guys. I don't understand the commentators on here. Your family may need to get rid of you for any reason or they might be better that way. People live in their truckbeds for the real money. You could be chased out by hostile forces, or all three. All the same, you're all potential homeless as much as me, anyway. There's no hypothetical that homeless resources are pitiful most places and so is craigslist and so is most resources. The best bet is Walmart allows overnight travelers a break and gym memberships.

$40 a night is selling your soul to hotels and $700 a month is the self-agency to predict a month and those are ridiculous. I think homeless shelters with on-the-ground mats cramped 20 to a room, that's not any jail conditions, they pat you down like jails and take your identity like jails.
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First we have to figure out WHY. there have always been people who prefer that life, we use to call them hobos or tramps & a very small part of our population.
2nd question What lead to this change.
There are many reasons why people are homeless. Choice is definitely one reason. Others have fallen on hard times, for a variety of reasons. Assistance would have to address a wide range of causes in order to be effective. This is not a simple problem.
What I would suggest is essentially a reservation type of set-up like we have for native Americans. Essentially, it would be a State run minimum security jail on a plot of land, would serve about 12 counties or so and would take the persons you’ve identified. PubHealth, social services, and law enforcement employees from those counties would do the assessments and provide care/custody on a rotating basis (county A and B on Monday, County B and C on Tuesday, county D and E on Wednesday). There would be no savings involved in this as listed above but it would localize the problem, allow a response whose costs are shared across many counties, and would do what most want; get the homeless out of our line of sight. Lets be honest.

Are you suggesting INTERNMENT CAMPS like they had in CANADA during WW2? Just kidding, but wouldn't the left wing media have a field day with that idea?

Kidding? No. The Left wing Media would have a field day with it.
The way you combat this "field day" is by a)having it legal--no if's and's or but's--not what Trump did at the border and b)executing the plan correctly. Human services, corrections, sanitation, etc...
1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?
Are we allowed to force them to live in a shelter if they don't want to? I would also like to point out that we already have way more homeless than shelters, or many of them would not be living on the sidewalks.

So there's that.

Cops are NOT going to bring all those smelly people to jail; a lot of them are crazy. It's not the jail's job to babysit them. Think it through a little more.
Have they done something to be jailed? No jail then. Shelters here are always over capacity, even more so in the winter. They make encampments in open spaces and often adjacent to housing. They defecate, drink, do drugs, and steal whatever isn't nailed down. The city here (Anchorage) has some fair laws about clearing encampments but as soon as one is cleared out, another pops up somewhere else. We have a "Home First" program that assigns chronic inebriates housing where they can drink themselves to death and/or invite all their inebriate buddies to hang out. This demographic also represents an untenably high number of rapes and assaults.
Mentally ill and incompetent persons were once housed in asylums. They received the requisite care and a sheltered place to live. Now, they are turned out on the streets without allowing them the choice of the streets or some more safe environment.
We also provide housing for women who find themselves homeless with their children because of domestic situations. Unfortunately, certain LGBT/transgendered deviants have now claimed that they should be permitted to be sheltered in these places, too. First, these WOMEN have been traumatized and abused by MEN. Second, you won't convince me that some guy can't handle an abuser on his own.
Lots of things going on with this issue.
I say deport them to Venezuela, Honduras, Cuba, etc......
I read that some California towns were giving chronic repeat vagrants plane tickets to Hawaii--this was back before there were so many, many of them. No passport required but they wouldn't be bothering the local PD in Cali anymore.

I'm puzzled as to why in this TERRIFIC economy, there are so many homeless all of a sudden? Something ain't right....
I've suggested this solution, too. One way tickets to HI works for me. When I was in Honolulu in March I noticed that just about every open public space was jammed with tents. Not the Waikiki beaches, but just about every other place. Great climate, too. Not like Alaska where they freeze to death in the winter if they cannot find shelter.
All I'm going to say is that the more we spend on homeless programs, the more homeless we seem to have. Case in point: San Francisco. The city spends over $300M per year on homeless programs - and the problem is worse than ever.
Well, that is true. Give "free" shit away and some of them will come. Others will run like hell in order to keep some of their own money for themselves.
So why aren't the homeless already living in Slab City? I doubt it is because of a lack of transportation.
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Set up campus programs where interns in social services, and charities in mental health outreach,
receive educational credits in providing counseling for longterm help for such people in need.

