CDZ What is to be done with the "homeless?"

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You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?

There is no cheap place from SF to SJ to build shelters. I truly think they have to be captured (netted) and removed to cheaper areas. Even with good income, it is difficult to afford to live there. Homeless? No job? What jobs they may get dont pay enough unless they live 4 to every bedroom.

What is wrong with moving them to a cheaper area? They have tried and tried to provide for them, and failed.
--------------------------------------- good post , makes sense but moving Herds of non violents and unjailed to where you want them to go is pretty unAmerican in this day and age isn't it OldYeller ?? Seems to me that you'd have to buy the homeless out to get them to move to cheaper and probably colder parts of the USA . And then , after you move them from one place to the other they'd still be FREE to travel wherever they like i Guess OldYeller .
Teach them all Spanish....tell them they are officially from Hounduras, and point them to the nearest ICE office to turn themselves in..... Oh tell them they were persecuted in their country and are looking for asylum
You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?

There is no cheap place from SF to SJ to build shelters. I truly think they have to be captured (netted) and removed to cheaper areas. Even with good income, it is difficult to afford to live there. Homeless? No job? What jobs they may get dont pay enough unless they live 4 to every bedroom.

What is wrong with moving them to a cheaper area? They have tried and tried to provide for them, and failed.
--------------------------------------- good post , makes sense but moving Herds of non violents and unjailed to where you want them to go is pretty unAmerican in this day and age isn't it OldYeller ?? Seems to me that you'd have to buy the homeless out to get them to move to cheaper and probably colder parts of the USA . And then , after you move them from one place to the other they'd still be FREE to travel wherever they like i Guess OldYeller .

Well, i would not say they are harmless? Taking dumps all over the streets is a health crisis and/or a crime? Maybe you could hold them on that? Or rub their noses in it till they stop it? SF homo dont want boyfriends wading thru sheeat and needles. Many places it is a crime to sit on the sidewalk, let alone set up a tent.
no sarcasm intended for you Sir . My only sarcasm is for the taxpayer paid Expurts that practice the PSEUDO science practitioners called ' mental health' and they become expurts JWoodie .
Your answer is incarceration.

Only as a last resort for repeat offenders who refuse to live in assigned housing and participate in treatment programs.
-------------------------------------- and thats for NON VIOLENT Americans and based on tax payer paid EXPURTS diagnosis JWoodie ??

Sarcasm noted. So what is YOUR solution?
-------------------------------- my solution for a small er low population area like where i live . Let them live in the woods and fields with access to stores for what they can afford. Maybe a campground with free toilets and water access and a guard or 2 plus ability to call police with their power to jail JWoodie .

SAME as we should be doing for our troubled veterans and the elderly...... This is not rocket science BUT will NOT get politicians the votes they so much crave!
I say deport them to Venezuela, Honduras, Cuba, etc......
I read that some California towns were giving chronic repeat vagrants plane tickets to Hawaii--this was back before there were so many, many of them. No passport required but they wouldn't be bothering the local PD in Cali anymore.

I'm puzzled as to why in this TERRIFIC economy, there are so many homeless all of a sudden? Something ain't right....

If you want more of something, subsidize it.
If you want less of something, tax it.
Pull a rudy stick em on buses ...this time to Canada


You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?

There is no cheap place from SF to SJ to build shelters. I truly think they have to be captured (netted) and removed to cheaper areas. Even with good income, it is difficult to afford to live there. Homeless? No job? What jobs they may get dont pay enough unless they live 4 to every bedroom.

What is wrong with moving them to a cheaper area? They have tried and tried to provide for them, and failed.
--------------------------------------- good post , makes sense but moving Herds of non violents and unjailed to where you want them to go is pretty unAmerican in this day and age isn't it OldYeller ?? Seems to me that you'd have to buy the homeless out to get them to move to cheaper and probably colder parts of the USA . And then , after you move them from one place to the other they'd still be FREE to travel wherever they like i Guess OldYeller .

Well, i would not say they are harmless? Taking dumps all over the streets is a health crisis and/or a crime? Maybe you could hold them on that? Or rub their noses in it till they stop it? SF homo dont want boyfriends wading thru sheeat and needles. Many places it is a crime to sit on the sidewalk, let alone set up a tent.
You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?

