CDZ What is to be done with the "homeless?"

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Ya whatever, to all that, longknife. So Jesus said, the Son of Man is like the birds with no home and the Heavenly Father takes care of them. This used to be so central to a manly living. But, I wouldn't respect the Rock churches which are Just There to be rock stars, I've seen it. I don't respect they'd all mostly kick you out anywhere. The professional religious homeless shelters, lets see, those were the ones with 15 tacky Christian thrift stores to one homeless grotto, whatever. I bet they shave 40% off the top! I don't see it? What do they Pay to just have you sleep on the floor, parking lots hand down any day. What laws broken? You ask a Walmart attendant's overnight sleep permission , granted 10+ times
I know started this but have thought a lot about it since then.
There are no easy solutions.
Throughout the history of Mankind we have had people who live outside the mainstream of society. We have different names for them but all are similar - they reject societal norms and seek to live independent of what they see as chains upon their freedoms.
Fur trappers, the explorers of Amrican frontiers and even hobos. All sought their own ways of life, often at odds with "The Man."
Is this something of what we have now in our homeless?

Trappers, explorers go where no typical human WANTS to live and, where one has to battle Mother Nature to survive. If you think about it, that's a fairly Capitalistic view. You are out for yourself and your family and the more you work the more you enrich yourself and your fellow neighbors, etc. . Living on the street is SOCIALIST as you will have to depend on others for your survival because you do not CONTRIBUTE you just TAKE.
I keep thinking of something real modern I could pitch in with. What about work-to-stay wifi enabled. They need stuff on daily basis for people that aren't paying the grubby hotels that aren't getting patted down , with the rubber gloves in the arsehole for jesus.
You could be for-Profit easy. You just keep tabs and deal with the no-progress no-cooperation.
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I would think that the first thing you have to do to stop the homeless is to stop the illegals

That's the very first thing to do.

After that you can do anything.
1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place people can go after they hit rock bottom. A place they can stay and be fed and even find work. When they have nowhere else to go.

I would even allow companies to pay these people $5 hr so to encourage companies to hire these people. Housekeeping. Landscaping. Dishwasher. Helping take care of the elderly. Laundry. Working on a farm or construction. Day labor. Etc.

If they are staying at one of these places free companies can pay them $5. Half of it goes to a savings account they can’t touch till they leave.
I would think that the first thing you have to do to stop the homeless is to stop the illegals

That's the very first thing to do.

After that you can do anything.

Start asking corporations to stop hiring them. They know they are illegal.
the nowhere to go people got that homeless shelter with the gangs out front. All 50 look like they stay there for years. Well nobody welcomes anybody, is it safe? nobody dead yet. (bad Yelp review)
1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place people can go after they hit rock bottom. A place they can stay and be fed and even find work. When they have nowhere else to go.

I would even allow companies to pay these people $5 hr so to encourage companies to hire these people. Housekeeping. Landscaping. Dishwasher. Helping take care of the elderly. Laundry. Working on a farm or construction. Day labor. Etc.

If they are staying at one of these places free companies can pay them $5. Half of it goes to a savings account they can’t touch till they leave.

You got to get them back and forth to jobs on time in 2-3 hour CA commutes? They got no car, no license in most cases. Bus in CA? Terrible. Gotta live-work near light rail if use that.
Well why don't you talk about CA some other time. I figure you're famous for the full-time homeless in the first place. Well, your property values are huge.
Send the 'homeless' to Nancy Pelosi's vineyard. Put them up in Washington D.C.
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Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place people can go after they hit rock bottom. A place they can stay and be fed and even find work. When they have nowhere else to go.

I would even allow companies to pay these people $5 hr so to encourage companies to hire these people. Housekeeping. Landscaping. Dishwasher. Helping take care of the elderly. Laundry. Working on a farm or construction. Day labor. Etc.

If they are staying at one of these places free companies can pay them $5. Half of it goes to a savings account they can’t touch till they leave.

NO!!! I have had catastrophic things happen and had to lift myself up. Best thing that ever happened to me. Except for full-blown mental illness, the 'homeless' are choosing to be so. Let them be 'homeless' in the outback. Hey, a new reality show...."Homeless in the Outback Survival"......
I know started this but have thought a lot about it since then.
There are no easy solutions.
Throughout the history of Mankind we have had people who live outside the mainstream of society. We have different names for them but all are similar - they reject societal norms and seek to live independent of what they see as chains upon their freedoms.
Fur trappers, the explorers of Amrican frontiers and even hobos. All sought their own ways of life, often at odds with "The Man."
Is this something of what we have now in our homeless?
--------------------------- Maybe Longknife , i say that after seeing the young kids [18 and younger and older [estimated] but still kids] . And as i observe they live in the woods and out of sight for the most part except for a trip to the store or when routed by the cops in a cleanup .
I say deport them to Venezuela, Honduras, Cuba, etc......
I read that some California towns were giving chronic repeat vagrants plane tickets to Hawaii--this was back before there were so many, many of them. No passport required but they wouldn't be bothering the local PD in Cali anymore.

