What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

As long as Trump refuses to release those tax returns, he will be on the defense. Everyone knows how wise it is to stay on the defense as much as possible. It takes away from time spent on the offense. Trump is being very wise to keep himself on the defense.
I actually don't give a shit about his tax returns. He's a douche that lies about everything so I already know he's lying about his taxes. He needs to release dick pics since he guaranteed he has "no problem".
So liberals are fascinated / obsessed with other people's money and seeing penises (a la Anthony Weiner)....okay..... 'Nuff said.
Liberals didn't bring up his dick, he and the other GOP candidates did. They're obsessed with dick size. Here's Trump describing his:


Liberals don't bring up anyone's penis...they just post theirs on the internet.
What does it reveal? In Nixon's case, it revealed he was a tax cheat. He released his while he was being audited. And why did Nixon release his taxes? He did it to prove he was "not a crook". Of course he was, but oh well.

And after the release of his tax returns he was still voted into office. Proving, his tax returns mean nothing to the voters as Trumps won't. If you are or are not supporting Trump, his tax returns won't sway you one way or another. I'm not voting for Trump or Clinton, their tax returns had nothing to do with my decision.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.
Where and to who his investments were made ,,where he received monies from ,,who did he pay off ,,who paid him what deductions did he take ??? All silly to ask for from the perhaps leader of America ,,the free world??

Who cares? It is not required by law to release your personal tax records. If this were Clinton not releasing the records, you would be siding with her or not saying a word. I would side with Clinton. She shouldn't release her speech transcripts.

If it was the law to release your tax records, then I would say Trump needs to release them, the idea that people force candidates to release their taxes because of a silly tradition is stupid.

You are correct, Trump doesn't have to release his tax returns, unfortunately for you nobody is saying he is required to so your argument is kind of off the mark, buddy.
What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

What does it reveal? In Nixon's case, it revealed he was a tax cheat. He released his while he was being audited. And why did Nixon release his taxes? He did it to prove he was "not a crook". Of course he was, but oh well.

And after the release of his tax returns he was still voted into office. Proving, his tax returns mean nothing to the voters as Trumps won't. If you are or are not supporting Trump, his tax returns won't sway you one way or another. I'm not voting for Trump or Clinton, their tax returns had nothing to do with my decision.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.

you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.
I actually don't give a shit about his tax returns. He's a douche that lies about everything so I already know he's lying about his taxes. He needs to release dick pics since he guaranteed he has "no problem".
So liberals are fascinated / obsessed with other people's money and seeing penises (a la Anthony Weiner)....okay..... 'Nuff said.
Liberals didn't bring up his dick, he and the other GOP candidates did. They're obsessed with dick size. Here's Trump describing his:


Liberals don't bring up anyone's penis...they just post theirs on the internet.

And you guys can't stop talking about it either.
Why? What does the taxes prove? Have you read every Presidential candidates tax returns and decided to vote or not vote for them based on their tax returns? Since 1960 how many Presidential candidates tax returns have you read? I am sure you have read them all since it is such a big issue. Am I right?
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on you own very personal opinion.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?
As you libs point out, records - ALL records- help voters get to know a candidate.

According to libs, any candidate who deals or refuses to release records / info / transcrips MUST be hiding something.

If you think the reason Obama refuses to unseal his records and the reason Hillary refuses to release her speech transcripts is not because they are trying to hide something then you are as stupid as Gruber and the liberal leadership think you are.

But you know they are...you said it yourself, as mentioned in the 1st two statements of this post.

I would assume most Presidential candidates don't reveal their college records is because of bad grades, they happen, many people get them. They are also in their late teens and early 20s, not something I'm super concerned about and before a lifetime of experience for them takes place.

You're free to insist all candidates do something that few actually follow through on, there isn't a precedent set for college transcripts and other than a couple wingnuts on the right, nobody cares.

Tax returns though are something that most people want released and represent the candidate as an adult and much more recent.
Obama refusing to release his records means nothing...and does not reflect in any way on how he went on to become the most secretive, criminally non-compliant President on US History, refusing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests during his administration?! Riiiiiight!

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!
Someone who might be the leader of the free world should and yes I said all presidents my mis speak

Why? What does the taxes prove? Have you read every Presidential candidates tax returns and decided to vote or not vote for them based on their tax returns? Since 1960 how many Presidential candidates tax returns have you read? I am sure you have read them all since it is such a big issue. Am I right?
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on your own very personal opinion.

