CDZ What is to be done with the "homeless?"

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1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?
Why do you have homeless in quotemarks, ijit?

Many homeless are vets suffering from PTSD

Many homeless lost their homes because they had emergency medical expenses and could not rebound

Many are mentally ill

Some are abused women and children

You are a lowlife and a pretend christian.

Disgusting trumpscum
Too bad you are so blind. Recognizing the wide range of causes of homelessness doesn't make you some kind of hero. Yet, you resort to name-calling and labeling. Thanks. Can you stay on topic...just this once?
Home them. Could be done fairly cheaply and easily. The biggest issue will be psycological care.

I agree. But if they refuse treatment and remain public nuisances, they should be confined or incarcerated if necessary.
Homed and restricted for their own safety.

You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?
Lots of them are not "fellow Americans". Increasingly, they are those unfortunates who bought into the fantasy foisted on them in their native countries to come North to the great land of freebies: free food, free housing, free medical care, free education. Guess what, the well is running dry.
Actually no. The vast majority of homeless folks in America were born here. A significant portion of them are vets too.
Decreased I hope. I fix their fixtures, donate money, and let the pros handle helping the people. Their goal is to move everyone to permanent secure housing situations. I know they succeed fairly often because I help make ready and maintain some of the properties.

Decreased? Has enabling become THAT boring?
True. A good question would be, how many "helped" have moved on, gotten jobs and their own living arrangements and are now housing, clothing, and feeding themselves? Helping should be targeted to getting these people independently supporting themselves.
That's exactly what venture house works towards.
What percentage of homeless does venture house get to independence? How many stay independent?
I don't have any numbers.
Homelessness increases with increased immigration, whether it be legal, illegal or asylum. We're basically importing poverty.
True. These people didn't earn their keep where they were and came here based on empty promises of a good life, jobs, education, etc. Now they are flooding here in invasion forces and we cannot support their demands. Yes, demands! They are demanding what they have been led to believe awaits them here. Sending them to CA and NY might be amusing but we really need to air drop them back in their countries of origin. They want something better, let them fight for it. Lazy f**ks..
I'm puzzled as to why in this TERRIFIC economy, there are so many homeless all of a sudden? Something ain't right....
They were there in the Obama years too.

The left only focuses on this issue when the Republicans hold the White House
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I agree. But if they refuse treatment and remain public nuisances, they should be confined or incarcerated if necessary.
Homed and restricted for their own safety.

You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?
Lots of them are not "fellow Americans". Increasingly, they are those unfortunates who bought into the fantasy foisted on them in their native countries to come North to the great land of freebies: free food, free housing, free medical care, free education. Guess what, the well is running dry.
Actually no. The vast majority of homeless folks in America were born here. A significant portion of them are vets too.

That is an unsubstantiated opinion.

It seems evident though that we are accommodating hundreds of thousands or even millions of homeless people from other nations. They show up on our border virtually homeless and arer given everything they need to succeed. Why does our charity not extend to our own home-grown homeless people in such a way? Should they not be first in line?

1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place people can go after they hit rock bottom. A place they can stay and be fed and even find work. When they have nowhere else to go.

I would even allow companies to pay these people $5 hr so to encourage companies to hire these people. Housekeeping. Landscaping. Dishwasher. Helping take care of the elderly. Laundry. Working on a farm or construction. Day labor. Etc.

If they are staying at one of these places free companies can pay them $5. Half of it goes to a savings account they can’t touch till they leave.
Who do you propose should pay the costs of these places?

I was thinking the government. But it could be a hybrid of government subsidizing a little and the corporations who use the cheap laborers could help pay. If they are only paying the workers $5 a day maybe they should chip in $3 a person per hour to the program. That's $8 hr. That's a lot cheaper than they get workers now.

Maybe just put these little shacks outside the Home Depots. You know how now illegals hang out and people hire them for day labor jobs? When the illegals are all gone then hopefully it'll be the homeless who take their place. They can make $50 for 10 hours of work. That's a lot of crack. LOL
Why are homes empty when humans go without shelter?