I'm puzzled as to why in this TERRIFIC economy, there are so many homeless all of a sudden? Something ain't right....

Mental illness, substance abuse, and some people are just too lazy to ever provide for themselves are big more universal factors. Localized economic issues largely are secondary. If you gave some of these people $5K a month, they would still be homeless.
Well why don't you talk about CA some other time. I figure you're famous for the full-time homeless in the first place. Well, your property values are huge.

CA is where the most homeless are. That is what I know about if you talking to me? They crap up in SF on the sidewalks and street. That is where the thread led. You talk about where you know?
Decreased I hope. I fix their fixtures, donate money, and let the pros handle helping the people. Their goal is to move everyone to permanent secure housing situations. I know they succeed fairly often because I help make ready and maintain some of the properties.

Decreased? Has enabling become THAT boring?
True. A good question would be, how many "helped" have moved on, gotten jobs and their own living arrangements and are now housing, clothing, and feeding themselves? Helping should be targeted to getting these people independently supporting themselves.
That's exactly what venture house works towards.
and the idea of JAIL . Candy is correct I think if I read her right . What difference does jail make to a homeless guy . What will happen to him if he can't pay fines . I heard about one homeless guy that threatened to PEACEFULLY Rob a bank with a note then sat down to wait for the Police to scoop him up . So , if I read you correct then I agree with you Candy .

No. I disagree. There are many options. Yes, there are a few, very few, who nothing will help them. And that's just how that is.

But the vast majority of beggars on the streets, have stuff to lose. You can confiscate their tents, their clothes, their belongings, and have it sold to pay their fines.

And honestly, I still believe the majority of beggars are not 'poor'. We call them homeless, because they say they are homeless, and feign being homeless... but most are making good money being beggars. Again, there was a guy who was collecting $100,000 a year, being a beggar. That may seem impossible, but the reality is, if 27 people throughout a day, give you $10 bucks, you can make $100,000 a year.

Here in Columbus Ohio, we had TV reporters following well known beggars, and they would walk 15 blocks, and climb into a car, and then drive to a house. Happens all the time.

Now in San Fransico, you do have people who are living their lives in tents, but that's because the left-wing government in that area has made having a home nearly impossible. The solution there, is to get rid of the left-wingers. Remove all the regulations on building. Eliminate the high taxes. I guarantee that housing prices will fall, and affordable housing will increase.

Then you have the druggies. The solution there is kill the drug dealers, and force all the drug users into rehab. That's the solution. Kill the drug dealers, each and every single one of them. Put them on trial, if convicted, give them 12 months to appeal, and then put a 22 between their eyes, and send them to their eternal reward.

With the druggies, you put them in rehab. Have them go through withdraw. Have them suffer for a month. Then release. Tell them up front, if you don't like that, don't get caught on drugs again. And when they are, you throw them right back in rehab, and have them suffer withdraw again. And you do this over and over until they either learn, or die. They will either get off the drugs, or die. Either one solves the problem. At some point, even a dog can be trained.

Lastly, you have people with real mental problems. Each state, should deal with those people, as they see fit. I personally would prefer having state-private charity partnerships, that deal with them. But it's up to each state to deal with those with mental issues.
I keep thinking of something real modern I could pitch in with. What about work-to-stay wifi enabled. They need stuff on daily basis for people that aren't paying the grubby hotels that aren't getting patted down , with the rubber gloves in the arsehole for jesus.
You could be for-Profit easy. You just keep tabs and deal with the no-progress no-cooperation.

I'm confused. Why would wifi help with being homeless? What you need is to work. You don't need wifi to work. There are literally billions of people across this planet, without wifi that are working.

You know what you need to start working at McDonalds? To show up, show up showered, have your uniform on. That's it. How do I know this? Because I worked there, and we had a guy released from rehab. No phone, no car, no nothing. He walked to work. He worked. He walked home. We kept paying him.

You keep doing that consistently, and you can be a manager.
Set up campus programs where interns in social services, and charities in mental health outreach,
receive educational credits in providing counseling for longterm help for such people in need.

We have had these programs for decades, yet the "homeless" population keeps growing. As long as they remain voluntary, they will not solve this problem.

The only solution I can see is to assign these people a permanent home and address. If they continue to be a public nuisance, they should be required to enroll in an appropriate treatment program or else face incarceration.

It's called "tough love" and it is the only solution.

Have them work for food, lodging and hygiene services. Look at how filthy large American cities are. If the money were spent hiring people to keep them clean instead of just subsidizing drug abuse, the homeless and other residents would actually see a benefit.
I was living outside DC when a similar program, dubbed "Workfare" was proposed. It was over ruled because it was "slavery".

Well, the real slavery is taking money away from hard-working people to sponsor drugs users defecating on sidewalks.

Just sayin'.
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