It isn't required by law, is it? I don't care if he releases it or not, he doesn't get my support either way.

Your own very personal opinion is based on to holding to a tradition.

How many on this board would flip flop positions if Clinton decided not to release her tax returns? I would still hold to the same opinion, until required by law a candidate doesn't need to release it.

so you're not voting for Trump or Clinton .... tax returns from presidential candidates mean absolutely nothing to you ...

so why are you even on this thread ? to disrespect other people who care far more than you do?

No to figure out why tax returns make such a big difference. So far no one has shown how releasing or not releasing tax returns have made a difference in their vote.

I a.so maintain if this was Clinton and not Trump we would see the exact opposite of those supporting or not supporting. It is very partisan.
What does it reveal? In Nixon's case, it revealed he was a tax cheat. He released his while he was being audited. And why did Nixon release his taxes? He did it to prove he was "not a crook". Of course he was, but oh well.

And after the release of his tax returns he was still voted into office. Proving, his tax returns mean nothing to the voters as Trumps won't. If you are or are not supporting Trump, his tax returns won't sway you one way or another. I'm not voting for Trump or Clinton, their tax returns had nothing to do with my decision.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.

you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.

its not tradition, it's commonplace for Presidents and candidates to release their tax information. Respect my opinion and quit asking me stupid questions.
What does it reveal? In Nixon's case, it revealed he was a tax cheat. He released his while he was being audited. And why did Nixon release his taxes? He did it to prove he was "not a crook". Of course he was, but oh well.

And after the release of his tax returns he was still voted into office. Proving, his tax returns mean nothing to the voters as Trumps won't. If you are or are not supporting Trump, his tax returns won't sway you one way or another. I'm not voting for Trump or Clinton, their tax returns had nothing to do with my decision.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.

you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.

But it's not based on nothing. In this thread we've talked about what is revealed in tax returns and the level playing field, since all serious candidates since Nixon have revealed theirs it's a nice way to contrast, compare and see if they put their money where their mouths are.

We learned that Romney didn't pay his fair share, it hurt him. We learned that the Obamas and now the Clintons do. I'm very curious how Trump handles his money, how much he ships offshore and how little he pays in actual taxes as I don't think his income is as high as he wants us to believe.
And after the release of his tax returns he was still voted into office. Proving, his tax returns mean nothing to the voters as Trumps won't. If you are or are not supporting Trump, his tax returns won't sway you one way or another. I'm not voting for Trump or Clinton, their tax returns had nothing to do with my decision.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.
Where and to who his investments were made ,,where he received monies from ,,who did he pay off ,,who paid him what deductions did he take ??? All silly to ask for from the perhaps leader of America ,,the free world??

Who cares? It is not required by law to release your personal tax records. If this were Clinton not releasing the records, you would be siding with her or not saying a word. I would side with Clinton. She shouldn't release her speech transcripts.

If it was the law to release your tax records, then I would say Trump needs to release them, the idea that people force candidates to release their taxes because of a silly tradition is stupid.

You are correct, Trump doesn't have to release his tax returns, unfortunately for you nobody is saying he is required to so your argument is kind of off the mark, buddy.

Yep and no one has based their choice based on a tax return. So you have no argument.
And after the release of his tax returns he was still voted into office. Proving, his tax returns mean nothing to the voters as Trumps won't. If you are or are not supporting Trump, his tax returns won't sway you one way or another. I'm not voting for Trump or Clinton, their tax returns had nothing to do with my decision.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.
Where and to who his investments were made ,,where he received monies from ,,who did he pay off ,,who paid him what deductions did he take ??? All silly to ask for from the perhaps leader of America ,,the free world??

Who cares? It is not required by law to release your personal tax records. If this were Clinton not releasing the records, you would be siding with her or not saying a word. I would side with Clinton. She shouldn't release her speech transcripts.

If it was the law to release your tax records, then I would say Trump needs to release them, the idea that people force candidates to release their taxes because of a silly tradition is stupid.