I referred to building homeless shelters or basic housing units, not renting apartments on the open market.

Do you have a better idea?

There is no cheap place from SF to SJ to build shelters. I truly think they have to be captured (netted) and removed to cheaper areas. Even with good income, it is difficult to afford to live there. Homeless? No job? What jobs they may get dont pay enough unless they live 4 to every bedroom.

What is wrong with moving them to a cheaper area? They have tried and tried to provide for them, and failed.
--------------------------------------- good post , makes sense but moving Herds of non violents and unjailed to where you want them to go is pretty unAmerican in this day and age isn't it OldYeller ?? Seems to me that you'd have to buy the homeless out to get them to move to cheaper and probably colder parts of the USA . And then , after you move them from one place to the other they'd still be FREE to travel wherever they like i Guess OldYeller .

Well, i would not say they are harmless? Taking dumps all over the streets is a health crisis and/or a crime? Maybe you could hold them on that? Or rub their noses in it till they stop it? SF homo dont want boyfriends wading thru sheeat and needles. Many places it is a crime to sit on the sidewalk, let alone set up a tent.
---------------------------------------------- see my post 107 for low population areas OldYeller .
There are no really effective solutions unless you can identify the roots of homelessness.

Drugs, alcohol and/or mental illness. The rest are either temporary situations or lifestyle choices.
All the issues that you highlight are symptoms of a dysfunctional society. Your solutions are pointless unless you address the core issues. America spends gazillions on bombs but cant find the cash to look after damaged soldiers.
If you build your shelters they will fill up quickly but there will be another wave along tomorrow.

I have to add that the UK is probably a lot worse, primarily because there are no votes in providing good mental health care.
and 'favellas' for the big cities like San Fran , Chicago , Los Angeles . Rio de Janaro [sp] even has 'flavella or SLUM tours' . Down town Los Angeles is a good candidate for ' flavella or Slum' tours , could be featured same in many cities like 'Van Nuys' California .
There are no really effective solutions unless you can identify the roots of homelessness.

Drugs, alcohol and/or mental illness. The rest are either temporary situations or lifestyle choices.
All the issues that you highlight are symptoms of a dysfunctional society. Your solutions are pointless unless you address the core issues. America spends gazillions on bombs but cant find the cash to look after damaged soldiers.
If you build your shelters they will fill up quickly but there will be another wave along tomorrow.

I have to add that the UK is probably a lot worse, primarily because there are no votes in providing good mental health care.
--------------------------------------- i want the BOMB's and self defense and offensive capabilities First Tommy .
Your answer is incarceration.

Only as a last resort for repeat offenders who refuse to live in assigned housing and participate in treatment programs.

Are you prepared to assume the burden (speaking about society, not you personally) the massive costs involved in what you’re suggesting?

First how do you identify the homeless? Those sleeping the streets. Is there any mechanism in place for the government to simply “round up” people sleeping under a bridge, in the bushes, or in a park if they haven’t committed a crime or violated an ordinance? Okay. Lets say yes.

  1. You pay the cops who could be arresting DWI offenders, investigating crimes, or doing other activities that I would argue help the greater good more than going into the park and arresting someone sleeping under a table and is a threat to no-one. Maybe you hire more cops; maybe you do not. Money
  2. You mentioned repeat offenders. Saying that jails are revolving doors is an understatement. The magistrate will likely cut a PR bond to these people (who will not show up for a court date—they don’t have calendars). In the mean time, there are the jailers who you are paying to house and feed the homeless inmates. Money.
  3. After the assessment that takes place, the offender is given the opportunity for treatment. The medical staff that is going to be employed to do the assessment is going to cost big time. Money.
  4. When the offender blows past his court date or leaves the program that they are enrolled in, a warrant is supposed to be issued for the arrest. The court clerks, the judge, the police who may need to testify, the DA….all cost money. Money.

Then, at some point, some of the original offenders will be re-arrested (More money). I don’t know how many times you want to repeat steps 1-4 to qualify for your “repeat offender” status but its going to cost you.

Then finally we arrive at incarceration.

