CDZ What is to be done with the "homeless?"

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1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?
Home them. Could be done fairly cheaply and easily. The biggest issue will be psycological care.

I agree. But if they refuse treatment and remain public nuisances, they should be confined or incarcerated if necessary.
Homed and restricted for their own safety.
I see some kids maybe late teens and a bit older living in the woods . They get rousted every once and a while . I don't think that they are hardcore drug using bums , drunks and criminals . They pretty much drive pedal bikes or walk with Backpacks and remind me of the HOBO's that my DAD told me about . I think its a lifestyle that appeals to some people . I see both Boys and Girls . They seem to have money or maybe foodstamps to buy food and then head back to camp . A freestanding tent is maybe a hundred buck and then they throw a blue tarp over that nd call it good enough .
Home them. Could be done fairly cheaply and easily. The biggest issue will be psycological care.

Great idea!

How many have you signed up to house?
I volunteer time and money to venture house, the local homeless organization. They are more than a shelter, they provide counseling, help securing treatement, and follow folks all along the way with job interviews, guidance through the state and federal benefit systems, and helping them secure real housing outside the shelters. Since at one point I owned an appliance store I maintain all their household stuff at their many locations including the shelters, the battered women's safe houses, and any other properties they operate.

What have you done lately?
I volunteer time and money to venture house, the local homeless organization. They are more than a shelter, they provide counseling, help securing treatement, and follow folks all along the way with job interviews, guidance through the state and federal benefit systems, and helping them secure real housing outside the shelters. Since at one point I owned an appliance store I maintain all their household stuff at their many locations including the shelters, the battered women's safe houses, and any other properties they operate.

What have you done lately?

So have your efforts decreased or increased the homeless population? The road to hell is paved by sanctimonious do-gooders.
I volunteer time and money to venture house, the local homeless organization. They are more than a shelter, they provide counseling, help securing treatement, and follow folks all along the way with job interviews, guidance through the state and federal benefit systems, and helping them secure real housing outside the shelters. Since at one point I owned an appliance store I maintain all their household stuff at their many locations including the shelters, the battered women's safe houses, and any other properties they operate.

What have you done lately?

So have your efforts decreased or increased the homeless population? The road to hell is paved by sanctimonious do-gooders.
Decreased I hope. I fix their fixtures, donate money, and let the pros handle helping the people. Their goal is to move everyone to permanent secure housing situations. I know they succeed fairly often because I help make ready and maintain some of the properties.
Decreased I hope. I fix their fixtures, donate money, and let the pros handle helping the people. Their goal is to move everyone to permanent secure housing situations. I know they succeed fairly often because I help make ready and maintain some of the properties.

Decreased? Has enabling become THAT boring?
All I'm going to say is that the more we spend on homeless programs, the more homeless we seem to have. Case in point: San Francisco. The city spends over $300M per year on homeless programs - and the problem is worse than ever.

I have pointed out the same phenomenon here in Oregon.

I bet a census of Portland or Eugene would reveal the large majority of the homeless aren't even from Oregon.
Decreased I hope. I fix their fixtures, donate money, and let the pros handle helping the people. Their goal is to move everyone to permanent secure housing situations. I know they succeed fairly often because I help make ready and maintain some of the properties.

Decreased? Has enabling become THAT boring?
To anyone but a conservative helping and enabling are two different things.
First we have to figure out WHY. there have always been people who prefer that life, we use to call them hobos or tramps & a very small part of our population.
2nd question What lead to this change.
I say deport them to Venezuela, Honduras, Cuba, etc......
I read that some California towns were giving chronic repeat vagrants plane tickets to Hawaii--this was back before there were so many, many of them. No passport required but they wouldn't be bothering the local PD in Cali anymore.

I'm puzzled as to why in this TERRIFIC economy, there are so many homeless all of a sudden? Something ain't right....
Hearing on tv that Colorado , probably Denver might be opened up to unlimited camping in any place that a camper might desire . Just heard this on tv in the last couple of days .
It is a public health emergency to residents and homeless. The only answer I can see is desert tent cities, policed by National Guard. If you screw up there you go to Prison. 1yr......5yrs....each offense.

Go thru them. Try to clean up and help the good ones, maybe good ones become Trustees, like jail. Build a bank account supervising-helping the newer ones? Until you are down to lunatics and hard-core junkies or criminals. They never get out?

The good ones could maybe go out on work teams? I dont know? It is such a mess. No fixed address means no fixed job. Bad Credit=no job? The work teams could refurbish old public buildings for living spaces. Tax the rich lol! To pay for it.
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1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?
Home them. Could be done fairly cheaply and easily. The biggest issue will be psycological care.

I agree. But if they refuse treatment and remain public nuisances, they should be confined or incarcerated if necessary.
Homed and restricted for their own safety.

You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?

I am firmly convinced that California will begin euthanizing the excess poor, those who exceed the service needs of silicone valley Oligarchs.

It would not surprise me in the least to learn that the state is already putting down a significant number of homeless along the Santa Ana River.

They drive a thousand out of Yorba Linda, but only 500 show up in Anaheim, etc. This happens constantly.
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