Because you have to pay for the home. Should a bank just give them away?

Then who's going to cut the grass, pay for water and electricity?

Why? Because things cost money.

I watch a lot of Westerns. Everyone was homeless. They all seemed to get along.

Why are homes empty when humans go without shelter?

Because you have to pay for the home. Should a bank just give them away?

Then who's going to cut the grass, pay for water and electricity?

Why? Because things cost money.

I watch a lot of Westerns. Everyone was homeless. They all seemed to get along.

Yeah when there was open land, now it's not so open. You can't throw up a tent on the side of the road since Reagan.
There was a big homeless problem in the 1980's.
as just a comment , looks to me as i read though posts that the common thread is that people want REGULATION of the Homeless while its my impression that many of the Young Functional homeless want to avoid regulation and rules . Seems to me that what i call the NEW Homeless just want to walk around town , avoid trouble , do their business , associate and the ones i describe are sober and clean and decently dressed . Drug FREE , i don't know but 'MJ' for one is legal so that shouldn't matter should it . Anyway , most people seem to want regulation and rules . I don't think that regulation and rules are going to work with what i call the New Homeless that i see . -------- just a comment eh .
Lots of ideas on what to do with the homeless, not enough questions or answers about WHY we now have a ever growing population of them.
Lots of ideas on what to do with the homeless, not enough questions or answers about WHY we now have a ever growing population of them.
------------------------- as far as the younger homeless . WHO wants to work simply to pay for a 'box' or apartment to live or sleep in . As far as the Drunks and hard drug users , well , they just like being buzzed into oblivion i guess SPlay .
Lots of ideas on what to do with the homeless, not enough questions or answers about WHY we now have a ever growing population of them.

Here's why. When my father graduated high school. Scratch that. When my father dropped out of high school, he went to work for Ford in the cafeteria. He worked his way up to number one cook, always accepted overtime, weekends and holiday pay. He saved his money and paid off his house with what he made. My mother didn't work until much later when we were in highschool. One income raised a family. And the guy didn't have to go to college to make that kind of money.

Back then America had just as many slackers as it has now. But those slackers could go get good union jobs. Today the slackers son is just a bum because he's never going to find a good job like that. One that pays a pension and good health benefits.

That was when America was great.

You want to read about when America was great?

The story of Carl
1. Give them homes (e.g., homeless shelters)

2. Enforce vagrancy/public nuisance laws

3. Prosecute repeat offenders

Any questions?

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place people can go after they hit rock bottom. A place they can stay and be fed and even find work. When they have nowhere else to go.

I would even allow companies to pay these people $5 hr so to encourage companies to hire these people. Housekeeping. Landscaping. Dishwasher. Helping take care of the elderly. Laundry. Working on a farm or construction. Day labor. Etc.

If they are staying at one of these places free companies can pay them $5. Half of it goes to a savings account they can’t touch till they leave.
Who do you propose should pay the costs of these places?

I was thinking the government. But it could be a hybrid of government subsidizing a little and the corporations who use the cheap laborers could help pay. If they are only paying the workers $5 a day maybe they should chip in $3 a person per hour to the program. That's $8 hr. That's a lot cheaper than they get workers now.

Maybe just put these little shacks outside the Home Depots. You know how now illegals hang out and people hire them for day labor jobs? When the illegals are all gone then hopefully it'll be the homeless who take their place. They can make $50 for 10 hours of work. That's a lot of crack. LOL
IF such a program were in place the first requirement I would put on having the job would be proof of citizenship, or legal residency. And that would be documented PROOF, not a freakin' electric bill. Section off a portion of the parking lot for them to camp in, provide Port-o-potties and water stations. Keeping their camp clean and orderly would also be requisite. Anyone get out of order or miss work, etc, would get the boot. Minimum wage paid but they would be responsible for food and amenities other than water. Charities would be welcome to assist where they wanted to, i.e. food kitchens.
Why are homes empty when humans go without shelter?

Because you have to pay for the home. Should a bank just give them away?

Then who's going to cut the grass, pay for water and electricity?