What you’re suggesting is a massive outlay of cash that most communities do not have. Let alone if the “assessment” reveals a transmittable disease that public health officials will need to address, reveals an acute care problem that requires hospitalization, or reveals the worst of all possible outcomes…both. Then you involve other entities who are going to bill the State/City/County for their involvement.

I’m not suggesting your course of action is wrong or even that I disagree with it. The costs are, however going to be massive. There are also opportunity costs involved with the public sector services being allocated to homeless persons as opposed to hardened criminals or victims who want their day in court.

What I would suggest is essentially a reservation type of set-up like we have for native Americans. Essentially, it would be a State run minimum security jail on a plot of land, would serve about 12 counties or so and would take the persons you’ve identified. PubHealth, social services, and law enforcement employees from those counties would do the assessments and provide care/custody on a rotating basis (county A and B on Monday, County B and C on Tuesday, county D and E on Wednesday). There would be no savings involved in this as listed above but it would localize the problem, allow a response whose costs are shared across many counties, and would do what most want; get the homeless out of our line of sight. Lets be honest.

The issue, then, of course becomes what to do with the homeless once they serve their time.

A permanent reservation?
There are no really effective solutions unless you can identify the roots of homelessness.

Drugs, alcohol and/or mental illness. The rest are either temporary situations or lifestyle choices.
All the issues that you highlight are symptoms of a dysfunctional society. Your solutions are pointless unless you address the core issues. America spends gazillions on bombs but cant find the cash to look after damaged soldiers.
If you build your shelters they will fill up quickly but there will be another wave along tomorrow.

I have to add that the UK is probably a lot worse, primarily because there are no votes in providing good mental health care.

The poor and the homeless rarely have a constituency.
Your answer is incarceration.

Only as a last resort for repeat offenders who refuse to live in assigned housing and participate in treatment programs.
-------------------------------------- and thats for NON VIOLENT Americans and based on tax payer paid EXPURTS diagnosis JWoodie ??

Sarcasm noted. So what is YOUR solution?
-------------------------------- my solution for a small er low population area like where i live . Let them live in the woods and fields with access to stores for what they can afford. Maybe a campground with free toilets and water access and a guard or 2 plus ability to call police with their power to jail JWoodie .

The trash they leave behind can be mind-boggling. I have mentioned before, right along HWY 101 nesr SJ airport they camp along the grass above the wall inside the fence. When it rains (or they move on) everything is just left. Furniture, tarps, mattress, bikes, shopping carts, trash, all sorts of stuff. All areas end up like this where they squat.
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What I would suggest is essentially a reservation type of set-up like we have for native Americans. Essentially, it would be a State run minimum security jail on a plot of land, would serve about 12 counties or so and would take the persons you’ve identified. PubHealth, social services, and law enforcement employees from those counties would do the assessments and provide care/custody on a rotating basis (county A and B on Monday, County B and C on Tuesday, county D and E on Wednesday). There would be no savings involved in this as listed above but it would localize the problem, allow a response whose costs are shared across many counties, and would do what most want; get the homeless out of our line of sight. Lets be honest.

Are you suggesting INTERNMENT CAMPS like they had in CANADA during WW2? Just kidding, but wouldn't the left wing media have a field day with that idea?
What I would suggest is essentially a reservation type of set-up like we have for native Americans. Essentially, it would be a State run minimum security jail on a plot of land, would serve about 12 counties or so and would take the persons you’ve identified. PubHealth, social services, and law enforcement employees from those counties would do the assessments and provide care/custody on a rotating basis (county A and B on Monday, County B and C on Tuesday, county D and E on Wednesday). There would be no savings involved in this as listed above but it would localize the problem, allow a response whose costs are shared across many counties, and would do what most want; get the homeless out of our line of sight. Lets be honest.

Are you suggesting INTERNMENT CAMPS like they had in CANADA during WW2? Just kidding, but wouldn't the left wing media have a field day with that idea?
------------------------------ for my thinking it goes to FREE Campgrounds with minimal BASICS and maybe a store or 2 . See ' The Slabs' or Slab City ' in or near Niland California and right on the Shores of the ' Salton Sea' . If of course the Slabs haven't been taken over or sold by the Government . My Wife and i took a ride through once on the way to Yuma which is a long distance away [maybe a hundred miles] . --- Visiting the Slabs: Slab City California ---
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