You are correct, Trump doesn't have to release his tax returns, unfortunately for you nobody is saying he is required to so your argument is kind of off the mark, buddy.
No, it's right ON the mark. Liberals are trying to demonize him for obeying the law. Law-breaking ignored, adhering to the law demonized...Not surprising the way this administration is / has been run.
I actually don't give a shit about his tax returns. He's a douche that lies about everything so I already know he's lying about his taxes. He needs to release dick pics since he guaranteed he has "no problem".
So liberals are fascinated / obsessed with other people's money and seeing penises (a la Anthony Weiner)....okay..... 'Nuff said.
Liberals didn't bring up his dick, he and the other GOP candidates did. They're obsessed with dick size. Here's Trump describing his:


Liberals don't bring up anyone's penis...they just post theirs on the internet.

Yeah? Who? Whose penis have you seen other than Trumps depicted above? We didn't see Anthony Weiner's weiner and he never actually bragged about it during a debate now did we? We heard a lot about Bill Clinton's presidential member, thanks completely to the unhinged RW, but we never actually got to see it, now did we? So tell me, what liberal dick pics have you been viewing on the internet?
Someone who might be the leader of the free world should and yes I said all presidents my mis speak

Why? What does the taxes prove? Have you read every Presidential candidates tax returns and decided to vote or not vote for them based on their tax returns? Since 1960 how many Presidential candidates tax returns have you read? I am sure you have read them all since it is such a big issue. Am I right?
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on you own very personal opinion.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on you own very personal opinion.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?
As you libs point out, records - ALL records- help voters get to know a candidate.

According to libs, any candidate who deals or refuses to release records / info / transcrips MUST be hiding something.

If you think the reason Obama refuses to unseal his records and the reason Hillary refuses to release her speech transcripts is not because they are trying to hide something then you are as stupid as Gruber and the liberal leadership think you are.

But you know they are...you said it yourself, as mentioned in the 1st two statements of this post.

I would assume most Presidential candidates don't reveal their college records is because of bad grades, they happen, many people get them. They are also in their late teens and early 20s, not something I'm super concerned about and before a lifetime of experience for them takes place.

You're free to insist all candidates do something that few actually follow through on, there isn't a precedent set for college transcripts and other than a couple wingnuts on the right, nobody cares.

Tax returns though are something that most people want released and represent the candidate as an adult and much more recent.
Obama refusing to release his records means nothing...and does not reflect in any way on how he went on to become the most secretive, criminally non-compliant President on US History, refusing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests during his administration?! Riiiiiight!


I already told you my opinion on college transcripts. Why would I single out Obama for something I don't expect from other candidates?

Again, you're free to demand Obama's college transcripts but obviously, not many cared.
no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

Every Presidential candidate should release their tax returns.

Fact check: Trump’s tax returns

Donald Trump said “there’s nothing to learn” from his tax returns, but experts say there’s plenty to learn from presidential candidates’ tax returns, including sources of income, effective tax rates, charitable giving habits and more.


But voters learn several pieces of information from candidates’ tax returns.

Roberton Williams, the Sol Price fellow at the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, told us that there are three things we could learn from Trump’s tax returns: details about where he gets his income and how much it is; “how he’s structuring his income for tax purposes”; and what kind of deductions he takes, including charitable giving. If Trump had overseas income or foreign bank accounts, for instance, that information would be on his tax return.

Jeremy Scott, editor in chief of the commentary and analysis products for the nonprofit Tax Analysts, told us in a phone interview that it was “strange for Trump to say you don’t learn anything,” when just four years ago, Romney’s effective tax rate, revealed through his tax returns, was a significant issue. (In fact, Romney’s 14% effective tax rate in 2010, due to most of his income coming from dividends and capital gains, became fodder for Obama campaign attack ads.)

Scott told us that ever since President Richard Nixon released his returns in 1973, the candidate’s returns have been “a form of checking on how a candidate conducts his financial affairs.” Conflicts of interest can be exposed, as well as how a candidates’ individual tax policy squares with his proposals.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, said Scott, pushed the idea of paying your fair share, but his returns — released by his presidential library after he was in office — show he was “actually very aggressive at trying to minimize his own taxes.”

The Tax Analysts’ Tax History Project is compiling an online archive of candidates’ returns. Project Director Joseph J. Thorndike wrote in a May 12 blog post on taxnotes.com that beyond an effective tax rate, “[r]eturns can shed light on the way a candidate lives his life. It can tell us about charitable giving as well as personal borrowing and investment activity. Returns can also illuminate the complicated business arrangements that often provide the bulk of a candidate’s income, especially for a real estate mogul like Trump.”

