CDZ What is to be done with the "homeless?"

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Let's talk about actions, not theories:

1. We need to build basic housing units to which "homeless" people can be assigned.

2. We need to enforce vagrancy/nuisance laws. This includes clearing out illegal homeless encampments and arresting people who sleep, defecate or discard needles on public property.

3. First time offenders will be let off with a warning. Multiple offenders will be prosecuted and sent to appropriate treatment centers.

Any questions or alternative actions?

Every time some group builds "basic housing units" for the homeless, they are trashed beyond use in a matter of days.

Most homeless shelters call for codes of conduct that the people who should use them refuse to follow.
Home them. Could be done fairly cheaply and easily. The biggest issue will be psycological care.

I agree. But if they refuse treatment and remain public nuisances, they should be confined or incarcerated if necessary.
Homed and restricted for their own safety.

You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?

Why would they 'deserve' it? I exist. You need to give me the stuff you worked for in life, because I deserve it. I suck air. I fart. I consume the the work and effort of others.

Therefore I 'deserve' your money.

By what logic does the fact you exist, mean you 'deserve' the hard work of others?

You don't 'deserve' anything. You can earn stuff. You can get the charity of others.

But you don't 'deserve' anything at all.

Now as far as the solutions... the solution is a change in the moral mindset, to encourage hard work, and self reliance. To reduce the incentive to be beggars, by making it unprofitable, and give them the motivation to work.

By the way, it is profitable. There was a guy some years ago, that was pulling down (by his own admission), almost $100K a year begging. He said openly that's why he was doing it. We need to change the minds of the public, to not reward laziness, and start helping those in need, through reputable charity organizations.

But ultimately, we need a reformation of moral values.

And the very start of that, is getting rid of this notion that "These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?"

It is exactly that attitude, which has caused so many in our society to not change how they live for the better.... because why should they? They deserve to be helped, the way that they are. Thus they stay lazy and unproductive, living off the hard work of others.
And there's that conservitard kindness and generosity!

You homeless kid? Hungry and cold with nowhere to go?


Get to the back of the line then. We'll get to you when we've helped the folks who really need it.
And now its homeless KIDS or ' widdle baby' invaders with no place to go , probably from some third world zhithole that just waltzed across the Southern Border eh Crep ??
Well with the drug and disease epidemics I suspect they will die like flies.
Especially if Republicans manage to take healthcare away from 30 million Americans. It won’t be just the homeless. Many of them will be trump’s base
I like to help homeless . But only the homeless Americans no matter their status in homeless or American Society Crep .
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?

Kindness? This is why the most radical left states like California have the highest numbers of homeless and the highest percentage of homeless.


The left is about a 1% elite ruling with an iron fist over 99% in starvation level poverty. It happens anywhere the left have control; North Korea, Venezuela, California
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?

Kindness? This is why the most radical left states like California have the highest numbers of homeless and the highest percentage of homeless.


The left is about a 1% elite ruling with an iron fist over 99% in starvation level poverty. It happens anywhere the left have control; North Korea, Venezuela, California
Don't be stupier than you have to be son. NK and Venezuela are dictatorships, nothing to do with "the left". Homeless folks go to California for several reasons: they are less likely to freeze to death, there are programs to help them, and CA just has this "go west young man" vibe.

Any other retarded crap you need me to debunked for ya?
The first step should be to rebuild our mental health services and structures in such a way that the mentally ill are identified at an early enough age to deal with them and the severely mentally ill are not mainstreamed or just turned loose upon society.

Other than that, I would suggest conscripting the homeless into some sort of situation where they are required to work in some way if they want benefits. Giving out free stuff to lazy good for nothings just enables their bad attitudes.
partially agree except for the Experts living off the public dime identifying the mentally ill . If the homeless cause no violence then let them be . If they rob , rape or violence then arrest them and then jail . It amazes me to see the respect for these 'taxpayer paid' 'leeches' or experts that are mostly half baked to begin with as they Opine on a nonviolent persons Mental Health and then call for some Judgements or remedial actions to be imposed Dogma ,
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i mean , some supposed Taxpayer paid 'mental health' expert is going to say that a homeless person is mentally ill even though he is functional and nonviolent . Thats pretty unAmerican to my way of thinking .
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You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?

Kindness? This is why the most radical left states like California have the highest numbers of homeless and the highest percentage of homeless.


The left is about a 1% elite ruling with an iron fist over 99% in starvation level poverty. It happens anywhere the left have control; North Korea, Venezuela, California
Don't be stupier than you have to be son. NK and Venezuela are dictatorships, nothing to do with "the left". Homeless folks go to California for several reasons: they are less likely to freeze to death, there are programs to help them, and CA just has this "go west young man" vibe.

Any other retarded crap you need me to debunked for ya?

Moronic lying is not "debunking."

In order for your stupidity to be true, the homeless in the Peoples Republic of California would have to be migrating from the free states, but that is not the case. The homeless are the former Aerospace and petrochemical engineers who were displaced by the democrats war on business when those industries fled to Texas. California is run for the benefit of Silicone Valley and at the pleasure of the ruling Oligarchs there.

Tim Cook didn't like all of those ugly factories in the Southern part of the state, so Jerry Brown and the fascist democrats made them all go away. Sergey Brin complained that all those workers commuting clogged the freeways, so Brown and the Marxist rulers made all the jobs go away.

California, a Marxist paradise of Oligarchs and poverty.
Kindness? This is why the most radical left states like California have the highest numbers of homeless and the highest percentage of homeless.


The left is about a 1% elite ruling with an iron fist over 99% in starvation level poverty. It happens anywhere the left have control; North Korea, Venezuela, California

Enabling never turns out well for either the fuckor or the fuckee.
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Kindness? This is why the most radical left states like California have the highest numbers of homeless and the highest percentage of homeless.


The left is about a 1% elite ruling with an iron fist over 99% in starvation level poverty. It happens anywhere the left have control; North Korea, Venezuela, California

Enabling never turns out well for either the fuckor or the fuckee.

Silicone Valley depends on about a dozen mega-corporations. The entire state is balanced on serving Amazon, Google, Apple, Intel, et al. Every democrat in the state is a hand maiden to these mega-corps. IF Amazon goes the way of Sears and Apple is bought out by China - who makes all Apple products anyway, Google fails to new technology, etc. then the state will collapse. The ruling Marxist democrats have waged war against manufacturing and driven all the middle class jobs out of the state. The truth of high tech is that NOTHING lasts forever.
You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?

There is no cheap place from SF to SJ to build shelters. I truly think they have to be captured (netted) and removed to cheaper areas.

Even with good income it is difficult to afford to kive there. ifthey had to pay their own way? Homeless? No job? What jobs they may get dont pay enough unless they live 4 to every bedroom.

What is wrong with moving them to a cheaper more spacious area? They have tried and tried to provide for them, and failed. Desert tent cities until they are able to be re-inserted? or prison for thise un-willing.
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