Why? Because things cost money.

I watch a lot of Westerns. Everyone was homeless. They all seemed to get along.

But they didn't have "rights"! (Whine, whine, whine...) Looks like they did have jobs, though.
I agree. But if they refuse treatment and remain public nuisances, they should be confined or incarcerated if necessary.
Homed and restricted for their own safety.

You got 100,000 around SF. It costs at least $3000 per mo for a studio apt. They cant live there. Now what? Capture and remove? To where? Kansas?
Everyone has to live somewhere son. These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?

Why would they 'deserve' it? I exist. You need to give me the stuff you worked for in life, because I deserve it. I suck air. I fart. I consume the the work and effort of others.

Therefore I 'deserve' your money.

By what logic does the fact you exist, mean you 'deserve' the hard work of others?

You don't 'deserve' anything. You can earn stuff. You can get the charity of others.

But you don't 'deserve' anything at all.

Now as far as the solutions... the solution is a change in the moral mindset, to encourage hard work, and self reliance. To reduce the incentive to be beggars, by making it unprofitable, and give them the motivation to work.

By the way, it is profitable. There was a guy some years ago, that was pulling down (by his own admission), almost $100K a year begging. He said openly that's why he was doing it. We need to change the minds of the public, to not reward laziness, and start helping those in need, through reputable charity organizations.

But ultimately, we need a reformation of moral values.

And the very start of that, is getting rid of this notion that "These are your fellow Americans, don't they deserve a little help and kindness?"

It is exactly that attitude, which has caused so many in our society to not change how they live for the better.... because why should they? They deserve to be helped, the way that they are. Thus they stay lazy and unproductive, living off the hard work of others.
And there's that conservitard kindness and generosity!

You homeless kid? Hungry and cold with nowhere to go?


Get to the back of the line then. We'll get to you when we've helped the folks who really need it.

We are far more kind and generous than those on the left-wing.

That's a documented fact. Conservatives and religious people are routinely more generous than the left-wing, and it's due to our ideology.

See, a right-winger believes that it is on themselves to help those in need.

A left-winger believes the exact opposite. That it is not on them to help anyone, but rather that other people should help the poor and needy. This is why you never see a left-winger demanding they pay more to help people. They demand the rich, the companies, and the endless list of 'other people' who should help the poor.

Never them. Because left-winger ideology is inherently built on greedy and envy of the rich, the successful, and the wealthy. In reality, most left-wingers look down on the poor. Their desire to provide a program, is more about driving up taxes on the rich and wealthy, than anything that helps the poor.

If you read surveys where they say "should we have government paid for XXX?" and then have a follow up "Should we have government paid for XXX by charging higher taxes on you?" The answers are Yes, and then No. Because they want "other people" to pay for it. Not themselves.

And this is why you see people living off welfare their entire lives with no hope, and a left-winger will never ask, did they actually help anyone with their policies?

A right-winger does not wait around for others to help. They help others themselves.

My parents went to Children's Hospital, and found a young girl of only 15, that was alone here in the US from Australia. Their socialized system simply didn't have treatment for her, and she was sent home to die. Instead they found a pay-for-service capitalist hospital that would save their daughters life.

The only problem, they could not afford to come to the US with her. So she was here utterly alone. My parents 'adopted' her while she was here. They bought her things. Went to parks and rides and event with her. Went out to eat, to movies. And stayed with her for hours, to just talk.

And that does not include the money they give to charity.

And THAT does not include the money they give to their church, which has charity ministries.

Now when you compare that to the average Left-winger, when I ask them what they have done to help their fellow man, the answer is nothing.

Because in the mind of a left-winger, it's not their job, but "societies job" to take care of people...
Which is just an Ivy League University way of justifying their greed and envy, to pass off that "duty" to everyone else.

This is exactly how communist dictators around the world, can live in luxury, while their people starve to death, because in their own mind, they are the good guys who force others to help the poor with their policies.

The bottom line is simply this.....

We on the right wing... are just flat out better people, than those on the left. It's just that simple.
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