And the returns also “tell us a lot about how candidates conduct themselves in the gray areas of the tax law,” Thorndike wrote. “Some items on a tax return are black and white, like the income reported on a W-2. But other items, especially for someone with lots of non-salary business income, are open to debate and interpretation.”

Trump’s comments also prompted Time magazine to outline “5 Interesting Things We Learned From Presidential Tax Returns,” including: Obama gave sizable charitable contributions to his controversial pastor; Romney had an unusually high IRA balance; and President George H.W. Bush gave nearly 62% of his 1991 income to charity.

So you personally read over every Presidential hopefuls tax return. Have you personally looked over Clinton's tax returns? What did that tell you about her?

Is Trump releasing his tax returns going to sway you to vote for him?

No but it may sway independents to not vote for him. It’s called persuasion. And not releasing them tells independents the he is definitely hiding something….

His choice, of course. Why you support someone who is not willing to fulfill his commitments….that is your problem.
And after the release of his tax returns he was still voted into office. Proving, his tax returns mean nothing to the voters as Trumps won't. If you are or are not supporting Trump, his tax returns won't sway you one way or another. I'm not voting for Trump or Clinton, their tax returns had nothing to do with my decision.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.

you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.

But it's not based on nothing. In this thread we've talked about what is revealed in tax returns and the level playing field, since all serious candidates since Nixon have revealed theirs it's a nice way to contrast, compare and see if they put their money where their mouths are.

We learned that Romney didn't pay his fair share, it hurt him. We learned that the Obamas and now the Clintons do. I'm very curious how Trump handles his money, how much he ships offshore and how little he pays in actual taxes as I don't think his income is as high as he wants us to believe.
Who gives a crap how high his salary is or how high you think it is. Again, why are libs so obsessed with other people's money? Mind your own damn business. Stay out of our pockets, our wallets, our bathrooms, and our bedrooms.
Why? What does the taxes prove? Have you read every Presidential candidates tax returns and decided to vote or not vote for them based on their tax returns? Since 1960 how many Presidential candidates tax returns have you read? I am sure you have read them all since it is such a big issue. Am I right?
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on you own very personal opinion.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

Next you’ll be telling us that 9/11 was an inside job.
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on you own very personal opinion.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?
As you libs point out, records - ALL records- help voters get to know a candidate.

According to libs, any candidate who deals or refuses to release records / info / transcrips MUST be hiding something.

If you think the reason Obama refuses to unseal his records and the reason Hillary refuses to release her speech transcripts is not because they are trying to hide something then you are as stupid as Gruber and the liberal leadership think you are.

But you know they are...you said it yourself, as mentioned in the 1st two statements of this post.

I would assume most Presidential candidates don't reveal their college records is because of bad grades, they happen, many people get them. They are also in their late teens and early 20s, not something I'm super concerned about and before a lifetime of experience for them takes place.

You're free to insist all candidates do something that few actually follow through on, there isn't a precedent set for college transcripts and other than a couple wingnuts on the right, nobody cares.

Tax returns though are something that most people want released and represent the candidate as an adult and much more recent.
Obama refusing to release his records means nothing...and does not reflect in any way on how he went on to become the most secretive, criminally non-compliant President on US History, refusing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests during his administration?! Riiiiiight!

Ron Reagan was the most non-compliant President in history (Iran/Contra). His administration was the most corrupt in history, officials of his administration receiving more indictments, convictions, and pardons than any other.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.
Where and to who his investments were made ,,where he received monies from ,,who did he pay off ,,who paid him what deductions did he take ??? All silly to ask for from the perhaps leader of America ,,the free world??

Who cares? It is not required by law to release your personal tax records. If this were Clinton not releasing the records, you would be siding with her or not saying a word. I would side with Clinton. She shouldn't release her speech transcripts.

If it was the law to release your tax records, then I would say Trump needs to release them, the idea that people force candidates to release their taxes because of a silly tradition is stupid.

You are correct, Trump doesn't have to release his tax returns, unfortunately for you nobody is saying he is required to so your argument is kind of off the mark, buddy.

Yep and no one has based their choice based on a tax return. So you have no argument.

Oh, how do you know?

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