We have had these programs for decades, yet the "homeless" population keeps growing. As long as they remain voluntary, they will not solve this problem.

The only solution I can see is to assign these people a permanent home and address. If they continue to be a public nuisance, they should be required to enroll in an appropriate treatment program or else face incarceration.

It's called "tough love" and it is the only solution.

Have them work for food, lodging and hygiene services. Look at how filthy large American cities are. If the money were spent hiring people to keep them clean instead of just subsidizing drug abuse, the homeless and other residents would actually see a benefit.
I was living outside DC when a similar program, dubbed "Workfare" was proposed. It was over ruled because it was "slavery".
seems to me that most people only think traditional as they say , give them expensive living quarters and the numbers of those will be few and far between . Some ideas of Reservation type bare minimum accommodations makes the most sense to me if that is Candy's idea . [i don't want to misrepresent her thinking or posts ] .
Gilroy CA immediately put up signs in WalMart parking lots, "no overnight" camping-parking whatever as soon as they heard about it?
There are laws, rules against the homeless in every town. You dont find packs living in Atherton or even Palo Alto. They seem to move them along. Tragic for many, and they degrade quickly. Many by choice.

They are in Violation of many laws all day every say. They could be rounded up, jailed on these charges (for their own good). Sent to a min security Camp to get cleaned up and possibly re-inserted at a later time? Costly? Yes. Is the alternatve costly? Uhh....yes. They will only act when it affects the bottom line in CA.
Set up campus programs where interns in social services, and charities in mental health outreach,
receive educational credits in providing counseling for longterm help for such people in need.

We have had these programs for decades, yet the "homeless" population keeps growing. As long as they remain voluntary, they will not solve this problem.

The only solution I can see is to assign these people a permanent home and address. If they continue to be a public nuisance, they should be required to enroll in an appropriate treatment program or else face incarceration.

It's called "tough love" and it is the only solution.

Have them work for food, lodging and hygiene services. Look at how filthy large American cities are. If the money were spent hiring people to keep them clean instead of just subsidizing drug abuse, the homeless and other residents would actually see a benefit.
I was living outside DC when a similar program, dubbed "Workfare" was proposed. It was over ruled because it was "slavery".
-------------------------- i of course don't know why it was deemed slavery but i GUESS that many homeless with bad attitudes will call everthing slavery no matter the rules . And this USA society will suck it up and agree .
Ironic, here in mein fatherland (Denver initiative 300) is being voted down. This horror story of homeless Americans is a akin to virus spread by liberals. I have seen in 25+ years entire industries that used to employ blue collar Americans of all stripes devastated and smashed by illegal immigrant labor. This is the legacy of rich self hating whites creating this phony conundrum. They have this false narrative going on here: We have to help poor poor poor Mexicans. And like a deer caught in the headlights, how do we leverage this issue? Should we look the other way and get rich off cheap labor llegal aliens provide, or do we help the American poor dispossessed by these Mexican illegals? Hmm. Can't do both. A real conundrum libs got going for themselves.
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Decreased I hope. I fix their fixtures, donate money, and let the pros handle helping the people. Their goal is to move everyone to permanent secure housing situations. I know they succeed fairly often because I help make ready and maintain some of the properties.

Decreased? Has enabling become THAT boring?
True. A good question would be, how many "helped" have moved on, gotten jobs and their own living arrangements and are now housing, clothing, and feeding themselves? Helping should be targeted to getting these people independently supporting themselves.
I say put them on buses and ship them to the local Governer, Mayor-mansion, State Capitols etc. where they will be legally allowed to squat and can freely set up their tent-cities right next to government buildings. Let the assholes who refuse to do anything about it live with it. I'd like to see the current Gov. of CA have to tiptoe through shit to get to his office.
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I know started this but have thought a lot about it since then.
There are no easy solutions.
Throughout the history of Mankind we have had people who live outside the mainstream of society. We have different names for them but all are similar - they reject societal norms and seek to live independent of what they see as chains upon their freedoms.
Fur trappers, the explorers of Amrican frontiers and even hobos. All sought their own ways of life, often at odds with "The Man."
Is this something of what we have now in our homeless?
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